Department of the ArmyPamphlet 708–2
Cataloging of Supplies and Equipment
Cataloging andSupplyManagementDataProcedures forthe ArmyEnterpriseMaterial Master
HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC7 October 2015
SUMMARY of CHANGEDA PAM 708–2Cataloging and Supply Management Data Procedures for the Army EnterpriseMaterial Master
This major revision, dated 7 October 2015--
o Changes title to Cataloging and Supply Management Data Procedures for theArmy Enterprise Material Master (cover).
o Deletes table 1-1.
o Deletes tables 2-2 through 2-14.
o Renumbers tables 2-15 through 2-18 as 2-2 through 2-5.
o Deletes tables 2-19 through 2-68.
o Renumbers tables 2-69, 2-70, and 2-71 as 2-6 through 2-8.
o Updates catalog changes as they apply to the Army Enterprise SystemIntegration Program (table 3-30).
HeadquartersDepartment of the ArmyWashington, DC7 October 2015
Cataloging of Supplies and Equipment
Cataloging and Supply Management Data Procedures for the Army EnterpriseMaterial Master
*Department of the ArmyPamphlet 708–2
H i s t o r y . T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n i s a m a j o rrevision.
Summary. This pamphlet is designed toassist Army logistics managers and func-tional personnel worldwide with informa-tion and guidance on cataloging suppliesand equipment and related logistics datamanagement functions.
Applicability. This pamphlet applies tot h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a lGuard/Army National Guard of the UnitedStates, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unlessotherwise stated. During mobilization, theproponent may modify policies and proce-dures contained in this pamphlet.
Proponent and exception authority.T h e p r o p o n e n t o f t h i s p a m p h l e t i s t h eDeputy Chief of Staff, G–4. The propo-nent has the authority to approve excep-tions or waivers to this pamphlet that areconsistent with controlling law and regu-lations. The proponent may delegate thisapproval authority, in writing, to a divi-sion chief within the proponent agency orits direct reporting unit or field operatingagency, in the grade of colonel or thecivilian equivalent. Activities may requesta waiver to this regulation by providingjustification that includes a full analysis oft h e e x p e c t e d b e n e f i t s a n d m u s t i n c l u d ef o r m a l r e v i e w b y t h e a c t i v i t y ’ s s e n i o rlegal officer. All waiver requests will bee n d o r s e d b y t h e c o m m a n d e r o r s e n i o r
leader of the requesting activity and for-warded through their higher headquarterst o t h e p o l i c y p r o p o n e n t . R e f e r t o A R25–30 for specific guidance.
Suggested improvements. Users areinvited to send comments and suggestedimprovements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-m e n d e d C h a n g e s t o P u b l i c a t i o n s a n dBlank Forms) directly to U.S. Army Ma-teriel Command, Logistics Support Activ-ity (AMXLS–MD), Redstone Arsenal, AL35898–7466.
Distribution. This publication is availa-ble in electronic media only and is in-tended for command levels C and D fort h e A c t i v e A r m y , t h e A r m y N a t i o n a lGuard/Army National Guard of the UnitedStates, and the U.S. Army Reserve.
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number)
Chapter 1The Army Enterprise Material Master, page 1
Section IIntroduction, page 1Purpose • 1–1, page 1References • 1–2, page 1Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1Data source • 1–4, page 1Distribution of data • 1–5, page 1Special information • 1–6, page 1
Section IIArmy Master Data File, page 1Overview • 1–7, page 1Army Master Data File data elements • 1–8, page 2
*This pamphlet supersedes DA Pam 708–2, dated 23 May 2008.
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Section IIITransmitting Data To and From Logistics Support Activity Army Enterprise Material Master, page 3Transmitting data • 1–9, page 3Transmittal data access • 1–10, page 3
Chapter 2Army Enterprise Material Master Segments, page 4
Section IItem Data Segment, page 4Provisions • 2–1, page 4Special considerations • 2–2, page 4Item data, unit measurement quantity, and unit-of-issue conversion record procedures • 2–3, page 4
Section IIItem Identification Segment, page 5Overview • 2–4, page 5Concept • 2–5, page 5Special considerations • 2–6, page 5
Section IIIPackaging File, page 6Overview • 2–7, page 6Packaging file data elements • 2–8, page 6Priority for developing packaging requirements • 2–9, page 7Optional procedure indicator codes • 2–10, page 7
Section IVFreight Segment, page 8Overview • 2–11, page 8Concept • 2–12, page 8Freight segment data elements • 2–13, page 8
Section VInterchangeable and Substitutable Segment, page 8Interchangeable and substitutable segment provisions • 2–14, page 8Special considerations • 2–15, page 9Procedures for section I, part 1 (Interchangeable and Substitutable Cross-Reference File) • 2–16, page 9Procedures for section 1, part 2 (Interchangeable and Substitutable Order-of-Use File) • 2–17, page 9Precautionary measures • 2–18, page 11Procedures for Section II, major items • 2–19, page 12Procedures for Section III, ammunition and explosives • 2–20, page 12
Section VIHistory Segment, page 12Overview • 2–21, page 12Section I–Item data history • 2–22, page 12Section II–interchangeable and substitutable history • 2–23, page 13Section III–component history • 2–24, page 13Special instructions • 2–25, page 13
Section VIIComponent Segment, page 13Provisions • 2–26, page 13Concept • 2–27, page 13
ii DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Section VIIIEquivalent Item Segment, page 13Functions • 2–28, page 13Concept • 2–29, page 13
Section IXHazardous Materials Data File, page 14Introduction • 2–30, page 14Hazardous Materials Data File data elements • 2–31, page 14Hazardous classification data file record • 2–32, page 16Hazardous Materials Data File document identifier codes • 2–33, page 16
Section XArmy Master Data File Authorized Stockage List Weight and Cube Extract System, page 17Overview • 2–34, page 17Reply records • 2–35, page 17
Section XISpecial Army Data Segment, page 17Overview • 2–36, page 17Special considerations • 2–37, page 17
Section XIIMedical User Data Segment, page 17Overview • 2–38, page 17Special considerations • 2–39, page 17
Section XIIIAccounting Requirements Code Selection Criteria, page 17Accounting requirements • 2–40, page 17Data codes and definitions • 2–41, page 17Selection criteria • 2–42, page 17
Chapter 3Army Enterprise Material Master Code Data, page 20Code data requirement • 3–1, page 20Code explanations • 3–2, page 20
Appendix A. References, page 102
Table List
Table 2–1: Item data record, page 4Table 2–2: Interchangeable items (2-way), page 10Table 2–3: Substitute items (1-way progressive), page 10Table 2–4: Substitute items (1-way, one item replaces several), page 11Table 2–5: Combination of substitutable/interchangeable items, with jump-to-code application, page 11Table 2–6: Hand tool and measuring tool Federal supply classifications, sample listing of hand tool and measuring
tool Federal supply classifications, page 19Table 2–7: Expendable items Federal supply classifications, sample listing of expendable item’s Federal supply
classifications, page 19Table 2–8: Nonexpendable Items Federal supply classifications, sample listing of nonexpendable item’s Federal
supply classifications, page 19Table 3–1: Accounting requirements codes, page 20Table 3–2: Acquisition advice codes, page 21Table 3–3: Activity code/file originator code, page 23
iiiDA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–4: Air commodity and special handling code, page 24Table 3–5: Air dimension codes, page 27Table 3–6: Air eligible category codes, page 27Table 3–7: Automatic data processing equipment identification codes 1, page 27Table 3–8: Automatic return item codes, page 28Table 3–9: Controlled inventory item codes, page 29Table 3–10: Criticality codes, Federal Item Identification Guide, page 30Table 3–11: Decimal locator codes, page 31Table 3–12: Demilitarization codes, page 31Table 3–13: Document identifier codes, page 31Table 3–14: Essentiality codes (See note), page 38Table 3–15: Fund codes, page 38Table 3–16: Hazardous material codes, page 39Table 3–17: Interchangeable and substitutable deletion reason codes, page 44Table 3–18: Inventory category codes, page 45Table 3–19: Item type storage codes, page 45Table 3–20: Less-than-truckload and less-than-carload rating codes, page 46Table 3–21: Logistic control codes, page 48Table 3–22: Maintenance repair codes, page 48Table 3–23: Materiel category and inventory manager or national inventory control point/Service Item Control Center
(Position number 1 of the materiel category), page 49Table 3–24: Appropriation and budget activity account codes (Position Number 2 of the materiel category), page 50Table 3–25: Management inventory segment (Position number 3 of the materiel category), page 51Table 3–26: Specific group/generic codes (Position Number 4 of the materiel category), page 51Table 3–27: Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code), page 52Table 3–28: Material safety data sheet indicator codes, page 70Table 3–29: National codification bureau codes, page 71Table 3–30: Phrase codes, page 72Table 3–31: Precious metals indicator codes (See note), page 75Table 3–32: Price signal codes, page 75Table 3–33: Recoverability codes (See note), page 75Table 3–34: Reportable item control codes, page 76Table 3–35: Shelf life codes (See note 1), page 76Table 3–36: Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes, page 77Table 3–37: Special control item codes, page 87Table 3–38: Special handling codes, page 88Table 3–39: Special requirements codes, page 88Table 3–40: Subsistence usage management codes, page 89Table 3–41: Supply category of materiel codes, page 90Table 3–42: Type of cargo codes, page 92Table 3–43: Unit of issue codes, page 93Table 3–44: Unit of measurement codes, page 96Table 3–45: Estimated storage life codes, page 98Table 3–46: Storage/shipment requirement codes, page 98Table 3–47: Hazardous waste codes, page 99Table 3–48: Storage type codes, page 100Table 3–49: Department of Defense special requirements codes, page 100
iv DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Chapter 1The Army Enterprise Material Master
Section IIntroduction
1–1. PurposeThis pamphlet provides the guidance necessary for preparing, generating, collecting, and distributing logistics manage-ment data in the Army Enterprise Material Master (AEMM). The AEMM operates in an environment in which majorArmy logistics systems use the latest state-of-the-art equipment and system techniques. This system is the link betweenthe wholesale and retail levels. The output of data to all levels of the Army depends on the needs of the user.
1–2. ReferencesSee appendix A.
1–3. Explanation of abbreviations and termsSee the glossary.
1–4. Data sourceThe AEMM process utilizes source data automation as the basic tenet focused on the business processes, management,and distribution of AEMM data throughout the Army Enterprise as follows:
a. Defense Logistics Information Service (DLIS) is the authoritative data source provider of common material datarelating to standard national stock number (NSN) assignment with the exception of packaging and freight data.
b. Logistics Modernization Program (LMP) is the authoritative data source for Army peculiar, unique, and packag-ing and freight data relating to the standard NSN for Army managed and Army interest material within their domain.
c. Logistics Support Activity (LOGSA) leveraging the AEMM, is the authoritative data source for selected inactivematerials held in the Army Enterprise and Enterprise non-standard materiels.
d. U.S. Army Materiel Command (USAMC), G–8 is the authoritative data source for the Presidential Budget pricingdata and includes serviceable and unserviceable credit, delta bill, and transfer pricing.
1–5. Distribution of dataUSAMC, LOGSA can provide the AEMM and logistics management data through an AEMM subscription basis. Thisis a direct feed/subscription or web service from the AEMM source system syndicated on a daily, multiday, or monthlybasis. The output provides a data feed of materials changes based on the effective date of the change and the elementsof information subscribed to. The AEMM feed can include all active Department of Defense (DOD) materials orsubsets of materials (for example, Army interest Material (Primary Inventory Control Activity (PICA) and SecondaryInventory Control Activity (SICA)). Additional LOGSA AEMM products include the automatic return items list(ARIL). This list contains items in a critical worldwide stock position. Excess and unserviceable items must bereturned to continental United States (CONUS) depots without waiting for disposition instructions.
1–6. Special informationTo interface with LOGSA for material data, the requesting organization will request from LOGSA, the current interfacerequest documentation, which contains interface procedures and the AEMM data layout for the elements available forsyndication.
Section IIArmy Master Data File
1–7. Overviewa. The Army Master Data File (AMDF) is a multi-segment file including, both current and historical management
data for Army used or managed items. The file generates, collects, and issues logistics management data to activities atall levels performing logistics functions essential to the acquisition, storage, control, reporting, maintenance, distribu-tion and disposal of material.
b. The types of AMDF segments are as follows:(1) Item data segment. This segment includes an item data record. When appropriate, a unit measurement quantity
or unit-of-issue (UI) conversion record containing current supply management data about cataloged NSNs, and medicalmanagement central numbers (MCNs) authorized for Army use, is also included.
(2) Item identification segment. This segment provides nomenclature (abbreviated or extended) for the NSN ormedical MCN in each item data record, and identifies adopted items of materiel and Army reportable items assigned aline item number (LIN).
1DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
(3) Packaging File. This file provides either the details of cleaning, preserving, and packaging an item or will referto the packaging data sheet, specification, or instructions that contain such data. Also, this segment contains unit packweight, unit pack cube, unit pack size data, and a hazard code to identify an item as hazardous.
(4) Freight segment. This segment provides freight classification data and military standard transportation andmovement procedures data for descriptive or reference type NSNs for routing materiel shipments within CONUS andoutside the continental United States (OCONUS).
(5) An interchangeable and substitutable segment. This segment provides item relationships and interchangeable andsubstitutable (I&S) data.
(6) History segment. This segment provides a means for determining if NSNs or MCNs were formerly assigned to acurrent item of supply or the identifying numbers that apply to a former item of supply.
(7) Equivalent item segment. This segment provides data to enable recipients to satisfy requirements with items thathave identical physical and performance characteristics, but differ in unit quantity or UI.
(8) Special Army data segment. This segment provides logistics management data for cataloged NSNs.(9) Medical user data segment. This segment provides logistics management data for supply category of materiel 8
(medical) items.
1–8. Army Master Data File data elementsa. Army peculiar data elements. The PICA/SICA provides the data elements to the Federal Logistics Information
System (FLIS) for each Army used or managed NSN. LOGSA AEMM files retains in the AMDF and distributes thefollowing data elements:
(1) Accounting requirements code (ARC).(2) Materiel category (MATCAT) structure code.(3) Recoverability code (RC).b. Catalog management data common data elements. The Army PICA submits to the FLIS the following data
elements for each Army managed NSN:(1) Acquisition advice code (AAC).(2) Automatic data processing (ADP) equipment identification.(3) Controlled inventory item code (CIIC).(4) Criticality code.(5) Demilitarization code (DEMIL).(6) DOD ammunition code (DODAC).(7) DOD identification code (DODIC).(8) Electrostatic discharge indicator.(9) Item management code.(10) Item type storage code (ITS).(11) Jump-to-code (JTC).(12) Measurement quantity code (MQ).(13) NSN.(14) Order-of-use (OOU).(15) Phrase code.(16) Precious metals indicator codes.(17) Quantity per unit pack (QUP).(18) Shelf life code (SLC).(19) Source of supply code (SOS).(20) Technical document number.(21) UI.(22) Unit price.c. Logistics Support Activity role. LOGSA as the AEMM identified organization for the business mission area and
using the AEMM solution, provides the Army with a single source for AEMM information to include nonstandardmanufacturer part number material information.
d. Army unique data elements. The Army PICA/SICA submits item data segment, item identification segment, ormedical user data segment records to LOGSA for the following data elements:
(1) Air eligible category code (AEC).(2) Army type classification code (ATC).(3) Army type designator.(4) Automatic return item code (ARI).(5) End item code (EIC).(6) Essentiality code (EC).
2 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
(7) Estimated storage life code.(8) Fund code (FC).(9) Hazardous waste code.(10) Hazardous waste number.(11) Inventory category code (ICC).(12) Level of protection (LOP).(13) Life expectancy code.(14) LIN.(15) Logistics control code (LCC).(16) Maintenance repair code.(17) Method of destruction code.(18) Nomenclature (21 characters) (FLIS).(19) Nomenclature (35 characters) Supply Bulletin (SB) National Item Identification Number (NIIN).(20) Nomenclature (64 characters) SB.(21) Nomenclature (105 characters) (Generic).(22) Price signal code.(23) Related reference data.(24) Reportable item control code (RICC).(25) Requirements computation.(26) Special control item code (SCIC).(27) Special notes code.(28) Special requirements code.(29) Storage life code (SL).(30) Storage/shipment requirement code.(31) Subsistence usage management code.(32) Supplemental input indicator.(33) Supply categories of materiel (SCMC).(34) Type of fuel consumption.e. Demilitarization code. The Army PICA/SICA establishes the DEMIL code for each Army used or managed NSN
as follows:(1) For NSNs that are being added to the AMDF, the Army PICA submits the DEMIL code to FLIS from LMP.
LOGSA AEMM will file and retain in the AMDF and then distribute the DEMIL code.(2) For each existing Army managed NSN, the Army PICA submits the DEMIL code to the FLIS. LOGSA AEMM
will file and retain in the AMDF and then distribute the DEMIL code.f. End item code. LOGSA extracts from the logistics integrated database (LIDB).g. Packaging data elements. The Army PICA/SICA submits packaging data elements through LMP to LOGSA
AEMM. LOGSA AEMM files and retains packaging data elements, as shown in chapter 2, section III.h. Freight data elements. The Army PICA submits freight data elements through LMP to LOGSA AEMM. On
receipt of a FLIS freight confirmation record, LOGSA files and retains in the AMDF, and distributes freight dataelements. For Army used NSNs, LOGSA AEMM files, retains and distributes freight data elements.
Section IIITransmitting Data To and From Logistics Support Activity Army Enterprise Material Master
1–9. Transmitting dataAEMM change transaction is the system’s applications and products capability that allows full update privileges to theAEMM.
1–10. Transmittal data accessAEMM access is restricted to LOGSA specified users based on business processes for the Army community.
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Chapter 2Army Enterprise Material Master Segments
Section IItem Data Segment
2–1. Provisionsa. The item data segment (IDS) provides the management data necessary to control an item from the time it enters
the system until it is obsolete or is ready for disposal. This segment provides for the establishment of, and changes to,Army common, peculiar, and unique data elements. It allows for communication of this data between the Army itemmanager, wholesale depots, and operational forces required at various levels for supply, financial and inventorymanagement controls, asset reporting and requisition processing.
b. The Army PICA/SICA, LOGSA and Army using activities establish changes and communicates logistics manage-ment data for each Army used or managed NSN in the formats prescribed in this section.
2–2. Special considerationsThe Army PICA/SICA establishes an item data record for each Army used or managed NSN. The Army PICA/SICAestablishes a unit measurement quantity record for each NSN assigned a nondefinitive UI. LOGSA will broadcast, butwill not retain a UI conversion record on file for each NSN whose UI is changed.
2–3. Item data, unit measurement quantity, and unit-of-issue conversion record proceduresa. The Army PICA/SICA submits to Army Enterprise System Integration Program (AESIP), an item data record for
each Army used or managed NSN. An Army PICA/SICA not operating under LMP may submit an item data changerecord to change an Army unique data element.
b. LOGSA will file and retain in the AEMM and then distribute unit measurement quantity data for each Army usedor managed NSN assigned a nondefinitive UI.
c. LOGSA distributes a UI conversion record for each Army used or managed NSN whose UI changes.
Table 2–1Item data record
Element Name Element Description Source System Source Comments PLM+ FieldField Type System Name
Material number Material number. CHAR 18 MATNR
Material type Material type. CHAR 4 MTART
Gross weight Use to record gross weight. QUAN 13 BRGEW
Weight unit Weight unit. UNIT 3 GEWEI
Size/dimensions Description of physical dimensions ofmaterial. For information only.
Lab/office Lab/office/ inventory control point (ICP)- routing identifier code (RIC).
Material group Key that for allows for grouping to-gether several materials or serviceswith the same attributes, and assignthem to a particular material group.
External material group External material group. CHAR 18 EXTWG
Page format Page format of production memoran-dum.
Material is configurable Configurable material. CHAR 1 KZKFG
Manufacturer Manufacturer number. CHAR 10 MFRNR
MFG_PART_NUM Manufacturer part number. CHAR 40 MFRPN
Net weight Use to record net weight. QUAN 13 NTGEW
4 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 2–1Item data record—Continued
Element Name Element Description Source System Source Comments PLM+ FieldField Type System Name
Product hierarchy Alphanumeric character string forgrouping together materials by combin-ing different characteristics. It is usedfor analysis and price determination.
Division A key to group sales divisions. A wayof grouping materials, products, orservices. The system uses divisions todetermine the sales areas and thebusiness areas for a material, product,or service.
Volume unit Enter unit of volume if known. UNIT 3 VOLEH
Volume Enter volume if known. QUAN 13 VOLUM
Federal supplyclassification (FSC)
The first four digits of the NSN. TheFSC is a four-character, numeric codeidentifying the group and class of anitem of supply. This code separatesitems into commodities.
Base unit-of-measure(UM)
UM of the NIIN at the lowest measure. UNIT 3 MEINS
Material description Text containing up to 40 charactersthat describe the material.
Old material number Number for managing a material so far. CHAR 18 BISMT
UI A two-position, alphabetic code thatrepresents the definite amount ofquantity of an item that will be issued.This amount or quantity is based onthe unit price of the managing activity’sestablished accounting UI.
Section IIItem Identification Segment
2–4. OverviewThis section supplements the stock number record in the item data record with nomenclatures (abbreviated or extended)for use when preparing authorized stockage lists (ASLs), Army supply catalogs, supply bulletins, and adopted itemslist.
2–5. ConceptThe Army PICA/SICA submits to LOGSA, item identification records for each Army used or managed NSN. LOGSAfiles are retained in the AEMM, and item identification records will be distributed.
2–6. Special considerationsThe Army PICA/SICA will submit item identification records as follows:
a. Line item numbers. Nomenclature for a stock number recorded in the item data record and assigned a LIN cannotexceed three trailer records. Records 01 and 02 contain the nomenclature starting in position 39 with a 64-charactermaximum (35 in record 01, 29 in record 02). When the nomenclature does not exceed 35 characters, then record 02 isnot required, but record 03 containing the short nomenclature (21 characters maximum) is always required.
b. Subsistence and medical items without a line item number. The Army PICA/SICA will submit records 01 and 03to LOGSA for each Army used or managed subsistence or medical NSN without a LIN. The Army PICA/SICA willsubmit record 02 if the nomenclature starting in record 01 exceeds 35 positions.
c. All other national stock numbers. The Army PICA/SICA will submit to LOGSA, record 01 for each Army usedor managed NSN.
d. The Department of Defense identification code. DODIC is a 4-position alphanumeric code assigned to some itemsin Federal supply groups (FSGs) 13 and 14. The code is added to positions 33 through 36 of record 01.
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Section IIIPackaging File
2–7. OverviewThe DOD Packaging Data System is a standard system for developing, recording, and disseminating packaging data.The system will result in the DOD presenting a single face to industry on packaging method selection, packagingrequirements, and documentation. Data entered and stored in this system will be readily retrievable, and the interserviceexchange of packaging data will be vastly improved. All material to be packaged will be classified into one of the threefollowing types of items:
a. Common items. The Army PICA/SICA will submit all packaging segment records to AESIP for common items(for example, items for which complete packaging details can be specified by predetermined coding).
b. Selective items. The Army PICA/SICA will submit the applicable packaging segment records to AESIP forselective items (for example, items for which predetermined packaging is not appropriate yet, entry of coded packagingrequirements with up to 57 positions of supplemental in-the-clear instructions adequately describes the completepackaging requirement).
c. Special items. The Army PICA/SICA will submit the applicable packaging segments to AESIP for special items(for example, items that require sketches, drawings, or narrative type packaging procedures due to their complexity,fragility, weight, or other considerations).
2–8. Packaging file data elementsThe Army PICA/SICA will submit packaging file records to AESIP for the following data elements:
a. Card indicator code.b. Cleaning and drying procedure.c. Cushioning and dunnage material code.d. Commercial and Government entity code.e. Container NSN.f. Hazardous code.g. Drawing or part number.h. ITS code.i. Intermediate container code.j. LOP.k. Level A packing requirement code.l. Level B packing requirement code.m. Minimal packing requirement code.n. Method of preservation code.o. Optional procedure indicator.p. Pack level reference indicator.q. Packaging reference.r. Packaging indicator code.s. Preservation material code.t. Packaging category.u. Packaging design activity.v. QUP/intermediate pack.(1) QUP.(2) Intermediate container quantity.w. Special marking code.x. Special packaging instruction (SPI) number.y. SPI revision.z. SPI date.aa. Supplemental instructions.ab. Thickness of cushioning and dunnage Transaction Maximum unit pack Maximum unit pack size.(1) Maximum length.(2) Maximum width.(3) Maximum Maximum unit pack cube.
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ag. Unit container code.ah. Unit container level Unpackaged item weight.aj. Unpackaged item dimensions.(1) Item length.(2) Item width.(3) Item depth.ak. Wrapping material code.
2–9. Priority for developing packaging requirementsThe Army PICA/SICA will develop packaging data for each Army used or managed NSN per the following priorities:
a. Priority I (stocked items). Items with the following acquisition advice codes:(1) A-service regulated.(2) B-National inventory control point (NICP) regulated.(3) C-services managed.(4) D-DOD inventory materiel manager (IMM) stocked and issued.(5) E-other service managed, stocked, and issued.(6) G-General Service Administration IMM stocked and issued.(7) H-direct delivery under a central contract.(8) K-centrally stocked for overseas only.(9) M-restricted requisitions, major overhaul.(10) P-restricted requisition.(11) R-restricted requisition.(12) S-restricted requisitioning, other service funded.(13) Z-insurance/numeric stockage objective item.b. Priority II (nonstocked items). Items with the following acquisition advice codes:(1) F-fabricate contract/schedule.(2) I-direct ordering from a central contract/schedule.(3) J-not stocked, long lead-time.(4) L-local purchase.(5) N-restricted requisitioning, disposal.(6) Q-bulk petroleum products, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) managed.(7) T-condemned.(8) V-terminal item.(9) W-restricted requisitioning, special instructions apply.(10) X-semi-active item, no replacement.(11) Y-terminal item.c. The Army PICA. The Army PICA will submit packaging data to LOGSA for each Army managed NSN. On
receipt of packaging records, LOGSA will edit, validate, and forward records to FLIS total item record for filing in thesegment W. LOGSA will submit packaging data to the FLIS as the registered recipient of Army-interest packagingdata.
2–10. Optional procedure indicator codesa. Enter “A” if packaging is governed by a specification or standard other than those referenced in the preservative
method code column 29–30 or by an SPI. Show the appropriate number in the packaging reference area, card number1.
b. Enter “M” if all packaging data are mandatory for compliance and no substitution is permitted. Deviation fromany of these elements will have prior approval of the buying activity. Fast packs will be included in this category.
c. Enter “O” if an option can be exercised as to the submethod and packaging materials to be used. However, thebasic preservation method will be retained, requirements as indicated in supplemental data will be complied with, andunit package dimensions will not be increased. There will be no increased cost to the Government and equal or betterprotection will be given the item. Prior approval of the buying activity is not required under these conditions.
d. Enter “E” to indicate that options can be exercised as to the submethod and the packaging materials to be used. Insuch cases, the options that may be exercised must be indicated in supplemental date. However, the basic preservationmethod will be retained and unit package dimensions will not be increased. There will be no increased cost to theGovernment and equal or better protection will be given the item. Prior approval of the buying activity is not requiredunder these conditions.
e. The codes are defined as “F” for flexible (type II, class 2, grade C) and “R” for rigid foam-in-place (type II, class
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1). These codes will sometimes require stipulation of supplemental data. If foam-in-place requires a larger containerthan other normally acceptable packaging (conventional), the foam-in-place container requirements will be coded inplace of the conventional data. Limitations and freedoms indicated by optional procedure code O also apply to thesecodes, except that two maximum container sizes may be specified; one for foam-in-place and another for other options.The second container size will be expressed as supplemental data.
f. Enter “P” if an SPI governs the packaging, but permission is granted to use polyurethane foam-in-place asspecified on the SPI only when the SPI pack is not available.
Section IVFreight Segment
2–11. OverviewThis segment provides guidance for input, upkeep, and output of transportation data on cargo content. These data areused by CONUS traffic management activities to determine freight rates and modes for routing materiel shipmentswithin CONUS/OCONUS.
2–12. Concepta. The Army PICA will submit freight data to LOGSA for each Army managed, stocked, and non-nuclear ordnance
NSN.b. On receipt of DLIS FLIS freight confirmation record, LOGSA will file and retain data in the AMDF and
distribute freight data elements.c. LOGSA will submit freight data to the DLIS FLIS as the registered recipient of Army interest freight data.d. Army activities will challenge incorrect or questionable AMDF data by contacting the item manager, either
manually or through an automated system.e. Freight segment records are distributed as follows:(1) Freight segment change- management data distribution (MDD)/single source distribution (SSD).(2) IDS gain— MDD only.(3) MDD only; IDS SOS change C58 only)— MDD only.(4) Freight segment safety data sheet (SDS) indicator code change only— MDD/SSD.
2–13. Freight segment data elementsThe following data elements are received from the Army PICA and are retained in the freight segment:
a. Air commodity and special handling (ACSH) code.b. Air dimension code (ADC).c. Hazardous material (HM) code.d. Integrity code.e. Item name.f. Less-than-truckload (LTL) rating code.g. Less-than-carload (LCL) rating code.h. SDS indicator code.i. National motor freight classification (NMFC) code.j. NMFC sub-item number code.k. NMFC description.l. NSN.m. Originator code.n. Rail variation code.o. Special handling code.p. Type of cargo (TC) code.q. Uniform freight classification code.r. United Nations organizational serial number.s. Water commodity code.
Section VInterchangeable and Substitutable Segment
2–14. Interchangeable and substitutable segment provisionsThis segment provides a way to—
a. Record, maintain, and distribute approved I&S data.
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b. Identify stock numbers assigned a LIN.c. Group by LIN those stock numbers connected with a LIN.d. Identify national and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) stock numbers for ammunition items that have
been assigned a DODAC.e. Allow recipients of I&S data to satisfy requirements by using all on-hand assets, where possible, and to defer
requisitions and prevent needless purchases.
2–15. Special considerationsa. Data for input to the I&S segment may be submitted directly by the file originators, or it will be developed by
LOGSA from data received on the third record of catalog management data (CMD) transactions or by changes made tothe SB 700–20.
b. The I&S segment includes the following three sections:(1) Section I, replacement information that is further divided into two parts: part 1, an I&S cross-reference file; and
part 2, an group file (order-of-use (OOU) file).(2) Section II, major items, that are further divided into two parts; part 1, major item cross-reference file; and part 2,
major item group file.(3) Section III, ammunition and explosives that are further divided into two parts: part I, stock number to DODAC
cross-reference file; and part 2, DODAC group file.c. Every stock number in the I&S segment must also be in the IDS.d. As changes and deletions are made to the IDS, necessary changes must be made to the I&S segment.e. When stock numbers within any I&S group (OOU, LIN, or DODAC) are involved in a materiel transfer, all
numbers of the group will be transferred, or the group will be dissolved.f. Whenever deletions (CHK, CJK) from part 1 of sections I and II are processed or the CMD data record of the IDS
is deleted with a C37, LOGSA will internally generate and file a history record in the I&S history file.g. Periodically, LOGSA will review I&S records to detect errors and refer them to the originators for corrections.
Originators review errors, and take corrective action as soon as possible. This LOGSA screening does not relieve theoriginators from conducting similar reviews to prevent input of errors.
h. Collaborations are as follows:(1) Section I collaboration will be according to I&S procedures established for the FLIS.(2) Collaboration of I&S data is not required when the data are obtained from the integrated materiel manager
through standardization actions (FLIS segment E) issued by DLIS.
2–16. Procedures for section I, part 1 (Interchangeable and Substitutable Cross-Reference File)a. Input to this file is generated by LOGSA based on information recorded in the CMD record 3 from FLIS.b. This file depicts stock number relationships by using the authorized I&S segment phrase codes. Every number in
this file must contain a phrase code, and relationships containing active phrase codes must reflect a preferred stocknumber to connect it to the I&S OOU file (part 2). Cross-reference records containing terminal phrase codes (L, T, orZ) will not appear in the OOU file and for these phrase codes the preferred NSN field will be blank. NICP/ServiceItem Control Center (SICC) must ensure that the preferred stock number in this file is updated when the preferredstock number in the OOU file is replaced by a new stock number.
c. For phrase coded relationships in the file, the described stock number, preferred stock number, and related stocknumber must have the same UI and the same FSC.
d. Records in this file that contain phrase code E must have a reversing G companion record with the same preferredstock number. Records that contain phrase code F must have a reversing 7-companion record, and those with a phrasecode S must have a reversing phrase code 3 present on the input. Changes to one phrase code in the relationship,requires changes to the reversing phrase code.
e. Cross-reference records containing phrase code U (manager interest only) will not be filed in the AEMM orbroadcast to AMDF users. Special requirements, code 4, recorded in the IDS will satisfy this requirement.
2–17. Procedures for section 1, part 2 (Interchangeable and Substitutable Order-of-Use File)a. Input to this file is also generated by LOGSA based on information recorded in the CMD record three.b. An OOU group consists of two or more described stock numbers that have an I&S relationship with each other.
This file is in the preferred stock number order and reflects the following:(1) NICP/SICC determines preferred stock numbers. This does not mean endorsem*nt or preference for a specific
manufacturer’s item or product. The preferred stock number is the last item in the group and must be suitable to use inplace of any other item in the group.
(2) Nomenclature of the preferred stock number has been eliminated from the OOU file.(3) The OOU code is a 3-position code comprised of the following two parts.(a) Subgroup code. The first two positions of the OOU code indicates whether an item in an I&S family is
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interchangeable or substitutable with items in the same family having higher OOU values. If the subgroup values arethe same, the two items are interchangeable. If the subgroup values are different, the two items are substitutable, withthe item having the higher value subgroup code being the preferred item.
(b) Sequence code. The third position of the OOU code indicates the OOU within a subgroup (for example, amonginterchangeable items). The least preferred item in the subgroup (or the only item, if there is a single NSN in thesubgroup) will have an “A” assigned. Sequence codes B, C, D, and so forth, will be assigned to the other interchangea-ble items in order of preference. The most preferred interchangeable item in the subgroup will have the highest valuesequence code.
(4) The subgroup code and sequence code will not be displayed as separate entries, nor will numeric sequence codesbe used to identify items unsuitable for issue or use. Items unsuitable for use will no longer be included in I&Sfamilies.
(5) The JTC denotes an exception to the normal sequence to be followed in the attrition of items within an I&Sfamily. In specific instances, an item cannot be replaced by the next substitutable item as shown by “OOU”designation. In this case, the “JTC” is used to jump to an “OOU” whose “NSN” is a proper substitute. When the “JTC”is applied, it must be recorded against the “NSN” having the highest value sequence code in the subgroup. The JTCvalue itself must—
(a) Contain a subgroup value at least two greater than that of the “OOU” of the “NSN” it is recorded against.(b) Be an “A” in the third position.(c) Reflect an “OOU” recorded in segment H for that service or commodity integrated material manager.c. To understand and apply the format and codes correctly, it is essential to make maximum use of authorized
substitutes to satisfy Army needs.
Table 2–2Interchangeable items (2-way)
Preferred stock number Described stock number OOU
1015–00–078–5502 1015–00–342–1133 AAA
1015–00–772–7373 AAB
1015–00–779–6027 AAC
1015–00–078–5502 AAD
(1) The subgroup code (positions 1 and 2) is the same for each of the four described stock numbers. Since all itemsare in the same subgroup (AA), they can be freely interchanged.
(2) The sequence code (position 3) is incremented by one for each item in the family to show the order in which theitems will be used. The item coded AAA will be used before the items coded AAB, AAC, and AAD. The item codedAAB will be used before the items coded AAC, and AAD and so on for the items coded AAC and AAD.
(3) If described stock number 1015–00–342–1133 is requested and is available, it will be used or issued. If there areno assets available, the next NSN (1015–00–772–7373) will be used or issued and so on until the last family memberor preferred NSN is reached. Because these items are interchangeable, NSN 1015–00–342–1133 could be used orissued even though NSN 1015–00–078–5502 is requested and available.
Table 2–3Substitute items (1-way progressive)
Preferred stock number Described stock number OOU
4935–00–084–8403 4935–00–083–8269 AAA
4935–00–084–8404 ABA
4935–00–084–8406 ACA
4935–00–084–8403 ADA
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(4) The subgroup code for each item is different, AA, AB, AC, and AD and has only a one-way substitutionrelationship with the other items indicated by the 3-position OOU code.
(5) The OOU code tracks each item to the next, meaning that each item is a substitute for all preceding items, butnot the reverse. Code ABA is a substitute for AAA; ACA is a substitute for ABA and AAA; and ADA is a substitutefor every other item in the group. However, AAA cannot be substituted for ABA, ACA, or ADA; ABA cannot besubstituted for ACA or ADA; and ACA cannot be substituted for ADA.
(6) The sequence code remains the same for each item in this example. Technically, each item is a separatesubgroup; therefore, the combined subgroup/sequence code must be used to determine the proper attrition or OOU.
Table 2–4Substitute items (1-way, one item replaces several)
Preferred stock number Described stock number OOU JTC
5120–00–236–2127 5120–00–227–7319 AAA ADA
5120–00–236–2100 ABA ADA
5120–00–227–9490 ACA
5120–00–236–2127 ADA
(7) In this group, only item ADA (preferred stock number) is a substitute for the others as indicated by the JTC.Items AAA, ABA, and ACA are not substitutes for each other or the preferred item. OOU codes for items AAA andABA track each item to itself first, the JTC then directs the user to the preferred stock number as the next suitablesubstitute. There is no JTC assigned to item ACA, as JTC subgroup value must be at least two greater in value than thesubgroup value of the item it is recorded with. Normal OOU progression applies to this item.
Table 2–5Combination of substitutable/interchangeable items, with jump-to-code application
Preferred stock number Described stock number OOU JTC
6656–00–397–6254 6645–00–111–6019 AAA ADA
6645–00–718–3022 ABA ADA
6645–00–882–9799 ACA
6645–00–013–5962 ADA
6645–00–414–8277 ADB
6645–00–727–3014 ADC
6645–00–202–1101 ADD
6645–00–397–6254 ADE
(8) This family contains both interchangeable and substitutable items. Whenever this situation occurs, substitutableitems will be listed first in the family. The JTC denotes that item ABA cannot be substituted for item AAA and itemACA cannot be substituted for item ABA. The next suitable substitute is item ADA, the first item in the interchangea-ble subgroup and the continuation of normal OOU progression. Item ADE is the preferred item and will substitute forall others in the family.
2–18. Precautionary measuresThe following precautionary measures must be taken by the NICP/SICC when establishing or modifying I&S groups:
a. When applicable, I&S relationships must apply to all known Army uses.b. When using data presented by an I&S group, substitutes not specified and restricted by the OOUs codes may be
used to satisfy specific applications. When this occurs, interrogations must be done on an individual item basis, andsubstitution authorized, only by approval of the requisitioner.
c. The following restrictions apply when establishing I&S groups:(1) The stock number may appear in one and only one I&S OOU group.(2) All stock numbers in the same I&S group must have a reasonable cost relationship.(3) All stock numbers in the same I&S group must have the same UI and the same FSC.
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(4) Each I&S family is limited to 50 stock numbers.(5) All stock numbers must be active and must appear in the IDS.(6) Preferred and related items must contain the same appropriation and budget activity (ABA) account code. This
code is required for budget preparation and item accounting.
2–19. Procedures for Section II, major itemsThese records are not on file at LOGSA. LOGSA broadcasts these records in the monthly SSD. The term “majoritems,” as used here is not limited to stock numbers designated as major items by activities according to other ArmyRegulations (ARs) or directives. Stock numbers assigned a LIN are shown in this section. Data does not reflectauthorized I&S data but does relate stock numbers to the assigned LIN. It also relates the LIN to stock numbers. Datain this section are presented as follows:
a. Part 1, Major Item Cross-Reference File.(1) The records are based on the LIN or stock number relationship. LOGSA broadcasts these records in stock
number sequence to permit cross-reference to the major item group file.(2) All records reflect a LIN.(3) All records are generated by LOGSA based on information recorded in SB 700–20.b. Part 2, Major Item Group File.(1) LOGSA broadcasts these records in LIN sequence from the records generated in part 1 above. Records so
generated, are included in the same change notice as the part 1 record, from which they were created.(2) LINs identify generic groups containing items that have common physical and performance characteristics and
can satisfy the same operational need. However, some items identified by the same LIN as having the same functionalcapability are not totally interchangeable. For example, clothing type items due to size and alphabetic flags are subjectto management review to determine supply.
2–20. Procedures for Section III, ammunition and explosivesa. Part 1, cross-reference stock number to Department of Defense Ammunition Code file. This file is in stock
number sequence to permit cross-reference to the DODAC group file, part 2.b. Part 2, Department of Defense Ammunition Code group file.(1) These records are not on file at LOGSA. LOGSA broadcasts these records in the monthly SSD.(2) Records are generated by LOGSA from records input to part 1.(3) This file is in DODAC sequence to permit cr oss-reference to part 1 submitted by the file originators.c. Ammunition and explosive items. Ammunition and explosive items are not subject to phrase codes (except “A”
and “C”) and “OOU,” because of the differences in production capabilities asset position, asset location, customerlocation, transportation needs, for example. Therefore, phrase codes and I&S group concepts do not apply to this file.
d. Use of Department of Defense Ammunition Code numbers. When ammunition operations are done based on ageneric description, the entire 8-character code number will be used: For example “1305–A011.”
e. Use of National Stock Number and North Atlantic Treaty Organization numbers. When ammunition operationsare done based on specific items of supply, the 13-digit stock number will be used followed by the second part of theDOD ammunition code number, for example: “1305–00–011–7217–A011.”
Section VIHistory Segment
2–21. OverviewThis segment provides a means for determining the most current identifying number assigned to an item of supply,replacing numbers removed from the supply system, and limited management data for the identifying numbers.
2–22. Section I–Item data historya. A file of the following types of identifying numbers that are deleted from the AMDF are maintained at the
LOGSA:(1) NSNs.(2) MCNs as follows:(a) Medical MCNs.(b) MCNs that were used in supply transactions now prohibited by AR 708–1.b. Army activities will use item data history (IDHIS) identifying numbers only in publications (for example,
technical manuals, technical bulletins, modification work orders, supply and maintenance letters). Army activities willnot use IDHIS identifying numbers in supply transactions, including the support of standard equipment used by U.S.Armed Forces or limited standard or obsolete equipment used by friendly foreign countries in programs controlled bythe U.S. Army Security Assistance Center.
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c. LOGSA or the AMDF originator will submit a transaction to correct erroneous records on the IDHIS. For thesetransactions, LOGSA or the AMDF originator ensures that the effective date is the first of any month, current or past,and that the transaction is compatible with the item data segment. LOGSA will distribute the change to Army users ofthe AMDF with the next monthly broadcast.
d. The IDHIS is maintained at the LOGSA in two configurations—(1) A cross-reference file that relates former numbers to the current or last related identifying number. LOGSA
maintains and issues this file in identifying number sequence. LOGSA cross-references all identifying numbers deletedfrom the AMDF with phrase codes “A,” “C,” “D,” or “P” directly to the replacing item.
(2) A current number file that relates the current or last related identifying number to former identifying Numbersassigned to the same item of supply.
e. LOGSA and recipients must perform the following to maintain the cross-reference file:(1) Remove the related number status code from position 68 in all cross-reference records that have in positions 42
through 54 the IDS record positions 8 through 20 stock number because of processing a group 8 transaction to the IDS.(2) Create a cross-reference record using phrase code D to reflect the relationship between a cross-reference related
number and IDS record number when an IDS transaction activates a NIIN with a FSC different from the FSC of anidentical cross-reference related NIIN.
2–23. Section II–interchangeable and substitutable historyA file of all identifying numbers deleted from Section I, part 1 and section II, part 2 of the I&S segment will bemaintained in LOGSA.
2–24. Section III–component historyA file of all identifying numbers deleted from the component segment will be maintained in LOGSA.
2–25. Special instructionsa. Army activities requiring more information on an item deleted from the AMDF may contact the AMDF originator
as determined by the originator code or the first position of the materiel category structure code.b. The AMDF originator will delete erroneous records from the history segment.c. LOGSA distributes corrective history segment transactions only to Army activities that have requested to be
placed on distribution. LOGSA does not distribute changes based on internal transactions created as a result of anupdate of the active AMDF.
d. If an Army user needs the current number history file, they may create one by re-sequencing the cross-referencehistory file.
Section VIIComponent Segment
2–26. ProvisionsThis segment provides a way to record, maintain, and issue data for stock numbers assigned a phrase code “M”(breakdown into) or “Q” (fabricate or assemble).
2–27. Concepta. LOGSA will file and retain in the AMDF and then distribute component records for each Army used or managed
NSN assigned phrase code M or Q.b. The Army PICA/SICA ensures that if there is a materiel management action affecting an NSN in the component
segment, the necessary transactions are prepared to adjust the component segment.c. Army users may submit questions about the completeness or accuracy of component segment records to the
AMDF originator.
Section VIIIEquivalent Item Segment
2–28. Functionsa. The Army PICA/SICA establishes logistics management data for each Army used or managed NSN that is
equivalent to another in physical and performance characteristics, but that differs in unit quantity or UI.b. Many items in this segment are liquids that are available in different UIs; for example, pint, gallon, or barrel.
2–29. Concepta. LOGSA files, retains in the AMDF and distributes equivalent item segment records for each Army used or
managed NSN assigned phrase code Y.
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b. The Army PICA/SICA ensures that if there is a materiel management action affecting an NSN in the equivalentitem segment, the necessary transactions are prepared to adjust the equivalent item segment.
Section IXHazardous Materials Data File
2–30. IntroductionThis section prescribes procedures for operating and managing the Hazardous Material Data File (HMDF). The HMDFis a database containing information on hazardous items used to assist Army transportation activities in the movementof dangerous cargo safely and promptly.
2–31. Hazardous Materials Data File data elementsa. The Army PICA/SICA will submit the following data elements to LOGSA for each Army used or managed NSN
determined hazardous:(1) Activity measurement.(2) ADC.(3) ACSH code.(4) Chemical physical form.(5) Class A explosive weight.(6) Class B explosive weight.(7) Commercial and Government entity code (CAGEC).(8) Decimal locator code.(9) DOD hazard classification and division.(10) Department of Defense identification code (DODIC).(11) Department of Transportation (DOT) shipping name code.(12) Document identifier code (DIC).(13) Fissile class.(14) Fissile exempt.(15) Flashpoint method code.(16) Flashpoint temperature.(17) International Air Transport System proper shipping name code.(18) Inter-governmental Maritime Consultative Organization proper shipping name code.(19) Item name.(20) NSN.(21) Net explosive weight for quantity distance.(22) New weight or volume of hazardous material.(23) Neutralizing agent.(24) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license number.(25) Originating activity code.(26) Radiation level at one meter from the radioactive commodity.(27) Radiation level at the surface of the radioactive commodity.(28) Radionuclide.(29) Record sequence number.(30) Reference number logistics.(31) Service authorization number.(32) Special instruction narrative.(33) Special instruction narrative indicator code.(34) Storage compatibility group.(35) TM 38–250 proper shipping name code.(36) Transaction date.(37) Transport group.(38) Transport index.(39) UI code.b. The USAMC Packaging, Storage, and Containerization Center maintains the data elements listed in (1) through
(4) below within the Hazardous Materials Information Resource System.(1) General information.(a) Product serial number.
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(b) Product identity.(c) Trade name.(d) Language.(e) Product chemical abstracts service (CAS) number.(f) Part number.(g) FSC.(h) NIIN.(i) Local item identification number.(j) Responsible party.(k) CAGEC.(l) Material SDS number.(m) Emergency response phone number.(n) Additional information.(2) Contract information.(a) CAGEC.(b) Company code.(c) Contractor name.(d) Contract number.(e) Purchase order number.(f) Contractor address.(3) Component/Ingredient Information.(a) CAS number.(b) Amount.(4) Safety and health information.(a) Appearance and odor.(b) Physical state code.(c) Autoignition temperature.(d) Flashpoint temperature.(e) Carcinogen identification.(f) Volatile organic compounds.(g) Specific gravity.(h) Vapor pressure.(i) Viscosity.(j) Evaporation rate.(k) Solubility in water.(l) Vapor density.(m) Percent volatiles by volume.(n) Neutralizing agent.(5) Transportation information.(a) Competent authority approval number.(b) Certificate of equivalency number.(c) DOT special permit number.(d) Not otherwise stated (NOS) technical name.(e) EX number.(f) Hazard characteristic code.(g) Magnetic material identifier.(h) Flashpoint temperature.(i) Limited quantity identifier.(j) Marine pollutant identifier.(k) Net propellant weight.(l) Net explosive weight.(m) High explosive weight.(n) Net explosive quantity distance weight.(o) DOD reportable quantity identifier.(p) Additional information.(q) DOT proper shipping name code.
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(r) Proper shipping name.(s) Hazard class/division.(t) United Nations Identification Number.(u) Packing group.(v) Hazard label.(w) Special provisions.(x) Packaging instructions.(y) Maximum quantity amounts.(z) Water shipment instructions.(aa) Air Force Joint manual proper shipping name code.(ab) Subsidiary risk.(ac) Packaging paragraph.(ad) International Air Transport Association code.(ae) Passenger air packaging instructions.(af) Cargo packing instructions.(ag) International maritime organization proper shipping name code.(ah) Intermediate bulk container instructions.(ai) Tank instructions.(aj) Stowage/segregation information.(6) Logistics information.(a) Item manager.(b) Specification number.(c) Type/grade/class.(d) Quantitative expression.(e) SLC.(f) UI.(g) UI container quantity.(h) Type container.(i) Net unit weight.(7) Label information.(a) Signal word.(b) Procurement year.(c) Specific hazards information.(8) Disposal information.(a) Environmental Protection Agency Hazardous Waste Indicator.(b) Hazardous waste code.(c) Hazardous waste name.(d) Additional information.(9) Radioactive information.(a) Form.(b) Sealed source device registry number.(c) NRC license/permit number.(d) Radioisotope name.(e) Radioisotope symbol.(f) Radioactive CAS.(g) Activity.
2–32. Hazardous classification data file recordThe Army PICA/SICA submits to LOGSA and LOGSA will maintain on file hazardous classification data file records.
2–33. Hazardous Materials Data File document identifier codesHMDF DICs will be comprised of three positions.
a. The first position will identify the HMDF, and will always be an “H.”b. The second position will identify the record as follows:(1) A–HMDF record A. (Proper shipping name record).(2) B–HMDF record B. (Radioactive item record.).(3) C–HMDF record C. (Radioactive item record).
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(4) D–HMDF record D. (Radioactive item record).(5) E–HMDF record E. (Ammunition record).(6) F–HMDF record F. (Special instructions narrative record).c. The third position will identify the action as follows:(1) Code A used to add a record.(2) Code C used to change a record.(3) Code D used to delete a record.
Section XArmy Master Data File Authorized Stockage List Weight and Cube Extract System
2–34. OverviewLOGSA operates an AMDF ASL weight and cube extract system to allow Army users (or any other group of NIINs) toreceive weight and cube data.
2–35. Reply recordsLOGSA processes the input records and specification per the requester.
Section XISpecial Army Data Segment
2–36. OverviewThe special Army data segment provides a way for LOGSA to provide the user in the field various logisticsmanagement data elements.
2–37. Special considerationsThis segment is used for output from LOGSA only. The format in this segment will not be used for input to LOGSA.
Section XIIMedical User Data Segment
2–38. OverviewThe medical user data segment provides logistics management data for SCMC 8 (medical items).
2–39. Special considerationsOnly U.S. Army Medical Materiel Activity may submit data for this segment.
Section XIIIAccounting Requirements Code Selection Criteria
2–40. Accounting requirementsThe ARC is a 1-position, alphabetic code that identifies the level of accounting required for an item of supply withinthe Army retail supply system. All items of supply are entered into the stock record account (SRA) of the unit. TheARC identifies the level of accounting that is required once an item is issued from the SRA.
2–41. Data codes and definitionsThe following identify and define each of the acceptable values of the ARC:
a. N-nonexpendable item. An item of Army property coded with an ARC of “N” in the AMDF. Nonexpendableitems require property book accountability after issuing from the SRA. Commercial and fabricated items similar toitems coded N in the AMDF are considered nonexpendable items.
b. D-durable item. An item of Army property coded with an ARC of “D” in the AMDF. Durable items do notrequire property book accountability after issue from the SRA, but do require hand receipt control when issued to theuser. Commercial and fabricated items similar to items coded D in the AMDF are considered durable items.
c. X-expendable item. An item of Army property coded with an ARC of “X” in the AMDF. Expendable itemsrequire no formal accountability after issuing from an SRA. Commercial and fabricated items similar to items coded Xin the AMDF are considered expendable items.
2–42. Selection criteriaThe following paragraphs specify the procedures to be used by the item manager to select the ARC to be assigned an
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item of supply. These same procedures apply to retail activities in the assignment of the ARC to locally procureditems.
a. If the class of supply has not been assigned, do not proceed. The class of supply is the key to selecting the correctARC. The class of supply must be determined before selecting the ARC. Once the class of supply is identified, proceedthrough the remainder of the criteria and select the appropriate ARC.
b. If the class of supply has been assigned, review the assigned class of supply to assure that it is correct. Afterassuring that the class of supply is correct, proceed through the remainder of the criteria and select the appropriateARC.
c. If the item is assigned class I (code 1), subsistence; class III (code 3), petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL); classVI (code 6), personal demand items; or class IX (code 9), repair parts and assemblies; the item is expendable. AssignARC “X” to the item of supply.
d. If the item is assigned class V (code 5), ammunition, proceed as follows:(1) If the subclassification of supply is not equal to “L,” missile materiel, the item is expendable. Assign “ARC X”
to the item of supply.(2) If the subclassification of supply is equal to L, proceed as follows:(a) If the item is a training device assigned to class of supply V to assure transportation through munitions channels,
the item is nonexpendable. Assign ARC “N” to the item of supply.(b) Otherwise, the item is expendable. Assign ARC “X” to the item of supply.e. If the item is assigned class VII (code 7), major end items; the item is nonexpendable. Assign ARC “N” to the
item of supply.f. If the item is assigned class VIII (code 8), medical materiel; the ARC is selected through use of the medical
materiel “ARC” selection criteria established by The Surgeon General (see AR 40–61).g. The following paragraphs provide the selection criteria applicable to class II (code 2), nonmajor end items; class
IV (code 4), construction materiel, and class X (code 0), non-military program materiel.h. If the item is recorded in SB 700–20, proceed as follows:(1) If the item is assigned Federal supply classifications 8405, 8410, 8415, 8420, 8425, 8430, 8435, 8440, 8445, or
8450, proceed as follows:(a) If the item is a bag item (that is, the item is a piece of personal equipment issued from the military personnel
appropriation to an individual on entry into the military service), the item is expendable. Assign ARC “X” to the itemof supply.
(b) If the item is authorized by common table of allowances (CTA) 50–970, code the item of supply as Expendable(ARC=X). If the item is authorized by CTA 50–900, code the item of supply as nonexpendable (ARC=N).
(c) If the item is not a bag item or authorized by CTA 50–970, the item is coded as nonexpendable. Assign ARC“N” to the item of supply.
(2) If the item is assigned to FSC 3510, 4110, 4140, 6240, 7105, 7110, 7125, 7195, 7210, 7220, 7230, 7290, 7310,7320, 7350, 7820, or 7910, proceed as follows:
(a) If the unit price is less than $300, and assigned a CIIC of “U” or “7”, the item is coded expendable. Assign ARC“X” to the item of supply.
(b) If the unit price of the item is over $300, but less than $2,500 and is assigned a CIIC of “U” or “7”, the item iscoded durable. Assign ARC “D” to the item of supply.
(c) Otherwise, the item is nonexpendable. Assign ARC “N” to the item of supply.(3) If the item is not assigned one of the above-identified FSCs, the item is nonexpendable. Assign ARC “N” to the
item of supply.i. If the item is assigned FSCs 8465, 8570, or 8475, as ARC “N” or “X”, as applicable, to the item of supply.j. If the item is assigned FSC 8340, tents and tarpaulins proceed as follows:(1) If the item is an end item, the item is nonexpendable. Assign ARC “N” to the item of supply.(2) Otherwise, if the item is a component of a tent or tarpaulin, the item is expendable. Assign ARC “X” to the item
of supply.k. If the item is assigned “FSC 8345,” flags and pennants, proceed as follows:(1) If the item is a member of one of the following categories of flags and pennants, the item is nonexpendable.
Assign ARC “N” to the item of supply. Nonexpendable flags and pennants categories follow:(a) Organizational colors.(b) National flags (except for grave decoration and automobile flags).(c) State flags.(d) Positional colors.(e) Distinguishing flags.(2) All other flags and pennants are expendable. Assign ARC “X” to these items.
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l. Items not assigned an ARC according to the above criteria are considered to be expendable. Assign ARC “X” tothese items of supply.
Table 2–6Hand tool and measuring tool Federal supply classifications, sample listing of hand tool and measuring tool Federal supplyclassifications
5110 5130 5136 5180 5220
5120 5133 5140 5210 5280
Table 2–7Expendable items Federal supply classifications, sample listing of expendable item’s Federal supply classifications
2510 2995 5320 5670 5977 7920 8325 9505
2520 3010 5325 5680 5985 7930 8330 9510
2530 3020 5330 5905 5990 8010 8435 9515
2540 3030 5335 5910 5995 8020 8455 9520
2590 3040 5340 5915 5999 8030 8510 9525
2610 3110 5345 5920 6105 8040 8520 9530
2620 3120 5350 5925 6145 8105 8530 9535
2630 3130 5355 5930 6750 8110 8540
2640 4010 5360 5940 6810 9310 9545
2910 4020 5365 5945 6820 8120 9320 9610
2915 4030 5510 5950 6830 8125 9330 9620
2920 4510 5520 5955 6840 8130 9340 9630
2925 4710 5530 5960 6850 8135 9350 9640
2930 4720 5610 5961 7340 8140 9390 9650
2935 4730 5620 5962 9410 9660
2940 4810 5630 5963 7510 8305 9420 9670
2945 4820 5640 5965 7520 8310 9430 9680
2950 5310 5650 5970 7530 8315 9440
2990 5315 5660 5975 7540 8320 9450
Table 2–8Nonexpendable Items Federal supply classifications, sample listing of nonexpendable item’s Federal supply classifications
2210 3426 3590 3750 4420 5450 6630 7035
2220 3431 3605 3810 4430 5805 6635 7040
2230 3432 3610 3815 4440 5810 6636 7042
2305 3433 3611 3820 4450 5811 6640 7045
2310 3436 3615 3825 4460 5815 6645 7050
2320 3438 3620 3830 4520 5820 6650 7360
2330 3439 3625 3910 4540 5821 6655 7420
2340 3441 3630 3915 4910 5825 6660 7430
2350 3442 3635 3920 4920 5826 6665 7435
3210 3443 3640 3930 4921 5830 6670 7440
3220 3444 3645 3940 4923 5831 6675 7450
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Table 2–8Nonexpendable Items Federal supply classifications, sample listing of nonexpendable item’s Federal supplyclassifications—Continued
3405 3445 3650 3950 4925 5835 6680 7460
3408 3446 3655 3960 4927 5840 6685 7490
3410 3447 3660 4930 5841 6695 7710
3411 3448 3670 4120 4931 5845 6710
3412 3449 3680 4130 4933 5850 6720
3413 3450 3685 4935 5855 67303414 3461 3690 4210 4940 5860 6740
3415 3465 3693 4220 4960 5865 6780
3416 3470 3694 4230 5410 5895 7010
3417 3695 4240 5411 6605 7020
3418 3520 3710 4310 5420 6610 7021 7720
3419 3530 3720 4320 5430 6615 7022
3422 3540 3730 4330 5440 6620 7025 8460
3424 3550 3740 4410 5445 6625 7030 8820
m. If the item is assigned FSC 8115, 8145, or 9540, proceed as follows:(1) If the item is an end item, the item is nonexpendable. Assign ARC “N” to the item of supply.(2) Otherwise, if the item is a component of a container, the item is expendable. Assign ARC “X” to the item of
Chapter 3Army Enterprise Material Master Code Data
3–1. Code data requirementThe code system in this section must be used by all Army activities that input to or receive output from the AEMM/AMDF.
3–2. Code explanationsThe following code definitions are arranged in data name sequence and list the appropriate tables, when applicable, inwhich the specific codes can be found:
a. Accounting requirements code. The ARC, as shown in table 3–1, is a 1-position alphabetic code that labels anitem expendable, nonexpendable, or durable (see AR 40–61, AR 710–2, and AR 735–5.) This code does not apply todisposal authority of unserviceable items, which is governed by the RC.
b. Acquisition advice code. The AAC is a 1-position alphabetic code that informs the requisitioner how, and underwhat conditions, an item will be acquired. It does not specify the SOS for the item. This code is in the IDS of theAMDF (see table 3–2).
Table 3–1Accounting requirements codes
Code Explanation
N Nonexpendable item.An item of Army property coded with an ARC of N in the AMDF. Nonexpendable items require property book accounta-bility after issuing from the stock record account. Commercial and fabricated items similar to items coded N in theAMDF are considered nonexpendable items.
D Durable item.An item of Army property coded with an ARC of “D” in the AMDF. Durable items do not require property book account-ability after issue from the stock record account, but do require hand receipt control when issued to the user. Commer-cial and fabricated items similar to items coded D in the AMDF are considered durable items.
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Table 3–1Accounting requirements codes—Continued
Code Explanation
X Expendable item.An item of Army property coded with an ARC of X in the AMDF. Expendable items require no formal accountability af-ter issue from a stock record account. Commercial and fabricated items similar to items coded X in the AMDF are con-sidered expendable items.
Table 3–2Acquisition advice codes
Code Explanation
A Service regulated.Issue, transfer, or shipment is controlled by authorities above the ICP level to ensure proper and equal distribution.a. Using or stocking of the item requires release authority based on prior or concurrent justification.b. Requisitions will be submitted according to Army requisitioning procedure.
B ICP regulated.Issue, transfer, or shipment is controlled by the ICP.a. Using or stocking of the item requires release authority based on prior or concurrent justification.b. Requisitions will be submitted according to Army requisitioning procedure.
C Service managed.Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to special control except those imposed by individual services’ supply policy.a. The item is centrally managed, stocked, and issued.b. Requisitions will be submitted according to Army requisitioning procedures.
D DOD IMM stocked and issued.Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to special controls except those imposed by the IMM/Army supply policy.a. The item is centrally managed, stocked, and issued.b. Requisitions must contain the fund citation required to acquire the item. Requisitions will be submitted according toIMM/Army requisitioning procedure (see note 1).
E Other service managed, stocked, and issued. Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to special controls exceptthose imposed by the Services’ requisitioning policy.a. The item is centrally managed, stocked, and issued.b. Requisitions may require a fund citation and will be submitted according to the Army requisitioning procedure.
F Fabricated or assembled (or obtain items source coded XB from cannibalization).Stock numbered items fabricated or assembled from raw materials and finished products are the normal method ofsupport. Procuring and stocking the items is not justified because of low usage or peculiar installation factors. Differ-ences between local or centralized fabrication or assembly capability are identified by the SOS modifier in the SOS col-umn of the service management data lists. (When an Army requirement for an item source coded XB cannot be satis-fied through cannibalization, the item will be centrally procured, but not stocked.) A requisition for such an item, whensubmitted to an Army SOS manager must contain advice code 2A, or it will be rejected with status code CN.
G General Services Administration (GSA)-IMM stocked and issued. Identifies GSA-managed items available from GSAsupply distribution facilities. Requisitions and fund citations will be submitted according to GSA/Army requisitioning pro-cedure.
H Direct delivery under a central contract.Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to special controls except those imposed by the integrated material manager/Army supply policy.a. The item is centrally procured, but not stocked.b. Issue is by direct shipment from the vendor to the user at the order of the ICP or IMM.c. Requisitions and fund citations will be submitted according to IMM/Army requisitioning procedures.
I Direct ordering from a central contract or schedule. Issue, transfer, or shipment is not subject to special controls exceptthose imposed by the IMM/Services supply policy. The item is covered by a centrally issued contract or by a multipleaward Federal Supply Schedule for GSA-managed items. This permits using activities to place orders directly to ven-dors for direct delivery to the user.
J Not stocked, long lead time.IMM/Service centrally managed, but not stocked, item.Procurement will be started after a requisition is received.
K Centrally stocked for overseas only.The main method of supply is local purchase. However, item is stocked in domestic supply system for those overseasactivities unable to locally procure. CONUS activities will obtain supply support through local procurement procedures.
L Locally purchased.DLA/GSA/Service/agency managed items authorized for local purchase as normal means of support at base, post,camp, or station level. Item not stocked in the wholesale distribution system of IMM/Service or agency ICP.
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Table 3–2Acquisition advice codes—Continued
Code Explanation
M Restricted requisitions-major overhaul.Items (assemblies or component parts), which for lack of specialized tools, test equipment, for example, can be usedonly by major overhaul activities. Base, post, camp, or station activities will not requisition, unless authorized to performmajor overhaul functions.
N Restricted requisitioning-disposal.Discontinued items no longer authorized for issue except on the specific approval of the service inventory manager.Requisitions may be submitted according to service requisitioning procedures when valid requirements exist andreplacing item data have not been furnished.
O Packaged fuels (nonstocked items).DLA-managed and Service-regulated.a. Item will be centrally procured according to DOD 4140.25–M, but not stocked by IMM. A long lead time is required.b. Requirements will be satisfied by direct shipment to the user either from a vendor or from service assets at the orderof the ICP or IMM.c. Requirements and requisitions will be submitted according to service procedures.
P Restricted requisition-Security Assistance Program (SAP).a. Indicates item is stocked or acquired only for SAP (replaces Military Assistance Program (MAP)) requirements.b. Indicates item is nonstocked and material is ordered from the contractor for shipment directly to the foreign Govern-ment.c. Base, post, camp, or station will not requisition.
Q Bulk petroleum products, DLA managed.a. Item may be either centrally stocked or available by direct delivery under a central contract.b. Requirements will be submitted by services according to IMM procedures.c. Item will be supplied according to DOD 4140.25–M.
R Restricted requisition Government-furnished material.Indicates item is centrally procured as Government-furnished material in connection with the manufacture of militaryitems. Base, post, camp, or stations will not requisition.
S Restricted requisitioning-other service fund.For service managed items, when the issue, transfer, or shipment is subject to special controls of the funding service.a. Item is procured by Army for the funding service and is centrally managed by the funding service.b. The procuring servicing has no requirement in its logistic system for the item.
T Condemned.Items no longer authorized for procurement, issue, use, or requisitioning.
V Terminal item.Identifies items in stock, but future procurement is not authorized. Requisitions may be submitted until stocks are ex-hausted.Preferred item NSNs are normally provided by applying the phrase, “When exhausted use.” Requisitions will be submit-ted according to IMM/Army requisition procedures, as applicable.
W Restricted requisitioning-special instructions apply. Indicates stock number has been assigned to a generic item for usein bid invitations, allowance lists (for example, against which no stocks are ever recorded). Requisitions will be submit-ted only according to IMM/Army requisition procedures. (This code will be used, when applicable, together with phrasecode S (stock as).) It can be used when a procurement source becomes available. The phrase code “S” and the appli-cable “stock as” stock number will then be used in stock, store, and issue actions.
X Semiactive item-no replacement.A potentially inactive stock number that must be retained in the supply system as an item of supply because—a. Stocks of the item are on hand or in use below the wholesale level.b. The item is reflected in equipment authorization documents, table of organization and equipment (TOE), tables of al-lowance, and technical manual (TM), for example.c. “In use” assets are being reported.(1) Items are authorized for central procurement, but not authorized for stock at the wholesale level.(2) Requisitions for “in use” replacement will be authorized according to Army directives.(3) Requisitions may be submitted as requirements generate. Constant demands may dictate an AAC change to permitwholesale stockage.
Y Terminal item.Further identifies AAC V items on which wholesale stocks have been exhausted.Future procurement is not authorized.a. Requisitions will not be processed to the wholesale suppliers.b. Requisitioning may continue according to requisitioning policies.(See note 2)
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Table 3–2Acquisition advice codes—Continued
Code Explanation
Z Insurance/numeric stockage objective item.Items that are required occasionally and prudence dictates that a small amount of material be stocked because of theneed for the lead time of the item.a. The item is centrally managed, stocked, and issued.b. Requisitions will be submitted according to IMM and Army requisitioning procedures.
Notes:1 The SOS shown in positions 30–32 of the IDS will be a DLA center or the GSA with the special requirements code D (DLA) or S(GSA) in position 66 of the IDS. Special requirements code D designates the SOS modifier JDS identifying DLA supply schedule items;S designates SOS modifier JDS identifying GSA supply schedule items.2 AAC Y will be used to identify DOD nonstandard items, which are not to be requisitioned by Army activities; although, in some in-stances, the integrated manager may continue to procure, stock, and supply non-Army agencies.
c. Activity or file originator code. LOGSA uses multi-position alphanumeric codes to identify activities whenexchanging data. There are two types of codes assigned. Those assigned to AMDF file originators and those assignedto AMDF recipients.
(1) Army Master Data File originator code. AMDF originator codes are assigned by DLIS. These codes are used bythe AMDF File originators when transmitting data to DLIS, other services, or LOGSA; or receiving data from DLIS,other services, or LOGSA.
(2) Army Master Data File recipient activity code. AMDF recipient activity codes are assigned by LOGSA. Singlesource recipients are automatically furnished an activity code by LOGSA. These activity codes are alphanumeric codesand are assigned according to the AMDF data received. Those activities receiving AMDF data through the distributionsubsystem and the AMDF Tailored Distribution System will be assigned a 3-position alphanumeric code. Thosereceiving AMDF data through the AMDF Integration and Retrieval System and also ARIL data will be assigned a 2-position alphanumeric code. Activities that are not AMDF recipients, but wish to receive services provided by LOGSA,will contact LOGSA for a code assignment (see table 3–3).
d. Air commodity and special handling code. The ACSH code is a 1-position alphanumeric code used for all airshipments (see table 3–4). It identifies material for invoice and customs requirements and denotes cargo needingspecial handling or reporting. This code is in the freight segment of the AMDF.
Table 3–3Activity code/file originator code
Activity code AMDF originators Routing identifier code
AJ U.S. Army Soldiers, Biological and Chemical Command, Natick, MA 01760 A12
AM U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency , Frederick, MD 21702–5001 B69
AN USAMC Logistics Support Activity, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898–7466 N/A
AZ U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Command, Warren, MI 48397–5000 AKZ
BD U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command , Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898–5230 B64
BF U.S. Army Armament and Chemical Acquisition Logistics Activity, Rock Island, IL61299–6000
CA U.S. Army Soldiers Biological and Chemical Command, U.S. Army Support Organization,Philadelphia, PA 19101
CD U.S. Army War Reserve Command, Materiel Management Team, New Cumberland, PA17070–5008
CL U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command, Director of Logistics, Engineering andOperations, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
CM U.S. Army CECOM Communications Security Logistics Activity, Fort Huachuca, AZ85613–7090
CT U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898 B17
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Table 3–4Air commodity and special handling code
Code Description
First positions (alpha-numeric), commodity
A Supplies and equipment for aircraft and aerial targets, including aircraft and maintenance parts; aircraft accessories,aircraft instruments and laboratory test equipment; aerial targets and gliders, aircraft/missile technical order compliancekits; aerial delivery equipment, and tailored tarpaulins; for example.
B Construction materials, including paint and related materials, prefabricated building, wood and wood products, metaland composition materials and their products, commercial hardware and miscellaneous items, cement, asphalt, andbuilding maintenance materials, for example.
C Chemical Corps items and all other chemicals not covered in other classifications. When chemical item (as indicated byDOT proper shipping name) is sensitive, the second position must be selected from special handling codes for arms,ammunition, and explosives.
D Animals.
E Engineer supplies, except those listed under code B.
F Fuels, and lubricants, including gasses; fuels and lubricating supplies and equipment; gas generated supplies andequipment, other than noxious gasses.
G Printed forms, publications, and drawings, for example.
H Signal Corps supplies and equipment, including radio equipment and supplies, communications equipment and sup-plies, electrical equipment and supplies, for example.
J Unaccompanied baggage authorized air movement.
K Clothing, parachutes, including clothing equipment, except arms and chemical supplies, cordage, fabrics, and leathers,for example.
L Armed Forces Courier Service materiel includes communication documents, cryptologic equipment, and State Depart-ment diplomatic materiel.
M Medical supplies.
N Ship’s parts, Navy.
P Photographic supplies and equipment, including training films.
Q Plants, plant products, insects, mites, nematodes, mollusks, soil, meat (other than rations), animal products, vectorsand cultures of animal and plant diseases.
R Rations and subsistence supplies.
S Office and school supplies and equipment, including (for example, office machines, furniture, and stationery; schoolsupplies and equipment, special training films).
T Household goods.
U Mail.
V Vehicles, machinery, shop and warehouse equipment and supplies, including special tools and equipment, groundservicing and special purpose vehicles, marine equipment and supplies, repair and maintenance parts for the above.
X X Intelligence materials, including maps, charts, data, and information vital to, but not limited to, the following militaryfunctions: flight safety, escape and evasion, current offensive/defensive operations, foreign clearance requirements,targeting, National Aeronautics and Space Administration projects.
Y Personnel services.
Z Human remains.
2 Weapons (all types). When a 2 is indicated in the first position, then the special handling code must be determinedfrom special handling codes (second position).
3 Ammunition (all types). When a 3 is indicated in the first position, then the special handling code must be determinedfrom the special handling codes (second position). If the primary hazard of the ammunition item is chemical (irritant,corrosive, oxidizer) in nature, as indicated by the DOT proper shipping name, use air commodity code C.
4 Explosives (any item that has an explosive characteristic that does not fall under the ammunition code 3 above). Whena 4 is indicated in the first position, then the special handling code must be assigned from the special handling codes(second position).
Second position-special handling:
A Hazardous material requiring hand-to-hand receipt.
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Table 3–4Air commodity and special handling code—Continued
Code Description
B Whole blood
D Hazardous material includes all regulated items other than special weapons and their components.
E Aircraft engine drained and purged (DD Form 1387–2 (Special Handling Data/Certification) must so certify).
F Foodstuffs requiring normal refrigeration.
G Aircraft engines drained and purged (DD Form 1387–2 must certify to that effect.)
H Special weapons, including hazardous components.
I Inbound shipment.
J Materiel normally hazardous, rendered non-hazardous for shipment processing. (DD Form 1387 (Military Shipping La-bel) must certify to that effect.)
K Materials that must be accompanied by a military courier and when required under armed guard.
L Sets or systems that must move together to the consignee.
P Cargo requiring protection from freezing.
Q Extremely fragile items, including delicate instruments.
R Revenue.
T Cargo requiring both normal refrigeration and hand-to-hand receipt.
U Perishable cargo requiring refrigeration only.
V Vaccine.
W Highly perishable cargo requiring subfreezing refrigeration and hand-to-hand receipt.
X Highly perishable cargo requiring both subfreezing refrigeration and hand-to-hand receipt.
Y Protected cargo, other than above including sensitive cargo requiring hand-to-hand receipt and security precautions.
Z No special handling required.
Second position-special handling: Arms, ammunition, and explosives. When the first position is C (when sensitive), 2, 3, or 4.(See note 1)
1 Highest sensitivity: Category I, arms, ammunition, and explosives.a. Arms. Category I, non-nuclear missiles and rockets in a ready to fire configuration (for example, Hamlet, Redeye,Stinger, Dragon, light anti-tank weapons (LAW), and Viper). This category also applies in situations where the launchertube and the explosive rounds, though not in a “ready to fire” configuration are jointly stored or transported.b. Ammunition and explosives. Category I, explosive complete rounds or category I missiles and rockets (see a above).
2 Highest sensitivity: Category II, arms, ammunition, and explosives.a. Arms. Category II, arms, light automatic weapons up to and including .50 caliber.b. Ammunition.(1) Hand or rifle grenades, high explosives, and white phosphorus.(2) Mines, antitank, and antipersonnel (unpacked weight of 50 lbs. or less each).c. Explosives.(1) Used in demolition operations (for example, C–4, military dynamite and trinitrotoluene).(2) High explosive warheads for missiles and rockets other than category I (unpacked weight of 50 lbs. or less each).
3 Moderate sensitivity: Category III, arms, ammunition, and explosives.a. Arms.(1) Launch tubes and grip stock for stinger missile.(2) Launch tube, sight assembly, and grip stock for Hamlet and Redeye missiles.(3) Tracker for Dragon missiles.(4) Mortar tubes excluding the 4.2 inch.(5) Grenade launchers.(6) Rocket and missile launchers (unpacked weight of 100 lbs. or less each).(7) Flame throwers.(8) The launcher and missile guidance set and/or the optical sight for the tube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided(tow).b. Ammunition.(1) Ammunition .50 caliber or larger, with explosive filled projectile (unpacked weight of 100 lbs. or less each).(2) Grenades, incendiary, and grenade fuses.c. Explosives.(1) Blasting caps.(2) Supplementary charges.(3) Bulk explosives.(4) Detonating cord.
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Table 3–4Air commodity and special handling code—Continued
Code Description
4 Low sensitivity: Category IV, arms, ammunition, and explosives.a. Arms.(1) Shoulder fired weapons, other than grenade launchers, not fully automatic.(2) Handguns.(3) Recoilless Rifles up to and including 90mm.b. Ammunition.(1) Ammunition with nonexplosive projectile (unpacked weight of 100 lbs. or less each).(2) Fuses (except for grenade fuses).(3) Grenades, illuminator, smoke, practice, and tear producing (CS/CN).c. Chemical items.(1) Incendiary destroyers.(2) Riot control agents (100 pounds package or less)d. Ammunition for weapons in categories II through IV not otherwise categorized.
5 Highest sensitivity: Category I, arms, ammunition, and explosives with a security classification of secret.
6 Highest sensitivity: Category I, arms, ammunition, and explosives with a security classification of “confidential.”
8 Highest sensitivity: Category II, arms, ammunition, and explosives with a security classification of “confidential.”
C Materiel classified as “Confidential” but which does not meet code 6 or 8 criteria.
M Noncontrolled ammunitions excluded from categories I through IV above although reflected as pilferable on the ship-ment release document. Does not require protection other than that based on the class/degree and hazard/explosive. Ifnone of those characteristics are present, protection will be the same as that provided other pilferable items.
N Nonsensitive weapons that are not covered in the above categories although reflected as pilferable on the DD Form1348–1A (Issue Release/Receipt Document), do not require protection other than what is normally afforded underitems as televisions, radios, typewriters, hand tools, and so forth.
S Material classified as “Secret” but, which does not meet code 5 criteria.
Z No special handling required. (Inert components of commodity of 2, 3, and 4 material will be assigned this special han-dling code.)
Second position: (numeric), Special Handling Code, use when first position is code U (mail):
1 Registered mail. Letter mail. Command pouches. Weapons system pouches. Casualty reporting pouches. Priority par-cels.
2 Military official mail (MOM). Second class, third and fourth class mail marked MOM.
3 Space-available mail and parcel air lift.
4 Overseas destined and intracommand surface mail.
7 7 Empty mail bags.
9 Retrograde surface mail.
Notes:Use codes 1, 2, 3, and 4 for unclassified materiel only. Materiel with a special handling code of 5, 6, or 8 will be stored and transportedaccording to the provisions of DODM 5100.76 or DODM 5200.01, whichever is most stringent.
e. Air dimension code. The ADC is a 1-position alphabetic code that identifies dimensional features of air ship-ments, pallets, or containers by relating them to dimensional restrictions of compatible aircraft. (See Defense Transpor-tation Regulation (DTR) 4500–9–R for specific code explanations.) This code is in the freight segment of the AMDF(see table 3–5).
f. Air eligible category code. The AEC is a 1-position numeric code that identifies an item as qualified orprovisionally qualified for air shipment or as disqualified from air shipment. This code is used in support of the airlines of communication (ALOC) and its use is mandatory only in support of the ALOC. This code is mandatory for allitems in class of supply IX (repair parts) and class of supply II (clothing, individual equipment, tentage, special kits,outfits and tools, administrative and housekeeping supplies and equipment (see table 3–6). This code is in the IDS ofthe AMDF.
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Table 3–5Air dimension codes
Code Description
A Shipment does not exceed 72 inches in any dimension (length, width, or height).
C Consolidated shipments (shipments of multiple requisitions) do not exceed 72 inches in any dimension (length, width,or height).
D Consolidated shipments (shipments of multiple requisitions) with measurements greater than 72 inches in any dimen-sion (length, width, or height).
Z Shipment does exceed 72 inches in any dimension (length, width, or height).
Table 3–6Air eligible category codes
Code Explanation
1 Item is provisionally qualified for air shipment. This item will be routinely transported by air on a space available basis.
3 Item is qualified for air shipment. This item will be routinely (mandatory) transported by air.
5 Item is disqualified from air shipment. This item will not be transported by air.
Notes:On initial entry of a class IX or II item into the AMDF, LOGSA will assign the correct AEC based on established criteria. Items assignedAEC 1 will be subject to the established criteria each time a change occurs.
g. Automatic data processing equipment identification code. The automatic data processing equipment (ADPE)identification code is a 1-position alphanumeric code that identifies an item of ADPE or containing ADPE as providedby Public Law 89–306, Volume 79 (P.L. 89–306, Vol 79). This code is stored internally by LOGSA and is in thespecial Army data segment of the AMDF (see table 3–7).
h. Automatic return item code. The ARI code is a 1-position alphabetic code that indicates items in a critical stockposition that may be returned to CONUS depots without disposition instructions as provided in AR 710–1. This code isin the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–8).
i. Controlled inventory item code. The CIIC, formerly the physical security/arms, ammunition and explosivessecurity risk/pilferage code, identifies the security classification, security risk or pilferage controls required for storingand transporting DOD assets (see table 3–9). This code is in the IDS of the AMDF.
j. Criticality Code, Federal Item Identification Guide. The criticality code is a one-position alphabetic code whichindicates that an item is technically critical by reason of tolerance, fit restriction, application, nuclear hardnessproperties or other characteristics that affect identification of the item (see table 3–10 ).
k. Decimal locator code. The decimal locator (DL) is a 1-position numeric code that identifies the position of thedecimal in the measurement quantity and conversion factor. This code is the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–11).
l. Demilitarization code. The DEMIL code is a 1-position alphabetic code instructing the user on the method anddegree to demilitarize items when required. This code is in the item data segment (see table 3–12).
Table 3–7Automatic data processing equipment identification codes 1
Code Definition
0 Data processing. Represents items with no ADP components.
1 Analog central processing units (CPUs). Represents only CPUs that accept as input the electrical equivalent of physi-cal conditions, such as flow, temperature, pressure angular position, or voltage and perform computations by manipu-lating these electrical equivalents to produce results for further use (see note 2).
2 Digital CPUs. Represents only CPUs that accept information represented by digital impulses. Specifically, a device ca-pable of performing sequences of arithmetic and logic operations (a program) not only on data, but also on the pro-gram which is in its internal memory (storage) without intervention of an operator (see note 3).
3 Hybrid CPUs. Represents only CPUs that have a combination of analog and digital capability as defined in codes 1and 2 and which have conversion capability required for intercommunication.
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Table 3–7Automatic data processing equipment identification codes 1—Continued
Code Definition
4 ADP input/output storage devices. The input device is used for transferring data and instructions into a CPU. The out-put device is used to transfer results of processing by the CPU onto printed forms, punched cards, and magnetic me-dia. Input and output devices combine the above functions in the same device. This class also includes data transmis-sion terminals, batch terminals, and display terminals that are specially designed or modified to be used in conjunctionwith digital, analog, or hybrid CPUs. It includes modems when they are integral to the terminal. It also includes storagedevices in which data can be inserted, retained, and retrieved for later use.
5 ADP accessory equipment. Represents accessory equipment, which is considered to be a component, device, or unitthat is related directly to and essential in the operation of ADPE. Included in this class are complete units and compo-nents of related general purpose accessory equipment which are used as part of a system (for example, weapon sys-tem, control system, missile system, communication system, or navigational system). It also encompasses variousunits or devices and associated control units that are used in combination or conjunction with the ADPE configuration,but are not part of the configuration itself.
6 Punched card equipment. Represents collating machines, key punch machines; tabulating machines; verifier;reproducer; summary punch, sorter; interpreter (see note 4).
7 ADP supplies and support equipment. Represents consumable supplies, such as paper, tabulating machine, continu-ous flat fold; paper, tabulating machine, sheet: seal bands, tape, ADP; empty reels and hubs, tape, ADP; canisters,tape, ADP; carrying cases, tape, ADP. Also included are support equipment, such as magnetic tape testing, certifying,and cleaning equipment; disk pack testing; tape equipment winders, splicers, and card reconditioners.
8 ADP components. Represents ADP component assemblies that are parts of analog, digital, or hybrid data processingdevices.
9 Assignment. To be assigned to an item containing embedded ADPE (see note 5).
Notes:1 Codes 1 through 6 are only used when the item is ADPE in its entirety and is limited to the type meeting only 1 through 6 criteria.2 An analog is a representation of one form of a physical condition existing in another form. (For example, the level of mercury in atube represents the temperature in a thermometer; the angular position of a needle represents speed on a speedometer.) ExcludesCPUs that have both analog and digital capability.3 Digital refers to the representation of discrete numbers, symbols, and alphabetic characters by a predetermined, coded combinationof electrical impulses. Excludes CPUs that have both analog and digital capability.4 Card-actuated machines are excluded when cable connected to a CPU.5 Meets one or more of the definitions for codes 1 through 6.
Table 3–8Automatic return item codes
Code and type actions Retail shipment processing instructions (See notes 1, 2, and 3)
E–EXPEDITE-items qualify-ing (see AR 710–1).
Automatic return 03 PRIDIC PRI project ARIServiceable (condition code (CC)-A, B, C, and D) to area oriented depot (AOD) and unserviceable (repara-ble cc-E, F, and G) per ARIL instructions.
C–CRITICAL-wholesale as-set position below the re-quirements objective.
Automatic return 06 PRIDIC Financial Transfer Authority (FTA) project ARIServiceable (CC–A, B, C, and D) to AOD and unserviceable (reparable CC–E, F, and G) per ARIL instruc-tions.
R–REGULAR-wholesale as-set position above the re-quirements objective.
Automatic return 13 PRIDIC FTA project ARIServiceable (CC–A, B, C, and D) to AOD and unserviceable (reparable CC—E, F, and G) per ARIL instructions.
S–SPECIAL-special proj-ects requirements.
Automatic return 06 PRIDIC FTA Project ARIBoth serviceable and unserviceable (cc-A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) Return to only one location per ARIL in-structions.
N–Nonconsumable itemmanagement support code(NIMSC) 5 items-Army isthe SICA.
Unserviceable CC–E and FAutomatic Return 03 PRIDIC FTA Project 3AL or blank per ARIL instructions.
M–NIMSC 5 ITEMS–Armyis the SICA.
Unserviceable CC–E and FAutomatic Return 06 PRIDIC FTA Project 3AL or blank per ARIL instructions.
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Table 3–8Automatic return item codes—Continued
Code and type actions Retail shipment processing instructions (See notes 1, 2, and 3)
Notes:1 When processing shipments for items with ARI codes E or N, assign priority designator (PD) 03; for items with ARI codes C, S, or M,assign PD 06; and for items with ARI code R, assign PD 13. (This change has been authorized by USAMC) state transportation priori-ties are based on Uniform Materiel Movement and Issue Priority System priority designator and time standards. Therefore, Army policymust comply with these regulations.2 NIMSC 5 items that are serviceable will be processed as Materiel Returns Program (MRP) using AR 725–50. Recoverability coded Dand L items in condition code H will be processed as MRP using AR 725–50.3 See AR 725–50 for FTA instructions.
Table 3–9Controlled inventory item codes
Code Explanation
Classified item codes
A CONFIDENTIAL-formerly restricted data.
B CONFIDENTIAL-restricted data.
D CONFIDENTIAL-cryptologic.
E SECRET-cryptologic.
F TOP SECRET-cryptologic.
G SECRET-formerly restricted data.
H SECRET-restricted data.
K TOP SECRET-formerly restricted data.
L TOP SECRET-restricted data.
O Contact the SOS for disposal and limitations. Store and handle in a manner that will prevent unauthorized access tothis material.
7 Item assigned a DEMIL code other than A, B, or Q for which another CIIC is inappropriate. The loss, theft, unlawfuldisposition, or recovery of an item in this category will be investigated according to DLM 4000.25–2.
9 Controlled cryptographic item (CCI). CCI is described as secure telecommunications or information handling equip-ment, associated cryptographic component, or other hardware item, which performs a critical communications secu-rity (COMSEC) function. Items so designated are unclassified, but controlled and will bear the designation of CCI.
Sensitive items codes
1 Highest sensitivity (Category I)-Nonnuclear missiles and rockets in a ready-to-fire configuration (for example, Hamlet,Redeye, Stinger, Dragon, LAW, VIPER), and explosive rounds for non-nuclear missiles and rockets. This categoryalso applies when the launcher (tube) and the explosive rounds, though not in a ready-to-fire configuration are Jointlystored or transported.
2 High sensitivity (Category II)-Arms, ammunition, and explosives.
3 Moderate sensitivity (Category III)-Arms, ammunition, and explosives.
4 Low sensitivity (Category IV)-Arms, ammunition, and explosives.
5 Highest sensitivity (Category I)-Arms, ammunition, and explosives with a physical security classification of Secret (seenote 1).
6 Highest sensitivity (Category I)-Arms, ammunition, and explosives with a physical security classification of Confiden-tial (see note 1).
8 High sensitivity (Category II)-Arms, ammunition, and explosives with a physical security classification of Confidential(see note 1).
Q A drug or other controlled substance designated as Schedule III, IV, or V item, according to P.L. 91–513, Vol. 84.Other sensitive items requiring limited storage.
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Table 3–9Controlled inventory item codes—Continued
Code Explanation
R Precious metals. A drug or other controlled substance designated as Schedule I or II item, according to P.L. 91–513,Vol. 84 Other selected sensitive items requiring storage in a vault or safe.
Pilferage codes
J Pilferage-Pilferage controls may be designated by the coding activity to items coded U (UNCLASSIFIED) by recodingthe items to J.
I Aircraft engine equipment and parts.
M Hand tools and shop equipment.
N Firearms.
P Ammunition and explosives.
V Individual clothing and equipment.
W Office machines.
X Photographic equipment and supplies.
Y Communication/electronic equipment and parts.
Z Vehicular equipment and parts.
Notes:Items coded 5, 6, or 8 will be stored and transported according to Department of Defense Manual (DODM) 5200.01, whichever is morestringent.
Table 3–10Criticality codes, Federal Item Identification Guide
Code Explanation
C The item has critical features (for example, tolerance, fir restrictions or application). Nuclear hardness properties have notbeen determined. (Not valid for input).
E The item is a flight safety critical aircraft part (FSCAP) and is specifically designed to be or selected as being nuclear hard.
F The item is a FSCAP.
H The item is specifically designed to be or selected as being nuclear hard, for example, it will continue to perform its designedfunction in an environment created by a nuclear explosion. The item does not have other critical features.
M The item is specifically designed to be or selected as being nuclear hard. Also, the item has other critical features, (for ex-ample, as tolerance, fit restrictions or application).
N The item does not have a critical feature, such as tolerance, fit restrictions or application. Nuclear hardness properties havenot been determined. Not valid for input.
X The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature or any other critical feature (for example, tolerance, fit restrictions or ap-plication).
Y The item does not have a nuclear hardened feature, but does have other critical feature(s) (for example, tolerance, fit restric-tions or application.
Notes:1 See DRN 3843 for format and definition.2 Assignment of Criticality Codes H or M requires a specific statement on the drawing and/or technical documentation (or other writtensubstitution) that the item is nuclear hardness critical item.
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Table 3–11Decimal locator codes
Code Explanation
0 Whole number (no decimal).
1 Decimal equals tenths-.1.
2 Decimal equals hundredth-.01.
3 Decimal equals thousandth-.001.
4 Decimal equals ten-thousandths-.0001.
Table 3–12Demilitarization codes
Code Explanation
A Non-munitions list item (MLI)-DEMIL is not required.
B MLI–DEMIL not required.
C MLI-remove or demilitarize installed key points outlined in DODM 4160.28 or lethal parts, components, and accessories.
D MLI-demilitarize by mutilation (make unfit for intended purpose) by (for example, melting, cutting, tearing, scratching, crushing,breaking, punching, neutralizing. (As an alternative, burial or deep water dumping may be used when authorized.)
E MLI-demilitarize by burning, shredding, or pulping.
F MLI-demilitarize instructions to be furnished by item manager.
G MLI–DEMIL required-ammunition, explosives, and dangerous articles (AEDA). DEMIL and, if required, declassification and re-moval of sensitive markings or information will be accomplished before physical transfer to a Defense Reutilization and Market-ing Office (DRMO). This code will be used for all AEDA items including those that also require declassification and removal ofsensitive markings or information.
P MLI (security classified item)-declassification, and any other required DEMIL, and removal of any sensitive markings or informa-tion will be accomplished before accountability or physical transfer to a DRMO. This code will not be assigned to AEDA items.
Q Strategic list item-mutilate to the extent necessary to preclude restoration to normal use and prevent recovery of essential com-ponent parts or assemblies (overseas only). Mutilation not required in the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam,The Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, and the Virgin Islands. Mutilation requirements may be waived if purchaser elects toship items to the United States under controls stipulated in the terms and condition of sale.
m. Department of Defense identification code. The DODIC is a 4-position alphanumeric code assigned to a genericdescription of an item of supply in FSG 13, (ammunition and explosives), and FSG 14, (guided missiles). DODIC,which range in values from A001 through Z999 and AA01 through ZZ99. The DODIC is in the item identificationsegment and the I&S segment, section III, parts 1 and 2 of the AMDF.
n. Document identifier code. The DIC is a 3-position alphanumeric code (see table 3–13). DICs listed in this tableare used to—
(1) Transmit data from AMDF file originators to LOGSA.(2) Transmit data from LOGSA to AMDF file originators.(3) Make inquiries to LOGSA and provide responses to inquiries from LOGSA.
Table 3–13Document identifier codes
DIC Explanation
Group 11–National/North Atlantic Treaty Organization/Interim stock number change
C11 Change in stock number.
C21 Change in stock number and UI.
C31 Change in stock and price.
C41 Change in stock number and materiel category structure.
C51 Change in stock number, UI, and price.
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Table 3–13Document identifier codes—Continued
DIC Explanation
C61 Change in stock number, UI, and materiel category structure.
C71 Change in stock number, price, and materiel category structure.
C81 Change in stock number, UI, price, and materiel category structure.
C91 Any DIC group 1 change plus miscellaneous (DIC) (group 6) change, single or multiple, except changes in DIC groups 7, 8, 9,and 0 (see note 1).
Group 2–Unit-of-issue change
C22 Change in UI.
C52 Change in UI and price.
C62 Change in UI, and materiel category structure.
C82 Change in UI, price, and materiel category structure.
C92 Any DIC group 2 change plus miscellaneous (DIC group 6) change, single or multiple, except changes in DIC groups 1, 7, 8,9, and 0.
Group 3–Price changes
C33 Change in price.
C83 Change in price and materiel category structure.
C93 Any DIC group 3 change plus miscellaneous (DIC group 6) change, single or multiple, except changes in DIC groups 1, 2, 7,8, 9, and 0.
Group 4–Materiel category structure changes
C44 Change in materiel category structure.
C94 Change in materiel category structure plus miscellaneous (DIC group 6) change, single or multiple, to reflect a change in retailmanagement except changes in DIC groups 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 0.
Group 5–Stock number/item relationships
C05 Refer to reference document (phrase code Q or R).
C35 Replace by assembly, assortment, or kit (phrase codes Q or R).
C55 Discontinued, replaced, condemned, or disposed of, with or without replacement (phrase codes F, L, N, T, V, or Z).
C75 Correct or dissolve item relationship. To be used to correct the related stock number and phrase codes F, L, N, P, Q (withdocument number), and Z only. Phrase codes A or C can be deleted only by reinstating the items with DIC CO8 or C98.When used to reflect the dissolved item relationships, the phrase code field will be blank, and the related stock number will bezero-filled.
C85 Change in I&S indicator code (LOGSA generated).
C95 Any DIC group 5 change except DIC C75, plus miscellaneous (DIC group 6) change, single or multiple, except changes inDIC groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, and 0.
Group 6–Miscellaneous changes
C16 Change in physical security code.
C26 Change in acquisition advice code.
C56 Change in accounting requirements code.
C66 IDS change (input to LOGSA only).
C76 Change in SLC.
C89 Change in reportable item control code.
C96 Any combination of DIC group 6 changes and/or miscellaneous change, single or multiple, not cited as group 6, exceptchanges in DIC groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and 0.
Group 72–Withdrawals
C07 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-transfer from DLA, GSA, and other military services inventory management with achange in retail management not involving a stock number change. The RIC of the gaining manager will be entered in posi-tions 61–63.
C17 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-Inventory management transfer from within the Army to activities outside of Army not in-volving a stock number change. The RIC of the gaining manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
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Table 3–13Document identifier codes—Continued
DIC Explanation
C27 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-Inventory management transfer within the Army not involving a stock number change.The RIC of the gaining manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
C37 Delete-remove from system. Use when the item manager determines that no Army, International Logistics Program (ILP), orMAP interest exists for the item. Army has deleted the stock number from the Logistics Information System total item recordand has withdrawn user interest, or all services have withdrawn interest on the item. The following restrictions apply:a. For item manager-before submitting C37 action to LOGSA, the following conditions must be met:1. Phrase code L, M, N, P, T, V, or Z must have been issued in the AEMM for 28 days before the effective date of the deleteaction. Delete can only be made 28 days after the last action.2. When phrase codes L, N, P, T, V, or Z apply, the phrase code must be perpetuated in the delete action. When the itemdata record (DIC C37) is being deleted and I&S, component, or equivalent item phrase codes apply, the correct delete trans-actions must be made to the identical stock numbers in the I&S, component, and equivalent item segments, as applicable.The LOGSA will add this record to the I&S and the component history files.3. Total Army stock, controlled by the item manager, has been exhausted, or disposition instructions issued to the wholesalestorage activities, and the stock number has been deleted from all active records of the wholesale supply system.4. No Army/ILP (to include MAP, grant aid, foreign military sales, and supply support arrangements) interest exists in the sys-tem.5. The stock number has been deleted from SB 700–20.b. Recipients of the AMDF-other than CONUS depots—1. When the C37 action is received and phrase code L, M, N, P, T, V, or Z has not been previously established (28 days),stop processing the C37 action and notify, in writing, the item manager identified by position 1 of the materiel category struc-ture code. Send an information copy to Logistics Support Activity, AMXLS–MD, Redstone Arsenal, AL 35898–7466.2. If a change to the stock status of an item has previously been received and there is no stock on hand, but stock is due in,send an inquiry or follow-up to the last known SOS (based on the requisition status or advice record). This will assure the sup-ply of the replacing item (positions 48–60) is received and not the supply of the replaced item (positions 8–20).3. Under specific conditions, if assets are on hand at the user level at the time the C37 delete record is received, the C37action will be suspended until all stock is exhausted.4. If conditions outlined above do not apply, recipients will update their internal files or records with the C37 action.c. CONUS depots-notify the Army owner for disposition instructions if stock is on hand or due in. If DLA, GSA, and other mili-tary services have stock on hand, no request will be made to those owners for disposition instructions unless a C7D actionhas been received. The stock number will stay on the depot records until all owners send delete actions. (When used, the in-put DIC C37 record must be an exact image of the management data on file, except for the DIC and effective date.)
C47 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-Results from a transfer of inventory management from DLA, GSA, and other militaryservices to Army NICPs not involving a stock number change. The RIC of the gaining manager will be entered in positions61–63.
C57 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-Transfer from DLA, GSA, and other military services to another manager either DAL,GSA, another military service, or Army resulting from a stock number change. This DIC will always contain phrase code A orD and must be processed the same as a group 1 DIC by recipients. The RIC of the gaining manager will be entered in posi-tions 61–63.
C77 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-Transfer from Army to another manager, either Army, DLA, GSA, or another militaryservice, resulting from a stock number change. This DIC will always contain phrase code A or D and must be processed thesame as a group 1 DIC by recipients. The RIC of the gaining item manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
C87 Logistics reassignment (logistic loss)-Transfer from DLA, GSA, and other military services to DLA, GSA, and other militaryservices inventory management not involving a stock number change. The RIC of the gaining manager will be entered in posi-tions 61–63.
C97 This DIC provides file originators a way to withdraw an incorrect stock number record (positions 8–20) from the file. This codeapplies only to items if complete removal of an incorrect stock number record (positions 8–20) from the file is desired. Historyor cross-reference records will not be established. The C97 must be an exact copy (4–80 duplicated) of the incorrect stocknumber record except for the document identifier code.
Group 8–Gains
C08 Reinstated item with a related stock number and phrase code-added stock number to the AMDF (DIC C98 applies if no re-lated stock number is applicable). Requires processing by recipients as a group 5 DIC).
C18 New item-added stock number to the AMDF. Excludes materiel management transfers and reinstated items. (Use DIC C68 ifa related stock number and phrase code applies).
C28 Logistics reassignment (logistic gain)-Inventory management transfer from activity within Army not involving a stock numberchange. The RIC of the losing manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
C38 C38 Logistics reassignment (logistic gain)-inventory management transfer from activity outside Army not involving a stocknumber change. The RIC of the losing manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
C48 Logistics reassignment (logistic gain)-results from transferring inventory management from Army NICP to DLA, GSA, andother military services, not involving a stock number change. The RIC of the losing manager will be entered in positions61–63.
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Table 3–13Document identifier codes—Continued
DIC Explanation
C58 New stock number added to AMDF or notice of materiel management transfer resulting from a stock number change. Thistransaction will be issued as follows:a. As a normal change notice when the addition is caused by a stock number change without a materiel management transferinvolved.b. As a management transfer notice when transfer of management is involved (DIC C57–C77). When so used, positions61–63 must contain the RIC of the losing manager.
C68 New item added stock number to the AMDF with a related stock number and phrase code. Use DIC C18 if a related stocknumber and phrase code do not apply. (Requires processing by recipients as a group 5 DIC.)
C78 Logistics reassignment (logistic gain)-transfer from DLA, GSA, and other military services inventory management. It involves aretail management change, but not a stock number change. The RIC of the losing manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
C88 Logistics reassignment (logistic gain)-transfer from DLA, GSA, and other military services to DLA, GSA, and other militaryservices inventory management without a change in retail management. It may or may not involve a stock number change.The RIC of the losing manager will be entered in positions 61–63.
C98 Reinstated item without a related stock number and phrase code (DIC C08 applies if a related stock number is applicable.).
Group 9–Reserved.
Group 0–Reserved.
Miscellaneous codes
CBB Add item identification segment.
CBS Replace item identification segment.
CCB Add history segment, section 1.
CCD Add history segment, section 1 (add generated from a C37).
CCE Add history segment, section 1 (add generated from a Group 1 DIC C57 or C77).
CCH Delete incorrect data only in history segment, section 1.
CEB Add degree of protection A record, packaging segment.
CES Replace degree of protection A record, packaging segment.
CFB Add freight segment.
CFK Delete freight segment.
CFS Replace freight segment.
CHB Add I&S segment, section II, part 1, major item cross-reference.
CHK Delete I&S segment, section II, part 1, major item cross-reference.
CIB Add history segment, section 3, (add generated from DIC CWK.)
CIH Delete history segment, section 3, incorrect data.
CJB Add I&S segment, section I, part 1, I&S cross-reference.
CJK Delete I&S segment, section I, part 1, I&S cross-reference.
CKB Add I&S segment, section I, part 2, I&S group (OOU).
CKK Delete I&S segment, section I, part 2, I&S group (OOU).
CLA Add special Army data segment.
CLB Add I&S segment, section III, part 2.
CLC Change special Army data segment.
CLK Delete I&S segment, section III, part 2.
CL6 Change medical user data segment.
CL7 Delete medical user data segment.
CL8 Add medical user data segment.
CNB Add I&S segment, section III, part 1, DODAC cross-reference.
CNK Delete I&S segment, section III, part 1, DODAC cross-reference.
COB Add equivalent-item segment.
34 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–13Document identifier codes—Continued
DIC Explanation
co*k Delete equivalent-item segment.
COS Replace equivalent-item segment.
CPA Add-tailorized single source data set.
CPC Change-tailorized single source data set.
CPD Delete-tailorized single source data set.
CPM Change SOS tailorized single source data set.
CPQ AMDF reconciliation record.
CPS Standard Army Retail Supply System (SARSS) input I&S data
CPU SARSS input UI conversion factor.
CQD SARSS reply.
CRB Add degree of protection B record, packaging file.
CRS Replace degree of protection B record, packaging file.
CSB Add degree of protection X record, packaging file.
CSN Add notification actions (NO, NN, NP), packaging file.
CSQ Register NSNS to SARSS stock number user file (SNUF).
CSS Replace degree of protection X record, packaging file.
CST Replace notification actions (NO, NN, NP), packaging file.
CSX Add supplemental packaging data record.
CSY Replace supplemental packaging data record.
CSZ Delete supplemental packaging data record.
CTB Add I&S segment, section II, part 2, major item group.
CTK Delete I&S segment, section II, part 2, major item group.
CTS Input to the modified input data file.
CU2 New item. UI conversion record.
CWB Add component segment.
CWK Delete component segment.
CXB Add unit-measurement-quantity record in the item data segment.
CXK Delete unit-measurement-quantity record in the item data segment.
CXS Replace unit-measurement-quantity record in the item data segment.
CZB Add history segment section 2 (add generated from receipt of a DIC CJK or CHK).
CZH Delete incorrect data in history segment, section 2.
Inquiry input document identifier codes
CQQ Identifies AMDF segment inquiry.
CSC Identifies selected data inquiry when UM, decimal locator and quantity fields are included or required.
CSL Identifies selected data inquiry or data element validation inquiry when UM, decimal locator, and quantity fields are excludedor are not required.
Inquiry reply document identifier codes
CAR Identifies a reply to an inquiry against the Army reference number file.
CDB Identifies a tailored inquiry response record from the Army reference number file.
CDQ Identifies an intermediate inquiry reply record generated by interpreting provisioning screening replies furnished by DefenseLogistics Service Center (DLSC). It contains a CDQ message code to show record status or NSN relationships.
CDR Inquiry reply record generated from the Army reference number file.
CQA A message record response identifying the status of requested I&S history; history section II, records.
35DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–13Document identifier codes—Continued
DIC Explanation
CQB A message record response identifying the status of requested component history; history section III, records.
CQC A message record response identifying the status of requested item data history; history section 1, part 1 (cross-reference)records.
CQE A message record response identifying the status of requested item data records.
CQF A message record response identifying the status of requested freight records.
CQH A message record response identifying the status or requested item data history; history section I, part 2 (current number) re-cords.
CQJ A message record response identifying the status of request I&S cross-reference; I&S section I, part 1.
CQK A message record response identifying the status of requested I&S group; I&S section I, part 2.
CQL A message record response identifying the status of requested I&S major item. Cross-reference; I&S section II, part 1.
CQM A message record response identifying the status of requested I&S major item group; I&S section II, part 2.
CQN A message record response identifying the status of requested item identification records.
CQP A message record response identifying the status of requested packaging records.
CQQ Identifies rejected AMDF segment inquiries being returned to the originator. These records are a modified version of the inputrecords; a constant AN is applied to positions 4 and 5, and an inquiry reject reason notification code will be applied to position76.
CQR A message record response identifying the status of requested I&S cross-reference NSN to DODAC; I&S section III, part 1.
CQS Reserved for LOGSA use.
CQT Message record response identifying the status of requested SB 700–20 records.
CQU A message record response identifying status of requested special Army data segment.
CQV A message record response identifying status of requested medical user data segment.
CQW A message record response identifying the status of requested component item segment records.
CQX A message record response identifying the status of requested I&S DODAC group; I&S section III, part 2.
CQY A message record response identifying the status of the number interrogated in the Army reference number file.
CQZ A message record response identifying the status of requested equivalent item segment records.
CSR Identifies replies to CSC/CSL selected data inquiry and data element validation inquiry.
C00 Reserved for a reply to LMP stock control inquiry.
C11 Standard Army Intermediate Supply System unique inquiry reply
Nonservice user item document identifier codes
C9C Nonservice user item data change record. A record identified by this DIC contains a change from previously recorded data;this does not include logistics reassignment or stock number change.
C7D Nonservice user item data delete record. A record identified by this DIC indicates that the NIIN will be removed from activefiles. If this DIC is received and assets are still in storage, inform the activity identified by the SOS.
C8L Nonservice user item data logistics reassignment record. A record identified by this DIC contains a new SOS in positions30–32; this may include a stock number change.
C8N Nonservice user item data add record. A record identified by this DIC establishes a NIIN as a nonservice user item.
C1R Nonservice user item data stock number change record. A record identified by this DIC contains a stock number change, thatis, phrase code equal to A, C or D. This does not include logistics reassignments.
C2U Nonservice user item UI conversion record.
C2X Nonservice user item UM quantity record.
Army Master Data File Tailored Distribution System processing
CA1 Master address record card.
CA2 Master registration data card.
CTD Stock number registration card.
CTR DLSC interrogation results.
FSC Recorded users of specific FSC.
36 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–13Document identifier codes—Continued
DIC Explanation
FSG Recorded users of specific FSG.
INT Mass SNUF interrogation for specific stock numbers or specific users.
Hazardous Materiel Data System
HAA Add Hazardous Materiel Data System (HMDS) record input A (mandatory).
HAC Change HMDS record input A (mandatory).
HAD Delete HMDS record input A (mandatory).
HBA Add record input B (radioactive items only).
HBC Change record input B (radioactive items only).
HBD Delete record input B (radioactive items only).
HCA Add HMDS record input C (radioactive items only).
HCC Change HMDS record input C (radioactive items only).
HCD Delete HMDS record input C (radioactive items only).
HAD Add HMDS record input D (radioactive items only).
HDC Change HMDS record input D (radioactive items only).
HDD Delete HMDS record input D (radioactive items only).
HEA Add HMDS record input E (ammunition).
HEC Change HMDS record input E (ammunition).
HED Delete HMDS record input E (ammunition).
HFA Add HMDS record input F (as required).
HFC Change HMDS record input F (as required).
HFD Delete HMDS record input F (as required).
Notes:1 Group 1 DIC must always contain phrase code A, C, or D and will only be used when the SOS (positions 30–32) does not change.When a change results in a management change (phrase code A or D), DIC C57 or C77 will be used. In all such instances, the itemdata record change becomes a cross-reference record.2 Phrase code A, C, or D (group 1 DIC, C57, and C77) and C37 transactions, deleting the stock number in positions 8–20, result inautomatic removal of the item data, unit-measurement-quantity, item identification, packaging, and freight records. LOGSA will label thedeleted records as inactive, and keep the last transaction of the above segments in the LOGSA master data record for reference pur-poses. Also, the above item data transactions are converted, by LOGSA and recipients and added to the history segment.
o. End item code. The end item code is a 3-position alphanumeric code assigned to each end item managed or usedby the Army, which meets all of the following criteria:
(1) End items with an NSN recorded in the AMDF.(2) Type classified standard, low-rate production, or limited procurement-urgent per AR 700–142.(3) Assigned appropriation/budget activity account code A through Q inclusive.p. Essentiality code. The EC is a 1-position alphabetic code in the item data record used to indicate if an item is
essential or not (see table 3–14). Essentiality is the degree of military worth of an item of supply or how its failure, if areplacement is not immediately available, would affect the ability of the weapon system, end item, or organization, toperform its intended functions or missions. This code will be used to indicate the essentiality of end items and repairparts. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF.
q. Fund code. The fund code is a 1-position numeric code. This code indicates the type of funds to be used to payfor Army stock fund items. This code is only applied to a few items, which require special handling (see table 3–15).
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Table 3–14Essentiality codes (See note)
Code Explanation
A This code identifies essential end items.
B This code identifies end items, which are not essential. For class VIII items, this code identifies material considered to be rou-tine for health care and diagnosis.
C A support item needed to support a field or organizational maintenance level. The failure of this item will render the end iteminoperable (unable to move, shoot, and communicate).
D A support item that is not needed to support an essential field maintenance or organizational maintenance function (code C),but is needed for operator or crew safety during training or in garrison.
J Item does not qualify for essentiality code C, but is needed to prevent impairments or reduction of operational effectiveness ofthe end item.
K Medical materiel considered essential for maintaining life support.
M Medical material considered necessary for maintaining life support.
N Medical materiel considered supplementary for health care.
E A support item that is not needed to support an essential field maintenance or organizational maintenance function (code C),but is required to meet:a. Climatic conditions.b. Legal requirements.c. Requirements of a host nation in an overseas environment.
F A support item used only at depot maintenance level.
G A support item that is not needed to support the following:a. An essential field maintenance or organizational maintenance function (code C).b. Crew or operator safety (code D).c. Legal or climatic requirements (code E).d. Depot maintenance operation (code F).e. Deferrable maintenance function (code J).
Notes:The AMDF shows only the highest code assigned of all support item to end item applications.
Table 3–15Fund codes
Code Explanation
1 Designates an item funded by operation and maintenance, Army (OMA) appropriation.
4 Designates an item for which initial issues are reimbursed from Procurement Appropriation, Army Funds.
5 Designates an item funded by Military Personnel, Army appropriation.
r. Hazardous material code. The HM code is a 2-position alphabetic code that represents peculiar shippingconditions. It indicates hazardous or dangerous article descriptions that must be shown on the bill of lading. This codeis in the freight segment of the AMDF (see table 3–16).
s. Interchangeable and substitutable deletion reason code. The deletion reason code is a 1-position alphabetic codethat explains the reason for deleting I&S data from part 1 of sections I and II of the I&S segment. I&S data deleted byreason code C will be placed in the history segment of the AMDF by LOGSA. I&S data deleted by reason codes A, B,or D will not be placed in the history segment. This code is used along with the I&S and history segments of theAMDF (see table 3–17).
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Table 3–16Hazardous material codes
Code Explanation
AA Ammunition for cannon with empty projectile, Class B explosive.
AB Ammunition for cannon with explosive projectile, Class A explosive.
AC Ammunition for cannon with gas projectile, Class A explosive.
AD Ammunition for cannon with illuminating projectile, Class A explosive.
AE Ammunition for cannon with incendiary projectile, Class A explosive.
AF Ammunition for cannon with inert-loaded projectile, Class B explosive.
AG Ammunition for cannon with smoke projectile, Class A explosive.
AH Ammunition for cannon with solid projectile, Class B explosive.
AI Ammunition for cannon without projectile, Class B explosive.
AJ Chloropicrin, liquid, poison B.
AK Ammunition for small arms with explosive projectile, class A explosive.
AL Black powder, class A explosive.
AM Chemical ammunition, nonexplosive, irritating material.
AN Detonators.
AO Irritating agent, NOS, irritating material.
AP Booster, explosive, Class A explosive.
AQ Burster, explosive, Class A explosive.
AR Cannon primers, Class C explosive.
AS Cartridge bags, empty, with black powder igniter, class C explosive.
AT Cartridge cases, empty, primed, Class C explosive.
AU Combination fuze, Class C explosive.
AV Combination primer, Class C explosive.
AW Cordeau detonate fuze, Class C explosive.
AX Corrosive liquid, NOS corrosive material.
AY Radioactive material, NOS
AZ Detonating fuze, Class A explosive
BA Detonating fuze, Class A explosive, with or without radioactive components.
BB Detonating fuze, Class C explosive.
BC Detonating primer, Class A explosive.
BD Detonators, Class A or class C explosive.
BE Electric squib, Class C explosive.
BF Explosive bomb, Class A explosive.
BG BG Explosive cable cutter, Class C explosive.
BH Explosive mine, Class A explosive.
BI Explosive projectile, Class A explosive.
BJ Explosive release device, Class C explosive.
BK Explosive rivet, Class C explosive.
BL Explosive torpedo, Class A explosive.
BM Diphenylaminochoroarsine, (DM), irritating material.
BN Flammable liquid, NOS, flammable liquid.
BO Flammable solid, NOS, flammable solid.
BP Fuze igniter, Class C explosive.
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Table 3–16Hazardous material codes—Continued
Code Explanation
BQ Fuze lighter, Class C explosive.
BR Grenade, empty, primed, Class C explosive.
BS Grenade, hand, explosive, Class A explosive.
BT High explosive, Class A explosive.
BU High explosive, liquid, Class A explosive.
BV Igniter cord, Class C explosive.
BW Igniter, Class C explosive.
BX Igniter, jet thrust jet assisted takeoff (JATO), Class A explosive.
BY Igniter, jet thrust (JATO), Class Class s B explosive
BZ Initiating explosive, Class A explosive.
CA Fuze, Instantaneous, Class C explosive.
CB Jet thrust unit (JATO), Class A explosive.
CC Jet thrust unit (JATO), Class B explosive.
CD Low explosive, Class A explosive.
CE Percussion cap, Class C explosive.
CF Percussion fuze, Class C explosive.
CG Poisonous liquid or gas, NOS, poison A.
CH Poisonous liquid, NOS, poison A.
CI Poisonous solid, NOS, poison B.
CJ Propellant explosive, Class A explosive.
CK Propellant explosive, solid, Class B explosive.
CL Propellant explosive in water, Class B explosive.
CM Propellant explosives in water, unstable, condemned or deteriorated, Class B explosive.
CN Fuzes, railway, flammable solid.
CO Torpedo, railway, Class B explosive.
CP Grenade, hand or rifle, explosive, Class A explosive.
CQ Rocket ammunition with empty projectile, Class B explosive.
CR Rocket ammunition with explosive projectile, Class A explosive.
CS Rocket ammunition with illuminating projectile, Class A explosive.
CT Rocket ammunition with gas projectile, Class A explosive.
CU Rocket ammunition with incendiary projectile, Class A explosive.
CV Rocket ammunition with inert-loaded projectile, Class B explosive.
CW Rocket ammunition with smoke projectile, Class A explosive.
CX Rocket ammunition with solid projectile, Class B explosive.
CY Aniline oil, liquid, poison B.
CZ Fuze, safety, Class C explosive.
DA Safety squib, Class C explosive.
DB Signal flare, Class C explosive.
DC Small-arms ammunition, Class C explosive.
DD Small-arms ammunition, irritating cartridge, Class C explosive.
DE Small-arms primer, Class C explosive.
DF Smoke pot, Class C explosive.
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Table 3–16Hazardous material codes—Continued
Code Explanation
DG Smoke signal, Class C explosive.
DH Fireworks, special, Class B explosive.
DI Starter cartridge, Class B explosive.
DJ Supplementary charge (explosive), Class A explosive.
DK Fuze, time, Class C explosive.
DL Toy propellant device, Class C explosive.
DM Toy smoke device, Class C explosive.
DN Toy caps, Class C explosive.
DO Tracer, Class C explosive.
DP Tracer fuze, class C explosive.
DQ Very signal cartridge, Class C explosive.
DR Fireworks, common, Class C explosive.
DS W-chloroacetophenone (CN) solid, irritating material.
DT Chlorosulfonic acid, corrosive material.
DU CN liquid, irritating material.
DV Smoke grenade, Class C explosive.
DW Hydrocyanic acid (prussic), solution, poison A.
DX Grenade, tear gas, irritating material.
DZ Phosphorus, white, dry, flammable solid.
EA Explosive powder device, Class C explosive.
EB Sodium Perchlorate, oxidizer.
EC Explosive powder device, Class B explosive.
ED Starter cartridge, Class C explosive.
EE Corrosive solid, NOS, corrosive material.
EF Oxidizing material, NOS, oxidizer.
EG Compressed gas, NOS, nonflammable gas.
EH Compressed gas, NOS, flammable gas.
EI Mercuric acetate, poison B.
EJ Nitrobenzol, liquid, poison B.
EK Rocket engine, liquid, Class B explosive.
EL Rocket motor, Class A explosive.
EM Rocket motor, Class B explosive.
EN Ammunition for small arms with incendiary projectile, Class A explosive.
EO Igniter, rocket motor, Class A explosive.
EP Igniter, rocket motor, Class B explosive.
EQ Hand signal device, Class C explosive.
ER Propellant explosive, liquid, Class B explosive.
ES Insecticide, liquid, NOS, flammable liquid.
ET Malathion, other regulated material-A.
EU Fluorine, nonflammable gas.
EV Mercuric-Potassium Iodide, solid, poison B.
EW Cartridge, practice, ammunition, Class C explosive.
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Table 3–16Hazardous material codes—Continued
Code Explanation
EX Actuating cartridge, explosive, fire extinguisher or valve, Class explosive.
FA Perchloric acid, exceeding 50 percent, but not exceeding 72 percent strength, oxidizer.
FB Formic acid, corrosive material.
FC Hydrochloric (Muriatic) acid, corrosive material.
FD Sodium sulfide, anhydrous, flammable solid.
FE Petroleum naphtha, combustible liquid.
FF Code FF denotes special factors or conditions in an item description that affect the ratings or charges; therefore, the item de-scription will be read carefully to ensure that such special factors or conditions are included as part of the bill of lading descrip-tion.
FG Medicines, NOS, solid, flammable, solid.
FH Fire extinguisher, nonflammable gas.
FI Chlorodane, liquid, combustible liquid.
FJ Compound, rust preventing, corrosive material.
FK Calcium Cyanide mixture, solid, poison B.
FL Fuel, aviation, turbine engine, flammable liquid.
FM Pentane, flammable liquid.
FN Benzene, flammable liquid.
FO Acetic acid, glacial, corrosive material.
FP Acetone, flammable liquid.
FQ Acetylene, flammable gas.
FR Air, compressed, nonflammable gas.
FS Alcohol, NOS, flammable liquid.
FT Ammonia, anhydrous, nonflammable gas.
FU Ammonium nitrate (no organic coating) oxidizer.
FV Ammonium nitrate (organic coating), oxidizer.
FW Amyl acetate, flammable liquid.
FX Code FX denotes special factors in an item description; therefore, the item description in the respective rail or motor dangerousarticles tariff will be read carefully to ensure that the exact tariff description is shown on the bill of lading.
FY Arsenic trioxide, solid, poison B.
FZ Barium nitrate, oxidizer.
GA Battery, electric storage, wet, corrosive material.
GB Benzene (benzol) flammable liquid.
GC Bromine, corrosive material.
GD Butyl acetate, flammable liquid.
GE Calcium nitrate, oxidizer.
GF Calcium resinate, flammable solid.
GG Phenol, poison B.
GH Carbon bisulfide or carbon disulfide, flammable solid.
GI Carbon dioxide, liquefied, nonflammable gas.
GJ Carbon dioxide-oxygen mixture, nonflammable.
GK Cement, liquid, NOS, flammable liquid.
GL Cement, rubber, flammable liquid.
GM Chlorine, nonflammable gas.
GN Chromic acid, solid corrosive.
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Table 3–16Hazardous material codes—Continued
Code Explanation
GO Coating solution, flammable liquid.
GP Compounds, tree or weed killing liquid, poison B.
GQ Crotonaldehyde, flammable liquid.
GR Crude oil, petroleum, flammable liquid.
GS Dinitrobenzene, solid or dinitrobenzol, solid, poison B.
GT Eradicators, paint or grease, liquid, flammable liquid.
GU Ether, flammable liquid.
GV Ethyl acetate, flammable liquid.
GW Ethyl chloride, flammable liquid.
GX Ethylene dichloride, flammable liquid.
GY Ethylene oxide, flammable liquid.
GZ Gasoline, (including casing-head and natural) flammable liquid.
HA Helium, nonflammable gas.
HB Helium-oxygen mixture, nonflammable gas.
HC Heptane, flammable liquid.
HD Hexane, flammable liquid.
HE Hydrochloric acid solution, inhibited, corrosive material.
HF Hydrogen, flammable gas.
HG Isooctane, flammable liquid.
HH Lead nitrate, oxidizer.
HI Liquefied petroleum gas, flammable gas
HJ Lindane, other regulated material-A
HK Magnesium, metal, powdered, pellets, turnings, or ribbons, flammable solid.
HL Methyl bromide liquid, poison B.
HM Methyl chloride, flammable gas.
HN Methyl ethyl ketone, flammable liquid.
HO Monobromotrifluoromethane, nonflammable gas.
HP Monochloroacetic acid, liquid or solution, corrosive material.
HQ Nitrate, NOS, oxidizer.
HR Nitric acid (over 40 percent) oxidizer.
HS Nitric acid (40 percent or less), corrosive material.
HT Nitrogen, nonflammable gas.
HU Oxygen, nonflammable gas.
HV Petroleum ether, flammable liquid.
HW Phosphoric anhydride, corrosive material.
HX Phosphorous, amorphous, red, flammable solid.
HY Phosphorous oxychloride, corrosive material.
HZ Phosphorous pentachloride, solid, corrosive material.
JA Phosphorous trichloride, corrosive material.
JB Potassium hydroxide, dry, solid, flake, bead, or granular, corrosive material.
JC Potassium nitrate, oxidizer.
JD Rubber shoddy, regenerated rubber or reclaimed, flammable solid.
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Table 3–16Hazardous material codes—Continued
Code Explanation
JE Sodium arsenate, solid, poison B.
JF Sodium arsenite, liquid solution, poison B.
JG Sodium hydroxide, dry solid, flake, bead, or granular, corrosive material.
JH Sodium hydrosulfite, flammable solid.
JI Sodium nitrate, oxidizer.
JJ Sodium nitrite, oxidizer.
JK Sodium peroxide, oxidizer.
JL Strontium nitrate, oxidizer.
JM Sulfur chloride (mono and di), corrosive material.
JN Sulfur hexafluoride, nonflammable gas.
JO Titanium tetrachloride, corrosive material.
JP Vinyl acetate, flammable liquid.
FF Code FF denotes special factors or conditions in an item description that affect the ratings or charges; therefore, the item de-scription will be read carefully to ensure that such special factors or conditions are included as part of the bill of lading descrip-tion.
FX Code FX denotes special factors in an item description; therefore, the item description in the respective rail or motor dangerousarticles tariff will be read carefully to ensure that the exact tariff description is shown on the bill of lading.
Table 3–17Interchangeable and substitutable deletion reason codes
Code Explanation
A Deletion of incorrect I&S relationship. Data being deleted is invalid and will not be used.
B Deletion of I&S relationship no longer having universal application. Data being deleted no longer applies to all Army uses.
C Deletion of I&S relationship involving one or more stock numbers that are no longer active, and have been or are being deletedfrom the IDS of the AMDF.
D I&S relationship remains valid. Action taken to revise or change data except for reason codes A, B, and C.
t. Inventory category code. The ICC is a 1-position numeric code used to group items of supply into lots orsegments for inventory and research purposes. Accountable and storage activities will record these codes on records toplan and schedule inventory actions. The order of priority for assigning these codes will be 0, 2, 8, 3, 7, 6, 1, 4, 9 and 5per AR 740–26. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–18).
u. Item type storage code. The ITS code is a 1-position alphabetic code that identifies the required item storageenvironment (see table 3–19).
v. Less-than-truckload and less-than-carload rating codes. The LTL and LCL rating codes are a 1-position al-phabetic code that converts to a rating assigned an item to develop transportation charges for LTL and LCL shipments.The LTL and LCL codes are in the freight segment of the AMDF (see table 3–20).
44 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–18Inventory category codes
Code Category Explanation
1 High value (nonspecial interest). High and very high-intensive management items, as defined in AR 710–1 and princi-pal and regulated items or any combination of those items included in inventory cate-gory codes 0, 2, 3, 6, 7, and 8.
2 Controlled inventory (SIMS–X itemswhich are sensitive, classified or pil-ferable).
Selected Item Management System-Expanded (SIMS–X) items that are pilferable,sensitive or classified.
3 Controlled inventory. Items with a physical security pilferage code not included in inventory categorycodes 2 or 8.
4 Other service managed. 4 Items not managed by Army and not assigned inventory category codes 1, 2, 3,6, 7, 8, or 9 by the SICC.
5 Other (nonspecial interest) Items not included in any of the other inventory category codes.
6 High value (special interest). Items that qualify for ICC 1. However, the accountable supply distribution activity hasa special interest in identifying the items uniquely for inventory purpose.
7 Controlled inventory (SIMS–X). SIMS–X items that are not pilferable, sensitive or classified.
8 Controlled inventory (classified and sen-sitive).
Items other than SIMS–X and small arms items that are classified or sensitive (seeAR 740–26 for a basic list of sensitive items).
9 Other (special interest). Items not included in inventory category codes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, or 8. However, the ac-countable supply distribution activity has a special interest in identifying the itemsuniquely for inventory purposes.
0 Small arms items. Items that are classified as small arms according to AR 740–26.
Table 3–19Item type storage codes
Code Explanation
A Heated general purpose: Heated 40° F and above.
B Unheated general purpose.
C Controlled humidity: 40 percent to 50 percent relative humidity (RH).
D Controlled room temperature: 60° F to 80° F.
E Reserved.
F Freeze: -4° F to 1° F.
G Freeze: Below 32° F.
H Hazardous materials (HAZMAT).
J Reserved.
K Reserved.
L Reserved.
M Reserved.
N HAZMAT/refrigerated: 36° to 46° F (2° to 8° C).
P Reserved.
Q Reserved.
R Refrigerated (chill): 32° to 50° F.
S Shed: structure w/o complete sides or end walls.
T Secured (Includes controlled or limited access).
U Uncovered space (open storage).
V Secured vault.
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Table 3–19Item type storage codes—Continued
Code Explanation
W Wet storage (docks, piers).
X None assigned by ICP (any type space acceptable).
Y Ammunition (Class V) (igloos and magazines).
Z Special (see the item’s storage serviceability standard or technical manual.
2 Medical controlled humidity: not to exceed 40 percent RH.
3 Medical controlled room temperature: 68° to 77° F (20° to 25° C).
4 Medical freeze: 13° and 14° F (-25° and -10° C).
5 Medical warm: 86° to 104° F ( 30° to 40° C).
6 Medical refrigerated: 36° to 46° F (2° to 8° C (DO NOT FREEZE).
7 Medical refrigerated vault: 36° to 46° F (2° to 8° C) (includes Schedule II drugs) (DO NOT FREEZE).
8 Medical refrigerated secured (includes controlled or limited access): 36° to 46° F (2° to 8° C) (includes Schedule III, IV, Vdrugs) (DO NOT FREEZE).
9 Medical controlled room temperature vault: 68° to 77° (20° to 25° C) (includes Schedule II drugs).
0 Medical controlled room temperature secured (includes controlled or limited access): 68° to 77° F (20° to 25° C).
Table 3–20Less-than-truckload and less-than-carload rating codes
Code Rating
A 400.0
B 300.0
C 250.0
D 200.0
E 175.0
F 150.0
G 125.0
H 110.0
J 100.2
K 92.5
L 90.0
M 85.0
N 80.0
P 77.5
Q 70.0
R 65.0
S 60.0
T 55.0
U 50.0
V Below 50.0
W Rating variable
X 500.0
Y 350.0
Z No LTL/LCL rating
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w. Logistic control code. The LCC is a 1-position alphabetic code assigned to the Army adopted items and otheritems of materiel authorized (LIN related items) to provide a basis for logistic support decisions. These decisionsinvolve, for example, procurement, overhaul, repair parts provisioning, requisitioning, and distribution. LOGSA willkeep this code compatible with those items listed in SB 700–20. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–21).
x. Maintenance repair code. The maintenance repair (MR) code is a 1-position alphabetic code that indicateswhether the item is to be repaired and identifies the lowest maintenance level capable of performing all authorizedmaintenance functions. The decision to code support items for repair at the indicated levels requires that all mainte-nance capability, for example, remove, replace, repair, assemble, and test for the support items be provided to thatlevel. This does not preclude some repair at a lower level of maintenance (see table 3–22). This code is in the IDS ofthe AMDF (see AR 700–82).
y. Army Materiel category structure code. The MATCAT structure code is a 5-position alphanumeric code thatprescribes the materiel category structure detail for management of Army inventories (see tables 3–23 through 3–28).LOGSA will keep codes compatible with AR 710–1. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF.
(1) Position Number 1. Materiel category and inventory manager or National Inventory Control Point Service ItemControl Center. First position codes are alphabetic and identify the materiel categories of principal and secondary itemsto the CONUS inventory manager, NICP, or in the case of DLA/GSA managed items, the SICC that exercisesmanagerial responsibility. The title given to the first position is a broad categorization which is generally descriptive ofthe items managed by a particular inventory manager, but does not necessarily identify fully all the items under theinventory manager’s purview (see table 3–23).
(2) Position Number 2. Appropriation and budget activity (ABA) account code. The second position is alphabetic ornumeric, excluding the letters I and O. This ABA account code identifies investment or expense type items. Investmentitems are purchased with procurement appropriations (PA) and are free-issued to Army customers and sold to otherservices, Government agencies, and international logistics customers. Expense items are purchased with Army stockfund obligation authority and are sold to all customers. Prime and related items must contain the same ABA code.Items are categorized by the investment versus decision diagram (see table 3–24).
(3) Position Number 3.Management inventory segment. Third position codes are numeric 1 through 4. They identifythe management inventory segment of the category structure. It provides further subdivision of those categoriesidentified by positions 1 and 2. Maintenance of control accounts for recurring reports to this position of the categorystructure is not required (see table 3–25).
(4) Position Number 4.Specific group or generic code. Fourth position codes are either alphabetic or numericexcluding the letter O and the numeral 1. This code provides further subdivision of those items identified to positions 1through 3. For Army-managed items, these codes along with the codes assigned to position 5, identify a genericcategory of weapons systems, end items, or hom*ogeneous group of items. For DLA or GSA managed items andmedical or dental items, this position is numeric 0, except for those DLA or GSA items having application to an Armyweapon system or end item which will carry the appropriate generic code(see table 3–26 ).
(5) Position Number 5.Generic category code. Fifth position codes are alphanumeric except the letters I and O. Thisposition identifies items to weapons systems/end items, or other application. For Army managed items, these codes, incombination with the codes assigned in position 4, will identify a specific weapons system or end item or hom*ogene-ous group of items. DLA and GSA managed items will be the numeric 0, except for items having application to anArmy weapon system or end item which must be assigned the appropriate fifth position (see table 3–27).
z. Safety data sheet indicator code. The SDS code indicator code is a 1-position alphabetic code that identifiesNSNs requiring the manufacturer or supplier to prepare and submit a Hazard Communication Standard Safety DataSheet or any essentially identical form to Government activities according to Federal Standard 313 (see table 3–28).This code is in the freight segment of the AMDF.
aa. National Codification Bureau code. The National Codification Bureau code (NCBC) code is a 2-positionnumeric code that identifies the country or other foreign country that originally cataloged an item of supply (see table3–29.) The NCBC is part of each NIIN and NSN.
ab. Phrase code. The phrase code (logistical management data reference phrase) is a 1-position alphabetic ornumeric code that applies to the item represented by the stock number in positions 8–20. It denotes changes or arelationship between the national or NATO stock number and the data in positions 48–60 unless otherwise prescribedin the history segment. These phrase codes provide advice for consolidating, interchanging and disposing of stock.They also announce that the stock number in positions 8–20 will be deleted from all active records of the wholesalesupply system and the AMDF in a future change notice. These codes apply to the item data, interchangeable andsubstitute, component, and equivalent item segments of the AMDF as limited by instructions for those segments (seetable 3–30).
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Table 3–21Logistic control codes
Code Explanation
A Items that are acceptable for the intended mission or acceptable during initial production. These items will receive full logisticsupport until a replacement item is approved or until the requirement is phased out. This LCC applies to developed and newnondeveloped items (including commercial purchases or product improved items) determined to be suitable by Defense Sys-tems Acquisition Review Council, Army Systems Acquisition Review Council or in process review to satisfy the Army require-ment. LCC–A items must be procurable.
B This LCC applies to items that will be issued in place of LCC–A items. (LCC–B items will not be reprocured if the approvedLCC–A item can be procured and deployed in time to meet the requirement) or items which can no longer be procured, butstill must be supported. For those LCC–B items that are still procurable, written justification supporting proposed reprocure-ment will accompany Army Material Program submissions. The published AMP will constitute Headquarters Department ofthe Army (HQDA) approval. Request for authority to reprocure LCC–B items not included in the current AMP will be ap-proved on a case-by-case basis. The office that initiates a request for approval to reprocure an LCC–B item is the officialoffice of record responsible for keeping request and approval documents.
F Items identified by HQDA as mission essential contingency items for Reserve Components only.
N Enter only if items will not be separately type classified, but must be listed in SB 700–20; (in accordance with AR 70–1) or ifthe item is a nondevelopmental item qualified for type development.
O Obsolete items no longer needed or supported for Army operational use.
P Designates items being produced from an approved low-rate initial production line before the full-rate production decision.This phase will verify the production process, provide continuity of production, use hard production tooling, and prove pro-duction methodology. Items type classified LRP must be reclassified as standard at the full-rate production decision point,providing TC standard (STD) prerequisites are met.
R Non-LIN related items not appearing in SB 700–20. (Added for this chapter only.)
S Items no longer acceptable for Army operational use, but having a residual value for training. (Items assigned LCC–S will besupported only from repair part stocks on hand or by cannibalization.)
T Items that will be made low rate initial production to get limited quantities for operational test III before entering into the Armyoperational inventory.
U Items not qualified for LCC–A, but will be procured in limited quantities to satisfy Army directed urgent operational require-ments. (No longer available for new materiel usage in accordance with AR 700–142).
Table 3–22Maintenance repair codes
Code Application/Explanation
O (alpha) The lowest maintenance level capable of complete repair of the support item is the organizational level.
F The lowest maintenance level capable of complete repair of the support item is the direct support level.
H The lowest maintenance level capable of complete repair of the support item is the general support level.
G Both afloat and ashore intermediate levels are capable of complete repair of support item-Navy only.
D The lowest maintenance level capable of complete repair of the support item is the depot level (for example, depot, mo-bile depot, or specialized repair activity).
L Repair restricted to designated specialized repair activity.
Z Non-reparable. No repair is authorized.
B No repair is authorized. The item may be reconditioned by adjusting or lubricating, for example, at the user level. Noparts or special tools are procured for the maintenance of this item.
(-) dash sign When a maintenance code is not used, a dash (-) sign will be entered.
48 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–23Materiel category and inventory manager or national inventory control point/Service Item Control Center (Position number 1 ofthe materiel category)
Alpha Item manager Materiel category Inventory manager of NICP/SICCcode code and location
B A12 Ground forces support materiel (other support materiel). U.S. Army Soldiers Biologicaland Chemical Command,NATICK,MA 01760
C B69 Medical/dental materiel (see note 1) U.S. Army Medical ’MaterielAgency, Frederick, MD21702–5001.
D B14 Single manager conventional ammunition. Industrial Operations Com-mand, Rock Island, IL61299–6000.
E A35 General Supplies (DLA/GSA items) (see note 1). U.S. Army War Reserve Com-mand, Materiel ManagementTeam, New Cumberland, PA17070–5008
F AP5 Clothing textile and non-medical toiletries (DLA/GSA items). U.S. Army Soldiers Biologicaland Chemical Command, U.S.Army Support Organization,Philadelphia, PA 19101–3460
G B16 Communications and electronics equipment electronics materiel (see note 1). U.S. Army CommunicationsElectronics Command, Directorof Logistics, Engineering andOperations, Aberdeen ProvingGround, MD 21005
H B17 Aircraft, Aircraft materiel (see note 1). U.S. Army Aviation and MissileCommand, Redstone Arsenal,AL 35898–5230
J A35 Ground forces support materiel (DLA/GSA items). (See note 1). U.S. Army War Reserve Com-mand, Materiel ManagementTeam, New Cumberland, PA17070–5008
K AKZ Combat, tactical and support vehicles, vehicular components and peculiarrepair parts related to mobility.
U.S. Army Tank-AutomotiveCommand, Warren, MI48397–5000.
L B64 Missiles, missile materiel (see note 1). U.S. Army Aviation and MissileCommand, Redstone Arsenal,AL 35898–5230
M B14 Ammunition, weapons & tracked combat vehicle weapons, special weaponschemical & fire control materiel (see notes 1 and 2).
U.S. Army Armament, Chemi-cal and Acquisition LogisticsCommand, Rock Island, IL61299–6000
P B46 Signal intelligence (SIGINT)/(EW) equipment U.S. Army CommunicationsElectronics Command, Aber-deen Proving Ground, MD21005
Q A35 Electronics materiel (DLA items) (see note 1). U.S. Army War Reserve Com-mand, Materiel ManagementTeam, New Cumberland, PA17070–5008
R A35 Bulk and packaged petroleum fuels, packaged petroleum products, contain-ers and accessories thereof, certain chemicals and solid fuels (see note 1).
U.S. Army War Reserve Com-mand, Materiel ManagementTeam, New Cumberland, PA17070–5008
S AP5 Subsistence (DLA/GSA items) (see note 1). U.S. Army Soldiers Biologicaland Chemical Command, U.S.Army Support Organization,Philadelphia, PA 19101–3460
49DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–23Materiel category and inventory manager or national inventory control point/Service Item Control Center (Position number 1of the materiel category)—Continued
Alpha Item manager Materiel category Inventory manager of NICP/SICCcode code and location
T A35 Industrial supplies (DLA/GSA items) (see note 1). U.S. Army War Reserve Com-mand, Materiel ManagementTeam, New Cumberland, PA17070–5008
U B56 COMSEC materiel U.S. Army CommunicationsSecurity Logistics Activity, Ft.Huachuca, AZ 85613–7090.
V BS7 Television, audio and visual equipment U.S. Army Television-AudioSupport Activity, Sacramento,CA 95813–5019
X BAM Simulators and training devices U.S. Army Simulation Trainingand Instrumentation Com-mand, Orlando, FL32826–3276
Z H9A Special operations support materiel United States Special Opera-tions Command, SOFSA, Lexi-ngton, KY 40512–4100
Notes:1 Denotes secondary item materiel category titles.2 Does not include tracked vehicle repair parts.
Table 3–24Appropriation and budget activity account codes (Position Number 2 of the materiel category)
ABA code Appropriation category Appropriation Budget project
Procurement appropriation principal
A Aircraft 21*2031 1100
B Modification of aircraft 21*2031 1200
C Avionics support equip-ment
21*2031 1410
Common ground equip-ment
21*2031 1420
D Modification of weaponsand combat tracked vehi-cles
21*2033 3300
E Other missiles 21*2032 2200
F Modification of missiles 21*2032 2300
G Missiles support equip-ment
21*2032 2511
H Tracked combat vehicles 21*2033 3111
J Weapons and other com-bat vehicles
21*2033 3211
K Ammunition 21*2034 4111
L Tactical vehicles 21*2035 5111
M Nontactical vehicles 21*2035 5121
N Telecommunicationsequipment
21*2035 5211
P Other communicationsand electronics systems/equipment
21*2035 5212
Q Other support equipment 21*2035 5310
50 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–24Appropriation and budget activity account codes (Position Number 2 of the materiel category)—Continued
ABA code Appropriation category Appropriation Budget project
Other categories
2 Army stock fund items 21X4991
3 OMA secondary items 21*2020
5 OMA major end items 21*2020(over $3,000)
9 Base spares (stocksowned by the NuclearRegulatory Commission)
Legend *-The last digit of the ap-plicable fiscal year;X–The fund is continuingand no year is shown.
Table 3–25Management inventory segment (Position number 3 of the materiel category)
Description and use
1 Reparable items (exclusive of insurance and provisioning items).This code will be used to identify items of a durable nature which, when unserviceable, normally can be repaired economi-cally by depots or lower echelons of maintenance. It will only be assigned when the repair code (4th position of the source,maintenance, and RC) is O, F, H, L, or D, and the RC, (5th position of source, maintenance and RC) is O, F, H, L, D or A.This indicates that the item is reparable at depot or a lower echelon of maintenance.
2 Nonreparable items (exclusive of insurance and provisioning items).This code will be used to identify items that are not reparable. It will only be assigned when the repair code is Z or B, andthe RC is Z or A, which indicates that the item is nonreparable.
3 Insurance items.This code will identify items with insufficient demands for classification as regular stock items, but requires to be stockedsince the items’ essentiality and long procurement lead time would create an unacceptable situation if not stocked. Anumeric code of 3 will only be assigned when the acquisition advice code is Z indicating that it is an insurance/numericstockage item, and the essentiality code indicates the item is essential.
4 Provisioning items (exclusive of insurance items).This code will identify new items introduced through the provisioning process, and there is not sufficient experience ob-tained to manage based on normal demand forecasts. These items can be either reparable or nonreparable.
Table 3–26Specific group/generic codes (Position Number 4 of the materiel category)
Alpha- Definitionnumeric code
A Fixed wing aircraft
B Rotary wing aircraft
C Other aircraft categories
D Surface to air missiles
E Surface to surface missiles
F Other missile related materiel
G Artillery
H Individual and crew-served weapons
I Construction equipment
J Tanks
K Combat vehicles
51DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–26Specific group/generic codes (Position Number 4 of the materiel category)—Continued
Alpha- Definitionnumeric code
L Other weapons categories
M Armored carriers
N Tactical vehicles
P Other automotive categories
Q Avionics
R Tactical and strategic communications
S Surveillance, target acquisition, and night observation
T Other electronics equipment
U Soldier and combat support systems
V Power generating systems
W Line of communication/base support systems
X Special ammunition
Y Conventional ammunition
Z Other munitions/chemical, biological, radiological (CBR) category
0 Medical materiel or DLA/GSA material
2 Missile and class V components (except safeguard)
3 Missile and class V components (safeguard)
4 Communications systems agency and satellite communications agency-equipment
5 Communications systems equipment
6 Individual and crew-served weapons
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)
Group Code Description
AD U–8
AG U–21
AM Fixed-wing aircraft not supported by Department of the Army (DA)
AN C–12-series aircraft
AP Unmanned aerial vehicle, close range
BB AH–1, UH–1, OV–1 turbine engine
BD MH–60K helicopter, utility
BE UH–60
BF UH–60 turbine engine
BG AH–64 turbine engine
BH MH–E helicopter, cargo-transportation
BJ AH–64 airframe
BK CH–47
52 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
BL CH–47 turbine engine
BN UH–60L/AH–64A engine (T–701C)
BP OH–58A and OH–58C
BQ T63–A–700 and T63–A–720 (turbine engine)
BR RAH–66 Commanche aircraft
BS Rotary-wing aircraft not supported by DA
BW SH–60B turbine engine
BX OH–58D Army Helicopter Improvement Program (AHIP)
BY OH–58D turbine engine (T703–AD–700)
BZ AH–64 Longbow
Other aircraftcategories
CA Target Acquisition Drone Air Reconnaissance System
CC Multiapplication aviation spares
CD Target acquisition designation sight and pilot night vision sensor
CE Electro-Optical Augmentation System
CG Aviation ground power unit
CJ Aircraft training aids and devices
C8 Aviation sets, kits and outfits, aircraft ground support equipment, and aircraft life support equipment
Surface to airmissiles
DB Nike Hercules
DC Chaparral
DE Hawk, basic
DF Missile loader transporter, M501L1
DH Targets
DJ Redeye
DM Air-to-air stinger
DN Stinger reprogrammable microprocessor/special defense acquisition fund
DR Stinger
DS Hawk, improved
DT Bradley Stinger Fighting Vehicle-Enhanced System
DX Roland
DY Standard vehicle-mounted launcher
D6 Patriot
D7 Forward area alerting radar
D9 Line-of-sight forward-heavy
Surface tosurfacemissiles
EA Brilliant anti-armor submunition
EC Fiber-Optic Guided Missile System
EF Multiple-Launch Rocket System
EG 2.75 rocket and M–158A1/M200A1 launcher
EH Improved Bradley Acquisition System
53DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
EK Rocket, high-explosive, 84MM: M136 (AT4)
EL M–22
EP Hellfire
EQ Multipurpose Individual Munition/Short Range Assault Weapon System
ER Follow on to TOW
ET Advanced Antitank Weapon System-Medium
EU Pershing IA
EV Shillelagh
EW TOW infantry fighting vehicle (XM2/TOW combat fighting vehicle (XM3)
EX Joint ground-launch tacit rainbow
EY Land Combat Support System
EZ Advanced Antitank Weapon System-heavy (AAWS–H) kinetic energy missile system
E1 TOW missile
E2 TOW 2 missile
E3 Pershing II
E4 Improved Target Acquisition System
E5 Dragon
E6 Precision Gunnery Training System
E7 TOW 2 infantry fighting vehicle cavalry fighting vehicle
E8 Army Tactical Missile System
E9 AAWS–H nonline of sight
Other missile-relatedmaterial
FA Ground laser locator designator
FB Joint tactical ground station
FC Modular universal laser equipment
FD AN/TSQ–51 Air Defense Command Coordination System
FE Test program sets
FG Thermal imagery and ancillary equipment
FK Laser target designator
FM Integrated family of test equipment
FQ Calibration
FP Advanced attack helicopter, U.S. Army Aviation and Missile LIfe Cycle Management Command-ManagedSubsystem
FR Advanced attack helicopter/Target Acquisition Designation Sight
FT Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, and Intelligence
FV Sentinal
FW Unmanned aerial vehicle- short range
FZ Other multiapplication parts
F1 AN/GSA–77
F3 AN/TSQ–73
F4 TOW Cobra
F5 Theater High Altitude Area Defense System
F6 Cobra-NITE
54 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
F9 General research and development
Artillery GA Gun, antiaircraft, 20MM, towed M167, Vulcan Air Defense System, gun 20MM, towed M167A2, product im-provement Vulcan Air Defense System
GB Howitzer, 105MM, M101/M101A1
GC Howitzer, 105MM, M102, W/M6 platform
GD Howitzer, 155MM, M114/M114A1/M123A1
GE Howitzer, heavy 8-inch M115
GF Howitzer, pack 75MM M116, howitzer salute 75MM, M120
GG Howitzer, 155MM, M198
GH Howitzer, light towed, 105MM, M119/L119
GJ Howitzer, light, towed, 105MM, M119A1
GX Hybrid air defense systems
GZ Miscellaneous artillery
G9 Other artillery multiapplication parts
Individual andcrew-servedweapons
HA Pistols, 45 caliber, M1911, M1911A1, M119A1, M15
HB Machine gun, M85-series
HC Machine gun, 7.62MM, M240
HD Machine gun, 7.62 MM, M73/ M73A1/M219
HE Rifle, 7.62MM, M14-series with bipod M2, M21
HF Rifle, 5.56MM, M16-series with bipod, firing port weapon, rimfire adapter launcher, M234
HG Submachine gun, caliber .45, M3/M3A1
HH Machine gun, caliber .50 M2-series with tripod M3 and mount M63
HJ Machine gun, 7.62MM, M60-series
HK Mount tripod M122, for 7.62MM/5.56MM machine gun
HL Machine gun, caliber .30 with tripod
HM Launcher, grenade, 40MM, M203 for M16 rifle
HN Launcher, grenade, 40MM, M79
HP Launcher, rocket 3.5-inch, M20-series with mount
HQ Gun, automatic, 20MM, M139
HR Mortar, 120MM
HS Mortar, 60MM, M2/M19 with mount
HT Mortar, 81MM, M29-series M1 with mount, M4
HU Mortar, 4.2-inch, M30 with mount
HW Rifle, 57MM, M18/M18A1/T15E16
HX Rifle, 90MM, M67
HY Rifle, 106MM, M40-series with mount and rifle spotting, M8-series
HZ Launcher, rocket, 115MM, M91/XM70
H1 84MM M3 Recoilless Rifle, Multi Role Anti-Armor Anti-Personnel Weapon System
H3 Armament Subsystem, 30MM, XM139
H4 Armament Subsystem, M28, M28A1, M28A2, M28A3, reflex sight M73/M73A1, helmet sight M128/M36
H6 Armament Subsystem, 20MM and enhanced fire control system, XM97E2
H7 Armament Subsystem, 20MM, XM97E1
55DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
H8 Gun automatic, 25MM, M242
H9 Other individual and crew-served weapons (excluding code HV assigned to aircraft subsystems)
IA Tractor, full-tracked
IB Scrapers
IC Loader, scoop
ID Road graders
IE Cranes, wheel
IF Cranes, 20 to 25 tons
IG Cranes, crawler
IH Crane-related construction
IJ Excavation equipment
IK Sweepers and snowplows
IL Asphalt/compaction equipment
IM Soil, asphalt, concrete, nuclear test sets
IN Armored combat earthmover M9
IP Concrete paving and water distribution equipment
IQ Crushing equipment
IR Compressors and support equipment
Tanks JA Tank, combat, M48-series, 90MM gun
JB Trainers, tank gunnery
JC Tank, combat, flame thrower, M67/M67A1/M67A2
JD Tank, combat, 76MM gun, M41/M41A1/M41A2/M41A3
JE Tank, M1 Abrams family of vehicles
JF Tank, combat 120MM gun, M103, M103A1/M103A2 with trainer M119
JG Tank, combat, 90MM, gun M47
JH Tank, 105MM, M60A3, TTS
JJ Tank, combat, 105MM gun, M60/M60A1/M60A3/M48A5
JK Tank, combat, 152MM gun, M60A2 and trainer, M37
JL Trainer, driving, M34 for M60 tank series
JM Subcaliber mount assemblies universal
JN Trainer, armored vehicle, unit conduct of fire trainer institutional conduct of fire trainer 50 and 60 cycle-series
JP Combat engineer vehicle, full tracked M728
JQ Armored/reconnaissance/airborne assault vehicles, 152MM, M551 with trainer M40
JR Simulator tank gunfire, M4/M4A1, for M42, M48, M60 tanks
JS Bulldozer EM tank-mounted M6/M8/M8A1/M8A2/M8A3/M9
JT Recovery vehicle, M51/M74/M88
JU Gun, full tracked, 90MM M56
JV Recovery vehicle, M578
JW Tank, Abrams, M1A2 unique
JX Robotic obstacle breaching assault tank
JY Tank, Abrams, M1A1 unique
JZ Miscellaneous tanks
56 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
J1 Breacher (Grizzly)
J2 Armored Gun System, XM8
J3 M1 tank maintenance panel training devices
J4 Simplified test equipment M1, M2, and M3
Combat vehi-cles
KA Gun, antiaircraft, self-propelled, 40MM, M42/M42A1
KC Howitzer, self-propelled 105MM/M52/M52A1
KD Gun, field artillery self-propelled 175MM, M107, howitzer 8-inch M110
KE Howitzer, heavy full tracked self-propelled 105MM, M108
KF Howitzer, full tracked self-propelled 155MM, M109
KG Howitzer, self-propelled, 155MM, M44/M44A1
KH Howitzer, heavy full tracked self-propelled 8-inch M55, 155 gun M53
KK Division Air Defense System XM247
KL Gun, antiaircraft, 20MM, self-propelled, M163, M741, vulcan chassis, M163A1, gun, 20MM, self-propelled,M163A2
Light armoredvehicle
KM Light armored vehicle
KV Field artillery ammunition supply vehicle, G801, XM922
KZ Miscellaneous combat vehicles
Other weaponcategories
LA Computer gun direction, M18 (FADAC/test set/MLU)
LB Direct Support Electrical System Test Set
LC Binoculars (standard)
LD Aiming circle M1/M2/M2A1
LF Periscope, B.C. M43/M65 telescope observation, M48/M49/XM67 portable
LG Targets/training devices
LH Binocular, IR M18
LJ Chronograph, M36, M90
LK Shop equipment
LL Tools and shop sets
LP Ground-Emplaced Mine Scattering System, XM128, antitank mine dispenser M57
LQ Plotting sets/boards, fire direction sets
LS Army pre-positioned stocks
LU Weapon access delay system
LV Dispenser, general purpose aircraft XM130
LW Multiple Integrated Laser Equipment Management System/antitank weapon effectsig nature simulator
LX Backup computer system
LY Programmable hand-held calculator
LZ Miscellaneous weapons
L1 Gauges and miscellaneous test equipment
L2 Air defense-oriented test equipment
L3 Armament-oriented test equipment
L4 Fire control-oriented test equipment
57DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
L5 Other managed component of tool sets
L6 Major items shop equipment
L7 Basic issue item sets
L8 Sergeant York support equipment
L9 Multiapplication weapon components and parts
MA XM491/XM597/XM598
MB M113 configuration, carrier, personnel
MC M113A1/A2 armored personnel carrier combat vehicle, antitank
MD Carrier 1/2 squad
ME M8A1 configuration
MF M17 configuration
MG M116 configuration
MH M114 configuration
MJ XM571 configuration
MK XM759 configuration
ML Combat identification panel
MM Infantry fighting vehicle (M2, M2A1, M2A2), cavalry fighting vehicle (M3, M3A1, and M3A2)
MN M106 carrier, mortar, self-propelled, 107MM
MP M125A1, carrier, mortar
MQ M548, carrier, cargo
MR M577, carrier, command post
MS M132, carrier, flame thrower
MT Armored car commando V100
MV Improved tow vehicle, M901
MW Fire support team vehicle, XM981
MX XM1059 carrier, smoke generator, full-tracked, armored
MY Miscellaneous armored carriers
MZ Other armored carrier multiapplication parts
M2 Bradley fighting vehicle maintenance training devices
M3 XM1015 electronic warfare
M4 M548 family of vehicles, Block I modification
M5 M113 family of vehicles, Block I modification
M6 XM1064, Armored mortar carrier, 120 MM full tracked, self-propelled
M7 XM1068 carrier, armored command post, Army Tactical Command and Control system, full track
NA 14- to 20-ton vehicle configuration, M915A2, M916A1, M1062
NB 1/4-ton vehicle configuration, M151
NC 1/2-ton vehicle configuration
ND 1 1/4-ton vehicle configuration, M880-series
NE M878 family of vehicles (includes M878 and M878A1)
NF 3/4-ton vehicle configuration
NG 1 1/4-ton vehicle configuration, M561-series
58 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
NH 2 1/2-ton vehicle configuration, diesel
NJ 2 1/2-ton vehicle configuration, gas
NK 2 1/2-ton vehicle configuration multifuel
NL 5-ton vehicle configuration, diesel
NM 5-ton vehicle configuration, gas
NN 5-ton vehicle configuration, multifuel
NP 10-ton vehicle configuration, M123 series
NQ 14- to 20-ton vehicle configuration, M915, M915A1, M916, M917, M918, M919, and M920
NR Heavy expanded mobility tactical truck, all body types, M977, M978, M983, M984, M984A1, M985
NS Commercial utility cargo vehicle
NT M939 family of vehicles (includes M939A1 and M939A2)
NU Heavy equipment transporter, M746, M747, M911
NV 2 1/2-ton extended service program truck, model M44A3
NW Heavy Equipment Transporter System M1070, M1000
NY 8 to10 ton vehicle configuration, M520-series, go ability overall economy reliability (GOER)
NZ Other truck multiapplication parts
N2 Family of medium tactical vehicles, 2 1/2 ton
N3 Family of medium tactical vehicles, 5 ton
N4 Small Unit Support Vehicle
N5 High mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle
N6 Fast attack vehicle
N7 Military motorcycle
N8 Palletized Load System, M1074, M1075, M1076, M1077
Otherautomotive(continued in8_(-alpha)_group)
PA Semitrailer van, medium, greater than 6 ton, to include M348 series
PB Semitrailer M871 and M127 series
PC Trailer, utility and cargo configurations
PD Trailer, 1/4 ton
PE Trailer, special purpose, bakery
PF Trailer, M200 series
PG Trailer, special purpose, radar
PH 3/4-ton M101-series
PJ Trailer, 1 1/2 ton, M105/M103/M310 series
PK Semitrailer vans - light, equal to or less than 6 ton, to include military demountable container military demoun-table container (MILVAN) chassis
PL Trailer, prime mover, 5-ton
PM Miscellaneous combat/tactical common hardware/decals/data plates
PN 1Combat/tactical multiuse repair parts (for example, starters, regulators, generators, distributors, fuel pumps,and spark plugs)
PP Tires
PQ Special tools (components)
59DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
PR Modification work order kits
PS Basic issue items
PT Miscellaneous vehicle components
PU Batteries
PV Semitrailer/tanker, M900/M131 series
PW Semitrailer, low bed, M172, M345, M870 and M872 series
PX Trailer, bolster/pole hauling configuration
PY Base-level commercial equipment
PZ Nontactical wheeled vehicles
P2 Trailer, 400 gal water (M107, M149 series)
P3 Trailer, bed configurations
P4 Heavy expanded mobility ammunition trailer M989, M989A1
P5 Dolly sets and trailer converters, 2 1/2 ton, M197, M197A1, M198, M198A1, M689, M707, M707A1, M720,M831, M832, M840
P6 Semitrailer bed configurations
P7 Trailer, Patriot missile (M860A1) support
P8 Dolly set, M1022
P9 Semitrailer van, expandable, M313 and M447 series
Avionics QA Avionics VHF/UHF/AM
QB Avionics VHF/FM
QC Avionics Intercoms
QE Other avionics
QF Avionics very high-frequency omnirange, marker beacon, glide slope
QG Avionics gyro compass (navigation)
QH Fixed wing unique avionics
QJ Avionics identification equipment
QK Air traffic control support
QL Avionics position fixing and ground support
QM Avionics stabilization/instrumentation
QN AN/ARC–114/114A radio set
QP AN/ARC–115/115A
QQ UH–60 unique avionics items
QR Inertial navigation systems
QS Tactical air navigation systems
QT Fixed base system
QU AH–64 unique avionics items
QV AN/ARC–116 radio set
QW CH–47 unique avionics items
QX AHIP unique avionics items
QY AH–I unique avionics items
QZ Single Channel Ground and Airborne Radio System
Q1 Survivability radios
60 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
Q2 AN/ARC–164 radio set
Q3 AN/ARC–186
Q4 Altimeter indicators
Q5 Dippler navigation systems
Q6 Auto direction finder systems
Q7 Apache ground test station support equipment
Q8 EH–60A QUICK FIX aircraft unique
Q9 Avionics shelters
Tactical stra-tegic commu-nications
RA Portable frequency modulation radio communications equipment
RB Vehicular frequency modulation radio equipment
RC Amplitude modulation/single side band radio and radio teletypewriter equipment
RD Watercraft communications equipment
RE Special radio equipment
RF Relay and transmission equipment
RG FDM equipment
RH Manual Switching
RJ Tactical Fire Direction System/Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data Systems
RK Project code “CXC”
RL Teletypewriters
RM Decentralized Automated Service Support System (AN/MYQ–4/4A)
RN Maneuver Control System (AN/UYQ–30/30A)
RP Facsimiles
RQ AN/TTC/TYC/-39/39A/39D
RS AN/PRC–77 radio family
RT AN/VRC–12 radio family
RU Vehicular installation units
RV Tactical satellite multichannel communication equipment
RW Mobile subscriber equipment
RX Pulse code modulations
RY Digital group multiplexer equipment
R1 Radio teletypewriters
R2 Vehicular installation unit components
R3 Intermediate forward test equipment
R4 Communications division cables
R5 AN/TSC–94A/100A
R6 Transportable Single Channel Transponder Receiver MSC–64/GSC_40
R7 Other vehicular/portable frequency modulation (FM) equipment
R9 Single channel ground air radio systems, ground radio
61DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
Surveillancetarget acquisi-tionand nightobservation
SA Light and special division interim sensor
SB Anti-intrusion devices
SC Airborne sensor systems
SD Intergators
SE Image intensification
SF Battlefield illumination
SG Infrared systems
SH Ground photo systems, processing, and interpretation
SJ Air defense systems support
SK AN/TPQ–36/37 mortar and artillery radar locating
SL Interrogator, AN/TPX46
SM AN/UPD–7 Radar System
SN Man-portable common thermal night sights
SP Position location reporting systems, adaptable surface interface terminal, Joint Tactical Information Distribu-tion System
SQ Bottle cleaning and charging station (AN/TAM–4)
SR AM/TMQ–31, meteorological
SS Cable assemblies, electronics
SV Common modules
SW Enhanced Position Location Reporting System
SX Individual weapon night sights
SY Crew-served night sights
SZ Night vision goggles
S1 Command and Control Vehicle
S2 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar Systems
S3 SINCGARS installation kits/components
S4 Tactical terminal adapter
S5 Standard Theater Command and Control System
S6 Integrated system control
S7 Special operations forces equipment
S8 Airborne Mission Planning System
Other elec-tronic equip-ment
TA Tactical generic
TB Aircraft survivability equipment less the AN/APR–39 family
TC Atmospheric sounding, metrological stations and equipment wind measuring
TD General-purpose test equipment
TE General-purpose maintenance facility and miscellaneous
TF General-purpose electrical power equipment
TG Miscellaneous electrical warfare equipment
62 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
TH Quicklook II
TJ Batteries, dry
TK Batteries, storage
TL Guardrail V
TM Communications systems support equipment
TN Radiation Detection, Indication and Computation detection systems
TP Other commodity command systems
TQ Rechargeable batteries
TR Regency Net System
TS Communication security systems
TT Tactical Fire Direction System cables
TU Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System (REMBASS)/improved I–REMBASS
TW Installation kit/component
TX Armed Forces radio equipment
TY Audiovisual (recorder, reproducer, and public address) and pictorial equipment (FSC 5830, 5835, 6700, and7700)
TZ AN/APR–39 family of countermeasure sets
T1 Satellite communications cables
T2 AN/MSM–105 System
T3 Modular Azimuth Positioning System
T4 Television Audiovisual Support Activity audiovisual items
T5 Digital radio and multiplexer acquisition
T6 Standard remote terminal
T7 Lithium batteries
T8 All Source Analysis System
T9 Global Positioning System
Soldier andcombatsupportsystems
UA Tactical POL distribution equipment
UB Bulk POL distribution equipment
UC POL storage equipment
UD POL test equipment
UE Escalators and related equipment
UF Water supply and water purification equipment
UG Repair shop equipment
UH Food services equipment
UJ Hygiene/insect control equipment
UL Topographic and survey equipment
UM Assault boat equipment
UP Position and Azimuth Determining System
UR Countermine equipment
US Counter intrusion equipment
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
UT Countersurveillance equipment
UU Deployable Medical System
UV Topographic Support System
UX Special inspection equipment and gauges and Force provider power generation
VA Generator sets and related power equipment: systems 60 Hz 15, 30 and 10 KW
VF Generator sets and related power equipment 60 Hz 45, 60, 75, 150 and larger KW
VL Generator sets and related power equipment: 60 Hz 0.15 to 3.0 KW
VM Generator sets and related power equipment: 400 Hz, 0.3 KW and above
VP Patriot System support
VR Generator sets and related power Equipment: 60 Hz 5 to 10 KW
VS Generator sets and related power equipment: 28 V DC, 5 to 10 KW
VW Light sets, generator sets and related power equipment 400 Hz 0.3 KW and above
V4 Military standard engines and repair parts
Line ofcommunica-tionand support
WA Port support and watercraft base equipment
WB Bridge armored vehicle and support equipment
WC Container equipment
WD Diving equipment system
WE Army functional component system
WF Railway power and support equipment
WG Firefighting and support equipment
WH Lighter air cushion vehicle, base 30-ton (LACV–30)
WJ Electric material handling
WK Diesel engine driven material handling equipment
WL Rough terrain material and container handling equipment
WM Prefabricated structures equipment
WN Fixed bridges and support equipment
WP Floating bridges and support equipment
WR Mobile assault/ribbon bridges and support equipment
WS Air delivery equipment
WT Watercraft and related sets, kits, and outfits
WU Tool sets and miscellaneous sets, kits, and outfits
WW Working/preservation and packaging and other base support equipment
WX Cryogenic and support equipment
WZ Container express (CONEX)/MILVAN
W2 Gasoline engine driven material handling equipment
W3 Refrigerators/refrigerated van equipment
W4 Miscellaneous material transportation equipment
W5 Air-conditioning and support equipment
W6 Heating systems and other related equipment
W8 Miscellaneous simplified test equipment
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
XA Adaption kits
XB Atomic demolition material
XC Atomic shells
XD Bangalore torpedoes
XE Blasting caps, detonating cord, and demolition firing devices
XF Bombs, general purpose
XG Bulk propellant, explosives, and demolition charges
XH Cluster bomb unit (CBU)/cluster dispenser unit (CDU), all types
XJ Chemical and biological agents
XK Flares, all types
XL Flame and incendiary materials
XM Firing devices for special weapon and advanced firing systems
XN Grenades, hand, fragmentation and offensive
XP Grenades, hand, riot control agents
XQ Grenades, smoke and incendiary
XR Grenades, all other types
XS Mines and mine fuses all types
XT Powder-actuated devices
XU Photoflash cartridges
XV Riot control agents
XW Rockets, 66MM, LAW, all types, including flame
XX Rockets, ground, all other types
XY Signals, all types
XZ Simulators, all types
X1 Smoke pots
X2 Test and handling equipment atomic material
X3 Special weapons, repair parts
X4 Warhead section atomic, all types
X5 Warhead section chemical, all types
X6 Warhead atomic, all types
X7 Warhead selected
X8 Modification work order kits
X9 155MM atomic, field artillery projectile M785/XM785E1
YA Shell, shotgun, all types
YB Cartridge, .22 caliber, all types
YC Cartridge, 5.56MM, all types
YD Cartridge, 7.62MM, all types
YE Cartridge, .30 caliber, carbine, all types
YF Cartridge, .30 caliber, all types
YG Cartridge, .45 caliber, all types
YH Cartridge, .50 caliber, all types
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
YJ Cartridge, 20MM/30MM, all types
YK Miscellaneous small arms ammunition
YL Cartridge, 40MM, shoulder fired launcher (M79 type)
YM Cartridge, 40MM, automated launcher (M75 type)
YN Cartridge, 40MM (gun)
YP Cartridge, 60MM, mortar, all types
YQ Cartridge, 81MM, mortar, all types
YR Cartridge, 4.2-inch mortar, all types
YS Cartridge, 90MM, tank, all types
YT Cartridge, 105MM, all types
YU Cartridge, 152MM, all types
YV Other tank and armored vehicle gun ammunition
YW Cartridge, 105MM, howitzer, all types
YX Projectile, 155MM, all types, and propelling charges
YY Projectile, 175MM, all types, and propelling charges
YZ Projectile, 8-inch all types, and propelling charges
Y1 Other artillery ammunition not specifically listed above
Y2 Artillery/mortar fuzes and primers, all types
Y3 Folding fin aircraft rocket, 2.75-inch all types
Y4 Recoilless rifle ammunition, all types
Y5 Propellant/cartridge-actuated devices
Y6 Components for conventional ammunition maintenance and renovation program
Y7 Packaging material for conventional ammunition maintenance and renovation program
Y8 Bulk explosives and propellants for other customer end-item loading
Y9 Ammunition peculiar equipment items
Other muni-tions/CBRcategories
ZA Smoke generators
ZB Decontaminating equipment (CBR)
ZC Flame-throwers and servicing units
ZD Detection and alarm devices
ZE Demolition equipment
ZF Disperser equipment
ZG CBR material
ZH Shelter systems
ZJ Gas masks
ZK Collective protection equipment
ZL Explosive ordnance disposal sets and components
ZM Ammunition gauges
ZN Miscellaneous gauges
ZP Modification work order kits
ZQ Basic issue list items
ZR CBU/CDU repair kits
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
ZS Compressors
ZT Filter units
ZU Launcher rockets
ZV Impregnating plants
ZW Chemical lab
ZZ Multiapplication munitions/CBR components and parts
Z1 XM93 (FOX) Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Reconnaissance System
Z2 Self contained toxic environment protective outfit
Z3 Improved toxicological agents protective
00 DLA/GSA-managed items that cannot be identified to a specific Army weapon system/end item
01 Type 1 (nonextendable) potency-dated item
02 Type 2 (extendable) potency-dated item
03 Not potency-dated
08 Not potency-dated material quality control significant item
Missile classV
2 Supply class V components for missile systems components (except SAFEGUARD)
3 Supply class V missile components (SAFEGUARD) (Insert applicable weapon system/end item identificationcode in the fifth position as shown in surface-to-air missiles or surface-to-surface missiles.)
Communica-tionsSystemAgency andSatelliteCommunica-tionsAgency equip-ment
4A Satellite communications terminal-AN/FSC 78/79 peculiar items
4B AN/TSC–85A/93A
4C Manpack Satellite Communications radios-AN/PSC–3 and AN/VSC–7
4D Defense Satellite Communications System
4E Light weight computer
4F Command and Control Vehicle, AN/TYQ–61–C2V
4G AN/GSC–52
4H Lightweight leader computer
4J Vehicular intercommunications system
4K Improved high-frequency radio
4L AS–4429/TSC
4M AN/PSC5 Tactical Satellite Communications radio
4N AN/GRM–122, J–4843A/GRM, and PL–1536/J4843A
4P Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System AN/GYG–1
4Q Forward entry device AN/PSG7
4R Digital Topographic Support System
4S Network planning terminal
4T Network management tool
4U AN/USC–28
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
4V Satellite communications equipment
4W Forward area air defense command and control
4X Tri-band SHF tactical satellite terminal
4Y Joint tactical terminal/commanders tactical terminal 3
Communica-tions systemsequipment
5A Battery Computer System (AN/GYK–29)
5B Forward entry device (AN/PSG–7)
5C Fire support team digital message device (AN/PSG–5)
5D Corps/theater ADP service center-I/II
5E Logistics applications of automated marking and reading symbols
5F Tactical Army Combat Service Support Computer System
5G AN/UYQ–43 V1/V2
5H Sustaining Base/Defense Information Infrastructure (transmission systems)
5J Common hardware/software
5K Combat Service Support Control System
5L Sustaining Base/Defense Information Infrastructure (Switch Systems)
5N AN/TYQ–30/31
5Q AN/UGC–144
5R AN/UGC–74
5S AN/TCC–41/SB–3614
5T Advanced narrow band digital voice terminal/KY–99
5U Fiber Optics Transmitter System
5V Antenna masts/towers
5W Telephones
5X Low cap transmission
5Y Medium cap transmission
5Z High cap transmission
Individual andcrew-servedweapons
6A Revolver, caliber .38, 4-inch barrel
6B Rifle, caliber .22
6C Rifle, caliber .30, M1-series
6D Shotgun, 12-gauge
6E Pistol, pyrotechnic
6F Pistol, caliber .22
6G Rifle, recoilless, 75MM
6H Mortar, light weight, 60MM, M224, with mount
6J Rifle, recoilless 105MM M27-series with mount
6K Trainer, mortar, pneumatic
6M Marksmanship and gunnery laser devices
6N Diagnostic rifle marksmanship simulator
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
6P Infantry Remote Target System
6Q Armament Subsystem Helicopter, 40MM Served Weapons Grenade Launcher, M5
6R Armament Subsystem Helicopter, 7.62MM Machine Gun, M21 Multimount M156
6S Armament Subsystem Helicopter, 7.62MM Machine Gun, M24
6T Armament Subsystem Helicopter, 7.62MM Machine Gun, M27/M27E1
6U Armament Subsystem Helicopter, 7.62MM Machine Gun, M41
6V Machine Gun, 7.62MM, M134 (minigun)
6W Launcher Grenade, Aircraft, 40MM, M75
6X Targets and training devices, small arms
6Y Launcher, Grenade, 40MM, M129
6Z Squad Automatic Weapon System 5.56MM, XM–249
61 Armament Subsystem UH–60A Helicopter (Blackhawk)
62 Armament Subsystem Helicopter M23
63 Launcher, Grenade, 40MM, Machine Gun, Mark 19
64 Pistol, Caliber 9MM
66 XM23 Mortar Ballistic Computer
67 Armament Subsystem, Helicopter, XM149
68 Mortar, 81MM, XM–252
69 M24 Sniper Weapon System
Communica-tions systems
7A Digital Nonsecure Voice Terminal with Digital Data Port
7B AN/PRC–126 Small Unit Radio
7C AN/PRC–127 Non-hardened Small Unit Radio
7D AN/GRA–39 Remote Control
7E OE–254 Antenna
7F RC–292 Antenna
7G Combat Service Support Automated Information Systems Interface, AN/TYQ–55
7H Logistics technology
7J Standardized Integrated Command Post System
7K Electronic Warfare/intelligence
8A Inner tubes
Trainingdevices, simu-lations,and simulators
89 Field simulators and training equipment
Signal intelli-gence
9A Teammate AN/TRQ–32
9B Trailblazer AN/TQS–138
9C Trafficjam AN/TLQ–17A
9D Quickfix AN/ALQ–151(V)2
9E Lightweight Man-transportable Radio AN/PRD–12
9F Airborne reconnaissance low, AN/ASQ–214 and AN/ASQ–216
9G Advanced quickfix
9H Ground base common sensor-heavy (GBCS–H)
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Table 3–27Generic category code (positions 4 and 5 of the material category code)—Continued
Group Code Description
9J Ground base common sensor-light (GBCS–L)
9K Trackwolf
9L Trojan spirit
9M Advanced Trackwolf
9N Electronic warfare and intelligence, active and passive area (strategic misc)
9P Agency standard host/standard multi-user small computer requirements contract(ASH/SMSCRC)
9Q Agency standard terminal workstations (ASTW)
9R Clipboard
9S Crazyhorse
9T Focus
9U TD–1303/TD–1398 homester
9V R–2174B, receiver
9W Scope 2000
9X AN/FSQ–133 tracechain
9Y Winterfeed
9Z WJ–8618B, receiver
92 Electronic warfare and intelligence, active and passive area (general misc)
93 Intelligence electronic warfare common sensor (IEWCS)-Common (CHALS–X, TA JAM–A, CMES)
Table 3–28Material safety data sheet indicator codes
Code Explanation
A Safety data sheets are required in the FSC of items listed. The FSC of the item is listed in Federal Standard (FED–STD)313, in which all items must be identified and certified. Manufacturer/supplier must prepare and submit an SDS to desig-nated Government activities according to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 23.301 and FAR 52.223.
B SDS is required only for items identified and certified by the manufacturer or supplier to be hazardous, according to criteriain FED–STD 313. The FSC of the item is in FED–STD 313.
C SDS is not required for the FSC. The FSC of the item is listed in FED–STD 313; however the item has been certified by themanufacturer or supplier as not having any of the hazardous characteristics specified in FED–STD 313.
D SDS was submitted by the manufacturer or supplier and received by the requiring Government activity. The item was deter-mined by the manufacturer or supplier to be hazardous as defined in FED–STD 313.
E Item is not in the FSCs listed in FED–STD 313.
F SDS is required with items determined to be hazardous as defined in FED–STD 313. An SDS will be submitted by the man-ufacturer or supplier even though the FSC is not listed in table I or II.
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Table 3–29National codification bureau codes
Code Country
00 United States
01 United States
12 Germany
13 Belgium
14 France
15 Italy
16 Czech Republic
17 Netherlands
18 South Africa
20, 21 Canada
22 Denmark
23 Greece
24 Iceland
25 Norway
26 Portugal
27 Turkey
28 Luxembourg
29 Argentina
30 Japan
31 Israel
32 Singapore
33 Spain
34 Malaysia
35 Thailand
36 Egypt
37 Republic of Korea
38 Estonia
39 Romania
40 Slovakia
41 Austria
42 Slovenia
43 Poland
44 United Nations
45 Indonesia
46 Philippines
47 Lithuania
48 Fiji
49 Tonga
50 Bulgaria
51 Hungary
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Table 3–29National codification bureau codes—Continued
Code Country
52 Chile
53 Croatia
54 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
55 Latvia
56 Oman
57 Russia
58 Finland
59 Albania
60 Kuwait
61 Ukraine
63 Morroco
64 Sweden
65 Papua New Guinea
66 Australia
70 Saudi Arabia
71 United Arab Emirates
73 Serbia
74 Pakistan
75 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 New Zealand
99 United Kingdom
Table 3–30Phrase codes
Code Phrase statement Explanation
Blank DOD I&S family masterNSN
Indicates the item represented by the NSN in the header is a master NSN in a DOD I&S family.This blank phrase code must be accompanied by one of the following conditions:a. Be the first occurrence in an I&S family and reflect a blank related NSN field, having a valid I&Smaster OOU, and have at least one additional occurrence of phrase data with either phrase codeG, S or 7.b. Have a loaded related NSN field in combination with the correct OOU.
A Consolidated with(NSN) (to be used inIDS only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is to be consolidated with the itemrepresented by the NSN in the phrase statement area. The items of supply are identical or com-pletely interchangeable and will be issued under the NSN in the phrase statement area. Thisphrase is responsive to the action by the DLIS.Note: The NIIN must always change; the FSC may or may not change.
C Cancelled-Replaced by(NSN)
Indicates that the NSN in the header was assigned to more than one item of supply in error. Fieldactivities must physically re-identify stocks on hand to the appropriate NSNs reflected in thephrase statement area as correct item(s).
D Change to FSC (to beused in IDS only).
Indicates that the FSC class for the item in the header has been changed to the FSC class for theitem in the phrase statement area.
E Replaced by (NSN) (tobe used in I&S segmentonly).
Indicates the item represented by the NSN in the header is replaced by the interchangeable pre-ferred item represented by the NSN in the phrase statement area (stocks will be used until ex-hausted). Must be used in combination with phrase code G addressed to the NSN in the phrasestatement area. The item manager will delete the stock number from AESIP when all stock is ex-hausted from the wholesale system.
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Table 3–30Phrase codes—Continued
Code Phrase statement Explanation
F When exhausted use(NSN) (to be used inI&S segment only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is replaced by the preferred itemrepresented by the NSN in the phrase statement area. This code indicates a one-way substitution.Must be used in combination with phrase code 7. The item manager will delete the stock numberfrom AESIP when all stock is exhausted from the wholesale system.
G Use related item (NSN)until exhausted (to beused in I&S segmentsonly).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is the replacement for and is inter-changeable with the item in the phrase statement area. The replacement item will not be issueduntil the supply of the replaced item is exhausted. Must be used in combination with phrase codeE.
H Suitable substitute(NSN) (to be used inI&S segment only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the phrase statement area is an authorized sub-stitute for the item represented by the NSN in the header.
J Interchangeable with(NSN) (to be used inI&S segment only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header and the item represented by theNSN in the phrase statement area are completely interchangeable, one for the other. Preferreditem relationship is not implied, and stocks under the NSNs will not be consolidated.
KUI contains (quantityand UM)
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is assigned a nondefinitive UI. Datareflected in the segment H specifies the content of the nondefinitive UI.
LSuperseded by (NSN)(to be used in I&S seg-ment only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is to be discontinued and replacedby the item represented by the NSN in the phrase statement. Dispose of material on hand or sub-sequently received. The item manager will delete this NSN from AESIP when stock is depleted.
MBreak down into (NSNs)(to be used in the com-ponent segment only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is no longer stocked as an assem-bly. This phrase will be applied to an item when it is desired to breakdown the following:a. Assemblies into subassemblies and attaching parts.b. Groups of items into single items.c. Any two or more items that should not be binned together under one stock number.Support will be provided by the NSNs represented in the phrase statement area. Multiple entrieswill be required for NSNs and may be required for document entries. The item manager will deletethe NSN from AESIP when no longer required.
NDisposal (to be used inIDS only).
Disposal Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is no longer a required itemof supply. Dispose of stock in accordance with current instructions. The item manager will deletethe NSN from AESIP and move it to the item history file.
PUse assembly, assort-ment, or kit (NSN) (tobe used in IDS only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is not, or will no longer be, stockedas an individual item of supply. Requisition the next higher assembly, assortment, or kit repre-sented by the NSN in the phrase statement area. The item manager will delete the NSN fromAESIP and move it to the item history file.
QFabricate or assemble Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is not, or will no longer be, centrally
stocked. Fabricate or assemble from components listed in the technical document or “see TM” re-flected in the phrase statement area or represented by the NSNs in the phrase statement area.
RRefer to (technical doc-ument). To be used inIDS only.
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header required special handling as speci-fied in the technical document or “see TM” (insert TM number) listed in the phrase statement area.
SStock as (NSNs) (to beused in I&S segmentonly).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header applies to the item cataloged for au-thorization and procurement purposes. When manufacturer’s name and identification becomeknown for each new procurement source, the additional NSN(s) is reflected in the phrase state-ment area. Must be used in combination with phrase code 3.
TCondemned (to be usedin IDS without a re-placement stock num-ber; I&S segment with areplacement stock num-ber.
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header has been condemned, and its use isprohibited. Disposition will be in accordance with current directives. The replacement NSN, if appli-cable, is represented by the NSN in the phrase statement area. The item manager will delete theNSN from AESIP and move it to the item history file.
UAssociated with (masterNSN, I&S family)
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is in an I&S family that is managedby a PICA (letter of authorization 06, 22 or 23) which has no user/retail interest in the item, butmanagement interest only. Phrase code U records will not be filed in the Army retail system. Spe-cial requirements code 4 will be recorded in the item data to satisfy AESIP requirements.
VDiscontinued without re-placement (to be usedin item data segment).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is to be discontinued without re-placement. Stocks on hand will be issued and used until exhausted. The item manager will deletethe NSN from AESIP and move it to the item history file.
Y Equivalent to (NSN) (tobe used in equivalentitem segment only).
Indicates the item represented by the NSN in the header has physical and performance character-istics identical to the item represented by the NSN in the phrase statement area. The items of sup-ply differ only in the unit quantity and/or UI. Multiple records may be required.
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Table 3–30Phrase codes—Continued
Code Phrase statement Explanation
Z Discontinued-use (NSN)(to be used in I&S seg-ment only).
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is to be discontinued and replacedby the NSN in the phrase statement area. Stock will be issued until exhausted according to currentdirectives. The item manager will delete the NSN from AESIP and move it to the item history file.
2 When exhausted, useNSN with phrase code4.
Army use only.
3 Reversal of phrasecode S
Indicates that the item represented by the NSN in the header is the (physical) item of production inan I&S Generic relationship. (The generic master NSN appears in the phrase statement area.).Must be used in combination with phrase code S.
4 Reversal of phrasecode 2
Army use only.
5 When exhausted, useNSN with phrase code6
Army use only.
6 Reversal of phrasecode 5
Army use only.
7 Replacement for NSN Indicates that the item represented in the header is the preferred item master NSN in the I&S fam-ily and is suitable for the item(s) represented by the NSN in phrase statement area. The replace-ment item, master NSN in the I&S family, will be issued when the supply of the replaced item(s) isexhausted. Must be used in combination with phrase code F.
ac. Precious metals indicator code. The precious metals indicator code is a 1-position alphanumeric code used toidentify items that have precious metals as part of their content. Precious metals are those metals considered to beuncommon and highly valuable. Use this code together with the RC to make sure that precious metals are recovered orthat special handling or disposal procedures are followed (see table 3–31). This code is in the special Army datasegment of the AMDF.
ad. Price signal code. The price signal code is a 1-position code that denotes how the price field is expressed. Thiscode is in the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–32).
ae. Recoverability code. The RC is a 1-position alphabetic code assigned to support items to indicate the level ofmaintenance at which unserviceable support items may be condemned or disposed of. This code is in the IDS of theAMDF (see table 3–33).
af. Related number status code. The related number status code is a 1-position alphabetic code D that indicates anNSN or MCN in the phrase statement or related NSN or MCN column is inactive. A blank in this column shows thatthe NSN or MCN in the phrase statement or related NSN or MCN column is active. This code is in the item datahistory segment of the AMDF.
ag. Reportable item control code. The RICC is a 1-position numeric code assigned to those items of equipmentselected as reportable and identified by RICC 2, and 3 according to SB 700–20. Intensive management items identifiedby RICC 8, per AR 710–1, are also included. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–34).
ah. Shelf life code. The SLC is a 1-position alphanumeric code assigned a SLC item. It identifies the period of timebeginning with the date of manufacture, cure or assembly, and ending with the date the item must be used or subjectedto inspection, testing or restorative, or disposal action. For medical items, the shelf life refers only to expiration dated(potency) items (type 1). Nonpotency dated items have an estimated storage period and are referred to as estimatedstorage life items (type II). Both SL potency (type I) items and estimated storage life (type II) items are coded in thefourth and fifth positions of the materiel category structure. For example, codes 01 or 02 reflect a SLC (potency)period; 03 reflect an estimated storage period. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF (see table 3–35).
ai. Source of supply code. The SOS is a 3-position alphanumeric code that identifies the activity where requisitionsare to be sent. A list of SOS codes, in RIC sequence, including the geographical locations and cataloging activity codesare identified (see table 3–36). This code is in the IDS of the AMDF.
aj. Special control item code. The SCIC is a 1-position alphanumeric code that identifies items requiring specialcontrols (see table 3–37). This code is in the IDS of the AMDF.
ak. Special handling code. The special handling (SH) code is a 1-position alphanumeric code that indicates if specialhandling is needed. This is the fifth position of the water commodity and cargo exception code (see DOD 4500.32–R,Vol 1, for specific code explanations). This code is in the freight segment of the AMDF.
al. Special requirements code. The special requirements code is a 1-position alphanumeric code that identifiessupply functions that must be done according to special requirements documents. This code is in the item data andhistory segments of the AMDF (see table 3–39).
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am. Subsistence usage management code. The subsistence usage management code is a 1-position alphabetic codethat indicates to whom and under what conditions a subsistence item will be issued. It is used by the requisitioner toidentify items of subsistence suitable for requisition. This code applies to items in FSG 89 only and is in the itemidentification segment of the AMDF (see table 3–40).
Table 3–31Precious metals indicator codes (See note)
Code Type precious metal Content value
A No known precious metal Item does not contain precious metal. None.
C Item contains combination of two or more precious metals (silver, gold, or platinum). Not applicable.
G Gold. Less than 10 grams.
P Item contains platinum family metals.
S Item contains silver.
U Precious metal type unknown.
V Precious metal type varies between manufacturers.
Notes:The platinum family contains platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, and ruthenium.
Table 3–32Price signal codes
Code Explanation
S Standard unit price cited in dollars and cents. Limited to a price range of $0.01 to $99,999.99.
E Estimated unit price cited in dollars and cents; limited to a price range of $0.01 to $99,999.99.
X Unit price cited in whole dollars. Limited to a price range of $100,000 or more, but less than $10 million.
M Unit price cited in hundreds of dollars; limited to prices of $10 million or more.
F No applicable unit price. Price field is zero (0) filled; indicates no price is applicable to local purchase items of DLA, GSA, andother military services, and free issue items-manuals and antigens; limited to expendable items only and to classes of supplyexcept V and VII.
Table 3–33Recoverability codes (See note)
Code Explanation
A Special handling item. Item requires special handling or condemnation procedures because of a specific reason (for exam-ple, precious metal content, high dollar value, critical material or hazardous material). Refer to appropriate manuals or direc-tives for specific instructions.
D Reparable item. When item is beyond lower level repair capability, return to depot. Condemnation and disposal not author-ized beyond depot levels.
F Reparable item. When uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at direct support level.
H Reparable item. When item is uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at general support level.
K Repairable item. Condemnation and disposal to be performed at contractor facility.
L Reparable item. Repair, condemnation and disposal not authorized below depot or specialized repair activity level.
O (alpha) Reparable item. When item is uneconomically reparable, condemn and dispose at organizational level.
Z Non-repairable item. When unserviceable, condemn and dispose of at the level indicated in column 3 of the source mainte-nance and RC (AR 700–82).
Notes:A blank in this position means the item is likely an end item, which is not assigned an RC. AR 710–2 provides policies for disposing ofend items.
75DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–34Reportable item control codes
Code Explanation
0 Not reportable.
1 Deleted.
2 Items selected and designed by USAMC major subordinate commands (MSCs) that are authorized by TOE, modification tableof organization and equipment, table of distribution and allowances, CTA and Joint tables of allowances. This category includesthe following:a. All NSNs of a generic family.b. All major items with appropriation and budget activity account codes A through Q.c. Secondary items that are type classified and are subject to individual quantitative authorization and distribution management.d. All LINs that are coded equipment readiness code A unless specifically excluded by HQDA.
A Same as RICC 2, and requires serial number tracking for supply visibility.
B Same as RICC 2, and requires serial number tracking for maintenance data.
C Same as RICC 2, and requires serial number tracking for both supply visibility and maintenance data.
3 Deleted.
8 Items selected and designated by AMC MSCs for intensive management under the SIMS–X per AR 710–1 (applicable to Armymanaged items only).
D Same as RICC 8 except requires serial number tracking for supply visibility.
E Same as RICC 8 except requires serial number tracking for maintenance data.
F Same as RICC 8 except requires serial number tracking for both supply visibility and maintenance data.
G Requires no CBS–X nor SIMS–X reporting, but does require serial number tracking for supply visibility.
H Requires no CBS–X nor SIMS–X reporting, but does require serial number tracking for maintenance data.
J Requires no CBS–X nor SIMS–X reporting, but does require serial number tracking for both supply visibility and maintenancedata.
K Same as RICC 2. This item does not require serial number tracking, but contains installed component(s), which require serialnumber tracking for supply visibility purposes.
L Same as RICC 2. This item does not require serial number tracking, but contains installed component(s), which require serialnumber tracking for maintenance purposes.
M Same as RICC 2. This item does not require serial number tracking, but contains installed component(s) which require serialnumber tracking for both supply visibility and maintenance purposes.
N Same as RICC 0, except has installed component(s) which require serial number tracking.
P Same as RICC A, except has installed component(s) which require serial number tracking for supply visibility purposes.
Q Same as RICC B, except has installed component(s) which require serial number tracking for maintenance purposes.
R Same as RICC C, except has installed component(s) which require serial number tracking for both supply visibility and mainte-nance purposes.
Z Same as RICC 2, and requires tracking for reduction of inventory visibility.
Table 3–35Shelf life codes (See note 1)
Code Explanation
Type I (See note1)
Type II (See note 3) Storage time period
0 0 Nondeteriorative
A 1 month
B 2 months
C 1 3 months
D 4 months
E 5 months
76 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–35Shelf life codes (See note 1)—Continued
Code Explanation
F 2 6 months
G 3 9 months
H 4 12 months
I 72 months
J 15 months
K 5 18 months
L 21 months
M 6 24 months
N 27 months
P 30 months
Q 7 36 months
R 8 48 months
S 9 60 months
T 84 months
U 96 months
V 108 months
Type I (See note1)
Type II (See note 3) Storage time period
W 120 Months
X X Medical Items, parachutes and chemical protective clothing with a shelf life greater than 60months
Y 180 months
Z 240 months
Notes:1 Excluded are class V supplies (ammunition) in FSCs 11, 13, and 14 and FSCs 2845 and 9135. The SLC position of the IDS for theseitems will be blank. Also excluded are perishable subsistence (FSCs 8905, 8910, and 8915) and bulk petroleum items (FSC 9130 and9140). The SLC position of the item data segments for these items may be blank. Recipients will report any deterioration of 0 (numeric)coded items to the item manager for review. If nonexpiration dated material and type II shelf life materiel have exceeded their shelf lifeperiod, then the materiel will be inspected or tested before disposal to see if it should remain in stock. The item manager will prescribeinspecting, testing, or restoring this materiel.2 Type I. An item of supply, which is determined through an evaluation of technical test data or actual experience to be an item with adefinite nonextendable period of shelf life.3 Type II. An item of supply having an assigned shelf life time period that may be extended after completion of inspection, test, or re-storative action.
Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
AKZ U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments CommandWarren, MI 48397–5000
AP5 U.S. Army Soldier’s Biological and Chemical CommandU.S. Army Support ActivityPhiladelphia, PA 19101–3460
A12 U.S. Army Soldier’s Biological and Chemical CommandNatick, MA 01760
A35 U.S. Army War Reserve Command Materiel Management TeamNew Cumberland, PA 17070–5008
BAM Simulation Training and Instrumentation CommandOrlando, FL 32826–3276
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Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
BS7 Television-Audio Support ActivitySacramento, CA 95813–5019
B14 U.S. Army Armament and Chemical Acquisition and Logistics Activity AMSTA–ACRock Island, IL 61299–6000
B16 U.S. Army Communications-Electronics CommandAberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005
B17U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (Air) AMSMI–LC–MM–CRedstone Arsenal, AL 35898–5230
B56 U.S. Army Communications Security Logistics ActivityFort Huachuca, AZ 85613–7090
B63 USA Biological Depot, Washington, DCMail - Commanding General, Walter Reed Army Medical Center,Chief Supply Control Branch,Washington, DC 20012
B64 U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command AMSMI–LC–MM–CRedstone Arsenal, AL 35898–5230
B69 U.S. Army Medical Material AgencyFrederick, MD 21701–5001
CAT Caterpillar INC. Defense and Federal Products Div.14009 Old Galena RoadMoosville, IL 61552
CLC Thales Raytheon Systems Co.2000 East El Sequndo BlvdEl Sequndo, CA 90245–0902
FG5 Ogden Air Logistics CenterHill AFB, UT 84056–5609
FGL AF Nuclear Weapons Product Support CenterKirtland AFB, New Mexico 87117–5617
FGZ Ogden Air Logistics CenterHill AFB, UT 84056–5609
FHZ Oklahoma City Air Logistics CenterTinker AFB, OK 73145–5989
FLZ Warner Robins Air Logistics CenterRobins AFB, GA 31098–5609
FL5 Warner Robins Air Logistics CenterRobins AFB, GA 31098–5609
FMS AFMC Air Force Security Assistance Center/XRWright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433–5001
FNF AFLC Command ChaplainHQ, AFLC/HCWright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433–5001
FPD Air Force Cryptologic Support Center (ESC)San Antonio, TX 78243–5000
FPH Detachment 3, WR–ALCSan Antonio, TX 78241–5603
FPK San Antonio Air Logistics CenterKelly AFB TX 78241–5000
FPZ San Antonio Air Logistics CenterKelly AFB, TX 78241–5000
FZZ WR–ALC/LX Bldg 350 STRM C750 3rd StreetRobbins AFB, GA 31098–2122
78 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
F01 Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems86 South Cobb Dr.Marietta, GA 30063–0659
F04 Air Force Medical Logistics OfficeAFMLO/FOLFredrick, MD 21701–5006
F06 Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems86 South Cobb Dr.Marietta, GA 30063–0659
F08 Aerospace Integration Corporation5555 John Givens Rd.Crestview, FL 32539–7019
F09 Lockheed Martin Mission Systems3201 Airpark Dr # 202Santa Maria, CA 93455–1120
F13 Pratt & Whitney17900 Beeline HwyJupiter, FL 33478
F16 Rolls Royce Corporation2840 Fortune CircleWest Indianapolis, IN 42641–5055
F20 L3 Communication, Integrated Systems, JOG91 Hill AveFort Walton Beach FL 32548–7005
F2U Warner-Robins Air Logistics CenterRobins AFB, GA 31098–5609
F27 Warner Robins Air Logistics CenterRobins AFB, Georgia 31098–5609
F28 The Boeing Company626 Anchors St. NWFort Walton Beach, FL 32548–7013
F4U Ogden Air Logistics CenterHill AFB, UT 84056–5609
F43 Honeywell Technical Services, Inc.1110 Bayfield Dr.Colorado Springs, CO
F50 The Boeing CompanyC–130 Avionics Mod Program100 North RiversideChicago, Illinois 60606
F56 FD9490 SOFSA EMBFOR DEPOT STORAGE ONLY5749 Briar Hill RD.Lexington, KY 40516–9721
F59 Northrop Grumman IS ACS2501 Liberty Parkway, Suite 101Midwest, OK 73110–2885
F63 Composite Engineering, Inc5281 Raley BlvdSacramento, CA 95835–1701
F7X Air Force Cryptologic Support Center (ESC)San Antonio, TX 78243–5000
F74 Northrop Grumman CorporationWarner Robins GA 31088–7499
F77 Boeing Military Transportation AircraftLos Angeles, CA 90307–3044
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Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
F78 Northrop Grumman Ryan AeroSan Diego, CA 92127
F8U Oklahoma City Air Logistics CenterTinker AFB, OK 73145–5989
F80 Warner Robins Air Logistics CenterRobins AFB, GA 31098–5609
F81 Lockheed Martin Aero Co.2211 New Market Parkway, SE Suite 112Marietta, GA. 30067–9310
F83 General Atomics-Aeronautical Systems16761 Via Del Campo CourtSan Diego, CA 92127–1713
F85 International Telephone & Telegraph1030 S. Highway AlA, Bldg, 989PO Box 254307Patrick AFB, FL 32925
F92 Air Force Clothing and Textile OfficePhiladelphia, PA 19101–8419
F97 HQ, Air Force Engineering and Services Center/AFESCTyndall AFB, FL 32403–6001
GF0 General Services AdministrationGeneral Products Commodity CenterFort Worth, TX 76102
GGE General Services AdministrationFederal Technology ServiceInformation Security (FTS/TI)7th & D Streets, SWWashington, DC 20407
GK0 General Services AdministrationTools Material Management Division2808 E 85th St.Kansas City, MO 64131
GN0 General Services AdministrationOffice of Supplies and Paper Products Commodity Center290 Broadway #206New York, NY 10278
GQ0 General Services AdministrationOffice of Scientific Equipment Commodity Center1800 F St NWWashington, DC 20406
GSA General Services Administration1800 F St NWWashington, DC 20406
GT0 General Services AdministrationPrints and Chemicals Commodity Center400 15th St SWAuburn, WA 98002
GV0 General Services AdministrationFurniture Commodity Center1800 F St NWWashington, DC 20406
G13 Department of CommerceNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationNational Weather Service - Engineering Division1325 East-West Highway W/0S0322, SSMC2Silver Springs, MD 20910
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Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
G14 National Weather ServiceNational Reconditioning Center1520 E. Bannister RoadKansas City, MO 64131
G36 Veterans AdministrationSupply Depot (901E) PO Box 27Hines, IL 60141
G69 Department of TransportationFederal Aviation AdministrationCOE AML–030 TSF BLDG 215 PO Box 25082Oklahoma City, OK 73125–0082
HAD Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Albuquerque OperationsKirtland AFB, NM 87117–5669
HAM HQ, USSOCOM/SOAL–LM7701 Tampa Point Blvd.MacDill AFB, FL 33621–5323
HGD Honeywell Federal Manufacturing and Technologies14520 Botts Rd.Kansas City, MO 64147
HM8 Defense Supply Center Richmond (Mapping)8000 Jefferson Davis HwyRichmond, VA 23297–5335
H9A Special Operations Forces Support Activity (SOFSA)BLDG 221 Blue Grass Station5751 Briar Hill RoadLexington, KY 40512–4063
H9D USSOCOM7701 Tampa Point Blvd.MacDill AFB, FL 33621–5323
L01 Coastal Systems Station DahlgrenDivision Naval Surface Warfare CenterPanama City, FL 32407–7001
L05 BAE Systems Marine LTDLans Bldg C–08Barow-In-FurnessCumbria England LA14 1AF
L46 Zodiac of North America Inc.Jackie Dolch Tel. 410- 643- 4141540 Thompson Creek RoadStevensville, MD 21666
LA1 Federal Prison IndustriesFCI Estill100 Prision RdEstill, SC 29918–0699
LA2 Track InternationalPrime Contractor369 W Western AvePort Washington, WI 53074–0990
LA3 Terex Cranes Inc.Conway OperationPO Box 260002 Conway, SC 29528–6002
LA4 Litton Electro Optics Systems DivisionU.S. Marine Corps12024 Forrestgate DriveDallas, TX 75243–5411
LA5 Hayes Diversified Technologies10844 E Ave, Suite A1Hesperia, CA 92345–5000
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Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
LA6 Advanced Vehicle Systems Inc.600 New Hampshire Ave NWSuite 1000Washington, DC 20037–2485
LA9 Oshkosh Truck CorporationPO Box 25662225 Minnesota StOshkosh, WI 54902–7021
LB2 Lion-Vallen Industries6450 POE Ave Suite 300Dayton, OH 45414–2646
LB3 Isometrics Inc.1266 N. Scales StreetPO Box 660 Rockingham CountyReidsville, NC 26320–8306
LB4 Navistar International Corporation Truck Ohio Plan6125 Urbana Rd. PO Box 600Springfield, OH 45501–0600
LB7 Ingersoll Rand, MF M67854 01 L 3086501 Sandford AveMocksville, NC 27028–2919
LB8 Elgin Sweeper Company Subsidiary of Federal Signal1300 West Bartlet RoadElgin IL 60120–7429
LC1 XR Raytheon Co. Hanger Facility Bldg11005 Biggs Army AirfieldEl Paso, TX 79916–0001
LC2 Ingersoll-Rand Equipment & Services Co12311 West Silver Spring DriveMilwaukee, WI 53225
LC3 Kalyn Siebert1505 W. Main StreetPO Box 1078Gatesville, TX 76528–6078
LC5 General Dynamics14043 Crown CtWoodbridge, VA 22193
LC6 Raytheon CompanyPO Box 801McKinney, TX 75070–0801
LC7 United Defense LP Ground Systems DivisionPO Box 15512York, PA 17405–1512
LC8 Defense Federal Products TC A14009 Old Galenda RdMossville, IL 61552–0470
LC9 AM GeneralPO Box 728 408 S. Byrkit StreetMishawaka, IN 46544–0728
LD2 Aerovironment69 Moreland RoadSimi Valley, CA 93065–1662
LD3 RO Defense Inc.48 Rawls Spring Loop RoadHattiesburg, MS 39402–7801
LD4 Nordic Air, Inc.5455 Route 307 WestGeneva, OH 44041
82 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
LD6 Harris Corporation GCSD2400 Palm Bay Road NEPalm Bay, FL 32905–3399
LD9 GYROCAM Systems LLC8100 15th Street EastSarasota, FL 34243
MA6 Advanced Vehicle Systems IncL00864 600 NW Hampshire Ave, NW Ste 1000Washington, DC 20037
MA7 Hayes Diversified Technologies L00679100844 E Ave Ste A1Hesperia, CA 92345
MA8 AM General L00211rationPO Box 728 420 South Byrkit StMishawaka, IN 46522–3012
MA9 Oshkosh Truck Company2307 Oregon StOshkosh, WI 54901
MHQ Headquarters Marine CorpsWashington, DC 20380
MPB Commanding GeneralMarine Corps Logistics Command566–2, Bldg. 3700Albany, GA 31704–5000
MTC American Crane CorporationDBA Terex American Inc.202 Raleigh StWilmington, NC 28412–6363
M00 Raytheon Systems Company L006822501 W. University DrivePO Box 801 M/S 8064McKinney, TX 7570–0801
M20 United Defense LP Ground Systems Div.1100 Bairs Rd. PO Box 15512York, PA 17405–1512
M31 Caterpillar Inc, Defense Federal Products TCA14009 Old Galena RdMossville, IL 61522–0407
M32 Lion-Vallen Industries6450 Poe Ave Suite 300Dayton, OH 45414–2646
N17 Navy Resale and ServiceSupport OfficeFort WadsworthStaten Island, NY 10305
N21 Naval Air Systems CommandWashington, DC 20360
N21 Naval Air Systems CommandWashington, DC 20376
N22 Naval Supply Systems CommandWashington, DC 20376
N23 Naval Sea Systems CommandWashington, DC 20362
N24 Program Executive OfficerExpeditionary WarfarePMS 325J2531 Jefferson Davis HighwayArlington, VA 22242–5171
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Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
N25 Naval Facilities Engineering CommandAlexandria, VA 22332
N26 Bureau of Naval PersonnelWashington, DC 20370
N32 Naval Inventory Control PointPhiladelphia, PA 19111–5098
N35 Naval Inventory Control PointMechanicsburg, PA 17055–0788
N39 Military Sealift CommandWashington, DC 20390
N43 Navy Food Service Systems OfficeWashington Navy YardWashington, DC 20374
N44 Strategic Systems Project Office1250 10th Street SEWashington, DC 20376
N45 Naval Training System CenterOrlando, FL 32813
N47 Navy Fleet Material Support OfficeMechanicsburg, PA 17055
N48 Naval Education and Training Program Development CenterPensacola, FL 32509
N56 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery7700 Arlington BlvdFalls Church, VA 22042
N57 Chief of Naval OperationsWashington, DC 20350
N64 CommanderNaval Intelligence Command4600 Silver Hill RoadWashington, DC 20389
N67 Naval Air Technical Services FacilityPhiladelphia, PA 19111
N68 Naval Underwater Systems CenterNewport, RI 02840
N77 Space and Naval Warfare Systems CommandWashington, DC 20363
N79 Naval Mine Engineering FacilityYorktown, VA 23491
N84 Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engineering Station(Code 5200)Port Hueneme, CA 93041
NDZ Naval Supply CenterSan Diego, CA 92131
NMP Naval Inventory Control PointPO Box 2020Mechanicsburg, PA 17055–0788
NMZ Naval Inventory Control PointPO Box 2020Mechanicsburg, PA 17055–0788
NCB Naval Ordnance CenterPO Box 2011Mechanicsburg, PA 17055–0788
NRP NAVICP–ERP700 Robbins AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19111–5098
84 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
NFZ Naval Publications and Forms DirectorateNaval Inventory Control PointPhiladelphia, PA 19111–5098
NWS National Weather Service1325 East West Highway W/ GOSO322Silver Spring, MD. 20910
PPZ Naval Air StationSupply DepartmentPensacola, FL 32508
PRZ Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft DivisionSupply DepartmentPatuxent River, MD 20670–5588
PSZ Pacific Missile Test CenterPoint Mugu, CA 93042
P64 Crane DivisionNaval Surface Warfare CenterCode 1121, Building 41SE 300 Highway 361Crave, IN 47522–5010
P73 Naval Undersea WarfareEngineering Station Supply DepartmentKeyport, WA 98345
P87 Naval Surface Warfare CenterCoastal Systems Station6703 W. Highway 98 Code SP40, Building 435Panama City, FL 32407–7001
Q1G Naval ICPPhiladelphia, PA 19111
Q1J Naval ICPPhiladelphia, PA 19111
Q6D Communications Security Material System3801 Nebraska Ave NWWashington, DC 20390
Q81 Joint Cruise Missile Project OfficeWashington, DC 20360
RAZ Naval Plant Representative (SPL–60)Lockheed Missiles and Space Co.PO Box 504 Sunnyvale, CA 94088
RCZ Naval Plant Representative (SPG)General Electric Ordnance SystemsPittsfield, MA 01201
RKZ Naval Plant Technical Representative (SPI)Interstate Electronics Corp.Anaheim, CA 92803
RTF SPAWAR SYSCEN, CharlestonPO Box 190022North Charleston, SC 29419–9002
R29 SSPO Technical Representative (SSPOTR)Sperry Rand Corp.Sperry Systems Management DivisionGreat Neck, NY 11020
R31 Naval Plant Representative (SPL(W))PO Box 504 Sunnyvale, CA 94088
R32 Naval Ship Engineering CenterNaval StationNorfolk, VA 23511
R33 Naval Plant Technical Representative (SPA)Autonetics Division of Rockwell International, Inc.Anaheim, CA 92803
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Table 3–36Source of supply codes/routing identifier codes—Continued
Code Service/Activity Activity Code
R41 Naval Facilities Expenditionary Logistics CenterCode N42Bldg 1000 23rd Ave Port Hueneme, CA 93043
R48 Naval Supply Systems CommandArlington, VA 22241–5360
R58 Navy Recruiting CommandArlington, VA 22203
SMS Defense Logistics AgencyEnterprise Business Systems
S9C Defense Supply Center ColumbusColumbus, OH 43215
S9E Defense Supply Center Columbus3990 East Broad St Columbus, OH 43218
S9F DLA Energy, Andrew T. McNamara Building8725 John J. Kingman RoadFort Belvoir, VA 22060–6222
S9G Defense Supply Center RichmondRichmond, VA 23297
S9I Defense Industrial Supply Center700 Robbins StPhiladelphia, PA 19111
S9M Defense Supply Center PhiladelphiaDirector of Medical MaterialPhiladelphia, PA 19145
S9P Defense Supply Center PhiladelphiaPerishable Subsistence700 Robbins StPhiladelphia, PA 19101
S9R Defense Supply Center RichmondRichmond, VA 23297
S9S Defense Supply Center PhiladelphiaNonperishable Subsistence700 Robbins StPhiladelphia, PA 19101
S9T Defense Supply Center Philadelphia700 Robbins StPhiladelphia, PA 19101
ZIC U.S. Coast GuardSupply Center Curtis BayBaltimore, MD 21226–1792
ZNC Commanding OfficerUSCG Surface Force Logistics CenterCode 028, Mil Stop 252401 Hawkins Point RoadBaltimore, MD 21226–5000
ZQC Commanding OfficerDepartment of Homeland SecurityUSCG Aviation Logistics Center1664 Weeksville Road Elizabeth City, NC 27909
86 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–37Special control item codes
Code Explanation
1 Regulated item. Any item for which distribution is closely supervised by the manager or the Army. This close supervision isdone because the item is in short supply, high in cost, or is highly technical or hazardous.
2 Principal item. End items and replacement assemblies so important they require centralized individual management throughoutthe supply system to include depot level, base level, and using unit level. These specifically apply to items, in the judgment ofthe Army, and that need central inventory control including the following:a. Centralized computing of requirements.b. Central procurement.c. Central direction of distribution.d. Central knowledge and control of all assets owned by the Army.
3 Sensitive item. Items that may be stolen and used in civil disturbances that require extensive protection and control during themateriel life cycle.
4 Regulated and principal item. Combination of 1 and 2 above.
5 Sensitive and regulated item. Combination of 1 and 3 above.
6 Principal and sensitive item. Combination of 2 and 3 above.
7 Explosive or hazardous item.
8 Radioactive item.
9 Regulated and controlled item. Due to safety or other considerations, local purchase is not authorized without SOS approval.
A Regulated and contains a radioactive item. Combination of 1 and 8 above.
B Regulated-principal and contains a radioactive item. Combination of 4 and 8 above.
C Principal and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 2 and 7 above.
D Regulated, principal and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 4 and 7 above.
E Sensitive and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 3 and 7 above.
F Sensitive and radioactive item. Combination of 3 and 8 above.
G Sensitive and explosive or hazardous radioactive item. Combination of 3, 7, and 8 above.
H Sensitive-regulated radioactive item. Combination of 1, 3, and 8 above.
J Radioactive item. Regulated and controlled. Due to safety and other consideration, local purchase is not authorized. Combina-tion of 8 and 9 above.
K Sensitive-regulated-principal radioactive item. Combination of 3, 4, and 8 above.
M Sensitive, principal, and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 2, 3, and 7 above.
P Sensitive, regulated, principal, and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 3, 4, and 7 above.
R Sensitive, regulated and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 1, 3, and 7 above.
S Sensitive-principal-radioactive item. Combination of 2, 3, and 8 above.
T Principal and radioactive item. Combination of 2 and 8 above.
U Sensitive, principal and explosive or hazardous radioactive item. Combination of 6, 7, and 8 above.
V Regulated and explosive or hazardous item. Combination of 1 and 7 above.
W Regulated, principal and explosive or hazardous radioactive item. Combination of 4, 7, and 8 above.
X Sensitive, regulated and explosive or hazardous radioactive item. Combination of 5, 7, and 8 above.
Z Sensitive-regulated and principal item. Combination of 3 and 4 above.
0 None of the above.
Notes:Sensitive qualified items must be coded with a CIIC of 1–6, 8, N, P, Q, or R, and ICC 0, 2, or 8.
87DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–38Special handling codes
Mixed handling requirements(Column a plus b, c, or d)
Type of Special Handling Cargo Single handling(a)
Heavy lift (HL)Condition(b)(See note 1)
OutsizedDimensions (OD)(c)(See note 2)
HL & OD(d)
Not to be assigned 1 - - -
Classified 2 B K S
Reserved 3 C L T
Protected (sensitive) 4 D M U
Protected (pilferable) 5 E N V
Protected (controlled) 6 F O W
Unassigned 7 G P X
Unassigned 8 H Q Y
No special handling required (except as indicated by I,R, or Z.)
9 I R Z
Notes:1 Heavy lift. Use for any piece, package, or palletized, unitized, or containerized unit (excluding (Government-owned or Government-leased shipping container or MILVAN) weighing 5 short tons (10,000 pounds) or more.2 Outsized dimensions. Dimensions of any place, package, or palletized, unitized, or containerized unit (excluding commercial or Gov-ernment-owned (or Government-leased) shipping container seavan, MILVAN, CONEX), and privately-owned vehicles that exceed 6feet in any dimension.
Table 3–39Special requirements codes
Code Explanation
4 Assigned to items managed by NICP as an IMM to support other military services and for which Army is not a user.
5 5 identifies Defense Industrial Plant equipment items.
6 Identifies nuclear special, non Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) cataloged items. The Armament and Chemical Acquisition andLogistics Activity are the only authorized user of this code.
8 8 identifies an item managed by Army as a DOD single manager. This conventional ammunition item is not used by Army activ-ities.
9 Identifies items that are cataloged through the DNA.
A SOS modifier code JDC identifies DLA commercial item.
B SOS modifier code JSB identifies schedule of blind-made items.
D SOS modifier code JDS identifies DLA supply schedule item. Reference table 3–2.
E This code identifies an item as Army intensive managed item-expanded (AIMI–X). AIMI–X items are critical high dollar valueand will be tracked by serial number.
F Items identified in OMA funding documents for force modernization. Items that have a special designation are assigned Trans-portation account code A258 as they flow through the supply and transportation systems.
P SOS modifier code JSP identifies Federal prison industries item.
M Item contains potentially recoverable precious metal and requires a special disposal process per DOD 4160.21–M.
H Category 1A ineffective drugs. Consult SB 8–75-series.
J Category 1B ineffective drugs. Consult SB 8–75-series.
L Category 2 possibly effective drugs. Consult SB 8–75-series.
N Category 3 probably effective drugs. Consult SB 8–75-series.
88 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–39Special requirements codes—Continued
Code Explanation
T Reinstated drugs. Item was previously assigned as category 1A or 1B, ineffective, category 2, possibly effective, or category 3,probably effective, but has been reevaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and determined to be an effective drug.Consult SB 8–75-series.
Table 3–40Subsistence usage management codes
Code Explanation
A Domestic use.
B Overseas and afloat use.
C Controlled item. Requisitions require approval by appropriate military service headquarters.
D For use in Standard B ration.
E Test item.
G Box lunches, flight feeding, carry-out, modular food service unit or small and isolated units.
H Submarines and ships 99 or less only.
J Central processing facilities or milk plants only.
K Army only.
L For use when carbonated beverage dispensers are not available.
M Afloat use only.
O No restriction for Army and Air Force. Marine Corps requisitions require approval by headquarters. Not authorized for Navy.
P Submarines only.
R Short shelf life. Limited to domestic and selected overseas locations only.
S No restrictions for Army, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Navy ashore facilities.
T Special management attention to exhaust stocks at all levels.
X Ration component procured solely by Defense Supply Center Philadelphia to assemble into composite food packages.
Dash No restriction.
an. Supply category of materiel code. The SCMC is a 2-position alphanumeric code identifying the supply class andsubclass on an item-by-item basis. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF. Table 3–41 is a list of valid class of supplyand subclassification combinations that are used in the AMDF.
ao. Type of cargo code. The TC code is a 1-position alpha or numeric code that identifies the type of cargo includedin the shipment unit. This code is in the freight segment of the AMDF and is described in table 3–42.
ap. Unit-of-issue code. The UI code is a 2-position alphabetic code that expresses a definite amount or quantity ofan item that will be issued. This amount or quantity is the managing activity’s set accounting unit on which unit priceis based, accountable records are maintained, and requirements computed. Nondefinitive UI (except for medical items)in the IDS of the AMDF must be supported by a unit-measurement-quantity-record. A table of UI designations, terms,and definitions to be assigned to items of supply are explained in table 3–43. This code is in the IDS of the AMDF.
aq. Unit-of-issue conversion table. The UI conversion table identifies the factor the old quantity must be multipliedby to convert it to the new UI. It also identifies the numerical multiplier used along with the reflected decimal locator(see table 3–44). This code is used in UI change records broadcast as part of the monthly SSD.
ar. Unit-of-measure code. The UM code is a 2-position alphabetic code that indicates a known physical measure-ment (length, volume, weight) or count of an item (for example, foot, gallon, pound, each, dozen, gross). This code isin the unit measurement quantity, history-section III, component, and equivalent item segment of the AMDF (see table3–44.)
as. Estimated storage life code. This 1-position code indicates the estimated period of time an item will retain itsserviceable qualities during proper storage (see table 3–45). This code is in the medical user data segment of theAMDF.
at. Storage/shipment requirement code. The storage/shipment requirement code is a 3-position alphanumeric codethat indicates the physical and environmental conditions required for proper storage of materiel. The first position
89DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
indicates special storage requirements. The second position indicates temperature requirements. The third positionindicates hazardous material handling requirements (see table 3–46). This code is in the medical user data segment.
au. Hazardous waste code. The hazardous waste code is a 1-position alphabetic code assigned to an item thatcontains hazardous waste materiel (see table 3–47). This code is in the medical user data segment of the AMDF.
av. Storage type code. The storage type code is a 2-position alphanumeric code used to indicate the type of storagerequired. The first position is the type of facility code. The second position is the facility characteristics code (see table3–48). This code is in the medical user data segment of the AMDF.
aw. Department of Defense special requirements code. This is a 1-position alphanumeric code that reflects specialcharacteristics of an item to be used during receipt, storage and shipment. The codes indicate special labelingrequirements, hazardous or dangerous characteristics or sensitive features of an item (see table 3–49). This code is inthe medical user data segment of the AMDF.
Table 3–41Supply category of materiel codes
Code Classes of Supply Subclassifications of Supply Position 68Position 67
1 Class I A, C, R, S, or W
2 Class II A, B, D, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, T, U, W, Y or Z
3 Class III 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7
4 Class IV X
5 Class V A, L, N, W, or Z
6 Class VI X
7 Class VII A, B, D, G, H, K, L, M, N, O (alpha), P, Q, U, W, Y or Z
8 Class VIII 0-9
9 Class IX A, B, D, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, O (alpha), P, Q, T, U, W, Y or Z
0 (numeric) Class X X
Legend:Classes of supply
Class I—Subsistence including gratuitous health and welfare items.Class II—Clothing, individual equipment, tentage, tool sets and tool kits, hand tools, administrative and housekeeping supplies and
equipment. Includes item of equipment, other than principal items, prescribed in authorization and allowance tables, and items ofsupply (not including repair parts).
Class III—POL. Petroleum fuels: lubricants, hydraulic and insulating oils, preservatives, liquid and compressed gases, chemical prod-ucts, coolants, deicers and antifreeze compounds, together with components and additives of such products and coal.Class IV—Construction. Construction materials to include installed equipment and all fortification and barrier materials.
Class V—Ammunition. Ammunition of all types (including chemical, radiological and special weapons) bombs, explosives, land mines,fuses, detonators, pyrotechnics, missiles, rockets, propellants, and other associated items.
Class VI—Personal demand items (nonmilitary sales items).Class VII—Major end items. A final combination of end products that is ready for its intended use (principal items); for example, launch-
ers, tanks, mobile machine shops, and vehicles.Class VIII—Medical material including medical peculiar repair parts.
Class IX—Repair parts and components to include kits, assemblies, and subassemblies, reparable and nonreparable required formaintenance support of all equipment.
Class X—Materiel to support nonmilitary programs, such as agriculture and economic development, not included in classes I throughIX.
Subclassifications of supplyA—Air (aviation, aircraft, airdrop equipment):
Class I—Food packet, in-flight, individual.Class II—Items of supply and equipment in support of aviation/aircraft.Class III—Petroleum and chemical products used in support of aircraft.Class V—Munitions delivered by aircraft or aircraft weapons systems.
Class VII—Major end items of aviation equipment.Class IX—Aircraft repair parts.
B—Troop support materiel consists of such items as water purification sets, shower, bath, laundry, dry cleaning and bakery equipment;sets, kits, and outfits (includes tool and equipment sets and shop/equipment sets for performing organization, direct support, generalsupport, and depot level maintenance operations); test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment that does not require acquisition ap-proval, but may require registration; sensors and interior intrusion devices; topographic equipment and related topographic products as
outlined in AR 115-11.C—Operational rations include accessory packet of health and comfort items in meal, combat, meal combat individual or a ration sup-
plement sundries pack issued along with B-ration until Army exchange (PX) facilities are established.D—Commercial vehicles includes wheeled vehicles authorized for use in administrative or tactical operations.
90 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–41Supply category of materiel codes—Continued
Code Classes of Supply Subclassifications of Supply Position 68Position 67
E—General supply items includes administrative expendable supplies (for example, typewriter ribbons, paper, cleaning materials, andother supplies normally referred to as office supplies). Also includes publications distributed through adjutant general channels.
F—Clothing and textiles includes individual and organization items of clothing and equipment authorized in allowance tables andtentage/tarpaulins authorized in TOE or other media.
G—Communications—Electronics (CE) includes signal items, such as radio, telephone, teletype, satellite, avionics, marine communica-tions and navigational equipment; tactical and nontactical ADP; radar, photographic audio visual and television equipment; infrared; la-
ser/maser; electronic sensors, for example.H—Test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment requiring acquisition and approval registration, includes items of equipment used todetermine the operating efficiency or diagnose incipient problems in systems, components, assemblies and subassemblies of Army-
used materiel.K—Tactical vehicles includes trucks, truck tractors, trailers, semi-trailers, personnel carriers, for example.
L—MissilesClass II, VII and IX includes guided missile and rocket systems (for example, NIKE-HERCULES, HAWK, LANCE, TOW, and DRAG-
ON).Class V includes guided missile ammunition items.
M—Weapons includes small arms, artillery, fire control systems, rocket launchers, machine guns, air defense weapons, aircraftweapon subsystems, for example.
N—Special weapons.Class II includes special tools and handling equipment that has been established to support items which are not major end items nor
are type classified and have been assigned the SCM of 7N.Class V includes nuclear and thermonuclear munitions.
Class VII includes weapons systems that deliver nuclear munitions.Class IX includes repair parts for class VII—N.
O—Combat vehicles includes main battle tanks, recovery vehicles, self-propelled artillery, armored cars, tracked and half-tracked vehi-cles, for example.
P—Signal intelligence (SIGINT) and/electronic warfare (EW) includes materiel peculiar to those mission areas assigned to FSC 5811for which CG, USAMC has responsibility. This subclass is identified separately from subclass G because of specialized supply and
maintenance functions performed by a dedicated SIGINT/EW logistical system.Q—Marine equipment includes marine items of supply and equipment (for example, amphibious vehicles, landing craft, barges, tugs,
floating cranes, and dredges).R—Refrigerated subsistence consists of two of the following categories of refrigeration:
—(1) That which is required to be maintained at 0 degrees F (-17.8C) to keep frozen meals and foods for extended periods.—(2) That which is to be maintained at approximately 40 degrees F (4.4C) to keep perishables (for example, fruits, vegetables, and
eggs) contained in A-rations for shorter periods.S—Nonrefrigerated subsistence includes items in standard B-rations and nonperishable items in A-rations.
T—Industrial supplies includes common supplies and repair parts, such as shop stocks, hardware, and fabrication-type items generallyhaving multiple usage and/or application. Such items are generally managed by DISC.
U—COMSEC material is identified separately from subclassification G because of specialized supply and maintenance functionsperformed with a dedicated COMSEC logistic system.
W—Ground.Class I—Water—when delivered as a supply item.
Class III includes petroleum or chemical products and solid fuels used in support of ground and marine equipment.Class V—Conventional munitions consist of chemical, smoke, illuminating, incendiary, riot control, and improved conventional muni-
tions.Class II, VII, and IX consists of construction or road building and materials handling equipment, for example.
X—In class–indicates no subclassification assigned.Y—Railway equipment includes rail items of supply and equipment (for example, locomotives, rail cars, rails, rail joining, and shifting
equipment).Z—Chemicals. Classes II, VII, and IX include chemical items (for example, gas masks, decontaminators, and smoke generators). Class
V consists of chemical toxic munitions.
Class III Subclassifications1—Air, bulk fuels include jet fuels and aviation gasolines, normally transported by pipeline, rail tank car, tank truck, barge, coastal or
ocean-going tankers and stored in a tank or container having a fill capacity greater than 500 gallons.2—Air, packaged bulk fuels include fuels in subclassification 1 that because of operational necessity are generally packaged and sup-plied in containers of 4 to 55 gallons capacity, except fuels in military collapsible containers of 500 gallons or less, which also will be
considered as packaged fuels.3—Air, packaged petroleum products include aircraft unique petroleum and chemical products consisting generally of lubricating oils,greases, and specialty items, normally packaged by the manufacturer, and procured, stored, transported, and issued in containers or
packages of 55 gallons capacity or less.4—Ground, bulk fuels include MOGAS, kerosene, and heating oils, normally transported pipeline, rail tank car, tank truck, barge,
coastal or ocean-going tankers and stored in a tank or container having a fill capacity greater than 500 gallons.5—Ground, packaged bulk fuels include ground bulk fuels that because of operational necessity are generally packaged and supplied
in containers of 5 to 55 gallons or less, which also will be considered as packaged fuels.6—Ground, packaged petroleum includes petroleum and chemical products, generally lubricating oils, greases, and specialty items,
normally packaged by the manufacturer and procured, stored, transported, and issued in containers of 55 gallons capacity or less.7—Ground—solid fuels include coal, co*ke, heating tablets or bars, for example.
Class VIII subclassifications1—Controlled substances.
2—Tax-free alcohol.
91DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–41Supply category of materiel codes—Continued
Code Classes of Supply Subclassifications of Supply Position 68Position 67
3—Precious metal.4—Nonexpendable medical items, not restricted.
5—Expendable medical items, not restricted.6—All drugs and related items FSC 6505, not otherwise restricted.
7 through 9—Commander-designated controlled items.0—Restricted issue: Not authorized for issue to any Army activity.
Table 3–42Type of cargo codes
Code Explanation
A Radioactive substances, UN Class 7 (radioactive label).
B Mixed hazardous materials-consolidated only as authorized by U.S. Coast Guard regulations.
C Etiologic agent, UN Class 6 (etiologic label).
D Contaminated cargo (excluding hazardous material).
E Empty hazardous material containers or packages (empty label).
F Explosives, Class C, UN Class 1 (explosive C label).
G Nonflammable compressed gas, UN Class 2 non-flammable gas label; except the following: (1) oxygen requires an oxidizerlabel. (2) fluorine requires poison and oxidizer labels.
H Subject to damage from heat.
I Explosives, cCass A, UN Class 1 (explosive A label).
J Explosives, Class B, UN Class 1 (explosive B label).
K Spontaneously combustible substances, UN Class 4. (Spontaneously combustible labels and flammable solid labels).
L Water reactive substances, UN Class 4 (flammable solid labels. and dangerous-when-wet labels).
M Magnetic material.
N Dangerous materiel in limited quantities (no label required).
O Flammable compressed gas, UN Class 2 (flammable gas label).
P Poison, Class B, UN Class 6 (poison label).
Q Subject to damage from freezing.
R Flammable liquids, UN Class 3 (flammable liquids label).
S Poisons, Class A, UN Class 2 (poison gas label) or UN Class 6 (poison label).
T Poison, Class C, UN Class 6 (irritant label).
U Combustible liquids (no label).
V Miscellaneous hazardous materials, UN Class 9 (no label).
W Corrosive materials, UN Class 8 (corrosive label).
X Flammable solids, UN Class 4 (flammable solid label).
Y Oxidizing materials, UN Class 5 (oxidizer or organic peroxide label).
Z No special type of cargo code applies.
1 Aircraft engine internal combustion engines and fuel control devices.
2 Type cargo code not applicable (for Air Force internal use).
3 Electronic sensitive device subject to damage caused by static electricity, or electrostatic discharge.
4 Radioactive Material (no label required)
92 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–43Unit of issue codes
Designation Code Term Definition
AM Ampoule 1 A small glass or plastic tube sealed fusion after filling.
AT Assortment A collection of different items that fall into a group or class packaged as a small unit forming a singleitem of supply. Use only when the term assortment is part of the item name.
AY Assembly A collection of parts put together to form a complete unit, making a single item of supply, such as ahose assembly. Use only when the term assembly is part of the item name.
BA Ball 1 A sphere-shaped mass of material, (for example, twine or thread).
BD Bundle 1 A quantity of the same item tied together without compression.
BE Bale 1 A shaped unit of compressible materials bound with cord or metal ties and usually wrapped (for ex-ample, paper and cloth rags).
BF Board foot A UM for lumber equal to the volume of a board 12-inches by-12 inches-by 1-inch.
BG Bag 1 A flexible container of various sizes and shapes made from materials (for example, paper, plastic, ortextiles). Includes sack and pouch.
BK Book 1 A book like package, such as labels or tickets fastened together along one edge, usually betweenprotective covers.
BL Barrel 1 A cylinder-shaped container, metal or wood, with sides that bulge outward and flat ends or heads ofequal diameter. Includes keg.
BO Bolt A flat fold of fabric having a stiff paper board core.
BR Bar 1 A solid piece or block of various materials, with its length greater than its other dimensions, (for ex-ample, soap, beeswax, or buffing compound).
BT Bottle 1 A glass, plastic, or earthenware container or various sizes, shapes, and finishes (for example, jugs,but excluding jars, ampoules, vials and carboys) with a closure to retain contents.
BX Box 1 A rigid, 3-dimensional container of various sizes and materials (for example, case, carton, tray, andcrate).
CA Cartridge Usually a tubular receptacle containing loose or pliable material designed to allow insertion into anapparatus for dispensing the material. Usually connected with adhesives and sealing compounds.
CB Carboy 1 A heavy-duty, bottle-type container used to transport and store liquids. Usually designed to be en-cased in a rigid protective outer container for shipment.
CD Cubic yard A unit of cubic measure.
CE Cone 1 A cone-shaped mass of material (for example, twine or thread) wound on a conical core.
CF Cubic foot A unit of cubic measure.
CK Cake 1 A block or compacted or congealed matter. Applicable to items (for example, soap and buffing com-pound).
CL Coil 1 As arrangement of material (such as wire, rope, and tubing wound in a circular shape).
CM Centimeter A unit of linear measure, equal to 1/100 of a meter.
CN Can 1 A rigid receptacle made of fiber, metal, plastic or all three. Cans may be cylindrical or any number ofirregular shapes. Restricted to items that cannot be issued in less than container quantity (includingpail and canister). Do not use when the packaged quantity equals a UM, (for example, pint, quart,gallon, ounce, or pound).
CO Container 1 A general term used only when an item can be packaged for issue in optional containers, (for exam-ple, a bottle or tube for a single NSN).
CY Cylinder 1 A rigid, cylinder-shaped, portable, metal container designed to store and transport compressedgasses, generally fitted with protected valve closure and pressure-relief safety device.
CZ Cubic Meter A unit of cubic measure expressed in the metric system. Applied only to locally assigned stock num-bers used to locally procure items (for example, ready-mix concrete and asphalt in areas where themetric system prevails).
DR Drum 1 A cylinder-shaped container designed as an exterior pack to store and ship bulk materials (for exam-ple, fuels, chemicals, and powders). Drums may be made of metal, rubber, polyethylene, or plywoodor fiber with wooden, metal, or fiber ends.
DZ Dozen 12 of an item of supply.
93DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–43Unit of issue codes—Continued
Designation Code Term Definition
EA Each A numeric quantity of one item of supply. Do not use if a more specific term applies (for example, kit,set, assortment, assembly, group, sheet, plate, strip, or length).
FT Foot Unit of linear measurement sometimes expressed as a linear foot.
FV Five 5 of an item.
FY Fifty 50 of an item.
GL Gallon Unit of liquid measurement.
GP Group A collection of related items issued as a single item of supply (for example, test set group). Use onlywhen the term group is part of the item name.
GR Gross 144 of an item.
HD Hundred 100 of an item.
HK Hank A loop of yarn or roping with definite yardage, such as cotton, 840 yards; worsted, 560 yards (seeskein for comparison).
IN Inch Unit of linear measurement, equivalent to 1/12th of a foot and sometimes expressed as a linear inch.
JR Jar 1 A rigid container having a wide mouth and often no neck, normally made of earthenware or glass.Excludes bottle.
KG Kilogram A UM, equal to 1000 grams.
KT Kit A group of related items issued as a single item of supply, (such as tools, instruments, repair parts,instruction sheets), often furnished inside a box or bag. Also includes selected groups of equipmentparts, tools or materials for the repair, overhaul or modification of equipment. Only use when the termkit is part of the item name.
LB Pound A unit of avoirdupois weight measure equal to 16 ounces.
LG Length 1 Term applies to items issued in fixed or specific linear measurement, without deviation. This term nolonger applies to random lengths, which will be expressed in definite units of linear measure (for ex-ample, foot or yard). Excludes strip.
LI Liter A unit of liquid measure expressed in the metric system.
MC Thousand cubicfeet
A unit of cubic measure expressed in one thousand increments.
ME Meal The amount of food taken by a person at one time.
MM Millimeter A unit of linear measure, equal to 1/1000 of a meter.
MR Meter A unit of linear measure expressed in the metric system equal to 39.37 inches. Limited in applicationto locally assigned stock number used to locally procure items (such as pipe, lumber, tubing, andhose) in areas where the metric system prevails.
MX Thousand 1,000 of an item.
OT Outfit A group of related items issued as a single item of supply. For example, the tools, instruments,materials, equipment and instruction manuals used to practice a trade or profession or to carry out acertain project or function. Use when the term outfit is a part of the item name.
OZ Ounce A unit or liquid or avoirdupois weight.
PD Pad 1 Multiple sheets of paper that are stacked together and sealed at one end.
PG Package 1 A form of protective wrapping for two or more of the same item of supply. Use when a UM or contain-er-type term does not apply.
PM Plate A flat piece of square or rectangular-shaped metal of uniform thickness, usually 1 inch or more (onlywhen FSCs 9515 and 0535 is used in an item name to denote shape).
PR Pair Two similar or identical items (for example, gloves, shoes, and bearings), or items integrally made oftwo identical parts (for example, trousers, shears, and goggles).
PT Pint A unit of liquid or dry measure.
PZ Packet 1 A container used for subsistence items. Use only when food packet is part of the item name (FSG89).
QT Quart A unit of liquid or dry measure.
RA Ration The food allowance of one person for one day. Use only when ration (FSC 8970) is part of the itemname.
94 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–43Unit of issue codes—Continued
Designation Code Term Definition
RL Reel 1 A cylinder-shaped core on which a flexible material (such as, wire or cable) is wound. Usually hasflanged ends.
RM Ream A quantity of paper varying from 480 to 516 sheets, depending on grade.
RO Roll A cylinder-shaped figure of flexible material, which has been rolled on itself (for example, textiles,tape, abrasive paper, photosensitive paper, and film). The core may or may not have flanges.
SD Skid 1 A pallet-like platform consisting of a load-bearing area fastened to and resting on runner-type sup-ports.
SE Set A group of matched or related items issued as a single item of supply (for example, tool sets, instru-ment sets and matched sets). Use only when the term set is a part of the item name.
SF Square foot A unit of square measure (area).
SH Sheet A flat piece of rectangular-shaped material of uniform thickness that is very thin in relation to itslength and width (for example, metal, plastic, paper, and plywood). This term is not limited to anygroup of items or FSCs. However, it will always be used when the sheet is part of the item name todenote shape (for example, aluminum alloy sheet). Excludes items in FSC 7210.
SK Skein A loop of yarn, 120 yards long, usually wound on a 54-inch circular core.
SL Spool 1 A cylinder-shaped form with an edge or rim at each end and an axial hole for a pin or spindle onwhich, to wind material (for example, thread or wire).
SO Shot A unit of linear measurement usually applied to an anchor chain, equal to 15 fathoms (90 ft).
SP Strip A rather narrow, flat length of material, uniform in width (for example, paper, wood, and metal). Useonly when the term strip is part of the item name.
SV Service The purchase of employment, or scope of work to be done.
SX Stick 1 Material in a rather long and slender, often cylinder form to ease application or use (for example, ab-rasives).
SY Square yard A unit of square measure equal to 9 square feet.
TD Twenty-four 24 of an item.
TE Ten 10 of an item.
TF Twenty-five 25 of an item.
TN Ton Equals 2000 pounds. Includes short ton and net ton.
TO Troy ounce A unit of troy weight measure, based on a 12-ounce pound, generally applied to weights of preciousmetals.
TS Thirty-six 36 of an item.
TU Tube 1 Normally a squeeze-type container most commonly made from flexible material and used in packag-ing toothpaste, shaving cream, and pharmaceutical products. It is also a form around which items arewound, (for example, thread). It does not apply to the mailing tube, pneumatic tube, or cylinder-shaped containers of a similar type.
VI Vial 1 A small glass container, generally less than an inch in diameter. Vials are flat-bottomed, and tubeshaped and have a variety of neck finishes.
YD Yard A unit of linear measure equal to 3 feet and sometimes expressed as linear yard.
Note:These terms require a quantitative expression, as they are nondefinitive UIs.
95DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–44Unit of measurement codes
Designation Term
AR Suppository
AV Capsule
B7 Cycle
BF Board foot
BQ Briquette
CC Cubic centimeter
CD Cubic yard
CF Cubic foot
CG Centigram
CI Cubic inch
CM Centimeter
CU Curie
CZ Cubic Meter
DC Decagram
DE Decimeter
DG Decigram
DL Deciliter
DM Dram
DW Pennyweight
DZ Dozen
EA Each
EX Exposure
FD Fold
FG Transdermal system
FO Fluid ounce
FR Frame
FT Foot
GG Great gross
GI Gill
GL Gallon
GM Gram
GN Grain
GR Gross
HD Hundred
HF Hundred feet
HP Hundred pounds
HS Hundred square feet
HW Hundred weight
HY Hundred yards
IN Inch
KG Kilogram
96 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–44Unit of measurement codes—Continued
Designation Term
KM Kilometer
KR Carat
KT Kit
LB Pound
LF Linear foot
LI Liter
MC Thousand cubic feet
MF Thousand feet
MG Milligram
MI Mile
ML Milliliter
MM Millimeter
MR Meter
MX Thousand
OZ Ounce
PI Pillow
PR Pair
PT Pint
PX Pellet
QT Quart
RA Ration
RD Round
RM Ream
RX Thousand rounds
SE Set
SF Square foot
SH Sheet
SI Square inch
SK Skein
SM Square meter
SO Shot
SQ Square
SY Square yard
SZ Syringe
TN Ton (2,000 lb)
TO Troy ounce
TT Tablet
US U.S.P. unit
YD Yard
97DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–45Estimated storage life codes
Code Explanation
A 1 month
B 2 months
C 3 months
D 4 months
E 5 months
F 6 months
G 9 months
H 12 months
J 15 months
K 18 months
L 21 months
M 24 months
N 27 months
P 30 months
Q 36 months
R 48 months
S 60 months
T 72 months
U 84 months
W 96 months
Y 120 months
Z 240 months
Table 3–46Storage/shipment requirement codes
Code Explanation
Position Number 1
C Certain components of this assemblage require vault and security cage storage.
K Item requires, at the minimum, security cage storage. When issued, the recipient must be listed on authorizationcard and must sign the issue document.
R Item requires vault storage. When issued, the recipient must be listed on authorization card and must sign the is-sue document.
Position Number 2
F Freezer item-storage and shipment at subfreezing temperature (below 32 degrees F).
R Refrigerator item-storage at 35 to 46 degrees F and shipment under constant refrigeration.
W Item is subject to damage by freezing.
X Item is subject to damage by heat.
Y Optimum storage temperature is 50 to 70 degrees F.
Z Optimum storage temperature is 59 to 86 degrees F.
Position Number 2 (See note)
A 1 day.
B 2 days.
98 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–46Storage/shipment requirement codes—Continued
Code Explanation
C 3 days.
D 4 days.
E 5 days.
G 6 days.
H 7 days.
I 8 days.
J 9 days.
K 10 days.
L 11 days.
M 12 days.
N 13 days.
P 14 days.
Q 15 days.
S 18 days.
T 20 days.
V 30 days or over.
Position Number 3
A Item is radioactive; may require storage behind protective barrier and shipment in properly marked, lead shieldedcontainer.
E ICC exempt labeling.
G Item requires a green ICC label (nonflammable gas) for shipment.
P Item cannot be shipped by parcel post.
R Item requires a red ICC label (flammable gas or liquid) for shipment.
W Item requires a white ICC label (poison) for shipment.
Y Item requires a yellow ICC label (oxidizer) for shipment.
Notes:These are refrigerator items with a storage temperature of 3 to 36 degrees F (2 to 3 degrees C) and with a shipment limited to themaximum number of days out of refrigeration listed beside each code.
Table 3–47Hazardous waste codes
Code Description
C Corrosive waste.
E Extraction procedure toxic waste.
H Acute hazard waste.
I Ignitable waste.
R Reactive waste.
T Toxic waste.
99DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–48Storage type codes
Code Explanation
Position Number 1
A Warehouse, heated, ground level.
B Warehouse, heated, dock level.
C Warehouse, unheated, ground level.
D Warehouse, unheated, dock level.
E Shed.
F Magazine, igloo.
G Magazine, above ground
H Open, improved.
I Open, unimproved.
J Other.
Position Number 2
1 General purpose.
2 Controlled humidity.
3 Flammable.
4 Security.
5 Chill.
6 Freeze.
7 Heavy duty.
8 Acid.
9 Compressed gas.
Table 3–49Department of Defense special requirements codes
Code Explanation
A Radioactive.
B No-go parcel post.
C Glycerin.
D Electro-mechanical.
E Sensitive electronics.
F Corrosive capability (nonmailable).
G Green label (nonflammable gas).
H Subject to damage from heat over 40 degrees C (104 degrees F).
I White label (corrosive liquid).
J Characteristics require freight movement.
K 55-gallon drums.
L Compressed gas cylinders.
M Precious metals.
N Unrefrigerated shipping time 4 days.
O Unrefrigerated shipping time 7 days.
P Poison; class B (poison label).
100 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Table 3–49Department of Defense special requirements codes—Continued
Code Explanation
Q Subject to damage from freezing.
R Red label (flammable liquid).
S Security cage.
T Glass.
U Magnetic.
V Inspect before shipment.
W Consumable alcoholic items.
X Alcohol.
Y Yellow label-oxidizing material-flammable solid.
Z No code applicable.
0 Narcotics.
1 DOT label not required.
2 Fragile label.
3 Refrigeration, 2 to 8 degrees (36 to 46 degrees F). May be out of refrigeration for specified periods of time during shipment.
4 Refrigerated/flammable.
5 Constant refrigerated 2 to 8 degrees C (36 to 46 degrees F) water ice required during shipment.
6 Freeze-below 0 degrees C (32 degrees F).
7 Unrefrigerated shipping time 18 days.
8 Temperature controlled at 50 to 70 degrees F.
9 Temperature controlled (50 to 86 degrees F) storage only.
101DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Appendix AReferences
Section IRequired PublicationsUnless otherwise indicated, Army Regulations are available on the Army Publishing Directorate (APD) Web site (
AR 40–61Medical Logistics Policies (Cited in para 2–43f.)
AR 700–82/OPNAVINST 4410.2A/MCO 4400.120Joint Regulation Governing the Use and Application of Uniform Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Codes(Cited in para 3–2x.)
AR 708–1Logistics Management Data and Cataloging Procedures for Army Supplies and Equipment (Cited in para 2–22a(2)(b).)
AR 710–1Centralized Inventory Management of the Army Supply System (Cited in para 3–2h.)
AR 710–2Supply Policy Below the National Level (Cited in para 3–2a.)
AR 725–50Requisition, Receipt, and Issue System (Cited in para 3–8.)
AR 735–5Property Accountability Policies (Cited in para 3–2a.)
Section IIRelated PublicationsA related publication is merely a source of additional information. The user does not have to read it to understand thispublication. Department of Defense (DOD) publications are available at
AR 115–11Geospatial Information and Services
AR 70–1Army Acquisition Policy
AR 700–142Type Classification, Materiel Release, Fielding, and Transfer
AR 740–26Physical Inventory Control
CTA 50–900Clothing and Individual Equipment
CTA 50–970Expendable/Durable items (except medical, Class V, Repair parts, and Heraldic Items)
DLM 4000.25–2Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accountability Procedures (MILSTRAP) (Available at
DOD 4140.25–MDepartment of Defense Management of Bulk Petroleum Products, Natural Gas, and Coal
102 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
DOD 4160.28–MDefense Demilitarization: Program Administration
DODM 4160.21–MDefense Materiel Disposition Manual
DODM 5100.76Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E)
DODM 5200.01Department of Defense Information Security Program: Overview, Classification, and Declassification
DTR 4500.9–R, Part IIDefense Transportation Regulation (Available at
FAR 23Environment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renewable Energy Technologies, Occupational Safety, and Drug-FreeWorkplace (Available at
FAR 52Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses (Available at
FED–STD 313Solicitation Provisions and Contract Clauses (Available at
SB 8–75–MEDCASEArmy Medical Department Supply Information
SB 700–20Army Adopted/Other Items Selected for Authorization/List of Reportable Items
Section IIIPrescribed FormsThis section contains no entries.
Section IVReferenced FormsUnless otherwise stated, DA Forms are available on the Army Publishing Directorate Web site ( DD forms are available from the OSD Web site (
DA Form 2028Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms
DD Form 1348–1AIssue Release/Receipt Document
DD Form 1387Military Shipment Label
DD Form 1387–2Special Handling Data/Certification
103DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
Section IAbbreviations
AACacquisition advice code
ABAappropriation and budget activity
ACSHAir Commodity and Special Handling
ADCair dimension code
ADPautomatic data processing
ADPEautomatic data processing equipment
AECair eligible category
AEDAammunition, explosives and dangerous articles
AESIPArmy Enterprise System Integration Program
AHIPArmy Helicopter Improvement Program
AIMI–XArmy Intensive Management Item-Expanded
ALOCair lines of communication
AMDFArmy Master Data File
AODarea oriented depot
ARArmy Regulation
ARCaccounting requirements code
ARIautomatic return item
ARILautomatic return item list
ASLauthorized stockage list
104 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
ATCArmy type classification code
CAGECcommercial and Government entity code
CASchemical abstracts service
CBRchemical, biological, radiological
CBUcluster bomb unit
CDUcluster dispenser unit
CCcondition control
CCIcontrolled cryptographic item
CECOMU.S. Army Communications Electronics Command
CIICcontrolled inventory item code
CMDcatalog management data
COMSECcommunications security
CONEXcontainer express
CONUScontinental United States
CPUcentral processing unit
CTAcommon tables of allowances
DADepartment of the Army
DICdocument identifier code
105DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
DLdecimal locator
DLADefense Logistics Agency
DLISDefense Logistics Information System
DLSCDefense Logistics Service Center
DNADefense Nuclear Agency
DODDepartment of Defense
DODACDepartment of Defense Ammunition Code
DODICDepartment of Defense identification code
DODDepartment of Defense
DODMDepartment of Defense Manual
DOTDepartment of Transportation
DRMODefense Reutilization and Marketing Office
ECessentiality code
EICend item code
FARFederal Acquisition Regulation
FCfund code
FED–STDFederal Standard
FLISFederal Logistics Information System
FSCFederal supply classification
106 DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
FSCAPflight safety critical aircraft part
FSGFederal supply group
GSAGeneral Services Administration
HMHazardous Materials
HMDFHazardous Materiel Data File
HMDSHazardous Materiel Data System
HQDAHeadquarters, Department of the Army
ICCinventory category code
ICPinventory control point
IDHISitem data history
IDSitem data segment
ILPInternational Logistics Program
IMMinventory materiel manager
ITSitem type storage
JATOjet assisted takeoff
LAWlight anti-tank weapons
LCClogistics control code
LIDBLogistics Integrated Database
107DA PAM 708–2 • 7 October 2015
LINline item number
LOGSAlogistics support activity
LOPlevel of protection
LMPLogistics Modernization Program
MAPmilitary assistance program
MATCATmateriel category
MCNmanagement central number
MDDmanagement data distribution
MILVANmilitary demountable container
MLImunitions list item
MOMmilitary official mail
MQmeasurement quantity
MRmaintenance repair
MRPmilitary returns program
MSCmajor subordinate command
NATONorth Atlantic Treaty Organization
NICPnational inventory control point
NIINnational item identification number
NIMSCnonconsumable item materiel support code
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NMFCnational motor freight classification
NOSnot otherwise stated
NRCNuclear Regulatory Commission
NSNnational stock number
OCONUSoutside continental United States
OMAoperation and maintenance, Army
PAprocurement appropriations
PDpriority designator
PICAPrimary Inventory Control Activity
POLpetroleum, oils, and lubricants
QUPquantity per unit pack
RCrecoverability code
RICrouting identifier code
RICCreportable item control codes
SAPSecurity Assistance Program
SARSSStandard Army Retail Supply System
SBsupply bulletin
SCICspecial control item code
SCMCsupply categories of material code
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SHspecial handling
SICASecondary Inventory Control Activity
SICCService Item Control Center
SIGINTsignal intelligence
SLstorage life
SNUFstock number user file
SOSsource of supply
SPIspecial packaging instructions
SRAstock record account
TCtype of cargo
TMtechnical manual
TOEtable of organization and equipment
TOWtube-launched, optically-tracked, wire-guided
USAMCU.S. Army Materiel Command
Section IITerms
Army Master Data File change noticeA scheduled notice to announce essential logistic management data additions, deletions, or revisions when required toupdate the Army Master Data File.
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Army Master Data File originatorAn Army activity having NICP or SICC materiel management responsibilities that prepares and submits AMDF changenotices to LOGSA.
Army catalogingThe method used to establish, collect and record nonquantitative logistics management data for Army items of supplyin command or activity data record systems and the AMDF and the release of this data worldwide. It includes,preparing supply catalogs and developing new Army cataloging procedures and techniques, as required.
Army recipientAn activity authorized to receive AMDF change notices from LOGSA.
Army type classification codeIt is used to identify the life cycle status of an item and to record the status of the item. This is a guide forauthorization, procurement, logistical support, and asset and readiness reporting.
Army type designatorA common way to name a weapon or product in a production series.
Business mission areaIt ensures that the right capabilities, resources, and materiel are reliably delivered to warfighters anywhere in the world,when necessary.
Bytes per inchDensity of information stored on a magnetic tape.
Chemical abstracts serviceA division of the American Chemical Society is the world’s authority for chemical information. CAS is the onlyorganization in the world whose objective is to find, collect, and organize all publicly disclosed chemical substanceinformation. A team of scientists worldwide curates and controls the quality of the databases, which are recognized asthe most comprehensive and authoritative by organizations around the world.
Criticality codeA one-position alphabetic code which indicates that an item is technically critical by reason of tolerance, fit restriction,application, nuclear hardness properties or other characteristics, which affect identification of the item.
Class managerThe ICP designated to do assigned materiel management functions on an FSC basis.
Data elementA basic unit of identifiable and definable information. A data element occupies the space provided by fields in a recordor blocks. Examples of data elements are activity code and acquisition advice codes.
Defense Logistics Information SystemAn ADP system designed to provide a centralized data bank to support DOD, Federal civil agencies, and foreigncountries taking part in the integrated logistics support program.
Defense Logistics Information System Total Item RecordA record containing two sectors. One sector contains item oriented logistics management data; for example, stocknumbers, item characteristics, reference numbers, user recordation, standardization data, freight data, and catalogmanagement data. The other sector contains system support records of system oriented data used in support of the totalitem record, including tables or indexes of FSC codes, major organization entity rules, activity addresses, and edit andvalidation tables. Its content is updated directly by system support record maintenance transactions or by an automaticinterface of DLSC and DLIS programs.
DemilitarizeTo make unfit for military use.
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Described itemA specific item listed in the interchangeable and substitutability segment of the AMDF to which a phrase code, asubgroup code, a sequence code, and OOU data apply.
Document identifier codeA 3-digit code that identifies the type of action to specific fields in the alignment of the AMDF.
Department of Defense identification codeA code consisting of one letter and three numbers or two letters and two numbers. A DODIC is assigned to a genericdescription of an item of supply in FSG 13 (Ammunition and Explosives) and 14 (Guided Missiles) (for example,D548). It may also be applied to modified or improved items, which are functionally interchangeable with the item towhich the number was first assigned. The DODIC, when prefixed with the FSC, forms the DOD ammunition code (forexample, 1305A011).
Electrostatic discharge indicatorAn electronic sensitive device subject to damage caused by static electricity, or electrostatic discharge.
Equivalent itemsItems with the same physical and performance characteristics differing only in UI or unit quantity and assigned phrasecode Y.
Federal Catalog SystemA catalog system that provides for a single item identification and stock number for each item that is repeatedly used,purchased, stocked, or distributed.
Federal Item Identification GuideA search engine on the internet, listing all available Federal Item Identification Guides.
Hazardous Materials Information Resource SystemThe central repository for SDSs for the U.S. Government military services and civil agencies.
Interchangeable and substitutable groupTwo or more items that have an I&S relationship. A group consists of one or more subgroups.
Interchangeable and substitutable sequence codeEach item within a subgroup will be identified by a sequence code to show the order to be followed in the attrition ofitems within the subgroup. Suitable items are identified by a letter. Unsuitable items are identified by a number.
Interchangeable and substitutable subgroupOne or more items that have an I&S relationship with each other or the preferred item within an I&S group.
Interchangeable and substitutable subgroup codeA letter showing the relationship of items in an I&S group.
Integrated materiel managerThe materiel manager responsible for carrying out assigned materiel management functions for selected items orselected FSC classes.
Interchangeable itemAn item that has functional and physical characteristics equal in performance, reliability, and maintainability to anotheritem for similar or identical purposes and can be—
a. Exchanged for the other.b. Used without checking for fit or performance.c. Used without changing the item itself or adjoining items, except for adjustment.
Intermediate packA wrap, box, or bundle that contains two or more unit packs of identical items.
Item managerSee integrated materiel manager.
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Item management codeThe items of supply in FSC assigned for integrated materiel management qualify for management by the individualDOD Components other than DLA or GSA.
Item of supplyAny material, part, component, subassembly, set, equipment accessory or attachment, or end item for the equipping,maintenance, operation or support of military or civil activities and organizations. An item of supply may be a singleitem of production, or two or more items of production that are functionally interchangeable, or that may be substitutedfor the same purpose and are equal in use. It may be more refined (of closer tolerance, finer quality, or with specificcharacteristics) than the normal item of production. It may also be a modification (done by the user or by request of theuser) of a normal item of production.
Item type storage codeA 2-position codes that were developed in 1994 and meet the need of DOD item managers for prescribing storageenvironment. The first position is the type of storage code, and the second position is the primary segregation code forhazardous materials.
Life expectancy codeThe expected (in the statistical sense) number of years of life remaining for a system.
Logistics Integrated DatabaseA single logistics data and information hub.
Logistics management dataA group of nonidentifying, nonquantifying data elements. These data elements consist of catalog management data (forexample, price and UI) and Army unique and peculiar data (for example, EC and RC), that are assigned to each item ofsupply according to the FSC and Army Regulations.
Logistics Modernization ProgramThe authoritative data source for Army peculiar, Army unique and packaging and freight data relating to the standardNSN for Army managed and Army interest material within their domain.
Major itemA final combination of component parts or materials that are ready for its intended use. It is important enough to besubject to continuing, centralized, individual item authorization and management throughout all command supportechelons.
Manufacturer’s codeThe five-digit Federal stock classification for manufacturers that is assigned to manufacturers or other businessesprocured by agencies of the Federal Government.
Manufacturer part numberThe manufacturer part number and cage code.
Measurement quantity codeAre used in record fields to describe what physical quantity the data or its dimensions represent.
Medical materielItems approved by the Defense Medical Materiel Board and managed by the Defense Personnel Support Centerregardless of the item’s FSC.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization supply code for manufacturersA 5-digit, alphanumeric code that identifies manufacturers located in NATO and other friendly countries. Codes areassigned by the central cataloging offices of the different countries. The prefix or the suffix can be an alpha, and theremaining positions are numeric.
Order-of-useA group of items identified by NSNs that have an I&S relationship with each other and are sequenced for issue fromfirst to be used to last to be used. The OOU consists of the I&S subgroup code and the I&S sequence code.
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PackagingThe processes and procedures used to protect material from deterioration and damage. It includes cleaning, drying,preserving, packing, marking, and unitization.
Preferred itemThe most desirable item within a group of I&S items that will satisfy a specific need. The item selected must besuitable to use in place of any item in the group.
Primary inventory control activityA single activity that is responsible for procuring, establishing, and controlling stock item accountability, cataloging,depot maintenance, and item disposal.
RecipientAn activity authorized to receive AMDF change notices from LOGSA.
Reference numberA number, except an activity stock number, used to identify an item of production or, a number used with otheridentifying numbers to identity an item of supply. Reference numbers include, manufacturers’ part drawing, modeltype, source-controlling, and specification-controlling numbers; the manufacturer’s trade name, when the manufactureridentifies the item by trade name only; NATO stock numbers; specification or standard part, drawing, or type numbers.
Related itemAn NSN connected with another NSN by an assigned phrase code.
Secondary inventory control activityA supply control activity responsible for controlling stock levels and maintaining item accountability when supplysupport is furnished by a different service or agency.
Sequence codesEach suitable item in a subgroup is identified by a 1-digit alphabetic sequence code denoting the order to follow in theattrition of items in the subgroup. Those items that are unsuitable are identified by a numeric sequence code.
Shelf life codeIdentifies the shelf life time period by which an item must be used, or subjected to inspection/test/restoration ordisposal action.
Single source distributionUsing one source for distribution of product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or businessuser, using direct means, or using indirect means with a third party.
SubgroupOne or more items that have an I&S relationship with each other and the preferred stock number. Except for subgroupscontaining unsuitable items, stock numbers in the same subgroup can be freely interchanged regardless of end-item-use.Only those items meeting these conditions will be placed in the same subgroup. The subgroup is identified by a 1-digitalphabetic code assigned sequentially (A, B, C through Z, except I and O). The first code is assigned with the subgroupleast desirable to retail. Codes are assigned to subgroups until the last subgroup, containing the preferred stock number,is the most desirable to keep.
Technical document numberA method of classifying, indexing, and numbering technical manuals.
Unit pack quantityThe quantity of items to be contained in a unit pack will be given in the terminology of the definitive UI. If anondefinitive UI is assigned to the stock item, the UI will be further quantified by a UM and measurement quantity asrequired in the IDS.
Unit packThe first tie, wrap, or container applied to a single item or a quantity thereof, or to a group of items of a single stocknumber, preserved or unpreserved, which constitutes a complete and identifiable pack.
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Unit priceThe price for a single UM of a product sold in more or less than the single unit.
Section IIISpecial Abbreviations and Terms
AEMMArmy Enterprise Material Master
FTAFinancial Transfer Authority
I&Sinterchangeable and substitutable
JDSDefense LA supply schedule
MQCmeasurement quantity code
NCBCnational codification bureau code
RHrelative humidity
SDSsafety data sheet
SLCshelf life code
SIMS–XSelected Item Management System-Expanded
SSDsingle source distribution
UPunit price
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