The Columbus Ledger from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

1 291 Ledger Business News 12-THE COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, LEDGER, MONDAY, NOV. 30, 1970 New York Stocks NEW YORK (AP) New York Kan PLt 1.26 23 Exchange selected noon prices: KayserRo .60 A KerMcG Kenncott 1.50 2.60 136 35 Sales Net KimbCik 1.20 30 30 31 (ads.) High Low Last Ung. Koppers 1.60 18 31 AbbiLb 1.10 28 75 Kraftco 1.70 ACE Ind 2.40 82 44 44 44 Kresge SS .44 139 56 Ad Millis .20 Kroger 1.30 47 34 Admiral Address 1.55e 67 AetnaLfe 1.40 LearSieg .50 38 Air Red 123 LehPCem .40 516 14. Akzona 1a Leh Val Ind AlcanAlu 1.20 21 Lehmn 1.70e 17 17 Alleg Cp LibOFd 1.20 AllegLud 2.40 26 LibbMeN Allen Pw 1.32 Liggt My 2.50 Allied Ch 1.20 18 LingTVt AlliedStr 1.40 Littonind Allis Chalm Lockheed Air Alcoa 1.80 Loew Thea 1 AMBAC .50 Lone SCem 26 Am Hess LoneSGa 1.24 Am Airlin .80 LongisLt 1.34 A Brads 2.10 115 Lucky St 34 AmBdcst 1.20 70 LukensStl Am Can 2.20 LVO Corp Sug 1.40 Lyk Yng 6 ACyanid 1.25 37 1.70 290 28 Macke Co A Home 1.60 50 67 67 RH .30 31 A MUCIx 1.40 Mad Fd 1.99e 1.20 353 Am Hosp .26 84 Macy 15 ANatGas 2.10 Marath 1.60 Am Motors Magnvox Am Photo .12 Marcor .80 223 A Smelt 1.90 Mar MartinM Mid 1.10 1.70 Am Std wt 1 MayDStr 1.60 68 Am 2.60 45 443 Maytag McDonnD 1.10a .40 31 31 AMF Inc .90 104 25 McGrwH AMP Inc .58 Mead Corp .60 14 14 Ampex Anacon 1.90 Corp 221 Melv Sh .75 Anch Hock Merck Memorex 2.20 Cp 50 88 78 240 Arch Ancorp Dan Sve 1 1 17 MGM 12 ArmcoS 1.60 Microdot MidSoUtil .96 10 54 11 11 Armst Armour Ck 1.60 .80 43 43 43 MinnMM 1.75 195 Ashid Oil 1.20 32 MobilOil MinnPLt 2.40 1.20 112 AtL Richfid 2 465 Mohas 1.10 x8 Asse DG. 1.20 36 36 Chem MontDUt Monsant 1.80 173 31 Atlas Atlas Corp 1.78 Mont MorNor Pw .80 1.68 113 33 31 Aveo Cp Avnet Avon, Pd 1.10 109 Motorola .60 60 49 In Mt Fuel 1.80 37 1.36 BabckW .50 123 Bait Beat Fds 1.

31 Nat Airlin .40 GE 1.82 28 Beech Air .75 Nat NatCashR Can .45 .72 Beckman .50 24 Nat Bisc 2.20 ARES 47 Bell Bendix How 1.60 .60 31 Nat Distil .90 15 15 Fuel 1.68 22 4,58 Ben BenefCp tuet 1.60 Nat Genl .20 15 15 Beth St1 1.80 104 Nat Indust 10 Nat 1.05 BlockHR .36 66 Nat Lead 1 x127 17 Boeing Co .40 119 Nat Steel 2.50 Bois 286 Nat Tea .80 11 11 Borden BorgWar 1.20 1.25 26 Natomas .25 449 Brist My 1.20 NEngEl Newberry 1.56 1 36 14 22 Brit Pet 40 Newmnt 1.04 121 Brunswk .10 MP 1.10 59 Bucy Co Er 1.20 Norfolk 5 Budd .60 20 Norris In .80 10 BulovaW Ramo 20 No Am Phil Burl Ind 1.40 NoNGas 2.60 51 51 NoAmRk 1.20 18 Burl No 1.770 NoStaPw 1.70 25 25 Burrghs .60 1 Nwst Airl .45 1.40 Cadence Ind go Norton 1.50 25 Cal. Finanl NortSim 1.83t 43 CamoRL Sp 1.10 30 0 Camp 30 Care CarrierCp PL 1.46 ,60 31 24 Occid OhioEdis Pet 1.54 1b 482 CaterTr 1.20 Olin Corp .88 CartWal 40a Okla GE 1.16 CastleCk 21 OklaNGs 1.24 11 Cento Ins 36 Otis Elev Cent SW 1.90 46 46 Outbd Mar Cerro 1.60b Owen Cng .75 Cert-teed .80 20 Owen Ill 1.35 34 Ches CesspaAir Ohio 4 .60 SPP Pac GE 1.50 Chris Cft PacPetrl 9989 29 2 Pac Ltg 1.60 Chrysir .60 PacPwL. 1.28 CITFin 1.80 Pac 1.20 CitiesSve 2.20 44 PanAmS 13 Clark Ea 1.40 PanAf WAir Cley EILl 2.16 Panh EP 1.80 Coca Col 1.44 84 84 Penn Cent Cole Pal 1.30 PennDix Collin R. Penney JC 52 Colointst 1.60 33 PaPwLt 1.60 51 CBS 1.40b PennzUn .80 Cola Gas 1.68 34 34 PepsiCo 1 154 50 .40 Pfizer x133 ComwE 2.20b 35 Phelps 2.10 19 38 Comsat .50 Phila El 1.64 147 20 Con Edis. 1.80 PhilMorr 1.20 49 Con Fds.

1.20 39 39 Phill Pet 1.30 29 ConNatG 1.88 Pitney .68 Cons Power 2 33 Polaroid .32 157 Cont Air PortG El 1.30 20 Cont Can 1.60 PPG Ind 1.40 Conti Corp 2 32 ProctGm1 .40 Cont Oil 1.50 457 29 PubSCol 1.12 Cont. Tel.8 0 10 Sv EG 1.64 Control Data 133 PubikInd Cooperin 1.40 Pueblo In .28 CorGIW 2.50a 167 PugS PL 1.76 Cowles Com Pullman 2.80 CoM CPC Intl 1.70 .30 18 CrouseHind 1 Questor .50 13 CrowColl CrwnZell 1.20 RalstonP .70 36 23 Crown Cork 16 Cudahy Ranco Inc .92 CurtissWE .60 RCA Raytheon 1 .60 Reading Co DaBRivr Rdg Bate .25 26 Dart Ind Reich Ch .20 8 8 DaycoCp 1.14 144: Revion RepubStl 1 2.50 1.60 Del Deere Mnte Co 2. 1.10 1.10 117 Reyn Ind 2.40 1123 Den RGr 1.10 Rohr Cp .80 64 30 Delta Air .50 RoanST 1.23e 597 Edis 1.40 16 Det Steel Roy Dutch 2e 348 Diam Sham 1 Ryder Sy 63 Dillon Co .64 17 Disney 152 Safeway 1.30 32 Mns .36 .80 65 65 St Joe Min 2 26 Diversind 8 8 Dome 2.60 63. 14: St.L Sa 2.40 Dow DressInd Chm 1.40 28 1.60 Duke Pw 1.40 Sa Sanders Feind 1.60 21 12 Dug Lt 1.66 5 Schenley SanFeint .30 1.40 25 25 duPont 5e 12 DynAm SCM Schering Cp .80 East Air Lin 76 Scott SCOA Ind Paper .60 13 EasKodak la In 1 24 23 Eaton Ya 1.40 34 Searl SbCL GD 2.20 1.30 50 50 PasoNG .10 13. Sears 1.20a 161 EltraCp 1.20 Shell Sherw Oil 2.40 x150 96 Emer El 1.16 64 Signal Wm 2 38 Essexint 1.20 Co .60 173 Ethyl Cp .84 20 Smith SingerCo KF 2.40 2 57 EvansP Sony Cp SCar EG 1.26 Fairch Cam 3 SouCalE 1.50 29 Fair Hill South Co 1.26 Fansteel Ino SouNGas 1.40 Fedders .40 254 Sou Pac 1.80 FedDeptStr SouthrnRy 3a 59 Filtrol 1.40 Spartans Firestne 1.60 232 SperryR Fst Chrt 1.846 10 SquareD 22 Flintkote 1 St.Brands 1.60 Fla Pow 1.68 Std Koilsman FlaPwLt 2.12 70 71 StOiCal 2.80 522 50 FMC Cp .85 StOilind 2.30 52 Food Fair .90 3.75e FordM 2.40 829 Std0ilOh 2.70 41 For McKs .80 Stauf Ch 1.80 FreeptSul .80 SterlDrug .80 39 Frueht 1.70 StevensJ 2.40 StudWor 1.20 SunOil 1b GAC Cp 1.50 119 10 10 Surv Fd 4 GAF Corp .40 Swift Co .60 Gam Sko 1.30 30 Systron Donn Gannett .48 30 Gen Dyn Elec 2.60 Tampa El ,80 Gen Fds 2.60 Tektronix 28 Gen Mills .88 32 32 Teledy 1.09t 458 Gen Mot 3.40e Telex Cp 548 21 21 PubUt 1.60 Texaco 1.60 181 1.52 195 TexETrn 1.52 134 Gen Tire 1b 181 Tex Sul .60 107 Genesco 1.70 Texasinst .80 96 GaPacif 52 Tex PLd Getty0 1.06€ 73 73 Thiokol .40 8 Gerber 1.20 3 Textron .90 Gillette 1.40 102 Times Mir .50 341 Glen Alden Timken 1.80 Global Marin Trans Air Goodrich 1 x114 26 Transmra .55 484 13 Goodyr .85 39 Transitron Grace 1.50 70 Tri Con 2.45e Grant GranitCty 1.50 St 13 46 46.

46 TRW Twent Inc Cent 1a 24 Git 1.30 Gt GtWn Unit .90 27 241 UAL Inc -75p 255 20. West Finl 330 Gra Giant .96 UMC Ind .72 90 Greyhound 14 14 Un Carbide 2 36 GrummaCp Un Elec 1.28 190 34 Gulf Oil 1.50 501 30 UnOLICal 1.60 90 34 GISLULI 1.04 Un Pac Cp 2 19 Golf Wn .50 38 Union Pacif 2 31 Unit Uniroyal Air .70 1.80 334 318 Halliburt 1.05 x79 UnBrands .60 X48 Harris Int Unit Cp 1.17e HeciaMn Unit MM 1.30 Hercule 1.20€ US Gypsm 3 Hew Pack .20 70 US Indust .50 ho*rn Wal .90 10 US PlyCh .84 Hoff Electrn 16 US Smelt 1b HolidyInn .22 123 US Steel 2.40 141 Holly SuE 1.20 Univo Pd .80 Homestke .40 27 Univer Comp 290 Honywil. 1.30 113 Upjohn 1.60 46 HousehE 1.20 65 HousLP 1.20 Howmet .70 20 20 Varian Assoc Vendo Co .60 VaEIPw 1.12 146 IdahoPw 1.60 Ill Ideal Cent Bas 1.14 .60 13 WarLam 1.20 Cp Am WashWP 1.36 INA Impri Cp 1.40 Wetn Air Lin 32 Rand 39 Wn WnUnion Bane 1.40 1.30 339 Inger and Intrikine St 1.80 Wests El 1.80 215 IBM 4.80 309 Whirl Weyerhs .80 193 53 53 Harv 1.80 Whte Mot Cp 1.60 lot 19 12 133 14 Int Nick 1.60a Whittaker 124 Mineral Winn Dx 1.68 10 In Int Int Pap 1.50 1.15 571 Woolwth 1.20 Towa Beef 10 tek: TowaP5v 1.36 30 Xerox Cp .80 x271 Corp Zale Corp .64 18 Jewel Co 1.50 Zenith 1.40 110 JohnMan 1.20 Copyrighted by The Associated Press 1970 John John .32 donbau Sales figures are unofficial. .80 dostens .70 23 10 23 Unless otherwise rates of divi009 1.40 ends in disbursem*nts the based foregoing on the table last are annual quarterly for anneal declaration. Special or Katie Alum 15 30 extra or payments not American Stocks YORK Exchange selected Sales (hds.) Aerojet 26 AmPetr 1.05e 10 A0 Indust 35 ArkLGas 1.30 13 Asamera Oil 220 AtlasCorp wt Barnes Eng BrascanLtd 1 Campbl Chib Cdn Javelin Cinerama CreoleP2 Data Cont Dillard Dixilyn Corp Dynalectrn Equit Cp Fed Resrces Felmont Oil Frontier Air Gen Plywood Giant Yel .40 Gt Basn Pet Husky Oil .15 Hycon Mfg Hydrometl Imp Oil ITI Corp Kaiser In Lee Ent McCrory wt MidwFinl NewIdria Mn NewPark Mn Ormand Ind Scurry Rain Statham Inst Syntex 196 Technico 42 Wn Nuclear 23 Copyrighted by The American Stock Phoon prices: Net High Low Last Chg, 15.

10 1 30 13 13 11 3 3 6 Associated Press 1970 New York Ups, Downs NEW YORK(AP) The following list shows the stocks that have cone up the most and down the most based on percent of change on the New York Stock Exchange regardless of volume. Net and percentage changes are the difference between yesterday's closing price and today's last price. UPS Name Last Net Pet. Hemisp Cap Up 11.5 El Mem Mg Up 11.1 Colum Pict 1 Up 11.0 RID Gen Con Instru Leasing Up 10.4 9.6 DOWNS Name Last Net Pet. Whi Pit 6pf 45 Off 18.9 Reading 1 pf Off 11.4 MEI Corp Off 10.0 Clev Pitts Off 6.0 Simm Prec Off 5.3 American Ups, Downs NEW YORK(AP) -The following list shows the stocks that have gone up the most and down the most based on percent of change on the American Stock Exchange regardless of volume.

Net and percentage changes are the difference between yesterday's closing and today's last price. UPS Name Last Net Pet. Avien Up 16.7 Pac Prop Up 15.8 Century Geo Up 11.8 Kilemb Cop 10.9 Driver Harr Up 10.3 DOWNS Name Last Net Pet. Ang Laut A Off 10.0 Trans Carib Off 9.1 Speed OP Off 8.5 A Astrex Inc Off 8.3 5 ElginNat wt Off 8.3 Dividends Declared 30Monday's 1st Dividends Declared Pe- Stk. of Pay.

Rate riod Record able REGULAR Beneficial Cp .40 12-10 12-31 Franklin Rity .19 12-17 12-31 Ohio Brass .50 12-10 12-23 Stock Averages Compiled by The Associated Press 30 15 15 60 Ind. Rails Util. Stocks Net change 3.8 Noon Mon. ..415.2 124.5 135.4 268.8 Week Prev. Day 411.4 124.0 134.7 266.9 Ago 404.3 123.4 131.6 262.8 Month Ago 397.9 121.4 125.7 257.1 Year Ago 416.7 142.7 134.3 278.7 1970 High 416.2 143.5 141.2 279.8 1970 Low 334.3 95.8 113.2 221.7 1969 High 513.5 217.7 159.1 360.9 1969 Low 392.5 129.8 127.9 260.8 Bond Averages Compiled by The Associated Press 20 10 10 10 10 Rails Ind.

Util, rgn. Net change Noon Mon. 46.6 78.2 81.4 87.7 75.2 Prev. Day 46.7 78.2 81.4 87.7 75.2 Week Ago 50.6 77.9 80.2 87.7 75.1 Month Ago 50.3 76.4 79.8 87.9 Year Ago 58.4 81.9 76.1 90.3 73.9 1970 High 57.2 82.6 81.4 91.4 75.2 1970 Low 46.7 74.1 75.2 87.4 71.3 1969 High 64.3 87.0 79.3 92.2 79.6 1969 Low 56.3 80.2 75.6 89.1 72.4 Dow Jones Averages STOCKS 30 Industrials 787.92 6.57 20 Transportation 151.11 15 Utilities 115.16 65. BONDS Stocks 252.37 40 Bonds 66.85 10 Higher grade rails 47.72 10 Second Public grade rails 58.49 utilities 82.93 10 Industrials 78.28 New York Index NEW YORK (AP) -Noon New York Stock Exchange Index: Market cents Index 47.02 0.38 Industrial 49.76 Transportation 31.71 Utility 37.90 Finance 58.64 Atlanta Eggs ATLANTA.

Ga. (AP) Egg prices today: extra large 48-49; large 47; medium 45. Atlanta Poultry ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) Demand good live broilers and fryers today. Prices at farms mostly 14 cents.

Supply adequate, sizes mostly desirable. Hen trading light to active, offerings about in balance. prices at farms, heavy type 15, light type Red Scientists Study Effects Of Sun's Rays MOSCOW (AP) Scientists from the Soviet Union and five east European Communist countries rocketed a scientific capsule 300 miles high Saturday to study the effects of the sun's rays on the earth's atmosphere. The craft, called Vertikal 1, inaugurated a series that apparently widens the participation of east European scientists in the Soviet space program. A brief announcement said the capsule was launched in the Soviet Union and was recovered after it parachuted to earth.

It was not intended to go into orbit. "The equipment functioned normally in flight," the announcement said. Bank Clearings (Courtesy Cols. Clearing House Assn.) Today's total 2,807,770.66 Same day last year 2,366.636.90 Increase 441.133.76 Total for November 55,810.450.00 period last year 53,501,104.87 Increase 2,309,345.13 Total for 1970 648,776,473.52 Same period last year 663,305,443.56 Decrease 14,528,970.04 nated as regular are identified in the following footnotes. a -Also, extra or extras, b- Annual rate stock dividend.

c- Liquidating dividend. -Declared or paid in 1969 plus stock dividend. e--Declared or paid so far this year. f-Paid in stock during 1969, estimated cash value on ex-dividend or ex-distribution date. -Paid last year, -Declared or after stock dividend or split up.

k- -Declared or paid this year, an accumulative issue with dividends in arrears. n- New issue. Die Paid this dividend last omitted, dividend deferred or no action taken at ing. r- Declared or t-Paid paid in in stock 1970 during stock dividend. 1970 estimated cash value on ex dividend or ex distribution date.

Sales in full. -Called. Ex dividend. -Ex dividend and sales in full. x-dis tion.

XE- -Ex rights. xw -Without When war. rants, ww With warrants. dis. tributed.

wi-When issued. nd -Next day delivery. vI -In bankruptcy or receivership or being reorganized under the Bankruptcy Act, or securities assumed by such comissue subject to ine terest equalization tax. Successful Investing Local Deaths Sears, Roebuck Stock QUINCY M. SEARCY bus, and Quincy M.

Searcy, 59, of Edwards, An Inflation Hedge 5049 Sunday at Thomason The Medical died Cen- JOEL Meridian, ter. Joel BY ROGER E. SPEAR Q-I have 250 shares of Sears, Roebuck stock 1 bought through their payroll profit sharing plan. i am 64 and wonder if I should sell these shares and invest in certificates of deposit for greater income. I am also concerned about inflation and long-term capital gains A-I would prefer to see you compromise by selling only 150 shares of Sears stock, with the balance held as an inflation hedge.

The strong action of these shares since May--up 40 per cent from the 1970 low--presents a good opportunity for profit taking. By selling your most costly shares you can minimize your capital gains tax. Retail sales were sluggish in October, and holiday shopping is also expected to be slow, reflecting economic uncertainties and the high level of unemployment. For the nine months through October, Sears' sales increased 4 per cent, well below the 13 per cent average annual gain scored in the last ten years. Investing the capital released from the sale of 150 Sears in certificates of deposit, would increase your annual return by 125 per cent.

Q--In joint ownership of stocks, what happens when one of the owners A--That depends specifically on how stock certificate is actually registered. Assuming that the purposeon the death of one owner- -is to have the survivor receive full and clear title, it is necessary to have the stock registered in two names, "as joint tenants with right of survivorship" and not "as tenants in common." This wording is extremely important, and if the stock is so registered, the surviving owner will gain possession of the shares in his own name with nothing to produce but a death certificate and, in some instances, a residential certificate which the transfer agent may require for tax purposes. There is no right of survivorship between tenants in common. Incidentally, when the qualifying phrase with rights of survivorship is unimportant whether" conjunction "and" or "or" joins the two names. Today's Business Mirror Emotions High On Wall Street BY JOHN CUNNIFF NEW YORK (AP) The bizarre soap opera called Wall Street provided its fans with an unusually rich diet of imagination and emotion during the past week, leaving them thoroughly wrung out and nervously exhausted.

Some typical scenes: -Two brokers were fined for rumormongering. -Employes of a large firm rebelled against taking lie detector tests, leading to the possibility of a massive union invasion of the citadel of capitalism. -It was disclosed, reluctantly, that the New York Stock Exchange had prepared a confidential report on the possibility of merging with its rival, the American Stock Exchange. Ralph Saul, Amex president, was sent a copy. Earlier this month, you may remember, the NYSE was scathingly indicted by Robert Haack, its own president, who made references to "inept management, "blatant gimmickry," and "intrigues and machinations." Haack's speech followed a milder reproach to the industry by Saul, said by gossips on The Street to be interested in Haack's job.

Viewers seek- Stock Market Opens High And Gaining NEW YORK (UPI) The stock market opened higher on moderate turnover today. Shortly after the opening, the Dow Jones industrial average showed a gain of 0.76 at 782.11. Of the 365 issues crossing the tape, advances outnumbered declines, 215 to 64. Johns-Manville opened higher at while Uniroyal gained to and Sears, Roebuck the same amount to Lum's Inc. was unchanged at with Polaroid up at Pacific Petroleum added to 29 in its group, while Cities Service also was higher at 44.

Pan Am held unchanged at among the airlines. Southern Pacific was a softer rail, giving up to the steel group, Republic lost to Bethlehem to U.S. Steel gained to Among the autos, General Motors held unchanged at as did Ford at 51. Chrysler picked up to In the electronics, Burrough rose to General Electric to and Honeywell to 72. Litton gained to Telex dipped to 20 on a block of 14,000 shares.

New York Cotton NEW YORK (AP) No 2 cotton futures opened 50 to 75 cents a bale higher than the previous close. Prev. Close Open Dec 225.88 225.85 Mar 226.75 26.85 May 27.31 27.41 Jul 227.40 27.55 Oct 226.40 26.55 Dec 226.35 26.50 Bid. and of 1713 43rd Street, died Sunday at St. Francis Hospital.

He was born Aug. 24, 1912, in Stewart County a son of the late Joseph Lorenzo and Ioda Jones Davenport. He had lived in Cilumbus for 18 years and was an employe of the Jno. A. Pope Motor Company.

Survivors include three sons, Joseph Lamar Davenport, Chamblee, Joel R. Davenport, Atlanta, and Ferrell H. Davenport, Cordele, six sisters, Mrs. Ruth E. Hutto, North Augusta, S.C; Mrs.

Auburey Smith Coiper, Miss Claudia Davenport, Mrs. Beatrice Humber, Mrs. Brunelle Massey, and Mrs. Mary Humber all of Columbus, and eight grandchildren. MRS.

DORA STRICKLAND Mrs. Dora Strickland, 64, of 702 Knowles Road, Phenix City, died this morning at Cobb Hospital. Funeral services will be Wednesday at 11 a.m. from Colonial Chapel with burial at Balckom Baptist Church Cemetery in Henry County, A Ala. Mrs.

Strickland was born Dec. 5, 1905 in Geneva County, the daughter of Frank Z. and Nancy Rice Smith. She was a member of the Balckom Baptist Church. Survivors include her husband, Robert Strickland, Phenix City; one daughter, Mrs.

John Puksick, Sheboygan, two sons, Tommy Smith, Phenix City and R. J. Smith, Loxley, her stepmother, Mrs. Stella Smith, one sister, Mrs. Ola Smith, one half-sister, Miss Fannie Smith, all of Geneva County.

one brother, Edgar Smith, Slocolm, five half-brothers, Frank Smith, Hazelhurst, Alfred Smith, Phenix City; Glover Smith, Philadelphia, Jack Smith. Northfolk, and Harvey Smith, Graceville, 11 grandchildren and six great grandchildren. a brother, Roland C. Naval Air Station, Miss. HOLLIS DAVENPORT Hollis Davenport, 58,, JAMES R.

BRITTON James Robert Britton, 80, of 1712 10th died Sunday at The Medical Center. Mr. Britton was retired after 50 years service with the Central of Georgia Railroad and for a number of years was a member of Eastern Heights Baptist Church. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Georgie P.

Britton, a son, James H. Britton, and a daughter, Mrs. Mable B. Patterson, all of Columbus; two sisters, Mrs. Fred Evans and Mrs.

C. M. White, both of Macon; eight grandchildren and six great -grandchildren. E. BRUCE HENDERSON E.

Bruce Henderson, 58, of 1116 Chaplain Drive, died Sunday night at the Medical Center. Funeral will be Tuesday at 4 p.m. at Striffler-Hamby Mortuary Chapel with interment in Parkhill Cemetery. Funerals p.m. at Funeral was today, tale neral Chapel with burial at Parkhill Cemetery.

He was born in Henry County, Ala. on Sept. 1, 1911, a son of the late Joseph M. and Bertha Gary Searcy. Survivors include his wife, Mrs.

Bernese Searcy, a daughter, Mrs. Shirley Rouand a son, Milton Searcy, all of Columbus; three sisters, Mrs. Vergie Beaty, Eufaula, and Mrs. Estelle Woodham, and Mrs. Dean Ezell, both of Texasville, a brother, Vergie Searcy, Vero Beach, and two grandchildren.

WALTER R. MILLER Walter Rafford Miller, 59, of 366 29th died Sunday at The Medical Center. Mr. Miller was born in Grady County, a son of the late Joseph Walker and Pearl Dollar Miller. Survivors include his wife, Mrs.

Nettie Tindal Miller, Columbus; a son, Robert Miller, U. S. Army a daughter, Mrs. Dorris Bullard, Ozark, two brothers, Norwoods Miller, Columbus, and Franklin Miller, Phoenix, and a sister, Mrs. Grace Farmer, Phenix City.

MRS. MARY BESSANT Mrs. Mary, Huff Bessant, 50, of Fifth Street, Phenix City, died Sunday at Cobb Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Bessant was born June 30, 1920 in Fort Dix, N.

a daughter of Joseph W. and Dorothy Zorties Huff of Columbus. Other survivors include her husband, Charles Dewey Bessant, Phenix City; three daughters, Mrs. Kenneth Filer, Phenix City, Mrs. Ralph De ason, Rogersville, and Vincent Provost, Fayetteville, N.

a sister, Mrs. Stanton Beedy, Phenix City; two brothers, Jerome J. Huff, San Antonio, and James R. Huff, Detroit, and five grandchildren. MRS.

SARAH BLANKS Mrs. Sarah E. Blanks, 36, of 1152 Neill died Saturday at Cobb Memorial Hospital in Phenix City. Funeral services will be at Luke Methodist Church a.m. Tuesday at, St.

el with burial in Lakeview Memory Gardens. A Columbus resident for 24 years, she was born in Covington on Dec. 13, 1933. Mrs. Blanks was a daughter of Wilie Howell Carroll, Columbus and the late J.

C. Edwards. She was a member of St. Luke Methodist Church. Other survivors include her husband, William J.

Blanks, Columbus; two daughters, Misses Sharon and Ann Marie Owens, both of Columbus; two sons, Mark and Glen Owens, both of Columbus; three sisters, Mrs. Grover C. Brown, and Mrs. Evelyn Watson, both of Biloxi, and Mrs. Katie Elmore, Colum- Mr.

Henderson was born July 4, 1912 in Chambers County, son of Mrs. Arrie Henderson of Fairfax, Ala. and the late Aubrey M. Henderson. He had lived in Columbus for the past 35 years and was a deacon of the Mt.

Zion Baptist Church. Survivors besides his mother include his wife, Mrs. Ruby W. Henderson of Columbus; two sons, Charles B. Henderson of Columbus, and E.

Lamar Henderson of Chamblee, a sister, Mrs. Ledford Birdsong, Fairfax, and three grandchildren and one niece. For complete details of funeral arrangements, please see Funeral Notice Column on Page 24. Deaths Elsewhere ADM. SIR MICHAEL LE FANU LONDON (AP) Adm.

Sir Michael Le Fanu, 57, Britain's chief of naval staff from 1968 until his retirement last July, died Saturday night in a London hospital. 'Le Fanu was British liaison officer with the U.S. 3rd and 5th fleets during World War IL. FRITZ VON UNRUH DIEZ, Germany (AP) Author Fritz von Unruh, 85, noted for his antimilitary novels and expressionistic plays in warweary Germany during the 1930s, died Saturday of a stroke. He was a personal friend of scientist Albert Einstein.

NINA RICCI PARIS (AP) Nina Ricci, 87, one of Paris' most prominent fashion designers. died ing to unravel the plot noted that the top job at the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates both exchanges, was open. Could Haack ever end up there, they asked? Impossible, they said, but then they remembered that Saul came from the SEC to the securities business and that there was no reason why Haack couldn't make the reverse move. But all that was material for writers of the Wall Street script and it does no good to try and reveal the plot in advance. As in any soap opera, there might not be any plot, just an endless series of incidents.

To refresh your memory, the series includes collapsing brokerage houses, lost stock certificates, collapsing prices, frantic trading, collapsing. customers, thefts Always sufficient drama. But last week, unexpectability was given a new refinement when two unnamed members of the Amex were censured and fined $1,000 each for circulating rumors "of a sensational character which might affect market conditions." Who could have anticipated that twist? Oldtime brokers on the Big Board who long have been decrying change change that destroys their private club and makes of it a public institution were certain that the hand of Bolsheviks was involved. How, they asked, can you fine a broker merely for indulging in his stock in trade? Without good rumors, they observed, one would be forced to depend on acts to elevate prices. And facts, they added, are notoriously undependable; they are very difficult to work with.

The explanation, in part, appears to be that the rumors were directed against a member firm, F.I, duPont, Glore Forgan rather than against a company whose stock is traded on the exchange. Although the specific rumors were not identified, it is known that stories circulated around The Street that the firm would announce its withdrawal from the securities business. Another collapse, that is. Almost the opposite turned out to be the case, with the company announcing it had received considerable new financial strength, which also is a rare turn in this capitalhungry industry. The polygraph issue and the potential mergers of the NYSE and Amex already assure fans of lots more excitement in weeks to come, because both can take almost any imaginable turn.

Opposition to polygraphs at E. F. Hutton for example, may be the issue that opens the door to white collar unionism among the big brokerage houses. Fingerprinting, already in use, is i insult enough, union organizers say. And a not-to-be-dismissed possibility in the merger scenario is that Ralph Saul, too, have his own confidential ideas on what's best may, for The Street.

So, fans, make sure you keep tuned in to the exciting new epidoses of Wall Street. You'll never know what to expect. Prices can be forecast, but not Wall Street, Saturday. She won international fame after launching her first Paris fashion house in 1932. GIORGIO DEL VECCHIO GENOA, Italy (AP) Giorgio del Vecchio, author, professor of philosophy of law and former rector of Rome University, died in a clinic Sunday after a brief illness.

He was a member of several Italian and foreign academies and honorary professor at Oxford. MRS. CHARLES W. TOBEY WASHINGTON (A P) Mrs. Charles W.

Tobey, 82, widow of the former House member and U.S. senator from New Hampshire, died Friday. She marched on with Dr. Martin Luther King. WILLIAM J.

KIRKPATRICK WASHINGTON (A P) William J. Kirkpatrick, 85, a Pennsylvania congressman during the 1920s and father of Chairman Miles W. Kirkpatrick of the Federal Trade Commission, died Saturday at the family estate at Cumberstone, Md. FIRST OF THE MONTH And the Bills are Coming in. Whom will you pay first? Pay yourself first! After all you earned it! Open your savings account now.

whatever amount you can afford. Then add to it a little along, each payday. Consistency is the thing! And remember, where you save does make a difference! At First Federal you get the highest possible rates on your savings. And they're insured by an agency of the federal government. You also get fast efficient service.

So open or add to your account, a little each day, and watch it growl FIRST FEDERAL Lavings and Lean Association OF RUSSELL COUNTY 1201 Broad Street Where You Save Does Phenix City, Alg. Make A Difference.

The Columbus Ledger from Columbus, Georgia (2024)


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Article information

Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 5820

Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.