SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (2024)

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Company Snapshot
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (1)
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (2)
USDOT Number: 926631

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Carrier Information

Other Information for this Carrier
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (3) SMS Results
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (4)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

Carriers: If you would like to update the following ID/Operations information, please complete and submit form MCS-150 which can be obtained online or from your State FMCSA office. If you would like to challenge the accuracy of your company's safety data, you can do so using FMCSA's DataQs system. USDOT Status
  • ACTIVE: The entity's US DOT number is active.
  • INACTIVE: Inactive per 49 CFR 390.19(b)(4); biennial update of MCS-150 data not completed.
  • OUT-OF-SERVICE: Carrier is under any type of out-of-service order and is not authorized to operate.
Operating Authority Status
  • AUTHORIZED FOR { Passenger, Property, HHG }: This will list the specific operating authorities the carrier (or broker) is allowed to operate.
  • NOT AUTHORIZED: The entity does not have any operating authority and/or is not authorized to engage in interstate, for-hire operations.

    *Please Note: NOT AUTHORIZED does not apply to Private or Intrastate operations.

  • OUT-OF-SERVICE: Carrier is under any type of out-of-service order and is not authorized to operate.
Out of Service Date
Indicates the date the company was ordered Out of Service. If there are multipleOut of Service orders, the earliest date will be displayed.

Please note:If there are multiple Out-of-Service orders, the earliest date will be displayed.

For help on the explanation of individual data fields, click on any field name or for help of a general nature go to SAFER General Help.

The information below reflects the content of the FMCSA management information systems as of 06/09/2024.

SAFER Layout

Entity Type: CARRIER
USDOT Status: ACTIVE Out of Service Date: None
USDOT Number: 926631 State Carrier ID Number:
MCS-150 Form Date: 12/08/2022 MCS-150 Mileage (Year): 200,000 (2022)
Operating Authority Status: NOT AUTHORIZED

*Please Note: NOT AUTHORIZED does not apply to Private or Intrastate operations.

For Licensing and Insurance details click here.
MC/MX/FF Number(s):
DBA Name:
Physical Address: 5743 HWY 150 EAST
DENVER, NC 28037
Phone: (704) 483-2722
Mailing Address: 5743 HWY 150 EAST
DENVER, NC 28037
DUNS Number: --
Power Units: 17 Drivers: 17
Operation Classification:

Operation Classification

SAFER Layout

Auth. For Hire
Exempt For Hire
X Private(Property)
Priv. Pass. (Business)

SAFER Layout

Priv. Pass.(Non-business)
U.S. Mail
Fed. Gov't

SAFER Layout

State Gov't
Local Gov't
Indian Nation
Carrier Operation:

Carrier Operation

SAFER Layout

X Interstate

SAFER Layout

Intrastate Only (HM)

SAFER Layout

Intrastate Only (Non-HM)
Cargo Carried:

Cargo Carried

SAFER Layout

X General Freight
Household Goods
Metal: sheets, coils, rolls
Motor Vehicles
Drive/Tow away
Logs, Poles, Beams, Lumber
X Building Materials
Mobile Homes
X Machinery, Large Objects
Fresh Produce

SAFER Layout

Intermodal Cont.
Oilfield Equipment
Grain, Feed, Hay
US Mail

SAFER Layout

Commodities Dry Bulk
Refrigerated Food
Paper Products
Agricultural/Farm Supplies
Water Well
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (5)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

US Inspection results for 24 months prior to: 06/09/2024

Total Inspections:

Total IEP Inspections: 0
Note: Total inspections may be less than the sum of vehicle, driver, and hazmat inspections. Go to Inspections Help for further information.

Inspection Type Vehicle Driver Hazmat IEP
Inspections 2 4 0 0
Out of Service 2 0 0 0
Out of Service % 100% 0% % 0%
Nat'l Average %
as of DATE 05/31/2024*
22.26% 6.67% 4.44% N/A

*OOS rates calculated based on the most recent 24 months of inspection data per the latest monthly SAFER Snapshot.

Crashes reported to FMCSA by states for 24 months prior to: 06/09/2024

Note: Crashes listed represent a motor carrier’s involvement in reportable crashes, without any determination as to responsibility.

Type Fatal Injury Tow Total
Crashes 0 0 0 0
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (6)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

Canadian Inspection results for 24 months prior to: 06/09/2024

Total inspections:

Note: Total inspections may be less than the sum of vehicle and driver inspections. Go to Inspections Help for further information.

Inspection Type Vehicle Driver
Inspections 0 0
Out of Service 0 0
Out of Service % 0% 0%
Crashes results for 24 months prior to: 06/09/2024

Note: Crashes listed represent a motor carrier’s involvement in reportable crashes, without any determination as to responsibility.

Type Fatal Injury Tow Total
Crashes 0 0 0 0
SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (7)

ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating

The Federal safety rating does not necessarily reflect the safety of the carrier when operating in intrastate commerce. Carrier Safety Rating:

The rating below is current as of: 06/09/2024

Review Information:

Review Information

Rating Date: None Review Date: None
Rating: None Type: None

SAFER Web - Company Snapshot COOKE RENTALS INC (2024)


What is a safer web company snapshot? ›

The Company Snapshot is a concise electronic record of a company's identification, size, commodity information, and safety record, including the safety rating (if any), a roadside out-of-service inspection summary, and crash information.

How to check if mcs 150 status? ›

One easy way is to go to the FMCSA safer website: Enter your DOT # then look at your company snapshot. You will see your “FMCSA Form Date” on the left side of the report.

What is MCS 150? ›

Motor Carrier Identification Report. (Application for USDOT Number)

How do I search for a dot? ›

How To Look It Up
  1. Call the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, at 800-832-5660 and speak with a customer service representative who can help you search a USDOT number.
  2. Visit and do an online search. ...
  3. Visit the FMCSA website and submit an email query.
Mar 15, 2024

How do I check my CSA score for free? ›

You can access your CSA score by registering for a PIN with your USDOT or MC number. It's important to note that your composite CSA report isn't public information. Individual BASIC scores, however, are accessible with a basic DOT number search.

Who must file form mcs-150? ›

The FMCSA requires that all carriers submit an updated Motor Carrier Information Report, otherwise known as an MCS-150, every other year in order to remain in good standing.

Who fills out MCS-150? ›

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), all interstate carriers need to file MCS-150 or MCS-150B if there is a requirement for a safety permit. The form needs to be filed every 24 months based on the US DOT number considering the last two digits.

What happens if I don't update my MCS-150? ›

If you fail to update your MCS-150 in a timely and accurate fashion, you face a fine of up to $1,000 per day. Additionally, your DOT number may be deactivated, which could cause disaster for your company, possibly shutting down operations.

What does dot stand for? ›

DOT is an acronym for the Department of Transportation.

What is a dot number used for? ›

This number will be used by the FMCSA to monitor the safety record of your company, as well as keep track of any compliance information they may collect as a result of an incident. Whether you plan to transport cargo, passengers, or hazardous materials, you will need a DOT number.

What is the dot to list things? ›

A bullet point is a symbol that is used in writing to introduce an item in a list. A commonly used symbol to represent a bullet point is a centered dot (

Should I uninstall Safer Web? ›

While this browser extension is not technically a virus or malware, it can lead to malware infections and serious privacy issues and you are advised to eliminate SafeWeb from your browsers (Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox).

Is Safer legit? ›

The Safety and Fitness Electronic Records (SAFER) website and the information it contains are provided as a public service by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

What is safer web used for? ›

The SAFER system supports electronic screening of commercial vehicles in order to allow Law Enforcement personnel to focus their efforts on vehicles most likely to fail inspection.

What company is snapshot? ›

Snapshot Inc was founded in 1995. The company's line of business includes developing or modifying computer software and packaging.


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Views: 6112

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.