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      • Spite trailt line is too balanced for its own

        in Necromancer

        Posted October 27, 2020

        All I'm reading is someone who is upset that every Major is "kinda good" and yu are spoilt for choice.Good.It means yu are forced to pick based on yur build.

        I wish more traitlines had Majors which are "hard to pick for" like Spite instead of having 2 or 3 dead traits which is useful nowhere in the game.

        • Epidemic of rangers and thieves in WvW

          in World vs. World

          Posted October 27, 2020

          @Strider Pj.2193 said:

          Oh yeah.. and devs bad...

          Idk sir, this one is highly debated by many people to be a fact.

          I think the epidemic is Condition bursts in general.I don't think any sort of build should be allowed the power to rapidly stack Conditions in the span of 1.5 seconds, and allowing the DoTs to tick off for around 5k damage total per tick.

          Even if the target is quick to react, barring the existence of control skills like Daze, Stun, Taunt etc, they are gonna eat that 5k minimum before they cleanse it all off, in which the damage has been done, a heal has been forced, and the Condi player just backs off till they burst again.

          If yu get controlled, well..... it's gonna put yu at 30% hp easily.

          That's like the equivalent of a Revenant 2 years ago with 25 might stacks autoing someone to death with 5k per auto.

          • ... But The Thief Got Away.

            in World vs. World

            Posted October 26, 2020

            I find it funny how Thieves are still using the age old "No Stealth = No Thief" argument.That would have been a viable argument 2 years ago, but as of now, Thieves actually stand to be one of the most durable Professions in the competitive scene.

            Just go ahead and fight a Condi DD with any Power build.Their entire DD traitline counters Power approach due to the constant Weakness application, and when they are faced with Condi threats, they can simply escape Condi threats and get so far away they don't have to fight them until they feel like the Condi opponent has used their cooldowns and then they strike.

            "But just Condi them when they running"Sigil of Cleansing and Shadow's Embrace make a joke of Conditions.

            • Buggy skills "Magebane tether"

              in Warrior

              Posted October 26, 2020

              Alot of the things yu have mentioned aren't bugs, but server tick snapshots.Tell Anet to fix their servers.

              Also for Magebane's pull, it says in the description it pulls to yu, but that's actually not what happens.In actuality, it only Pulls for 600 units.The range Threshold for the Pull to trigger is also 600 range.

              However, if the target Shadowsteps, teleports, jumps, leaps over 600 units away, it will still only pull for 600 units to yur character.

              • There a reason that ES weapons are still restricted to ES? - [Merged]

                in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                Posted October 25, 2020

                @Sobx.1758 said:

                @"Yasai.3549" said:

                I, on the other hand, feel they should have some special fancy weapon, ideally complementing their playstyle. For me it feels better than the alternative would (reasons mentioned above by others).

                I don't feel like forcing Especs to adhere to their playstyle with a fancy weapon is a good thing though.This game is very strong when it comes to player build customization, allowing them to build how they want, with whatever they have at hand.

                Releasing weapons from the Especs will allow players to play with this customization even more.Especially with random nerf hammers slowly suffocating build choices atm, having more customization will be a breath of fresh air and encourage experimenting again, instead of waiting for the next major "balance" patch which will throw the entire community into chaos again.

                • There a reason that ES weapons are still restricted to ES? - [Merged]

                  in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

                  Posted October 25, 2020

                  I feel that Especs in general should not have some special fancy weapon tied to it.A majority of the Especs being used right now don't even use their Espec weapons, yet if yu wanna use those weapons, yu have to play the Espec.

                  Why not just make a set of quests every expansion to collect new weapons for yur Professions, and have Espec as well as a separate unlock.

                  • So what is the purpose of core Engineer now?

                    in Engineer

                    Posted October 25, 2020

                    @Sobx.1758 said:

                    What would stop especs from using them better than core?

                    They need to make it so that yu are spoiled for traitline choice if yu wanna pick Turrets as an afterthought or as a main gameplay focus.So if Especs wanna pick Turrets and better Turrets, they need to sacrifice a traitline they would normally run for it.

                    If Anet is able to rework Inventions to focus on Turrets, Scrappers and Holos may have to consider dropping either Alchemy or Explosions if they wanna pick up Invention instead.(I guess only exception is Prot Holo, but if yu are playing Prot Holo yu aren't playing Explo Holo anyway)

                    • Staff suggestions.

                      in Revenant

                      Posted October 25, 2020

                      @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

                      Also having a chill output on staff #3 (the block).Additional chill output on staff auto 3 if you trait for it (add this to corruption's abyssal chill trait, which currentlly is underperforming vastly), so condi revs can get some torment going with staff considering they traited for it.

                      Nothing against adding Chill or Condi, but honestly I rather not have Staff be steered into a direction which heavily benefits one build over others.

                      Seeing as Condi Revs already take Abyssal Chill no matter what, this change only serves as a plus for Condi builds.

                      Thanks for the input though I would rather buffs or changes in the direction of "Small Damage, Decent Healing, Maybe cleansing" which follows Ventari better.

                      • What next elite spec must have to be worth the purchase... - [Merged]

                        in Ranger

                        Posted October 25, 2020

                        Anything which will alter gameplay significantly is gonna be worth picking up because this game's design philospohy and balance still allows people to have "mains"

                        Engineer is gonna be a must have for Engineer fans, because Especs are the only way they are gonna get new weapons to play around with.Warrior would be hype to get a ranged option which isn't as bad as their current options.

                        Literally any friggin weapon would be great for Rev. Rev is so starved for Weapon loadouts it's not even funny.

                        • One year later

                          in Revenant

                          Posted October 25, 2020

                          iirc there was alot of Sword 3 Bugs over the years.

                          The earliest bug was when yu are casting Sword 3 on someone doing a dodgeroll, yu will get stuck in the mistform unable to interact with anyone or have anyone interact with yu for almost 10 seconds.

                          Then there is the infamous self cancelling bug where if someone moves just out of the 450 cast range of Sword 3 as yu enter the first animation frame, it cancels itself immediately and puts itself into full cooldown.

                          There is also the one where yu follow the target but they port up the wall and yu get stuck at the base of the wall for a second or two while not following them up the wall, but I guess that remains the issue as : How are they able to port up, but I'm unable to stick if it is "technically pathable"

                          • So what is the purpose of core Engineer now?

                            in Engineer

                            Posted October 25, 2020

                            Their role is to pass butter.

                            • One chance to perform a drastic measure in the name of game balance : WWYD?

                              in Professions

                              Posted October 25, 2020

                              @Opopanax.1803 said:

                              1. Reduce protection to -15% damage

                              Would like to tap on this note, because this is something I wanna talk about Protection for a long time.WHY THE HELL IS PROTECTION THIS STRONG AND ABLE TO BE LAYERED WITH WEAKNESS?

                              It makes sense sure, that back when Power burst builds are all over the place, Protection 33% reduction and Weakness graze was still acceptable.After the blanket nerfs to power nerfing everything by 33%, any build which can give themselves Protection and apply Weakness simply shrugs off any Power based attack.

                              I literally fought an MM Necro yesterday which dealt like 0 friggin damage but couldn't be killed either because DM was giving him pulsing Protect and he was applying Weakness.

                              This is pretty disgusting tbh, and simply encourages bunker builds.

                              • One chance to perform a drastic measure in the name of game balance : WWYD?

                                in Professions

                                Posted October 24, 2020

                                @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

                                we do have a large number of balanced builds in this game, and how would the top players showing anet the cheese builds change that for the worse?

                                Like top 10% of builds make the game GG easy, while the remaining 90% can't hope to compete with the top 10%That's one of the major problems with this game's balance right now.

                                Would be actually funny if people can pick what professions to ban per match/content but Gw2 is not that sort of game.So in order to restore balance, devs need to be tortured by playing with or against these builds so that they can understand "hey, maybe we need to tone these things down, and maybe buff other things"

                                As of now, their balance strategy is to send in a payload of volatile changes every 6 months, then spend the next 6 months "balancing" the game.

                                • [bug] "Tides of Time" does not apply vulnerability with "Dazzling"

                                  in Mesmer

                                  Posted October 24, 2020

                                  @Leonidrex.5649 said:

                                  tooltip fixedno longer stuns for 1s, instead stop enemies it passes through for 1s.

                                  I imagine it is to make it immune to Stability but if it borked then....

                                  • Reaper Suggestions

                                    in Necromancer

                                    Posted October 24, 2020

                                    Idk bout that Chilling Victory change.

                                    I know a good few solo open world Reaper builds that rather run DM than Spite uses Chilling Victory for self Might generation, not to mention it works well with Blighter's Boon too.

                                    Unless yu wanna change the skill to gain Might when inflicting Chill as well.

                                    And yes please I would like that Blighter's Boon change.I do still play a Shroud camping Reaper and this would be perfect and I can drop Onslaught because Spite's Dread exists for my Quickness needs.

                                    • Fear of Death

                                      in Necromancer

                                      Posted October 24, 2020

                                      Buffing Fear of Death is not needed.

                                      Fear of Death already directly increases the dps from Terror by extending Fears by 100% (50% in PvP)This is a huge deal considering in PvE, this means each fear is gonna be 2s long which essentially doubles Terror damage, and in PvP, Necros has access to corrupts to turn enemy Stab into Fear which is even more Terror procs.

                                      Plus yu gain Lifeforce.

                                      • Why should I use dagger? (pvp)

                                        in Warrior

                                        Posted October 24, 2020

                                        Dagger and Shield work together as a very powerful set which allows SpB to rip more boons.

                                        Dagger 3 and Shield 5 both remove boons due to the Dispelling Force Minor, and Dagger F1 also removes boons.Dagger 2, Dagger F1 and Shield 5 are also all mobility skills, giving SpB alot of sticking power.

                                        • [bug] "Tides of Time" does not apply vulnerability with "Dazzling"

                                          in Mesmer

                                          Posted October 24, 2020

                                          @Leonidrex.5649 said:

                                          Launch a wave of temporal energy that damages and stops enemies it passes throughinb4 its not a stun it StOpS eNeMiEs lol, good catch

                                          Which is funny since the skill tooltip explicitly says Stun : 1s.

                                          Checkmate Anet, fix yur gaem.

                                          • Traps were so much better than Preparations

                                            in Thief

                                            Posted October 24, 2020

                                            @ASP.8093 said:I feel like the Seal Area bubble would actually be pretty amazing as-is if it wasn't so easy to negate with Stability.

                                            Oh dear, it's not like Boons are op or something, nah that couldn't be.

                                            • Is offense the best defense?

                                              in Thief

                                              Posted October 23, 2020

                                              Is this for competitive?

                                              If it is, unless yu are using a build which hits and runs or pops in and out of Stealth, in yur face dodge tanking self healing builds aren't gonna work.Why?Weakness.

                                              Weakness will throw a huge wrench into yur entire plan and alot of builds right now seems to drop Weakness like it's a side-effect or something.Weakness is so strong it can allow an Ele with no vitality built to fully tank an entire Ranger LB Rapid Fire, just because 40% of the hits became glancing blows which not only cannot crit but lose 50% damage.

                                              • Staff suggestions.

                                                in Revenant

                                                Posted October 23, 2020

                                                @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

                                                If you actually need the pointers or want to see what he’s talking about look at the past couple monthly ATs. Ren has been the revenant build of choice lately

                                                I know what he's talking about.His entire arguement started when a few people on this same thread said Ren builds, or rather, Shortbow usage only became meta because the balance patch has nerfed everyone's damage and therefore Shortbow has now become "viable" even as a pure offense weapon.

                                                He then begins touting his supposed skill and belittling everyone with his this supposed skill as his only defense to any argument made against his (which was defending the fact SB only became workable due to the nerfs)

                                                • Some thoughts on ways to make core Engi valuable

                                                  in Engineer

                                                  Posted October 23, 2020

                                                  @"Dawdler.8521" said:

                                                  Which would accomplish what? With no weaponswap in combat it still means only the "best" for your condi or power build is a viable option once you do enter combat. If there is a better condi weapon, no one run pistols anymore. If there is a better power weapon, no one run rifle anymore.

                                                  At best a 1h power weapon would allow the shield to be more usable in power builds but thats a rather loopsided improvement.

                                                  Actually I think it would matter to some extent based on what is implemented.

                                                  Especially if they have finishers and utilities which promote comboing.

                                                  And at the same time, rework Gadgets to promote Comboing.

                                                  • Marauder gear for PVE reaper?

                                                    in Necromancer

                                                    Posted October 23, 2020

                                                    I use Berserker + some mara.

                                                    Works perfectly and can solo champs.

                                                    • Friendly Fire ON

                                                      in World vs. World

                                                      Posted October 23, 2020

                                                      Only if they drop bags too.

                                                      I'll kill every single person I come across.

                                                      • Scepter noise

                                                        in Guardian

                                                        Posted October 23, 2020

                                                        What?Don't like the sound of a cheese grater for that cheese Burn build?

                                                        I'm kidding lmao.

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                                                      Jobber.6348's Content - Page 76 (2024)


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                                                      Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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