Financial Aid | NOSM U (2024)

July – 2024

Stuart Iglesias ESS/OSS Bursary Award

The SRPC recognizes the importance of rural ESS/OSS physicians in optimizing care for those living in rural and remote areas of Canada and would like to support learning opportunities and foster networking. This bursary is named in honour of Dr. Stuart Iglesias, who was not only an ESS and FPA provider himself but also spent his entire career supporting rural maternity and surgical services through advocacy, research, and education. His tireless contributions led to an important culture-shift which the SRPC continues to support today.

The Stuart Iglesias ESS/OSS Bursary Award is presented to one (1) Medical Student, one (1) Medical Resident and one (1) Rural Physician who can demonstrate their interest in, or is actively pursuing Enhanced Surgical Skills (ESS) and Obstetrical Surgical Skills (OSS) (or otherwise supporting rural surgical and maternity care) as a rural generalist in rural Canada.

Application and Eligibility Criteria:

Open to UME and PGME learners. All candidates must be SRPC members and in good academic standing and demonstrate their commitment to rural medicine through any of the following:

  • Medical Students – Tell us how you intend to focus your medical journey as an ESS/OSS Rural Generalist.
  • Medical Residents – Are you a current OSS or ESS resident, or a Family Medicine resident serious about applying to those programs (or otherwise supporting rural surgery/maternity care)?
  • Rural Generalist – Are you a practicing rural generalist physician (with or without OSS/ESS) advocating for improved rural surgical and maternity care, locally, regionally, or nationally?

Nomination Process:

  • Nominees must be SRPC members.
  • Self-nominations must include a letter of support from a preceptor or SRPC physician member detailing how the nominee meets the award criteria.
  • Preceptors or SRPC physician members may also nominate candidates by describing how the nominee meets the criteria.
  • Format:Microsoft Word document (max 250 words) outlining how the nominee meets the criteria.
  • Submission:Send nomination emails
  • Timeline:The nomination window is from July 1st to August 31st every even year (2024, 2026, 2028). Nomination letters will be reviewed in September, with winners announced in October. (3 months prior to ESS/OSS event)

This award is open to all SRPC Medical Student/Resident/Physician members across Canada. Please note that individuals may only win this award once.

Prize:Each recipient will receive $1000 credited towards attending the ESS/OSS event.

Questions regarding the nomination process, award eligibility or SRPC membership inquiries can be directed via email to Jenna Keindel at

September – 2024

Strong Mothers Achieving Remarkable Triumph (S.M.A.R.T.) Scholarship Due September 1, 2024

The S.M.A.R.T. Scholarship program awards 3 scholarships annually, each valued at $1,500 CAD. Applications will be accepted from July 1st 2024 to Sept 1st 2024.

To apply, please read thoroughly the scholarship acceptance guidelines and application requirements, prepare the required documents outlined below, and complete your application by clicking on the ‘Apply Now’ button.

Terms and Conditions

In order to publicize the S.M.A.R.T. Scholarship Award program and to promote Strong Mothers Achieving Remarkable Triumph, the winners’ names and photographs will be announced on/in promotional content, media outlets, and on the S.W.I.M. website. Winners must be available to be interviewed and participate in promotional activities. In agreeing to participate you allow S.W.I.M. and/or representatives the unrestricted right and permission to copyright, use and publish photographs, video and/or audio recordings of you without restriction as to reproduction, made through any and all media for the purpose of promoting the charity. If you do not wish to have the following information made public, please

Application Criteria

  • Applicants must be single mothers pursuing a post-secondary education in Ontario, Canada.
  • Applicants must not be previous recipients of the S.M.A.R.T. Scholarship.
  • Applicants must be registered with S.W.I.M. This is done by completing the entirety of the scholarship application form.
  • Applicants must complete S.W.I.M.’s photography release form. This is done by completing the entirety of the scholarship application form.

Application Requirements

  • Brief essays:
    • Describe a passion of yours that is unique to you (hobbies, arts, sports, etc)? What does your passion tell us about you? (250 words)
    • Explain your career goals; where do you see yourself in five years? (250 words)
  • Personal statement: Please include a personal statement about your experiences as a single mother. (500 words)
  • Professional reference contact information
  • Personal reference contact information (excluding family members)
  • Proof of academic enrollment. (ex. a copy of your acceptance letter, academic timetable, or official transcript)

Must apply through the Single Women in Motherhood website.


December – 2023

City of Thunder Bay
City of Thunder Bay Medical Student and Resident Book Grant – Due Dec 31, 2023
Students are eligible to receive a grant once during their first year of a Canadian MD program, and once during their first year of a Canadian residency program. Must have attended high school within the District of the City of Thunder Bay.

Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC)
Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC)

Student and Resident Essay Award – Dec 31, 2024
Each year the SRPC’s Nominations and Awards Committee hosts a rural essay contest for medical students and residents. The winning essays will be added to the SRPC website and considered for publication in the CJRM. Must be a member of the SRPC.

January – 2024

Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (CAPM&R)
Canadian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (CAPM&R ) Awards and Grants

Medical Student Essay Contest – Jan 8, 2024
Any medical student enrolled in a Canadian Medical School at the time of the essay deadline can apply. The essay should review a topic relevant to Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Medical Student Research Contest – Jan 8, 2024
Applicants must submit an original investigation in the field of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC)
Federation of Medical Women of Canada (FMWC) – Awards

Student Leadership Award– Due Jan 10, 2024
This award recognizes the FMWC medical student member showing the most potential in the realm of leadership. Particular interest is given to candidates who demonstrate leadership in support of the FMWC mission statement. Both the nominee and nominator are required to be current FMWC members.

Ontario-Ukraine Solidarity Scholarship – Due Jan 15, 2024

4 learners will be selected as the recipient of a $10,000 scholarship through NOSM University based on financial need and eligibility criteria.


  • These scholarships are intended for learners who have been directly or indirectly impacted by the Ukrainian conflict or other conflicts.
  • Successful candidates must be actively registered in a undergraduate or graduate program at NOSM University during the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Candidates must demonstrate financial need.
  • Applicants must be in Ontario to qualify. Residency or citizenship status is not a requirement.
  • Upon determination of financial need, student applications will be judged based on merit, which may include academic achievement, community service, or demonstrated perseverance in pursuing their education.
  • Priority will be given to students who have been impacted by the conflict in Ukraine followed by students impacted by other conflicts.
  • This scholarship will be considered a resource and may impact OSAP funding, as well as any needs-based award/bursary previously issued for fall 2023 or winter 2024, as applicable.

How to apply?

Describe how you have been impacted by the conflict in Ukraine or other conflicts globally. What steps have you taken to provide support to people in need in the affected area (e.g., through advocacy, commitment
to initiate change, related community service)? (500 words max)

Send a word document via email to by Monday, January 15, 2024.

Sandra Banner Student Award for Leadership – Due Jan 26, 2024
The purpose of these annual awards is to encourage the development of future leaders in medicine, through public recognition and financial support ofundergraduate and postgraduate medical trainees who have demonstrated interest in/aptitude for leadership. Please follow the above link to apply.

Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC)
Society of Rural Physicians of Canada (SRPC)

Rural Student Leadership and Rural Resident Leadership Awards – Jan 31, 2024
The Rural Student/Resident Leadership Awards are presented to students and residents in good academic standing who have demonstrated a sustained interest in rural medicine. Must be a member of the SRPC.

OMA Ontario Medical Named Student Bursary Fund– Due Jan 31, 2024

All applicants must be an active member of the OMA. There are a number of bursaries available, we have listed the ones most likely to be relevant to you as a NOSM University medical student.

Stephen J. and Barbara Kosar Memorial Bursary
Applicants must be from Northeastern Ontario (Algoma District, Cochrane District, Manitoulin District, Sudbury District, Timiskaming District, or the single-tier municipality of Greater Sudbury) and attending NOSM University.

Arlene MacIntyre Medical Student Bursary
Applicants must be in their final year of study and plan to pursue family medicine.

Ronald Twiddy Medical Student Bursary
Applicants must be in their final year of study and plan to pursue family medicine.

Gilbert Hopson Medical Student Bursary
Applicants must be a current resident or high school graduate of Sault Ste. Marie.

OMA District 11 and BPAO Medical Student Award
Applicants must self-identify as Black, and provide a 500 word essay on “why you deserve this award, how you think receiving it will make a positive impact on you and your community”.

February – 2024

FORSEE Canada – Two Opportunities!!!

Social Eyecare Scholarship 2024– Due February 1st, 2024
FORSEE are offering an $8000.00 scholarship to a student that is passionate about changing vision.

1. First or Second year medical students, or
2. Undergraduate or Graduate students in Public Health or Allied Health fields.

Application Process:
1. Submit CV and Cover letter at FORSEE online portal.
2. Submit an Eyecare Proposal (500 words) that includes the following:
a. Identify an unmet need in vision care.
b. Include the recommended methodology to obtain the required information needed to create an action plan in solving the problem you have identified.

Submissions can be completed by uploading requested documents to the online portal, or emailed to

Summer Research Scholarship 2024 – Due February 1st, 2024

FORSEE are offering an $8000.00 scholarship to a student who has expressed an interest in further exploring the field of Ophthalmology through both research and clinical venues.

1. Completed second year of medical school.
2. The successful candidate will engage in a clinical research project with the aim of presenting this scientific work through a presentation at an accredited Ophthalmology Conference.

Additional Criteria

  • The successful candidate will also have the opportunity to further their education and clinical skills in the various sub-specialty disciplines within Ophthalmology.
  • Successful candidates will be chosen based on their academic merit, prior research experience, their expressed interest in the field of Ophthalmology, and a full-time commitment to the 8 week scholarship program during the summer of 2024.
  • The FORSEE CANADA scholar will be working alongside a variety of academic-affiliated Ophthalmologists during this period to facilitate their research project and their clinical skills education.

Application Process:
1. Submit CV and Cover letter
2. An essayexpressing their interest and include their Curriculum Vitae.

Submissions can be completed by uploading requested documents to the online portal, or emailed to

Eye Foundation of Canada Summer Scholarship Program
Student Summer Scholarship Program: 2024 – Due Feb 2, 2024

Eye Foundation of Canada is offering one or more $8000.00 scholarships to spend their summer further their education in ophthalmic, surgery and research.


1. Completed second year of medical school.

2. Will be involved in at least one research project with the foundation.

3. Preference to students who intend to pursue a career in ophthalmology.

Additional Criteria and information

  • The program consists of education and research experience in the diagnosis and management of eye disease. It is conducted at: Eye Associates and Greater Toronto Area, with portions at various University of Toronto teaching hospitals.

Application Process:
1. Curriculum Vitae.

2.Dates of availability for the summer of 2024. (Expectation of 8-10 weeks).

3. Submit application via email to

Citizenship Award
– Due February 1, 2024

The purpose of the award is to recognize an individual who, in addition to maintaining an adequate academic standing, has made a significant contribution towards improving the general welfare of medical students. The successful candidate will have demonstrated creative, innovative leadership in one or more of the following areas:

1) curriculum development;
2) student well-being;
3) faculty liaison; and,
4) community involvement.

You are required to submit…

  • A current CV / resume
  • One letter of nomination from a member of the NOSM University community (staff, faculty, or peer). Please do not solicit deans, assistant deans, or associate deans for this letter of nomination.
  • A personal essay outlining how you meet the above criteria (500 words).

Please email all content to

April – 2024

Medical Council of Canada

Dr. M. Ian Bowmer Award for Leadership in Social Accountability– Due Apr 25, 2024

Eligibility Criteria

For the Dr. M. Ian Bowmer Award for Leadership in Social Accountability, a nominee should demonstrate the qualities of leadership. In addition, they should have responded to a community or broader population need by consultatively and collaboratively developing a relevant approach and vision with interested parties. Through a given initiative, they have created an engaged team or partnership that is actively pursuing a socially accountable vision and managing its delivery.

Application Requirements

  • One nomination letter from a NOSM University faculty membershowcasing how you meet the eligibility criteria.Please note that the Dean, Provost, and Associate Deans will be exempted from this group.
  • A CurriculumVitae (CV)3 pages maximum and minimum 11 point font

Nomination letters should be sent tobursaries@nosm.caby April 25, 2024.

Dr. W. Dale DauphineeAwardfor Excellence in Medical Education and Assessment– Due Apr 25, 2024

Eligibility Criteria

For the Dr. W. Dale Dauphinee Award for Excellence in Medical Education, a nominee should have made significant contributions to the betterment and accessibility of medical education and/or assessment practices through innovation within their faculty or between faculties within the health disciplines. Areas of interest could include:

  • Developing innovative educational or assessment tools at undergraduate or postgraduate levels.
  • Improving accessibility of assessment tools through the use of technology in changing times.
  • Assessing the validity of artificial intelligence tools in learning or quality of care.
  • Initiating innovative qualitative and quantitative measures of performance.
  • Initiating an innovative process for virtual and/or continuing learning in practice.
  • Piloting and demonstrating clinical effects for new technologies.
  • Demonstrating peer feedback for improving clinical performance and/or for learning.
  • Creating collaborative alliances to improve assessment.
  • Improving assessment of inter-professional and/or team performance

Application Requirements

  • One nomination letter from a NOSM University faculty membershowcasing how you meet the eligibility criteria.Please note that the Dean, Provost, and Associate Deans will be exempted from this group.
  • A CurriculumVitae (CV)3 pages maximum and minimum 11 point font

Nomination letters should be sent tobursaries@nosm.caby April 25, 2024.

CFPC Indigenous Medical Student Scholarship – Due April 19th, 2024

TheCFPC Indigenous Medical Student Scholarshiprecognizes a top First Nations, Metis, or Inuit medical student in Canada who has shown an interest in or commitment to a career in family medicine.

The value of the CFPC Indigenous Medical Student Scholarship is $5,000. The award will be presented during the Family Medicine Forum (FMF). The recipient will receive complimentary registration for one day at the next live FMF. In addition, the CFPC Medical Student Scholarship may reimburse up to $1,500 to offset the costs of accommodation, meals, and travel to attend FMF.

Eligibility criteria:

Applicants must be Indigenous medical students in Canada.

Applicants must be in their second-last year of study.

Applicants must be in good academic standing.

Applicants cannot have received this scholarship in the past three years.

Please visit ourPolicies and Procedures pagefor basic eligibility guidelines and additional considerations.

Taxable income:

Award funds received are taxable and are considered part of your personal income in the fiscal year in which they are received. The Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM) will issue a statement of income (T4A information slip) at the end of the year for these amounts. We recommend that you obtain professional advice from your financial/tax adviser regarding the income tax implications of this award.

Application process:

Students are asked to submit directly to the CFPC National Office.

Applications must reach the CFPC National Office by 4:00 p.m. (ET) on April 19, 2024.

Please refer to thisPDFfor application requirements.


Selection process:

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)’s Indigenous Health Committee will recommend the recipient of this scholarship to the national Honours and Awards Committee.

Applicants will be notified of the results by email in July.

CFPC Medical Student Scholarship – Due April 19, 2024

TheCFPC Medical Student Scholarshipsrecognize outstanding medical students who have demonstrated an interest in or commitment to a career in family medicine. Each Canadian medical school is invited to nominate a medical student in their second-last undergraduate year of study at the time of nomination (graduating class of 2025).

The value of the CFPC Medical Student Scholarship is $5,000. The award will be presented during the Family Medicine Forum (FMF) 2024. The recipients will receive complimentary registration for one day at the next live FMF. In addition, the CFPC Medical Student Scholarship may reimburse up to $1,500 to offset the costs of accommodation, meals, and travel to attend FMF.

Eligibility criteria:

Medical students in their second-last year of study are eligible.

Medical students who have demonstrated an interest in or commitment to a career in family medicine are eligible.

Nominees cannot have received this scholarship in the past three years.

Please visit ourPolicies and Procedures pagefor basic eligibility guidelines and additional considerations.

Application process:

If you are a medical student and would like to be considered,please complete thisapplication form and submit to by April 19, 2024.

May – 2024

Canadian Society of Palliative Care Physicians
Annual Undergraduate Narrative Award for Palliative Medicine– Due May 10, 2024

The narrative should express the student’s view regarding the role of palliative care in transcending the difficult aspects of end of life. How do palliative care professionals help patients, families, communities and the healthcare team–including physicians–to move beyond the difficulties of life-limiting situations and create space and opportunities for growth, healing, beauty, and meaning for patients and those who care for them? How have these experiences influenced your development as a physician?

Eligibility:Open to medical students who are in the penultimate year at a Canadian
medical school(3rd Year UME Learners).Application details can be found in the link provided above.

New Brunswick Residents Only – Return-To-Service Scholarships 2024

The New Brunswick Medical Education Foundation is accepting applications for its 2024 medical education scholarships. There are over 130 financial awards and more than $1M in total funding available to New Brunswick students accepted to eligible programs across Canada.

  • For more information, or to apply,
  • Medical learners, nursing and nurse practitioner students are encouraged to apply.
  • Applications must be submitted by May 31, 2024, at 11:59 PM to be considered.

*Note*: If you received a renewable award in 2023, you must reapply to receive the award in 2024.

The New Brunswick Medical Education Foundation is a private not-for-profit foundation dedicated to attracting and retaining health professionals in the province. Founded in 2010, it has a unique and innovative model: we raise funds to extend return-to-service scholarships to New Brunswick students, ensuring a pipeline of future physicians and other allied healthcare professionals are ready to practice in New Brunswick following graduation. The Foundation is the first program of its kind in Canada.

Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
Award for Medical Students– Due May 10, 2024

Laureates of the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame cite qualities such as perseverance, collaboration and entrepreneurial spirit as contributors to their success as national and world health leaders.The Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Award recognizes medical students who demonstrate these qualities and show outstanding potential as future leaders and innovators of health care in Canada. Each Canadian medical school is invited to nominate one (1) medical student, completing their second undergraduate year of study at the time of application.


  • Must be a medical student in good standing completing the second year of study orbeginning clerkship the following semester
  • Demonstrated leadership through school involvement and/or community-based volunteer projects or extracurricular activities
  • Superior interpersonal and communication skills
  • Academic excellence with a demonstrated interest in advancing knowledge

Application forms will be emailed to NOSM University learners. Please submit your application

June – 2024

Ross Memorial Hospital Medical Student Bursary Open June 1 – Sept 1

The Ross Memorial Hospital Medical Student Bursary provides qualifying candidates with a bursary opportunity with the hopes that the candidate will choose to practice medicine in the City of Kawartha Lakes and apply for active privileges at Ross Memorial Hospital. A bursary of up to $2,000 per academic year will be provided to each qualifying candidate up to a maximum of $10,000 per fiscal year. Candidates may receive a bursary for a maximum of three academic years.


  • Have been a resident of the City of Kawartha Lakes or an adjacent community within the catchment areas of our Hospital for at least two years of the five years previous to undergraduate study.
  • Be enrolled in one of the final four years of a Faculty of Medicine Program. (Open to all years in UME)
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Candidates must be prepared to commit to participate in a clinical elective at Ross Memorial Hospital within their academic training. The Hospital will maintain contact with bursary recipients during their residency program to explore opportunities for these clinical placements. Bursaries will not be based on financial need or academic merit. For more information please visit the Ross Memorial Hospital website.


Applications will be accepted via email to from June 1, 2024 to September 1, 2024. NOSM University will NOT be accepting applications directly.

Applicants must submit the following details and supporting document to the appropriate email by the due date.

  • Full name & Address
  • Resume
  • Evidence of City of Kawartha Lakes residency
  • Evidence of enrollment in a qualifying Faculty of Medicine. (NOSM University Confirmation of Enrollment Letters can be requested via email from

All questions relating to criteria or application process may be directed to

Currently Unavailable

Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS)
Canadian Federation of Medical Students (CFMS) Leadership Award – CLOSE
The CFMS and MD Financial Management want to recognize some of the passionate, dedicated and caring medical student leaders across Canada who have made innovative contributions to their schools and communities.

Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine
Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (CSAM-SMCA) Student Travel Bursary – CLOSE
Funding is available for students to attend the CSAM-SMCA Conference. Please fill out the application at the link above.

MD Travel Awards – CLOSE
Each year the CFMS and MD Financial Management set aside funds to provide financial assistance for CFMS member medical students who wish to attend their Annual Meetings.

Medicine, Conflict, and Survival
The Holdstock-Piachaud Student Essay Prize – TBD
The Holdstock-Piachaud Essay Prize was set up to encourage students to explore the themes covered by the journal Medicine, Conflict and Survival, in memory of Douglas Holdstock and Jack Piachaud who were for many years inspirational editors of the Journal. They are keen to receive essays that explore insights, concerns and original perspectives on issues relevant to the aims of the journal, from students who will be shaping the future. Whichever title you choose to tackle, you are encouraged to base your argument on relevant literature and to develop it drawing on your own experience and reflections.

Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO)
Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) Pamela Catton Summer Studentship Award – Closed
These studentships provide Canadian medical students with Radiation Oncology experience. Studentships will take place in participating cancer programs across Canada and are open to any student in a Canadian medical school. They may be held after completion of the first medical year, and before graduation.

Ontario College of Family Physicians
Ontario College of Family Physicians (OCFP) – TBD

Medical Student of the Year award – TBD
This award recognizes a medical student who is an emerging leader and advocate for family medicine. To qualify, applicants must be a student enrolled in an Ontario medical school and demonstrate a recognized interest in family medicine and/or primary care.

College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)
College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) – Opportunities for Medical Students

CFPC Medical Student Scholarship – TBD
Nominees must demonstrate an interest in or commitment to a career in family medicine, and be in their second-last year of study. Submissions must be emailed to your Financial Aid Officer ( by April 19.

CFPC Indigenous Medical Student Scholarship – TBD
This award recognizes a top First Nations, Metis, or Inuit medical student in Canada who has shown an interest in or commitment to a career in family medicine. Nominees must be in their second-last year of study.

Canadian Society of Internal Medicine
Canadian Society of Internal Medicine (CSIM) Awards, Abstracts and Funding

CSIM Residents and Medical Student Associates – Ted Giles Clinical Vignettes – TBD
Applicants must be a CSIM Student Associate. Applicants are welcomed to submit a clinical vignette, a concise presentation of a unique, unusual, or complex clinical problem in the management of which the trainee has played an active role. It should summarize the admission complaint or symptoms, relevant history, physical and laboratory findings, tentative diagnosis, diagnostic investigation, treatment, and outcome.

CSIM Resident and Medical Student Associates– Postgraduate Research and QI Oral and Poster Competition – TBD
Applicants must be a CSIM Student Associate. Abstracts must present a clear, concise summary of the work. Abstracts must be no more than 350 words and must be submitted in English. Abstract topics must be IM- or GIM-related. QI abstracts must use QI methodology. Abstracts must be submitted online.

Canadian Association of Pathologists
Canadian Association of Pathologists (Association canadienne des pathologistes) (CCCPA)

Student Award – TBD
Cash awards will be presented to a student in pathology and a member of CAP-ACP presenting the best proffered paper or the best poster at the Annual Meeting of the Association. There will be one award. A notice of these Awards and the call for abstracts is sent to the CAP-ACP Members.

Canadian Psychiatric Association
Canadian Psychiatric Association(CPA-APC) COUPE Best Paper Award for Medical Students – TBD
Recognizes a student in undergraduate medical training who demonstrates an enhanced level of understanding and interest in mental health. Essay required. Submissions must be emailed to your Financial Aid Officer (

Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO)
Professional Association of Residents of Ontario (PARO) Citizenship Award – TBD
Awarded to individuals who have made a significant contribution towards improving the general welfare of medical students. Applicants must be in adequate academic standing. For more details, inquire with your Financial Aid Officer (

Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society – Closed
Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society (CAS) Medical Student Prize
This essay competition seeks to increase awareness among undergraduate medical students of the specialty of anesthesia and the role of anesthesiologists in modern healthcare. Please see the attached poster for more details. Essays should be submitted to Sara Cover (

The Canadian Geriatrics Society
The Canadian Geriatrics Society – Student Poster Award – Closed
At each CGS Annual Scientific Meeting, three awards will be presented for the best posters. Any trainee or student is eligible for this award. Those who are eligible are automatically considered upon abstract submission.

Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Canadian Society of Pharmacology and Therapeutics (CSPT) – Travel Awards – Closed
A limited number of travel awards are available students who are presenting their work at the CSPT Annual Conference. Applicants must be CSPT members in good standing at the time of application.

Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB)
Canadian Society for Molecular Biosciences (CSMB) – Awards

Student and Postdoctoral Fellow Research Awards – Closed
Awards are available for students who would like to participate in the CSMB annual meeting.

Canadian Sleep Society
Canadian Sleep Society (CSS) Student awards

CSS Outstanding Trainee Achievement Award – TBD
Applicants must have published in a peer-reviewed journal, and be first author of the article. Must be a current member of the CSS.

CSS Student Abstract Competition – TBD
Each year the CSS holds a competition for CSS student members for the best abstract submitted (to either SLEEP in the U.S., or CSS when conferences are held in Canada

CAME Rising Star Certificate of Excellence – Closed

This award is intended to recognize learners who have demonstrated a commitment and/or passion for health professions education. This could be education research, curriculum or workshop development, leadership, advocacy, etc, that has had a positive impact on the health professions education community at their school or beyond.

In 300 words or less, please let us know how the individual has demonstrated a commitment and/or passion for health professions education. This could be education research, curriculum or workshop development, leadership, advocacy, etc., that has had a positive impact on the health professions education community at their school or beyond.

Ontario Medical Association (OMA)
OMA Awards Program: Medical Student Achievement Award – TBD

The OMA Awards Program recognizes the work of physicians, residents, medical students and community members in Ontario. The Medical Student Achievement Award is awarded for significant contributions at the political and/or community level that helps advance the life and/or education of all medical students.

Canadian Rheumatology Association
Canadian Rheumatology Association Best Abstract by a Medical Student AwardClosed

This Award has been established to recognize exceptional research presented as an oral or poster presentation and to encourage participation of medical students at the CRA Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM).

Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
AFMC Learner Changemaker Awards – Closed

The two AFMC Learner Changemaker Awards each celebrate an exceptional 1) medical learner (medical student/resident) and 2) a health research graduate student/post-doctoral scholar who has created real and meaningful change for those training in Canadian faculties of medicine or health sciences faculties. Nominations are open to a medical education learner and a health research trainee, including any undergraduate, postgraduate, or graduate student or post-doctoral scholar currently enrolled or training at a faculty of medicine or health sciences in Canada.

Selection Criteria
The nominations must provide:

  • Evidence of leadership, advocacy, and collaboration in innovation within their faculty.
  • Evidence of exceptional contributions through engagement in faculty work (e.g., including, but not limited to committees, task forces, projects, establishment of new initiatives and prior recognition).

Please submit application packages to (

The Canadian Medical Association
Awards for Young Leaders – Closed
Recipients of this award will have demonstrated exemplary dedication, commitment and leadership in one of the following areas: political, clinical, educational, or research and community service. Self-nominations are ineligible, and will be handled by NOSM University. Nominees must be members of the CMA.

Dr. Brian Brodie Organizational Leadership Development Award – Closed
The award is granted to one student and one resident who demonstrate exemplary dedication, commitment and leadership. The award is intended to help pursue further leadership development opportunities. Nominees must be members of the CMA. To apply, you must provide

  • a detailed letter of nomination accompanied by two letters of support (letters must be no longer than 2 pages in length) and your curriculum vitae or bio (3 page maximum).
  • a 200-word statement describing how you plan to continue Dr. Brodie’s legacy in leadership development. Please describe how your experience, passion and leadership experience and commitment to furthering that experience to date will facilitate the training and development of others in the medical profession.
Financial Aid  |  NOSM U (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Views: 5882

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.