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Kent State University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Applications are invited for a tenure track faculty position inComputer Science at the assistant professor level beginning Fall 1993.Applicants must have completed all requirements for a Ph.D. in computerscience or a closely related field. Preference will be given tocandidates in performance evaluation of distributed systems and indistributed operating systems software, to interface with the existingfaculty in a major initiative in heterogeneous computing systems. Otherresearch areas of interest are parallel processing, compilers,networking, graphics, scientific visualization, and database theory.Salary is competitive and negotiable.
The department operates a computer laboratory consisting of nearly100 Sun and HP workstations including several high-end color graphicsstations, HP/Apollo 705, 720 and 730s, a 4 processor Sun 4/670 server, aWavetracer DTC 4096 processing element SIMD computer, a GE Warp Systolicarray processor, a 26 CPU Sequent Balance; a 12 CPU Encore Multimax, andmiscellaneous laser printers and peripheral equipment. All systemswithin the department run Unix and are connected to a local areanetwork, as well as to OARNET (Ohio Academic Research Network) andInternet. University facilities include an IBM 3090/2005, and IBM 4381R(on BITNET), and 2 DEC VAX 11/780's running VMS. Access throughOARNET to the Cray YMP-8/864 at the Ohio Supercomputing Center inColumbus is also available. The department moved to a new buildingrecently and expects to increase its equipment holdings considerably inthe near future.
Applicants should submit a resume, and arrange to have threeletters of recommendation sent to Professor Kenneth Batcher, Chair ofthe Search Committee, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA; FAX (216)-672-7824. Thedeadline for receipt of applications is January 29, 1993, but may beextended if suitable candidates are not found. Kent State University isan Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
The Ohio State University
Department of Computer and Information Science
We are seeking highly qualified candidates for faculty positions atall levels and in all areas of computer science. Applicants shouldsubmit a vita and the names of at least three references to Chair,Faculty Search Committee, Department of Computer and InformationScience, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1277. Thesearch committee will begin to consider applications January 1, 1993,and continue until the positions are filled.
The Ohio State University is an equal opportunity/affirmativeaction employer.
Chinese University of Hong Kong
Faculty Positions Open
Applications are invited for several positions as Reader, SeniorLecturer and Lecturer in the Departments of Computer Science and SystemsEngineering. The CS Department is well established but still growingand it currently has 20 teaching staff members. It offers the B. Sc.,B. Eng., M. Phil., and Ph.D. degrees to a student body of about 3000major and 60 graduate students. The SE Department was first establishedin the fall of 1991 and currently has 100 undergraduate and 20 graduatestudents enrolled in the B. Eng., M.Phil. and the Ph.D. programs. Thisdepartment focuses on industry automation and at present has 8 facultymembers. Applicants for all positions should have the Ph.D. and a stronginterest in teaching and an excellent record of research accomplishment.Successful candidates are expected to initiate research projects ofvalue to Hong Kong. Preferred areas of specialization in CS are: Theory,programming methodology, multimedia database systems, distributedsystems, computer architecture, parallel computation and multilingual(Chinese and other languages) computing including intelligent Chinesetext processing and computational Chinese linguistics. Preferred areasof specialization in SE are: MIS and information systems, decisionsupport systems, OR, robotics, control systems and manufacturingsystems. The departments are equipped with a network of over 100workstations and a midrange computer, and the Faculty of Engineeringwill soon acquire a massively parallel SIMD computer with 8192processors. Salaries are comparable to U.S. scale and benefits includerelocation expenses, annual and long leaves, superannuation or gratuity,and housing allowance to eligible appointees. Please send resume, namesof three references, a brief research plan and an indication of whichdepartment to Professor Omar Wing, Faculty of Engineering, The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong. FAX: (852) 603-5024.e-mail: [emailprotected].
York University
Faculty of Pure and Applied Science Department of ComputerScience
Toronto, Canada
Applications are invited for tenure-track and limited-term facultypositions at the assistant professor level. The Department has stronginterests in recruiting faculty members in the areas of computersystems, software systems, computer networks and programming languages;outstanding applicants in other areas of computer science are alsostrongly encouraged to apply. A PhD in computer science is required.Applicants must demonstrate strong potential for excellence in researchand teaching, both graduate and undergraduate. The Department ofComputer Science at York has grown to more than 20 faculty members, andoffers excellent potential for further growth. York University is thethird largest university in Canada. It is located in MetropolitanToronto, and is within easy reach of downtown Toronto.
Applicants should send CV and the names of four references to:Prof. Patrick Dymond, Chair, Department of Computer Science, YorkUniversity, North York, Ont, M3J 1P3. Applications should be receivedby January 31, 1993, although later applications may also be consideredif positions remain available.
York University is implementing a policy of employment equity,including affirmative action for women faculty. In accordance withCanadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is directed toCanadian citizens and permanent residents.
Rice University
The Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science and the Center for Research inParallel Computation at Rice University invite applications forappointment to the faculty and research staff beginning in the AcademicYear 1993-1994. We are interested in receiving applications forappointment to the tenure-track faculty at the rank of assistantprofessor, associated professor, and full professor; to the researchfaculty fellow, and distinguished faculty fellow; to the research staffas a research scientist or as a postdoctoral research associate. We areespecially interested in candidates with research experience inartificial intelligence, compilers, computer graphics and geometricmodeling, computer systems, databases, networks, programming languages,parallel computing, and theory of computer science.
We will consider strong condidates in other areas as well.Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree or the equivalent in ComputerScience or a related discipline or expect to complete such requirementsprior to assuming an appointment. Strong evidence of a commitment toexcellence both in research and teaching is required for a tenured ortenure-track appointment. Preference will be given to early appliations.
The Department of Computer Science offers four degrees: Bachelorof Arts, Master of Computer Science, Master of Science, and Doctor ofPhilosophy. NSF Institutional Infrastructure and Science and TechnologyCenter grants, along with major grants and contracts from bothindustrial organizations and governmental agencies, have enabled thedepartment to build a superb research facility, including parallel andmultiprocessor systems, a large network of engineering workstations, anextensive local area network, and access to the scientific communitiesvia NSF, NASA, and Department of Energy electronic networks. The Centerfor Research in Parallel Computation supports several major researchprojects and provides access to massively parallel computer systemslocated at several cooperating institutions.
Rice is a well-endowed private university with a strong reputationfor academic excellence, particularly in undergraduate teaching. Itattracts outstanding students nationally and internationally andprovides a stimulating environment for research, teaching, and jointprojects with industry. Teaching loads are low to accommodate facultyresearch and faculty salaries are competitive.
Send a resume, along with the names and addresses of at least threereferences to: The Faculty Search Committee, Department of ComputerScience, Rice University, P.O. Box 1892, Houston, Texas 77251. RiceUniversity is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
National Chiao Tung University
Taiwan, Republic of China
Applications are invited for faculty positions in both theDepartment of Computer Science and Information Engineering and theDepartment of Computer and Information Science beginning in August 1993.A Ph.D. in Computer or Information Science/Engineering or closelyrelated fields is required.
The University
National Chiao Tung University is located in Hsinchu City near theScience Based Industrial Park in Taiwan. It is famous for its programsin the areas of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and ElectricalEngineering. There are two computer related departments in theuniversity, the Department of Computer Science and InformationEngineering in the Engineering College and the Department of Computerand Information Science in the Science College. The University ComputerCenter has CONVEX C240 and C220 minisupercomputers which are accessiblethrough FDDI campus network from all departments. The Center is theregional center of TANet which connects universities and researchinstitutes in Taiwan. TANet connects to Internet so researchers inTaiwan can easily communicate with people in the foreign countries.
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
The department offers BS, MS, and Ph.D. programs. Theory andimplementation of computing systems are both emphasized in thedepartment. General purpose computing is provided by a VAX8530, 100 SUNworkstations, 17 IBM RS-6000s, 5 Silicon Graphics IRIS, 30 MACs, andover 150 PCs. Special purpose computing facilities include one SequentS27, three transputer networks and one hypercube. All computers areconnected via Ethernet.
Duties of faculty members will include teaching undergraduate andgraduate courses and conducting research. Applicants should exhibitoutstanding research accomplishments or potential. The department willprovide special support to new faculty members for starting theirresearch. The department seeks individuals in all areas of ComputerScience and Engineering and is particularly interested in the areas ofcomputer system, compiler design, computation theory and algorithms,database, multi-media information system, and parallel architecture.
Interested applicants are invited to send resume and threereferences to Professor Suh-Yin Lee Head, Department of Computer Scienceand Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu,Taiwan, 300 Republic of China by the end of January, 1993. FAX:(011-886-35)724-176.
Department of Computer and Information Science
The department is young, energetic and fast growing. We provide anexcellent research and teaching environment. The department offers BS,MS, and Ph.D. programs. Facilities include more than 60 workstations,one 16-node nCUBE parallel computer, one 16-node Transputer, two CONVEXC120 minisuper-computers, and many PCs. All computers in the departmentare interconnected via Ethernet.
Applicants should exhibit outstanding research accomplishments orpotentials as well as strongly commit to teaching graduate/undergraduatecourses and conducting research. The department seeks individuals inall areas of Computer Science and Engineering but is especiallyinterested in the areas of Compiler Design, Programming Language, UserInterface, and Database. The department will provide special supportfor new faculty members.
Interested people please send resume and three references toProfessor Jimmy J. M. Tan, Head, Department of Computer and InformationScience, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, Republicof China, by the end of January, 1993. FAX: (011-886-35)721-490
University of Northern Iowa
Tenure track assistant professor position starting August 1993.Ph.D. in Computer Science required. Excellent facilities, attractivecommunity, competitive salary and fringe benefits. Candidate screeningbegins January 15, 1993. Contact Dr. K.C. O'Kane, Computer ScienceDepartment, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA 50614. Anaffirmative action/equal opportunity educator/employer.
Harvey Mudd College
Department of Mathematics
Claremont, CA 91711
The Mathematics Department of Harvey Mudd College solicitsapplicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in an areabridging mathematics and computer science. A strong commitment to andpromise of excellence in teaching are essential. Applicants should beactive in a research area such as Parallel or Combinatorial Algorithms,Numerical Analysis and Algorithms, Automated Reasoning, or ComputationalGeometry. Applicants must be able to teach broadly within mathematicsand the mathematical aspects of computer science and to work well withothers in developing departmental programs.
Harvey Mudd College is a highly selective undergraduateinstitution. Our students major in mathematics, computer science,biology, chemistry, engineering, or physics. A one-year course incalculus is a prerequisite for admission to the college. Ph.D. degreeshave been earned by 40.7% of the college's pre-1980 graduates, thehighest percentage in the nation. The college has an enrollment of 630and is associated with four other undergraduate colleges and a graduateschool in Claremont, forming an academic community of about 5,000students. The College has 12 mathematics faculty and the ClaremontColleges combined have a total of 48 Mathematics and Computer Sciencefaculty. An excellent network of modern computer workstations isavailable.
Harvey Mudd College is an affirmative action, equal opportunityemployer. Minority and women candidates are especially encouraged toapply. Preference will be given to applications received by January 10,1993. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a description of theirresearch, and arrange to have three letters of references sent directlyto:
Search Committee Department of Mathematics Harvey Mudd CollegeClaremont, CA 91711
Brigham Young University
Computer Science Department Assistant Professor
Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor positionbeginning September, 1993. Applicant must have a PhD and should havestrong research orientation and scholarly ability. Current areas ofresearch in our PhD and MS programs include User Interfaces, NeuralNetworks, MultiMedia, Communications/Networking, Software Engineering,Robotics, and Computer Vision. The Computer Science Department ishoused in a new 54,000 square foot facility with well equipped teachingand research laboratories. Applicants should send a curriculum vita toE. Daniel Johnson, 3362 TMCB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah84602. BYU is an EEO/AA employer and is sponsored by the Church ofJesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Preference is given to LDSapplicants.
Hunter College of CUNY
The Computer Science Department at Hunter College of The CityUniversity of New York is looking for a dynamic individual for atenure-track Assistant Professorship in this growing, research-orienteddepartment, effective September 1993. Candidates must have a PhD inComputer Science or its equivalent; preferred, but not exclusive, fieldsof specialization include hardware, software engineering, graphics andoperating systems.
Hunter has an MA Program in Computer Science and full-time facultyare members of the PhD Program in Computer Science at CUNY'sGraduate Center. The possibility of collaborative research with nearbyinstitutions is vast, as are similar opportunities in the businessworld.
Hunter is centrally located in Manhattan's upper East Side andis convenient to all forms of public transportation.
Applicants should send a detailed C.V. and the names of threereferences to:
Dr. T. C. Wesselkamper, Chair Department of Computer Science HunterCollege of CUNY 695 Park Avenue New York NY 10021-5085 Hunter College isan Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
The Department of Computer Science at the University ofWisconsin-Oshkosh invites applications for a tenure track AssistantProfessor position beginning September, 1993. A Ph.D. in ComputerScience is required. The department offers a B.S. in Computer Science.The successful candidate is expected to teach computer networks anddatabase management systems. Teaching load will be three courses persemester sharing general introductory and upper division courses.Research interest can be in any area of computer science. Teachingexcellence, research and publication in professional journals areexpected. On-campus computer facilities include PC labs, a MAC lab, SUNworkstation labs, two VAX 11/780's (VMS), a Micro VAX II (ULTRIX),and an IBM 4381 (MVS). All computers are connected to a compus network;we are a BITNET/INTERNET site. UW Oshkosh enrolls approximately 11,000students and the department has approximately 170 student majors. Afund supports faculty development and research. Applicants should senda letter of application, resume, copies of transcripts and names ofthree references to: Dr. Barent C. Johnson, Chair, Computer ScienceDepartment, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, Oshkosh, WI 54901. Closingdate is February 26, 1993. We will attend the Employment Register atCSC'93 in Indianapolis, February 16-18, 1993. The University ofWisconsin Oshkosh is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Yale University
Department of Computer Science
We expect to have one or more junior faculty positions availablefor the 1993-94 academic year. We are particularly interested inapplicants in the areas of artificial intelligence, theoretical computerscience, numerical analysis, and programming languages and systems.Applications should be submitted before April 30, 1993.
Duties will include teaching graduate and undergraduate courses.Applicants are expected to engage in a vigorous research program.
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in computer science or relateddiscipline.
Qualified women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.Yale is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Send vitae and names of three refereces to: Faculty RecruitingCommittee, Department of Computer Science, Yale University, P.O. Box2158, Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520.
South Methodist University
Computer Engineering
Applications are invited for a faculty position in computerengineering. The position is open to all levels (tenure-track assistantprofessor to full professor). Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D.(or close to completion of) in Computer Engineering, ElectricalEngineering, Computer Science, or closely related field. Candidates fortenured positions must have a solid research record as evidenced bypublications in technical journals. Candidates must have demonstratedpotential for a successful research and teaching career. Seniorcandidates will be evaluated on their research record, and theirteaching and professional activities.
SMU is a private university with approximately 8,000 students. TheDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering is in the School ofEngineering and Applied Science, where a close working relationshipexists with the Departments of Electrical Engineering and MechanicalEngineering. The CSE Department presents a balanced program of researchand education at all levels and has been offering Ph.D. degrees since1970. The department has extensive contacts with computer-related andengineering-oriented industrial firms that distinguish Dallas as one ofthe top centers for high technology.
Applicants should send a complete resume, including the names of atleast five references to:
Jeffery L. Kennington Professor and Chair Department of ComputerScience and Engineering Southern Methodist University Dallas, Texas75275-0122 [emailprotected]
SMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action, Title IX employer.Applications from women and minorities are particularly encouraged.Applications will be accepted until February 15, 1993.
Columbia University
Department of Computer Science
We are anticipating one tenure track opening. We inviteapplications from exceptional candidates at all ranks and in all areas,exclusive of vision and robotics, but we are particularly interested inareas that complement current departmental research interests.
Our department of nineteen tenure-track faculty and two lecturersemphasizes research, and attracts excellent Ph.D. students, virtuallyall of whom are fully supported. Departmental facilities includenumerous Sun 4 servers, Sun, HP, Digital, IBM, and NeXT workstations,plus state-of-the-art experimental equipment. The department is in thesecond year of an NSF CISE infrastructure grant and we will purchase aparallel processor this year. We are within an hour's drive of theresearch laboratories of AT&T, Bellcore, IBM, Matsushita, NEC,NYNEX, Philips, Siemens, and other leading industrial companies.
Columbia University is one of the leading research universities inthe United States, and New York City is one of the cultural, financial,and communications capitals of the world. Columbia's enclosedcampus of tree-lined walks is located in Morningside Heights on theUpper West Side. The department has its own building plus additionalspace and facilities in the new interdisciplinary Schapiro Center forEngineering and Physical Science Research. University rent controlledhousing and parking are available.
Candidates for assistant professor should exhibit exceptionalresearch promise, while those seeking a more senior position should havean outstanding record of research achievement. Interest and ability inteaching undergraduates and graduates is necessary. Please submit asummary of research interests, resume, email address, and the names ofat least three references to: Prof. Kathleen Mckeown, Faculty SearchChairperson, Department of Computer Science, 450 Computer ScienceBuilding, Columbia University, New York, New York 10027([emailprotected]).
Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ActionEmployer. We encourage applications from women and minorities.
DePaul University
Computer Science and Information Systems
The Department of Computer Science and Information Systems ofDePaul University invites applications for several tenure-trackpositions at all levels beginning September 1993. All area ofspecialization will be considered; however, one position is specificallywithin the Division of Information Systems. Candidates should have aPh.D. in computer science or a related field by the date of appointment,a research/publication record commensurate with experience, and strongcompetency in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Awell-defined research agenda and industry experience are an advantage.Duties include a six-hour teaching load and research.
The Department offers B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees; and has over900 graduate and 500 undergraduate students. Degrees are offered inComputer Science, Information Systems, and Telecommunications.Facilities include a Harris Nighthawk, a VAX 6410, an IBM ES 9000, a VAX11/750 and an AT&T 3B15. Each faculty office is provided with ahigh performance workstation connected to the Department'sEthernet. The Department also supports well-equipped laboratories forartificial intelligence, computer vision and graphics, andtelecommunications.
Faculty interests include applied statistics, artificialintelligence, compiler design, computer graphics, computer security,computer vision, computer architecture, database systems, parallel anddistributed computing, information systems, neural computing, semanticsof programming languages, software engineering, and telecommunications.
Applications will be received until positions are filled. Toapply, send a vita, transcripts and at least three letters of referenceto:
Ms. Elizabeth B. Cato, Manager of Administration Department ofComputer Science and Information Systems DePaul University 243 S. WabashAvenue Chicago, Illinois 60604
DePaul University is an equal opportunity employer.
Georgia Southern University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position as either anAssistant of Associate Professor starting September 1, 1993.Requirements include a Ph.D. in Computer Science or closely relatedfield with training/experience in more than one of the following fourareas: Operating Systems, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Networking,and Data Communications. Candidates must also provide evidence ofdedication to outstanding teaching. Duties include teaching graduate andundergraduate courses in computer science and supervision of researchprojects for M.S. degree candidates concentrating in computer science.Qualified applicants should send a letter of application, curriculumvitae, unofficial transcripts of all college work, and three letters ofrecommendation by February 15, 1993. The letter of application and/orvitae must specifically address all requirements listed above. Send toDr. John A. Rafter, Landrum Box 8093, Georgia Southern University,Statesboro, GA 30460-8093. The names of applicants and nominees,resumes, and other general nonevaluative information are subject topublic inspection under the Georgia Open Records Act. Georgia SouthernUniversity is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution.
University of Alberta
Department of Computing Science
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at theAssistant Professor level in the areas of computer graphics and/or humaninterfaces. Responsibilities include research as well as teaching atboth the graduate and undergraduate levels.
The Department consists of 35 academic, 29 support staff and offersa graduate program with over 100 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Currenthardware support for research includes a local area network consistingof a MIPS M/120, a Silicon Graphics 4D/340S computer, over 100 SunWorkstations, four terminal servers, four Fastpath localtalk/Ethernetgateways and an SPS-2 64-PE Supercomputer. Current computer graphicsfacilities include two Silicon Graphics, two DEC and two Sunworkstations, a Data Glove, a head-mounted display, and a single framevideo recorder. Well-supported laboratories exist for AI, database,distributed systems, distributed operating systems, graphics,programming languages, robotics, software engineering,telecommunications, theory and vision/image research.
The current salary range minimum is $C40,035 with the appointmentlevel being commensurate with qualifications and experience. Sendcurriculum vitae, the names of three references and up to three reprintsor copies of important publications. New Ph.D.'s should include acopy of their transcript.
Apply to: Dr. Paul G. Sorenson, Chair Department of ComputingScience University of Albeta Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H1Applications will be accepted until February 28, 1993.
The University of Alberta is committed to the priciple of equity inemployment. The University encourages applications from aboriginalpersons, disabled persons, members of visible minorities and women.
University of Maryland at College Park
Information Systems
The Information Systems Faculty at the University of Maryland issearching for a highly-qualified individual to fill a tenure-trackposition. Applicants are sought at all professional ranks. Acommitment to top-quality research and teaching is essential.Applications must be received by February 1, 1993. Applicants shouldsend a complete resume and names of three references to: Prof. Alan R.Hevner, Search Committe Chair, Information Systems, College of Businessand Management, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.
University of Oklahoma
Director School of Computer Science
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of theDirector for the School of Computer Science at the University ofOklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma starting Fall 1993. A Candidate for thisposition must have an earned Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or aclosely related field, a distinguished record in research and teaching,and some administrative experience. The salary is competitive and theUniversity offers very good fringe benefits. The University has made astrong commitment to develop this school in the next few years. We areseeking for an individual who has a distinguished and continuing recordin research, excellent interpersonal communication, management skill,strong leadership, and is willing to be a mentor for junior faculty, towork with the faculty to pursue research funding, and to work closelywith industrial corporations and government agencies.
The School of Computer Science is in the College of Engineering andoffers BS, MS, and PhD degrees and currently has 11 faculty positions,with 242 undergraduates, 80 graduate students and 25 in the PhD program.Major research areas include artificial intelligence, computer vision,database management, image processing, parallel processing, softwareengineering, and theoretical computer science. Computing facility at theUniversity include an IBM 3081, a 10-processor Multimax, an AlliantFX/8, VAX machines, a number of IBM RISC 6000, SUN and DEC workstations,and a large number of PCs.
Application and nominations should be sent to the Director ofSearch Committee, School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma,200 Felgar Street, Room 114, Norman, OK 73019. All applications shouldinclude the curriculum vita and the names of four references. Screeningwill begin on 15th of February 1993 but the search will continue untilthe position is filled.
The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity/affirmativeaction employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged toapply. OU has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-careercouples.
University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Computer Science
Applications are invited for faculty positions. The department ismost interest in candidates in the areas of databases and numerical andparallel computation, although exceptional candidates in other areas mayalso be considered. Preference will be given to candidates at theassistant professor level. Applicants should show strong promise inboth research and teaching.
The Computer Science Department at the University of Colorado has24 faculty and about 180 graduate students. It has strong researchprograms in artificial intelligence, databases, numerical and parallelcomputation, software systems, theoretical computer science, and userinterfaces. The computing environment includes a multitude of computerworkstations and a large variety of parallel computers. The Departmentis the recipient of two consecutive five-year InstitutionalInfrastructure (previously CER) grants from the National ScienceFoundation that support its computing infrastructure and collaborativeresearch among its faculty. It is a major participant in a new NSFGrand Challenge Applications Group grant that includes research in bothdatabases and numerical and parallel computation.
Applicants should send a current curriculum vita and the names offour references to Professor Robert Schnbel, Chair, Department ofComputer Science, Campus Box 430, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO80309-0430. One-page statements of research and teaching interests wouldalso be appreciated. Review of applications will begin on January 1,1993, although all applications postmarked before March 1, 1993 areeligible for consideration. Earlier applications will receive firstconsideration. Appointment can begin as early as August 1993.
The University of Colorado at Boulder has a strong institutionalcommitment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit,we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broadspectrum of people, including women, members of ethnic minorities, anddisabled individuals.
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Applications are invited for tenure-track positions at theAssistant, and at the Associate or Full Professor levels in ComputerScience/Computer Engineering. Applicants who have research expertise incomputer graphics, communication networks, distributed computing,databases, programming languages, or computer aided design are ofparticular interest. Applicants with outstanding records in other areaswill also be considered. A Ph.D. in CS/CE or a closely related fieldand a strong interest in both teaching and research are required. Thesalary is competitive.
The Department of Computer Science is the largest department in theCollege of Engineering and offers both undergraduate and graduatedegrees in Computer Science. Active research areas in the departmentinclude artificial intelligence, computer architecture, computerintegrated manufacturing, programming languages, theoretical computerscience, and VLSI design and testing. A wide variety of excellentcomputing facilities including Sun workstations, IBM, VAX, and othersare available to support educational and research activities. Also, as aparticipant in the Microelectronics Center of North Carolina, theUniversity has access to other state-of-the-art computing facilitiessuch as the Cray supercomputer and VLSI design systems.
Charlotte is the largest city in the Carolinas with excellenthousing, good schools, a modern international airport, and mild climate.UNCC is a dynamic, growing university. Applicants should send acurriculum vitae and the names of at least three references to:
Dr. Gyorgy Revesz, Chairman Department of Computer Science TheUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte Charlotte, NC 28223
Please provide electronic mail addresses and fax numbers foryourself and your references if possible. Review of applications willbegin in November 1992.
UNCC is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer.
University of Oklahoma
Hitachi Endowed Chair Professorship School of Computer Science
The School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma, invitesapplications and nominations for the position of a Chaired Professor(Hitachi Endowed Chair) starting Fall 1993. A candidate for thisposition must have an earned Ph.D. degree in Computer Science or aclosely related field, a distinguished and continuing record in researchand funding, strong commitment to teaching, and willingness to work withstudents and other faculty to lead the research and funding effort ofthe School to a new level. The candidate should be willing to be amentor for junior faculty and to establish a major research team withinthe department. The University has made a strong commitment to developthis school in the near future. Though applied computing areas arepreferred, candidates from all specialties in computer science andcomputer engineering will be considered.
The school offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees and currently has 11faculty positions with 242 undergraduate students and 80 graduatestudents, with 25 in the PhD program. Major research areas includeartificial intelligence, computer vision, database management, imageprocessing, parallel processing, software engineering, and theoreticalcomputer science. Computer facilities at the University include an IBM3081, a 10-processor Multimax, an Alliant FX/8, VAX machines, a numberof IBM RISC 6000, SUN and DEC workstations, and a large number of PCs.
Application and nominations should be sent to the Director ofSearch Committee, School of Computer Science, University of Oklahoma,200 Felgar Street, Room 114, Norman, OK 73019. All applications shouldinclude the curriculum vita and the names of four references. Screeningwill begin on 15th of February 1993 but the search will continue untilthe position is filled.
The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity/affirmativeaction employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged toapply. OU has a policy of being responsive to the needs of dual-careercouples.
Marshall University
Chair Department of Computer Sciences and Software Development
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of chairof the Department of Computer Science and Software Development atMarshall University in Huntington, WV. Applicants will be considereduntil the position is filled. Anticipated starting date is Fallsemester 1993.
Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in Computer Science or aclosely-related discipline, an established record of Computer Scienceteaching and research (preferably in a department granting graduatedegrees (M.S. and/or Ph.D.)), and proven leadership; credentials shouldbe adequate for appointment at the rank of Professor, with tenure.Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience, and willbe nationally competitive.
The department, in the College of Science, currently has sixfull-time and several part-time faculty, and began in Fall 1992 phasingin an updated and strengthened B.S. curriculum, with strong emphasis onsoftware engineering and the goal of CSAB accreditation. An M.S. degreeprogram will be planned this year. The chairperson will be expected toprovide leadership to help achieve ambitious goals in teaching, researchand service.
Applicants should include a resume and a cover letter, stating thatyou are applying for the chair position and providing the names of threereferences. Send applications to Dr. James W. Hooper, Computer ScienceSearch Committee Chair, Marshall University, Huntington, WV 25755. TEL:(304) 696-2693. FAX:
(304) 696-4646. E-Mail: CIS010@ MarshallUniversity is an affirmative action and equal opportunity committedinstitution and applications from minorities and women are encouraged.
University of Dayton
Chair--Department of Computer Science
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of chairof the Computer Science Department. Qualifications must include adoctorate in Computer Science or closely related area, a good record inteaching and research, and ability for academic and administrativeleadership.
The university is a private institution with 7,300 undergraduateand 3,700 graduate students. The department offers Bachelor and Masterdegrees and its facilities include three labs with high-end PCs throughSparc workstations and NCR Towers. The main university computer is aVAX 4000-300.
Applicants should arrange for at least three letters of referenceand have been them and their resume sent to Dr. Joseph E. Lang, CPSChair Search Committee, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469-2160.Applications accepted and reviewed until position is filled. UD is anEO/AA employer.
University of North Texas
College of Arts and Sciences Department of Computer Sciences
Applications are invited for a tenure-track position at theassistant or associate professor level. Candidates from all areas willbe considered. A Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field and astrong commitment to both research and teaching is required. Salary iscompetitive.
With approximately 800 faculty and 27,000 students (1/3 graduatestudents), UNT is the largest university in north Texas. Located 40miles north of the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex and surrounded byhigh-tech industry, Denton combines a small town atmosphere with theadvantages of a major metropolitan area. The department consists ofover 20 faculty and offers BS/MS/Ph.D. programs to approximately 150graduate and 450 undergraduate majors.
Applicants should send their resumes including the names of threereferences to Dr. Robert Renka, Chairman of Faculty Search Committee,Department of Computer Sciences, University of North Texas, Denton, TX76203-3886.
UNT is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.
Kansas State University
Faculty Position Department of Computing & InformationSciences
The Department of Computing & Information Sciences at KansasState University invites applications for anticipated tenure trackfaculty positions beginning in September 1993. Applicants should have aPh.D. in Computer Science with a research specialty in one of thefollowing areas: programming language semantics, software engineering,or parallel algorithms. Salary will be competitive and commensurate withqualifications. The applicant must have a commitment to both researchand teaching. All applications should include a description of currentresearch and teaching experience, interests and include several ofhis/her best publications. Non-U.S. citizens must include their visastatus. The department offers the BS, MS, and PhD degrees. FortyX-terminals and Sun workstations and more than 100 PC's are alsonetworked with a scientific computing cluster, an IBM 3084, andInternet. Each faculty office is equipped with a workstation on thenetwork and the department is housed in a new building.
Please send resumes to: Dr. Virgil Wallentine, Head, Department ofComputing & Information Sciences, Kansas State University, NicholsHall, Rm. 234, Manhattan, KS 66506. E-mail Address: [emailprotected].Application deadline is March 1, 1993.
Kansas State University is an Affirmative Action Equal OpportunityEmployer.
Keene State College
Keene State College is pursuing "Vision 2000," its goalof becoming the public undergraduate college of choice in New England bythe year 2000. This aspiration will be reached by sustaining academicexcellence and by a parallel commitment to building community andvaluing the quality of life on campus.
Position: Computer Science, Assistant Professor, tenure-trackposition beginning Fall 1993.
Duties: Teach courses in Computer Science at all undergraduatelevels; IBM, Micros, MacIntosh, Ethernet systems, VAX available.
Qualifications: Doctorate and strong commitment to undergraduateresearch required; CS Doctorate, College teaching experience preferred.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications; minimum for rank,$28,200.
Application: Send letter of application, resume, and three lettersof reference to Gaynelle Pratt, Office of Human Resource Management,Keene State College, Keene, NH 03431.
Closing date: Review of applications will begin February 19, 1993.
Keene State College is an Affirmative Action Equal OpportunityEmployer.
Harvey Mudd College
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Claremont, California
The Computer Science Department, Harvey Mud College, solicitstenure-track assistant professor applications for the 1993-94 academicyear, to participate in staffing its new computer science major. A PhDin Computer Science is required, and the applicant should be active incomputer science research.
Harvey Mudd emphasizes quality teaching and research at theundergraduate level, priding itself on a high level of industrialinteraction. Students at Harvey Mudd are oriented toward CS,mathematics, sciences, and engineering. Admission is extremelyselective, with a student:faculty ratio of 8 to 1. The department isamply equipped with workstations, multiprocessors, local area network,etc. A new building housing computer science, and mathematics, andbiology will be occupied this year.
Harvey Mudd is one of six affiliated colleges located in Claremont,near the foothills of the San Gabriels Mountains in Los Angeles county.Claremont provides a pleasant living and working environment surroundingby abundant cultural and recreational opportunities.
Harvey Mudd College is an affirmative action, equal opportunityemployer. Priority consideration will be given to responses received byJanuary 15, 1993. Respondents should send curriculum vitae and thenames of three references to:
Faculty Recruitment 1993 Computer Science Department Harvey MuddCollege Clarmont, CA 91711
University of Kansas
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invitesapplications for two or three tenure track positions beginning in August1993. Applicants at all levels are sought. An earned doctorate incomputer engineering or a closely related field is required and thesuccessful candidates are expected to establish strong research programsand participate in a high quality instructional program. Applicants forsenior positions should have an excellent research record and experiencein supervising graduate students. Applicants in the areas of softwareengineering, computer architecture and hardware (VLSI) design,artificial intelligence, databases and information systems, andoperating systems are sought. A preference will be given to applicantswith distributed system experience.
The ECE Department supports active research programs in integratedcommunication network architectures and protocols, special-purposeprocessor architectures, and intelligent design. The department isbuilding a 1 Gbps local area network that is connected to a 2.4 Gbpswide area network. Applicants interested in developing the technologiesthat will form the infrastructure for global distributed informationsystems and services are urged to apply.
Review of applications will begin on December 15, 1992 and continueuntil the positions are filled. Qualified applicants should send aletter of application, their curriculum vitae and the names andaddresses of three references to: Dr. Gary J. Minden, Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Kansas, 1013Learned Hall, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. The University of Kansas is anequal opportunity/affirmative action employer and committed to diversityamong its faculty and staff.
The University of Arizona
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Arizonainvites applications for faculty positions at all ranks to begin inAugust, 1993. Applicants must have a doctorate in Computer Science or aclosely related field. Applicants for junior positions should showpromise of future excellence, while applicants for senior positionsshould have made substantial research contributions to the field.
There are currently 14 faculty members with research areas spanningthe field from software systems to programming languages and theory ofcomputation. For recruiting purposes, current areas of high priorityinclude grpahics, user interfaces, databases, programming languages,parallel computing, computer architecture, performance evaluation, andcomputational biology. Exceptionally well-qualified people working inother areas are also encouraged to apply.
The research program is supported by numerous grants to individualfaculty as well as a second department-wide infrastructure grant fromNSF. Computational facilities are diverse, including numerous Sunworkstations, a Silicon Graphics 4D/340 VGX and several Personal Irisgraphics workstations, several DecStation 5000s and HP 700s, a SequentSymmetry, a NeXT machine and dozens of Macintoshes. Also available arehigh-resolution color terminals, a QMS color Post Script printer, colorscanners, numerous laser printers, and an L-300 image setter.
Send a complete resume and the names of at least three referencesto Larry L. Peterson, Faculty Recruiting Committee Chairman, Departmentof Computer Science, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721.Applications will be reviewed beginning January 15, 1993, but thepositions will remain open until filled. The University of Arizona isan equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
University of Wisconsin Madison
Computer Science Department Faculty Position
Applications are invited for one or more tenure-track positionbeginning August 1993. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in computerscience or in a closely related field with a demonstrated ability inrelevant scholarly research. Of particular interest are applicantswhose research interests lie in the areas of operating systems,networks, and parallel and distributed systems, artificial intelligence,and numerical analysis. Applicants in these areas will be consideredfor a position at the assistant professor level.
The Computer Sciences Department at the University ofWisconsin-Madison has active research projects in a broad number ofareas, including artificial intelligence, computer architecture andVLSI, database systems, mathematical programming, modeling and analysisof computer systems, networking and distributed systems, numericalanalysis, operating systems, parallel processing, program developmentenvironments, programming languages and compilers, and the theory ofcomputing.
The department has received three NSF Coordinated ExperimentalResearch (Institutional Infrastructure) grants. The previous twoprojects emphasized loosely- and tightly-coupled parallel computing.Our new project, PRISM, addresses parallel processing on machines thatoffer credible paths to teraflop computing.
Research computing equipment is plentiful. The department hasseveral hundred DEC, HP, IBM, and Sun workstations plus numerous fileservers and special purpose devices for computer vision and computerarchitecture. Equipment for research in parallel computing currentlyincludes a TMC CM-5, three Sequent shared-memory multiprocessors, anIntel iPSC/2 Hypercube, and a Tandem CLX multiprocessor. An IntelParagon is scheduled to arrive early this year.
Applicants should submit a vitae and the names of at least threereferences to: Chair, Faculty Recruiting Committee, Computer SciencesDepartment, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1210 West Dayton St.,Madison, WI 53706. To ensure full consideration of application,material should be received by March 15, 1993.
The University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employerand encourages women and minorities to apply. Unless confidentiality isrequested in writing, information regarding the applicants must bereleased on request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.
Brown University
Computer Science Faculty Position
Applications are invited for a faculty position commencing 1September 1993 at the assistant professor level. Candidates mustdemonstrate high research and scholarship potential and significantteaching ability. Applicants are sought in all areas of computersystems (including, but not limited to, distributed computing, operatingsystems, environments, and graphics). Successful applicants will findat Brown a stimulating environment conducive to professional growth,with state-of-the-art equipment and excellent undergraduate and graduatestudents.
Candidates must hold a Ph.D. in computer science or relateddiscipline, or show evidence that the Ph.D. will be completed by the endof the first year of appointment.
Applicants should send a resume and have at least three refereessend letters of recommendation to Prof. Paris Kanellakis, ComputerScience Dept., Brown University, Box 1910, Providence, RI 02912. Allapplication materials must be received by February 15, 1993 for fullconsideration.
Brown University is an equal opportunity employer and encouragesapplications from members of protected groups.
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science invites applications for onetenure-track faculty position (at the Assistant Professor level)beginning with the 1993-1994 academic year with a researchspecialization in operating systems or related areas. Responsibilitiesinclude research, supervision of graduate student research (Ph.D. andM.S.), and graduate and undergraduate teaching. Candidates should havea Ph.D. in computer science and a strong interest in both teaching andresearch.
A tenure-track faculty position in high performance computing (HPC)may also be available beginning with the 1993-1994 academic year.Although we are primarily looking for candidates at the AssistantProfessor level, exceptional candidates may be considered forappointment at a higher rank. The successful applicant is expected toplay a major role in leading research and teaching efforts to develop ahigh performance computing specialty in the department. Candidatesshould have a strong research and teaching record with a specializationin the area of high performance computing.
Both positions are subject to budgetary approval.
The Department currently has twenty-five full-time faculty membersand supports strong graduate and undergraduate programs. Departmentalresources include an excellent research libarary and extensive computingfacilities including a network of SUN, DEC and Xerox workstations, anIntel iPSC/2 hypercube, a variety of micro-computers, and severalgraphics systems. The research systems are accessible via theDepartment's Ethernet-compatible LAN. Convenient network access isalso provided to the extensive general computing facilities of theUniversity as well as to other networks (e.g., ARPANET, CSNET). Sincethe University of Pittsburgh is a founding member of the PittsburghSupercomputing Center and an affiliate member of the SoftwareEngineering Institute, the Department of Computer Science has access tothe Cray X-MP/48 of the PSC and the software engineering expertise atthe SEI.
Please send resumes to: Dr. S. K. Chang, Search Committee Chair,Department of Computer Science, 215A Mineral Industry Building,University of Pittsburgh, PA 15260. The application must be received byMarch 1, 1993. The desired position should be clearly identified in theapplication.
Pitt is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer andespecially encourages women and members of ethnic minorities to apply.
University of Rochester
Computer Science Faculty Positions
The Computer Science Department at the University of Rochesterinvites applications for tenure-track positions at the rank of AssistantProfessor. Outstanding candidates will be considered in any area ofcomputer science, though applicants in systems are particularly desired.Candidates must have received, or be about to receive, a doctorate inComputer Science or a related discipline, and must demonstrateexceptional potential for both research and teaching.
Our department is small (13 faculty), with a strong record ofresearch publication and external funding. We offer an outstandingresearch environment, with excellent students and facilities, and anunusually close-knit and collegial atmosphere. Current researchinterests include artificial intelligence (vision/robotics, naturallanguage/knowledge representation), parallel systems, and theroy ofcomputation. Approximately 40 students are enrolled in the Ph.D.program. There is no professional Master's program. Plans arecurrently underway to establish a selective undergraduate major.
Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, copies of relevantpapers, and the names and addresses of at least three references to:Faculty Recruiting Committee, Department of Computer Science, Universityof Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627-0226.
The University of Rochester is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction employer, and encourages applications from women and members ofminority groups.
Penn State
Computer Science Faculty Positions
The Department of Computer Science is seeking qualified candidatesfor expected tenure track positions. Applications in all areas ofcomputer science will be considered, with applicants in the areas ofnetworking, opperating systems, and programming languages especiallydesired. Salary and rank will be commensurate with experience.Applicants must have completed all requirements for the Ph.D. degree incomputer science or a closely related area before assuming duties.Excellence in research and teaching is required. Candidates for seniorpositions must have an established research reputation supported by asubstantial record of publications. Openings are expected for September1993.
The Department of Computer Science maintains a Computer SystemsLaboratory consisting of a distributed system of SUN and DECworkstations and fileservers (all running UNIX[TM]).
Applications should be received by March 31, 1993. Applicationswill be considered until suitable candidates can be identified.
Please send resumes and the names of three or more references to:
Chair, Faculty Search Committee The Pennsylvania State UniversityDepartment of Computer Science, Box B Whitmore Laboratory UniversityPark, PA 16802
An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women andminorities are encouraged to apply.
University of Illinois at Chicago
The Department of EECS invites applications for tenure-trackfaculty positions at both the junior and senior levels. Applicants forinstructorships are also invited. A Ph.D. in computer science orequivalent is required by date of appointment (not for theinstructorships). Areas of prime interest are parallel and distributedprocessing, computer networking, programming languages, computerarchitecture, and operation systems. Candidates should have outstandingresearch potential.
UIC is one of four Research-1 Universities in the state ofIllinios. The EECS Department has 25 faculty members in ComputerScience and about 500 graduate students in EE & CS. The departmenthas new research labs equipped with state-of-the-art workstations in anewly constructed Enginering Research Building.
Send a resume and the names of at least three references by March30, 1993, to Dr. Wai-Kai Chen, Head, Department of EECS (M/C 154),University of Illinois at Chicago, P.O. Box 4348, Chicago, Illinois60680. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/EqualOpportunity Employer.
University of Southwestern Louisiana
Head of Computer Science
Applications are invited for the position of Department Head of theComputer Science Department to begin in August 1993. Computer sciencehas been a flagship program at USL since the late 1960's. Theprimary mission of the Computer Science Department is undergraduateeducation while the Center for Advanced Computer Studies at USL supportsthe graduate component of the program. The two departments work closelytogether to foster research collaboration among faculty members,teaching opportunities for all faculty at both the undergraduate andgraduate levels, and sharing of system resources.
The department consists of 8 faculty members and 350 majors, andoffers a curriculum that has been accredited by CSAB since 1987.Computing equipment specifically allocated to undergraduates includes aSUN lab of over 70 SLC workstations and a PC lab of 30 IBM PS/2computers. In addition, our students have access to an IBM 3090mainframe and a number of parallel machines via the internet. USL hasthe distinction of having the first ACM Student Chapter in the country.We continue to have a strong student involvement in ACM, and have sent aprogramming team to Finals at the national Computer Science Conferencefor two of the past three years.
All Ph.D. faculty members in the department maintain an activeresearch program. Areas of research include parallel program debugging,scientific visualization, computer music, virtual reality, computationalscience, and artificial intelligence. Our relationship with the Centerfor Advanced Computer Studies helps provide a stimulating researchenvironment that is unique among most undergraduate departments.
Candidates for this position must have
* a Ph.D. in Computer Science or related field;
* research credentials for Associate of Full Professor;
* proven commitment to excellence in undergraduate education; and
* proven strong leadership.
In addition, it is desirable that candidates have significantexperience at the administrative level; and experience in attractingexternal funding to support faculty development, student scholarships,and undergraduate participation in research.
Applicants should send a letter of application containingstatements of their academic and administrative philosophies; a vita;and the names of at least three references to
Chair of the Computer Science Search Committee Computer ScienceDepartment P.O. Box 41771 Lafayette, LA 70504
Review of applications will begin on February 15, 1993. USL is anEEO/AA university.
University of Waterloo
Department of Computer Science
The University of Waterloo invites applications for twotenure-track faculty positions in Computer Science. The Department islooking for candidates in computer graphics and candidates in algorithmsand data structures. In computer graphics, the incumbent will be anactive contributor to the Computer Graphics Laboratory and provideleadership in core areas such as information visualization, rendering oruser interfaces. In algorithms, the incumbent will complement ongoingresearch activities within the Data Structuring Group, especially in thedesign and analysis of efficient algorithms for managing data. A Computer Science or equivalent is required, with evidence ofoutstanding research accomplishments or potential. Candidates at alllevels of experience are encouraged to apply. Rank and salary will becommensurate with experience.
The Department of Computer Science comprises over 40 full-timefaculty members engaged in research and teaching covering a broadspectrum. The Department and its research laboratories are housed inthe new 300,000 sq. ft. William G. Davis Computer Research Centre. TheDepartment is a key participant in ITRC: Information TechnologyResearch Centre (a Centre of Excellence funded by the government of theProvince of Ontario) that supports basic and applied research ininformation technology.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae and the names ofthree references and should be directed to the chair: Professor FrankTompa, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo,Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1; [emailprotected]
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, thisadvertisement is directed to Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents.The University of Waterloo encourages applications from qualified womenand men, members of visible minorities, native peoples, and persons withdisabilities.
This appointment is subject to the availability of funds.
Wake Forest University
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Applications are invited for the position of Visiting AssistantProfessor in computer science beginning August 1993. This position isfor one year with the possibility of renewal for a second year and issubject to final administrative approval. Duties include teachingcomputer science at the undergraduate and graduate levels and continuousresearch. A Ph.D. in computer science or equivalent is required. Thedepartment has 22 members, offers a B.S. and M.S. in computer scienceand a B.S. and M.A. in mathematics, and has excellent computingfacilities. Departmental faculty maintain active research programs.Send letter of application and resume to Richard D. Carmichael,Chairman, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wake ForestUniversity, Box 7388, Winston-Salem, NC 27109. AA/EO employer.
The University of Chicago
Department of Computer Science
Junior and Senior positions available. Our preference is forcandidates with expertise in one of the areas of experimental ComputerScience, such as Programming Languages or Distributed Systems, but wewill consider exceptionally strong applicants from all areas. Sendcurriculum vitae and three letters of reference to: Prof. Janos Simon,Chairman, Department of Computer Science, The University of Chicago,1100 E. 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637. Inquires can be directed to[emailprotected].
The University of Chicago is an equal opportunity/affirmativeaction employer.
Washington University in St. Louis
Regular Faculty Position in Computer Science
The Computer Science Department at Washington University isexpanding its research program and invites applications for regular(tenure-track) faculty positions at the Assistant, Associate and FullProfessor levels. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or D.Sc. degree inComputer Science and have a strong commitment to and record ofaccomplishment in research.
Washington University is a leading national university with about11,000 students and exceptional professional schools in medicine,engineering, business, law, architecture, social work and fine arts. Ithas an endowment of $1.5 billion and annual federal research support ofapproximately $150 million. The Computer Science Department is in theSchool of Engineering and Applied Science, has about 200 undergraduatemajors, 90 graduate students, 15 faculty and annual external researchfunding of more than $300 thousand per faculty member. The departmentplans to grow to at least 20 faculty by the end of the decade, in orderto expand its research and graduate programs, while continuing toenhance its already outstanding undergraduate program.
The department and its associated research laboratories haveexceptional facilities to support computing research, including over 150workstations and file servers, and a variety of specialized equipment,including an NCUBE multiprocessor, a Convex supercomputer and a completevisualization laboratory. An experimental four node ATM network hasbeen constructed to demonstrate multimedia networking applicationsranging from full rate video distribution to electronic radiology. Thiswill be upgraded in the coming year to support multimedia networking toevery faculty member's office.
The department seeks outstanding candidates whose research isdirected toward solving important problems in computer science andtechnology. Research in the department centers on four areas:concurrent systems, advanced networking, artificial intelligence andcomputational science. The focus of recruiting efforts this year is inadvanced networking and distributed computing, but the departmentwelcomes applications from exceptional candidates in other areas aswell.
Washington University is located on a pleasant 168 acre suburbancampus adjacent to Forest Park, one of the largest municipal parks inthe country and home to the St. Louis Zoo, the Art Museum and theScience Center. St. Louis is a delightful place to live, with many fineresidential neighborhoods, a minimum of urban hassles and all theamenities one expects of a major metropolitan area, including aworld-class symphony orchestra, an excellent baseball team, one of theworld's most beautiful botanical gardens, and a rich and variedtheater community.
Qualified applicants should send a curriculum vita and the namesand addresses of at least three references to:
Dr. Jonathan Turner, Chairman
Department of Computer
Campus Box 1045
Washington University
One Bookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-4899
Applications are requested by February 1, 1993. WashingtonUniversity is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
California State University, Northridge
Dean, SChool of Engineering and Computer Science
Applications are being accepted for the position of Dean, School ofEngineering and Computer Science, available June 1993. The School iscomprised of 4 departments with approximately 70 full-time faculty,2,000 undergraduates and 700 graduate students. Undergraduate degreesin both Engineering and Computer Science are accredited. Allocates andmanages resources and, with the faculty, maintains and improves qualityof instruction. Requires earned doctorate in related discipline;qualification for appointment within School at advanced rank; and atleast 3 years experience in academic administration, including resourceand academic personnel management, at or above the level of departmentchair or its equivalent. Salary dependent on qualifications. Submitletter of application, resume and names of 3 references to be receivedno later than February 1, 1993, to: Chair, SECS Search & ScreenCommittee; Office of V. P., Academic Affairs (ACAF); California StateUniversity, Northridge; 18111 Nordhoff Street; Northridge, CA 91330.FAX (818) 885-4691 or E-MAIL [emailprotected] An EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action, Title IX, Sections 503 & 504Employer.
The Wichita State University
Chairperson Computer Science Department
The search for Chairperson of the Computer Science Department hasbeen continued. The closing date for applications is February 5, 1993 orthe first of the month thereafter until the position is filled.Anticipated starting date is July 1, 1993.
Required qualifications for the position include a Ph.D. inComputer Science or a closely-related discipline, an established recordof Computer Science research, teaching at both undergraduate andgraduate level in Computer Science, and proven leadership. Salary willbe commensurate with qualifications and experience.
The Computer Science Department has approximately 500 undergraduatemajors and 120 graduate students. B.S., B.A., M.S., and M.C.S. degreesare currently offered. The department has 15 full-time faculty withresearch interests in the areas of artificial intelligence, machinelearning and discovery, automated theorem-proving, theoretical computerscience, databases, logic programming, software engineering, programminglanguages, and simulation and modeling.
Letters of application including a resume and names and addressesof at least five references should be sent to: Dr. RajshekharSunderraman, Chair of the Chair Search Committee, Box 83, The WichitaState University. Wichita, Kansas 67208. TEL: (316) 689-3156. FAX:(316) 689-3770. E-Mail: [emailprotected]. The Wichita State Universityis an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
The University of Texas at Austin
The Department of Computer Sciences, The University of Texas atAustin, invites applications for tenure-track positions at the assistantprofessor level, particularly in the areas of (1) experimental systems,including compilers, operating systems, databases, languages, networksand architectures, and (2) theory of computation (algorithms).Outstanding candidates at senior levels will be considered for positionsat the associate or full professor levels, depending uponqualifications. Applicants must hold or be making satisfactory progresstoward a Ph.D. or equivalent in computer science or a related area, witha reasonable expectation of completion by August 31, 1993. Offers ofemployment are contingent upon completion of requirements for the degreeby that date. Successful candidates are expected to pursue an activeresearch program, perform both graduate and undergraduate teaching, andsupervise graduate students. Effective communication skills are animportant criterion for evaluation of faculty candidates at UT Austin.
The Department is ranked among the top ten computer sciencedepartments in the country. It has 40 faculty members across all areasof Computer Science, including artificial intelligence, databasesystems, parallel processing, real-time systems, scientific computing,and theory of computation. Austin, the capital of Texas, is located onthe Colorado River, at the edge of the Texas Hill Country. Live musicand outdoor recreation are among the many attractions of this beautifularea. Austin is also a center for high-technology industry, includingMCC, Sematech, Motorola, IBM, AMD, Tandem, TI and others.
Applicants should submit a curriculum vita, a statement of researchinterests, and representative publications by January 31, 1993. Lettersof reference will be solicited separately.
Faculty Recruiting Committee
Department of Computer Sciences
The University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712-1188
Women and minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply.The University of Texas is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ActionEmployer.
Utah State University
The Department of Computer Science invites applications for theposition of assistant professor, with the expected starting date ofSeptember 1993. Only applicants in the areas of artificialintelligence, parallel and distributed computation, and softwareengineering will be considered. Applicants must demonstrate highresearch and scholarship potential and significant teaching ability. APh.D. in computer science is required by the date of appointment.
Currently, the department has 10 tenure-track faculty members withties to industry, government, and space science research andapproximately 200 undergraduate and 115 graduate students. Thedepartment offers B.S. and M.S. degrees and is working towards theestablishment of a Ph.D. program.
The university is located in northern Utah in a beautiful mountainvalley with many cultural opportunities and year round outdooractivities.
Applicants should submit a vita, a statement of professionalinterest and objectives, three references (at least one of which shouldcomment on your teaching ability), and any other relevant material to:Faculty Search Committee, Department of Computer Science, Utah StateUniversity, Logan, UT 84322-4205 (e-mail: [emailprotected]).Applications must be received no later than March 1, 1993.
Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. USU is an EO/AAEemployer.
State University of New York at Stoney Brook
Computer Science Department Faculty Positions in ComputerScience and Information Systems
Applications are invited for tenure-track positions in ComputerScience and Information Systems. We are particularly looking for peopleinterested in graphics, user-interfaces, and visualization, or in thetechnical aspects of information systems, but will consider allapplications.
The Stony Brook Computer Science Department, consistently ratedamong the top 20 in North America, currently has 25 faculty members witha wide variety of research interests including computer architecture,databases, distributed systems, software engineering, logic programming,automated reasoning, computer graphics, visualization, image processing,and artificial intelligence. The Department offers undergraduatedegrees in both Computer Science and Information Systems and graduatesapproximately 100 bachelors each year. It currently has about 50Masters and 50 Ph.D. students in Computer Science. The Departmentprovides an excellent networked computing environment includingworkstations from Sun, HP, Silicon Graphics, a Sequent S27, and severalundergraduate laboratories with Macintosh and HP workstations.
Stony Brook is located about 50 miles east of Manhattan on thehistoric and attractive north shore of Long Island with easy access tothe recreational activities on Long Island and the excitement of NewYork City.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, InformationSystems, or a related discipline. Please submit a detailed curriculumvitae, together with the names of at least five references and reprintsof recent publications to Professor Arie Kaufman, Chair, FacultyRecruiting Committee, Department of Computer Science, SUNY at StonyBrook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-4400. Telephone: (516) 632-8441.NetAddress: [emailprotected] Please specify Computer Science orInformation Systems on your application.
Applications from women and minorities are particularly sought.Stony Brook is an affirmative action/equal opportunity educator andemployer.
GMI Engineering & Management Institute
Faculty Position in Mathematics and Computer Science
GMI Engineering & Management Institute invites applications fora tenure-track position in Mathematics and Computer Science. Thisposition is at the Assistant Professor level, and it is intended that itbe filled by July 1, 1993.
GMI operates on a five-year fully cooperative plan of education.The Science and Mathematics Department offers a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in Applied Mathematics with areas of concentration in AppliedAnalysis, Computer Science, and Statistics. The department also offerscourses at all levels in support of the various Engineering andManagement bachelor's and master's degree programs.Department faculty typically teach 3 courses per term and are expectedto participate in curriculum development, student advising and serviceactivities.
The minimum qualifications for this position include an earnedPh.D. in either Mathematics or Computer Science with a strong backgroundin the other field and evidence of effective communication skills in theEnglish language. The successful candidate will be expected to showevidence of strong research abilities and a strong interest inundergraduate teaching. Experience in undergraduate education, inindustry, or in computer-aided classroom instruction is desirable.
Please send resume, statement of research interests, and threeletters of reference to: Professor John W. Dulin, Search CommitteeChair, Science and Mathematics Department, GMI Engineering &Management Institute, 1700 West Third Avenue, Flint, Michigan48504-4898. Review of applicants will commence immediately and continueuntil the position is filled.
GMI is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer andactively seeks the candidacy of women and minorities. Preference willbe given to citizens and permanent residents of the U.S.
Academia Sinica
Institute of Information Science
Taiwan, Republic of China
Applications are invited for research positions in Institute ofInformation Science, Academia Sinica. Ph.D. in Computer Science orclosely related fields required. Demonstrable research abilitynecessary. Proven research record needed for Senior positions. Allfields in Computer Science are welcome.
The Institute offers a good research environment. No duty ofteaching. Facilities include a 32-node NCUBE,2 parallel supercomputer,many SUN, SGI, and E&S workstations. An easily accessible ETA-10Qsupercomputer is in the Academia Sinica.
Please send applications to Dr. Lin-Shan Lee, Director, Instituteof Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 11529, Republicof China. Fax: (011-886-2)782-4814. Deadlines for submission:February 28 and August 31 each year
University of Washington
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at theUniversity of Washington expects to have one or more tenure-trackopenings starting in the 1993-94 academic year. We seek outstandingapplicants who add to our existing research strengths, particularly incompilers and computer systems engineering, or who bring significant newresearch strength to our department.
A moderate teaching load allows time for quality research and closeinvolvement with students. We expect applicants to have a strongcommitment to both research and teaching, and an outstanding record ofresearch for their level.
Interested applicants should send a letter of application, aresume, and the names of four references to Faculty RecruitingCommittee, Department of Computer Science and Engineering FR-35,University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195. Candidates areencouraged to apply as early as possible.
The University of Washington is an Affirmative Action/EqualOpportunity Employer. The Ph.D. is required for these positions.
Cornell Theory Center
Postdoctural Fellowships
The Cornell Theory Center invites applications for postdoctoralfellowships in the computational sciences. Fellows will be expected towork with a faculty mentor and applications should designate aprospective mentor, if possible.
The Cornell Theory Center contains one of four National ScienceFoundation Supercomputing facilities. The Center operates several highperformance computers, including an IBM ES-9000, an IBM PowerVisualization System, a cluster of IBM RS-6000 workstations, and aKendall Square KSR-1 computer. An Intel iPSC/860 and Thinking MachinesConnection Machine CM200 are operated by the Cornell Computer ScienceDepartment. The Theory Center is also the parent organization for theAdvanced Computing Research Institute, a research group with an emphasison parallel computation and with close ties to the Computer ScienceDepartment.
We invite applicants interested in all aspects of computationalscience and engineering.
Applications and supporting letters of reference should be sent toJ. Addy, Personnel Manager, Cornell Theory Center, 529 Engineering &Theory Center Bldg., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-3801.
Florida Atlantic University
Computer Science and Engineering
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering, in the Collegeof Engineering, seeks applicants and nominations for faculty positionsat all levels. A doctorate in computer science, computer engineering,or a closely related field is required.
A junior-level position requires demonstrated teaching ability andresearch potential. A senior-level position requires a record of goodteaching performance and high-quality research, with funded researchespecially desirable.
In addition, the Department seeks a coordinator of undergraduateprograms. This position requires a commitment to undergraduateinstruction and advising; a master's degree in computerscience/computer engineering is required, a doctoral degree ispreferred.
While applicants with expertise in artificial intelligence,software engineering, computer architecture, and computer networks arepreferred, all specialties will be considered. Salaries, fringebenefits, and teaching loads are competitive. The appointments willbegin in August 1993; the closing data for applications is February 15,1993, although applications will be reviewed until suitable candidatesare found.
Florida Atlantic University, which is a member of Florida'sState University System, is located in Boca Raton, on the Atlanticcoast, midway between West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale. Manyhigh-tech companies are located in this growing area, and opportunitiesfor interaction with industry are excellent.
The Department currently has twenty-three regular faculty, withother visiting and research faculty normally in residence. Faculty areprovided workstations with network access to departmental, university,and international computer networks. Other research equipment may beacquired as necessary.
The Department offers a CSAC-accredited bachelor's program incomputer science, master's programs in computer science and incomputer engineering, and doctoral programs in computer science and incomputer engineering; a bachelor's program in computer engineeringis in preparation. Over 300 undergraduate, 200 master's students,and 30 doctoral students are enrolled in the Department's degreeprograms. The University has over 15,000 students and offers a varietyof bachelor's master's, and doctoral programs.
Applicants should send resume, including the names and phonenumbers of three professional references, along with a cover letterspecifying the professional rank desired (also specify undergraduatecoordinator, if desired), to Faculty Search Committee, Department ofComputer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, BocaRaton, FL 33431. Electronic mail communications should be addressed to[emailprotected].
Florida Atlantic University is an equal opportunity/affirmativeaction employer. Members of protected classes are encouraged to apply.
Florida International University
The State University of Florida at Miami
Applications are invited for an Assistant Professor in computerscience and also for several senior visiting and post-doctoral researchpositions. A Ph.D. in computer science or related area is required ofthe Assistant Professor. The applicants for the senior positions shouldhave an excellent research record and experience in supervising graduatestudents. Candidates are sought in all areas of computer science butespecially in software engineering, parallel or distributed computing,and databases.
The School of Computer Science is a designated program ofexcellence at F.I.U. and enjoys strong support from the Universityadministration. It has 24 faculty members and offers B.S., M.S. andPh.D. degrees in computer science. The current enrollment isapproximately 500 undergraduate and 60 graduate students.
The School of Computer Science has a network of 33 Sunworkstations, an IRIS 2400A graphics system, transputers, and manymicro-computers. The university computing is done on a VAX 8800mainframe.
Applicants should send a letter of application, a vita, the namesof three references and an internet address if available (postmarked nolater than January 20, 1993) to Dr. Michael Evangelist, Director, Schoolof Computer Science, Florida International University, University Park,Miami, FL 33199, telephone (305) 348-2744. Electronic applications maybe addressed to [emailprotected].
Florida International University is a member of the StateUniversity System of Florida and is and Equal Opportunity/Equal AccessEmployer and Institution.
Franklin and Marshall College
Applications are invited for a one-year sabbatical replacementposition starting August 1993. Candidates must have completed the workfor the doctorate in computer science or a related field by 1 September1993 and display a commitment to both teaching and scholarship.Franklin and Marshall College is a highly selective, private, liberalarts college which has demonstrated a commitment to promoting culturalpluralism through the hiring of women and minorities and encourages allinterested individuals to apply. EOE/AA. Please send vita, college anduniversity transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to theComputer Science Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, Franklin& Marshall College, Lancaster, PA 17604-3003. Applications will beaccepted until the position is filled, but first preference will begiven to those whose applications are complete by 1 February 1993.Telephone: 717-291-4227; e-mail [emailprotected].
Indiana University at South Bend
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The department is filling one or more tenure-track positions incomputer science to start August, 1993. Applicants must have Ph.D. incomputer science, a proven ability or demonstrated potential forresearch, and good teaching qualifications. Preference will be given tocandidates in data base theory, operating systems, software engineering,networking, and in closely related areas. Duties for the positioninclude research and teaching eighteen semester hours per year (usually5 courses). IUSB is one of the eight campuses of Indiana University andhas about 8000 students. The faculty of the department includes tenmathematicians and five computer scientists. We are an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action employer; women and minority candidatesare encouraged to apply. Applications accepted until February 10, 1993.Send vita to William J. Frascella, Chair, Department of Mathematics andComputer Science, Indiana University at South Bend, IN 46634.
Drexel University
Software and Systems Engineering Faculty Position
Drexel University's College of Information Studies is seekingteaching, research and program development expertise in the area ofsoftware & information systems engineering. The College, whichalready has an undergraduate program in information systems, mastersprograms in information systems and information studies, and a doctoralprogram in information studies, has begun planning for a professionalmasters degree in software engineering. Drexel's approach tosoftware engineering is closely aligned with Software EngineeringInstitute (SEI) curriculum guidelines; it differs to the extent that itre-emphasizes the role of user requirements analysis, modeling andprototyping, user-computer interface design and systems evaluation inthe overall systems design and development process. We are seeking anexperienced professional in the area; however, all ranks will beconsidered. The full-time faculty member recruited for this position isexpected to assist in the development and implementation of the newprogram as well as lead teaching and research efforts in the area. Theposition is a tenure track requiring a minimum of a doctoral degree anddemonstrated teaching ability. Review of applications will beginFebruary 15, 1993 for the 1993-1994 academic year and applications willbe accepted until the position is filled. Drexel University is locatedin Philadelphia with easy access from suburban areas as well as to theBoston-Washington, DC corridor. Drexel is an equal opportunity employer.Please submit materials to: Dr. Richard Lytle, Chairperson, FacultySearch Committee, College of Information Studies, Drexel University,Philadelphia, PA 19104.
University of British Columbia
Industrial Chair Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science at the University of BritishColumbia is recruiting senior applicants to fill an Industrial Chairsponsored by MPR Teltech Ltd. Areas that will be considered includemultimedia, computer graphics, human-computer interaction, databases,software engineering, programming languages and other areas related tothe mutual research goals of the University and MPR Teltech.
One of the University's highest academic priorities is tobuild a leading centre in Computer Science. An important aspect of thisis to establish and maintain collaborative ties with industrialpartners. As a subsidiary of BC TEL, MPR Teltech conducts R&Drelated to communications, user interfaces, and system level designengineering. Outstanding candidates are being sought for a proposedindustrial chair that will involve one or more of these areas.Applicants must have an outstanding record of achievements in research,a demonstrated commitment to teaching, and a proven ability to workwithin both academic and industrial environments. Successful candidatesare expected to pursue an active research program, perform both graduateand undergraduate teaching, and supervise graduate students. A Ph.D. orequivalent in Computer Science or related areas is required.
The University of British Columbia, situated on the tip of apeninsula, is surrounded by beaches, lush green forests, and spectacularviews of ocean, mountains and downtown Vancouver. Just 20 minutes awayfrom both downtown and airport, this location enjoys a uniquecombination of unsurpassed opportunities for outdoor recreation and easyaccess to an exciting cosmopolitan city.
MPR Teltech is located in Burnaby, British Columbia, a short drivefrom The University of British Columbia. MPR Teltech is one ofCanada's leading telecommunications R&D companies and hasstrong interests in multimedia (the creation, manipulation andtransmission of video, audio, image, graphics and animation overhigh-bandwidth networks) as well as other areas of computer science.The chair will sponsor applied research in one or more of the areaslisted above, with an emphasis on applications for use in business,education and medical communications.
In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, thisadvertisement is directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residentsof Canada. The University of British Columbia welcomes all qualifiedapplicants, especially women, aboriginal people, visible minorities andpersons with disabilities.
Applicants should submit a resume and the names of at least threereferences to: Professor Uri Ascher, Recruiting Coordinator, Departmentof Computer Science, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.CANADA V6T 1Z2. Applications will be accepted until March 1, 1993. Theposition is subject to available funding.
Eckerd College
Computer Science: assistant professor, tenure track, Ph.D. incomputer science with significant experience and demonstrated excellencein teaching preferred. teach full range of undergraduate courses in anACM model curriculum, and participate periodically with all otherfaculty in humanities-based general education. Supplement or complementexisting discipline research excellence in artificial intelligence andcomputer architecture. Continued professional productivity essential.Computing facilities include Sun network, PCs and Transputers. Noclosing date but interviews begin February 1993. Send resume,transcripts, three recommendation letters to Prof. Mark Fishman, EckerdCollege, P.O. Box 12560, St. Petersburg, FL 33733. EOE.
Colorado School of Mines
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences invitesapplications for an anticipated tenure-track position at the AssistantProfessor level for Fall, 1993. A research focus in one of thefollowing areas is required: computational mathematics/numericalanalysis, database, parallel or distributed systems/architectures,graphics, or scientific visualization. Duties include teachingundergraduate and graduate courses, development of a funded researchprogram, and supervision of graduate students at the MS and PhD levels.Applicants should also have interest in performing inter-disciplinaryresearch in such areas as environmental sciences, economics, materials,mining and artificial intelligence.
PhD is required, preferably in computer science, but mathematicswith a computational emphasis will be considered. Applicants shoulddemonstrate a strong commitment to excellence and innovation ineducation and significant research accomplishment.
Colorado School of Mines is a state university, internationallyrenowned in the energy, materials and resource fields, which nowattracts outstanding students in a broad range of science andengineering disciplines. CSM provides an attractive campus environment,a collegial atmosphere, relatively small size (3000 students), and anideal location 13 miles from downtown Denver in the foothills of theRocky Mountains.
Applicants should send a vita including a description of aptitudeor experience in teaching, research interests, a list of publications,and three letters of reference, at least one of which specificallyaddresses the candidate's teaching potential to the Colorado Schoolof Mines, Computer Science Search Committee #92-11-01, 1500 IllinoisStreet, Golden, CO 80401. Applications will be considered beginningFebruary 15, 1993 and thereafter until the position is filled.
CSM is an EEO/AA employer. Women and minorities are encouraged toapply.
Northeast Missouri State University
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science
Tenure-track position in Computer Science to begin in August, 1993.Ph.D. in computer science preferred. Specialities in software design,database design, automata theory, operating systems, architecture,programming languages are of particular interest, but all areas will beconsidered. Commitment to excellent teaching and active participationin research essential. Northeast is committed to challenging andsupporting students in their learning and subscribes to the AAHE's"Seven Principles for Good Practice in UndergraduateEducation." Active learning is a major component of the educationenvironment--in the classroom or laboratory, in advising sessions, incollaborative research, and in service to the university and thecommunity. As a part of their teaching responsibilities, all facultymembers are expected to serve as academic advisors. Northeast is apublic, selective, liberal arts university with an enrollment of 5,800.The Division of Mathematics and Computer Science has 35 faculty, 250majors, IBM mainframe and microcomputers. Letter of application,resume, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, and three letters ofreference should be sent to Lanny Morley, Head, Division of Mathematicsand Computer Science, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville,MO 63501. EOE.
General Sciences Corporation
General Sciences Corporation has positions available to supportHigh Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC) research for theCoupled Climate Dynamics Office and for the Data Assimilation Office atNASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD; ScientificProgrammer/Analyst--one successful candidate will participate in thedevelopment of high-resolution coupled ocean-atmosphere generalcirculation models by developing architecturally-dependent algorithms torun on massively parallel architecture computers such as the Intel Deltaand the TMC CM-5. Another will develop massively parallel programmingtechniques for problems in atmospheric data assimilation. Both will beinvolved in the development of parallel algorithms and the handling oflarge data bases associated with high resolution numerical models. BSor MS in Math, Computer Science, Physical Science. Fortran and UNIX amust (at least two years). Senior Programmer/Analyst--the successfulcandidate will take a leading role in developing innovative parallelprocessing algorithms for the Goddard-EOS Data Assimilation System(GEOS-DAS), and also in developing parallel Kalman filter algorithms fordata assimilation. MS or PhD in Math, Computer Sciences or PhysicalSciences. Demonstrated expertise in Fortran and UNIX. Knowledge ofmassively parallel architectures. If you are interested in eitherposition and have the qualifications stated, please send your resume to:General Sciences Corporation, Attn: Personnel Dept/RR1, 6100 ChevyChase Drive, Laurel, MD 20707.
Colorado State University
Computer Science Department Faculty Positions, Fall 1993
The Computer Science Department solicits applications fortenure-track and visiting faculty positions at all levels (subject tofunding). Candidates for assistant professor need a Ph.D. in computerscience (at time of appointment) with promise for excellence in researchand teaching; applicants for senior ranks must possess distinguishedresearch records. The Department has approval for significant growthover the next few years, and has identified selected areas in parallelcomputing, artificial intelligence, and software engineering for specialattention. Salary is commensurate with rank and experience. New andvisiting faculty will enjoy duties especially conducive to productiveresearch.
The Department offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees. We haveexcellent cooperative research relations with industrial and governmentlaboratories, and their people form a significant portion of ourgraduate student population. We operate numerous multi-user systems(HP, DEC, Sequent) and many workstations (HP, IBM, Sun, Apple, ATT), allnetworked. University operations include IBM RS6000 servers and avisualization laboratory. Department personnel work in a pleasant,smoke-free environment.
Fort Collins is a growing community of 92,000 located along thefoothills of the Rocky Mountains, 60 miles north of Denver. The climateis moderate--about 15 inches of precipitation and 290 days of sunshineper year. There are many cultural opportunities and year-round outdooractivities.
Send your curriculum vitae and names of at least three professionalreferences to: Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Computer ScienceDepartment, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523.Applications for August, 1993 will be considered March 1, 1993. Thesearch may be extended if suitable candidates are not found.
Colorado State University is an EEO/AA employer. EO Office: 21Spruce Hall.
University of Central Oklahoma
Department of Computing Science. Full-time Assistant Professorpositions. Effective August 23, 1993. Teach undergraduate and graduatecourses; research; university service. Requires doctorate in ComputerScience or related field by September 1993. Expertise in all relatedareas considered. Salary commensurate with experience andqualifications. Department has 523 undergraduate majors. Submitapplication letter, resume, official transcripts and three letters ofrecommendation to: Dr. G. Kay Owens, Dean, College of Mathematics &Science, University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma 73034.POSTMARKED APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 22, 1993. AffirmativeAction/Equal Opportunity Employer.
University of Colorado-Boulder
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering invitesapplications for a tenure-track position. We are primarily interestedin candidates whose areas of specialization are computer architecture,software engineering, optical computing, and electromagnetic fields.Applicants must have a doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering,Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or related fields. Preferencewill be given to candidates at the Assistant Professor level, butcandidates at all levels will be considered. Especially strong seniorcandidates in optical computing and closely related areas are encouragedto apply for the Hudson Moore Chair.
Review of applicants will begin on January 1, 1993, although allapplications postmarked before March 1, 1993, are eligible forconsideration. Earlier applications will receive first consideration.Appointment may begin as early as August 1993.
The University of Colorado at Boulder has a strong institutionalcommitment to the principle of diversity. In that spirit, we areparticularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrumof people, including women, members of ethnic minorities, and disabledindividuals.
Applications should be sent to Prof. William M. Waite, Chairman,Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado,Campus Box 425, Boulder, CO 80309-0425.
Teikyo Marycrest University
The Department of Computer Science and Mathematics announces aregular renewable position in computer science beginning August 1993. APh.D. in computer science is preferred. Teikyo Marycrest University isan independent, liberal arts institution with a Catholic heritage and1250 full-time and part-time students. The Department offersbachelor's and master's degrees in computer science. Themaster's program serves working professionals in the Quad Cities(population 380,000, three hours west of Chicago). Graduate courses areoffered through the Quad Cities Graduate Center, a consortium of tenuniversities. Academic facilities include an IBM RS/6000 UNIXworkstation, and IBM-compatible and Macintosh laboratory/classroomslinked by a Novell LAN. We emphasize teaching excellence and a closeworking relationship with students. Screening will begin February 1 andcontinue until the position is filled. Send resume, transcripts, andthree references (including telephone numbers) to: Gary Monnard, Head,Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Teikyo MarycrestUniversity, 1607 W. 12th Street, Davenport, IA 52804. Women andminority candidates are encouraged to apply. An EO/AA employer.
Towson State University
Department of Computer and Information Sciences Faculty PositionIn Information Systems
Baltimore, Maryland
One full-time tenure-track faculty position in information systemsis available in the Department of Computer & Information Sciences,College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, starting Fall, 1993,contingent upon state funding.
Duties include teaching computer information systems courses withina computer science major; performing scholarly activity in the computerinformation systems field, and participating in department, college anduniversity activities.
Qualifications include a doctorate in information systems andcollege level teaching experience. Information systems experience inbusiness/industry/government and research in information systems aredesirable.
Rank: assistant professor. Salary: commensurate with credentialsand experience.
Minorities and women are encouraged to apply.
Inquiries about the position may be sent by FAX to (410) 830-3868or by e-mail to [emailprotected].
To apply, send a letter of application, a resume, transcripts ofdegrees earned and three reference letters by February 8, 1993 to:
Dr. Joyce Currie Little
Chairperson, Search Committee
Computer & Information Sciences Department
Towson State University
Baltimore, MD 21204-7097
An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.
Bradley University
Chair Search
Bradley University seeks a team-oriented leader to chair itsDepartment of Computer Science and Information Systems. Candidatesshould hold a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a closely related field andhave a strong record of teaching and research in computer science. Thisis a tenure track position with salary and rank depending uponexperience and qualifications.
Bradley is an independent private university with approximately6000 students. The Department has 150 undergraduate majors (80 inComputer Science and 70 in Computer Information Systems) and 130graduate students in its Computer Science master's program. Atpresent we have nine full-time faculty members.
Applications must be received by February 23, 1993, and should besent to Dr. John McAlpin, Department of Computer Science and InformationSystems, Bradley University, Peoria, IL 61625. E-mail address is
Bradley is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
Scientific Data System Architect
The Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's AXAF ScienceCenter (ASC) is developing a data system to receive, archive and provideuser support for the analysis of data from the Advanced X-rayAstrophysics Facility (AXAF) satellite due to be launced by NASA in1998.
The ASC has an opening for a Scientific Data System Architect whowill function as Data Systems Engineering and Integration Group Leaderand be responsible for translating requirements into, and developing thedata system architecture; researching computer resources and techniques;designing prototype software; generating software development plans andsoftware and user documentation; managing resources to produce outputsto schedule and within cost; and generating schedules, resourceestimates and work plans.
Candidates must possess a B.S. in computer science, physics, mathor related field or comparable experience, plus experience in softwaredevelopment for data reduction, analysis and archiving systems;structured systems analysis and design methodologies; prototypingmethods; developing systems in workstation-based scientificenvironments; and generating system and user documentation. Proficiencyin UNIX, MS-DOS, X-Windows, C and FORTRAN, and strong communication andinterpersonal skills are required.
Applicants should reference Job #1-A and forward resumes, includingsalary history and requirements, to
Jean Jesensky Human Resources Department SMITHSONIAN ASTROPHYSICALOBSERVATORY 60 Garden Street MS 17 Cambridge, MA. 02138
An Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
Shippensburg University
Assistant Professor of Computer Science for September 1993
QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D in Computer Science, or in a related fieldwith the equivalent of a master's degree in Computer Science.Candidates who will be completing their Ph.D within two years will beconsidered on a contingent contract basis. The position requires acommitment to excellence in teaching and effective communication skills,as well as experience or potential in research and academic service.Candidates must demonstrate ability to teach the undergraduate andgraduate computer science courses offered by the department. Thecandidate's ability to teach undergraduate mathematics courses andthe willingness to teach off-campus and evening courses will also beconsidered.
The primary responsibilities are to teach undergraduate courses inthe department and graduate computer science courses, with a maximum of24 credits per year, advise students, conduct research and contribute tothe academic life of the department and the university.
THE DEPARTMENT: The Department of Mathematics and Computer Scienceincludes 25 full-time faculty members. There are approximately 150computer science majors and 170 mathematics and mathematics educationundergraduate majors in the department and 140 graduate students. Thedepartment offers graduate programs in computer science, informationsystems, computer education, mathematics, and mathematics education.The university computer equipment includes a Unisys 2000 mainframe and aDigital Equipment Corporation VAX computer while departmentallaboratories include a UNIX Laboratory, an Interfacing Laboratory and aMicrocomputer Laboratory, containing various microcomputers andworkstations; all of which are networked to provide access locally andaround the globe via BITNET and INTERNET.
APPLICATION: Candidates must submit copies of graduate andundergraduate transcripts, publications (if any), three letters ofrecommendation from persons familiar with candidate's professionalcompetence, and other appropriate information which demonstratescandidate's satisfactory qualifications. Incomplete applicationswill not be considered. Candidates will be judged on potential forteaching, research and university service. Applications will bereviewed beginning on February 20, 1993, but will be received until theposition is filled.
APPLY TO: C.S. Search Committee, Department of Math and ComputerScience, Shippensburg University, Shippensburg, PA 17257 (717-532-1431).
Shippensburg University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative ActionEmployer.
Creighton University
Creighton University invites applications for a tenure trackfaculty position in the Mathematics/Computer Science Departmentbeginning in the Fall, 1993. Applicants qualifications requiredinclude: a Ph.D. in Computer Science, an interest in directing theprogram, a commitment to quality teaching and potential for research.
Creighton University is an equal opportunity/affirmative actionemployer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Applicants must submit a current curriculum vitae; three letters ofrecommendation independent of the candidate; original transcripts of allcollege-level work; evidence of successful teaching, and researchinterests. Applications are accepted until March 1, 1993, or until theposition is filled. Applications should be addressed to: Dr. JohnMordeson, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Mathematics/ComputerScience, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178-209000, before December31, 1992, and after this date send to Dr. Shih-Chuan Cheng at the sameaddress.
Siena College
The Computer Science Department invites applications for a tenuretrack position starting Fall 1993. A Ph.D., a strong commitment toundergraduate teaching, and excellent communication skills are required.It is expected that the successful candidate will establish a researchprogram which involves undergraduates.
The Computer Science Department has 8 full-time faculty members andapproximately 100 majors. The program is supported by a VAX cluster,micro-computer labs and a computer science laboratory. The departmentprimarily offers courses to computer science, mathematics and businessmajors.
Siena College is a liberal arts college of 2800 full-timeundergraduates. It is located in up-state New York, just north ofAlbany. There are many cultural and professional opportunities in thearea.
To apply, send a resume and three letters of recommendation toJames Matthews, Chair, Computer Science Department, Siena College,Loudonville, NY 12211-1462. Applications will be accepted untilFebruary 15 or until the position is filled.
Siena College encourages applications from women and men, and frommembers of all ethnic groups.
University of California at Santa Barbara
Faculty Positions--Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Californiaat Santa Barbara invites applications for several junior and seniortenure-track faculty positions. Senior applicants should possessdistinguished research records and the ability to attract researchfunding, while junior candidates must demonstrate exceptional promise.The College of Engineering and the Department of Computer Science haveembarked on a multi-year plan to strengthen the Department inexperimental computer science. We are seeking applicants primarily inparallel and high-performance computation and communication. We arealso interested in candidates in software systems. Responsibilitiesinclude conducting strong research, supervising graduate students,teaching graduate and undergraduate courses, and participating indepartmental and university committees. The Department of ComputerScience is part of an expanding College of Engineering, whichencompasses over 100 faculty in various engineering disciplines.Excellent instruction and research computing facilities are available.
Applicants should hold a doctoral degree in Computer Science or arelated field. Appointments are scheduled to begin in 1993-1994.Unfilled positions will remain open until filled. Send resume and namesof at least four refereees to Recruitment Committee, Department ofComputer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA93106-5110. The University of California is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Ohio University
Computer Science Department Faculty Positions
Two full-time, tenure track positions as Assistant Professor toconduct research and to teach Computer Science graduate andundergraduate courses. One position in the area of concurrent andparallel programming and the other position in the area of operatingsystems, data communications and networks. Candidates must have a Computer Science or equivalent at time of appointment with promise ofexcellence in research and teaching.
Departmental computing is supported by a Sun 630MP, a Dec Microvax3100 model 80, several AT&T 3B2s, two microcomputer labs and a DecWorkstation lab. Academic computing is supported by an IBM 4381, a VAX6440, an HP3000, and several microcomputer labs.
Salary highly competitive (minimum $40,000). Application deadline:March 1, 1993. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae and havethree letters of reference sent to: J. Craig Farrar, Chairman, ComputerScience Department, Morton Hall 416, Athens, OH 45701. Ohio Universityis an Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Employer. Women andminorities are encouraged to apply.
Michigan Technological University
Department of Computer Science Tenure-Track Position(s)
Applications are invited for one or two tenure track positions atthe Assistant Professor level beginning Fall 1993. Applicants shoulddemonstrate potential for excellence in research and teaching. Salaryis competitive and fringe benefits are very good. In order tocomplement and extend our current research programs, we are particularlylooking for individuals in parallel algorithms, compilers andarchitectures, computational biology, software engineering, artificialintelligence, languages, computational sciences, and operating systems.
MTU, designated as one of four Michigan research universities, has6,900 students and nearly 400 faculty. US News and World Report andMoney Magazine have both ranked MTU as one of the top quality buys amongAmerican universities. The Department has seven faculty members andwell-established undergraduate and M.S. programs with excellentstudents. The average composite ACT score for these students whoentered MTU in 1992 and who declared computer science as their major was25.3 compared to a national average of 20.6. The development of a Ph.D.program in computer science is in progress and we plan to admit Ph.D.students beginning Fall 1993.
Departmental computing facilities include a 16 node Intel iPSC/2 VXhypercube, two Sequent Symmetry multiprocessors, Sun workstations in allfaculty and graduate offices, Sun workstation-based undergraduate labs,and access to the Internet. MTU's Advanced Scientific ComputingCenter operates Alliant FX2800 multiprocessors for research use byfaculty and graduate students. Campus-wide access to an IBM 4381, Sunworkstations, PCs and Macintoshes is also available.
MTU is located in Houghton, a rural community in the scenicKeweenaw Peninsula of Michigan's Upper Pennisula. Surrounded bythe clean water of Lake Superior and nearby forests, the communityoffers year-round recreational opportunities.
Review of applications will continue until the positions arefilled. Women and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.Applications should send a resume and a list of at least threereferences to:
Austin Melton Department of Computer Science Michigan TechnologicalUniversity Houghton, Michigan 49931 [emailprotected] (906) 487-2209
Michigan Technological University is an equal opportunityeducational institution/equal opportunity employer.
Okanagan University College
Okanagan University College, Kelowna, British Columbia, invitesapplications for a continuing appointment as college professor inCOMPUTER SCIENCE.
Okanagan University College is a comprehensive institution thatoffers vocational, developmental, career and technical programs anduniversity degree programs. We offer programs leading to baccalaureatedegrees in Arts and Science in conjunction with the University ofBritish Columbia as well as baccalaureate degrees in Education, FineArts, Nursing and Social Work in conjunction with the University ofVictoria. The University-College operates campuses in Kelowna, Vernon,Penticton, and Salmon Arm, with degree completion programs concentratedin Kelowna. Computing facilities include SUNs and VAXes connected on acampus-wide network.
The required qualification is a Masters degree or equivalent, Ph.Dpreferred. Particular areas of expertise include Software Engineering,Numerical Computation, Analysis of Algorithms, Computer Graphics,Operating Systems, Database, Computer Networks and ArtificialIntelligence. Responsibilities include teaching 12 hours per semesterat the undergraduate level and continuing scholarly activity.
This is a continuing position commencing August 1, 1993. Salaryand working conditions are governed by the Okanagan College FacultyAssociation Collective Agreement. Salary is $39,228 to $58,940 perannum based on the 1991/92 salary scale with placement on the scaledependent upon qualifications and experience.
Please submit a curriculum vitae and the names of three referencesin confidence by March 19, 1993 to: Competition Number 96FAC92,Personnel Office, Okanagan University College, 1000 K.L.O. Road,Kelowna, B.C., VIY 4X8.
In accordance with Canada Employment and Immigration requirements,priority will be given to Canadian citizens and Landed Immigrants(permanent residents) of Canada.
Indiana State University
Chairperson Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Indiana StateUniversity, invites applications for the position of Chairperson.Applicants should have a doctorate in Mathematics or Computer Science, arecord of successful teaching and research with credentials sufficientto justify appointment at the rank of Professor, and a commitment topromoting research, teaching, and other scholarly activities.Applicants should possess demonstrated leadership skills necessary tochair a large department which has diverse teaching and researchresponsibilities.
The Department offers BS and BA degrees in Mathematics, MathematicsEducation, and Computer Science, as well as MS and MA degrees inMathematics and Mathematics Education.
Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications andexperience. Please send a letter of application and vita, and havethree letters of recommendation sent to: Chairperson Search Committee,Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Indiana StateUniversity, Terre Haute, IN 47809.
Screening of applications will begin on February 1, 1993, andcontinue until the position is filled. U.S. citizenship or eligibilityfor U.S. employment will be required. Indiana State University is anEqual Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
Queens College of CUNY
Applications are invited for anticipated tenure track positions atall ranks. Applicants who have research experience in programminglanguages, software methodology, computer organization and architecture,parallel computing or theoretical computer science are invited to apply.Applicants with outstanding records in other areas will be considered.A Ph.D. in Computer Science or in a closely related field and a stronginterest in both teaching and research is required. Salary (ranges from$28,630 to $70,110) is commensurate with qualifications and experience.
The Department offers the BA and MA degrees, and participates inthe Ph.D. Program offered through the CUNY Graduate Center.
A wide variety of computing facilities is available in theDepartment including Sun, Next and SGI workstations, timesharing accessto VAX and IBM systems, plus graphics, operating systems, and hardwareteaching laboratories.
Send a resume and the names of at least three references by nolater than February 26 to: Dr. Theodore Brown, Chair, Computer ScienceDepartment, P.O. Box 29, Queens College, Flushing, New York 11367 or inPostscript or Tex form to:
Queens College is an AA/EOE. Minorities and women are stronglyurged to apply.
The University of Texas at Dallas
The Computer Science Program invites applications for juniorfaculty positions (visiting positions are also available). The Ph.D. inComputer Science or equivalent is required. Applicants shoulddemonstrate promise of future research activity. Responsibilitiesinclude research, teaching and direction of Ph.D. dissertations.Applicants in all areas of Computer Science will be considered,especially desired are applicants with interest in DistributionDatabases and Computer Networks.
The University is located in the most attractive suburbs of theDallas metropolitan area where many high technology industries arelocated. Opportunities for University-Industry joint research projectsand consulting are excellent. The Program expects to continue its growthinto a major center for computer science research and training.
The Program's computation equipment includes an N-CUBE with 64processors, several SUN SPARC stations and graphics equipment dedicatedto research. The University's equipment includes Convex C-3 SuperMinicomputer, an IBM 4381, a high speed connection to a Cray XMP/24 inthe UTSCHPC and a large number of PC's in microcomputerlaboratories. All of the University's computing facilities areconnected via an Ethernet network. The extensive collection of the UTDlibrary, as well as the other Texas libraries, is available on line.The local network is connected to national and international networkslike BITNET and INTERNET. The faculty have recently moved into a new $16million building which houses the school of Engineering and ComputerScience. New faculty members will be consulted on equipment needs fortheir research.
Currently, the Computer Science faculty numbers twelve and has goodgrowth potential. Applicants will have an opportunity to influence thedirection of growth of the Program. For more information concerning thefuture plans of the Computer Science Program and UTD in general, pleasecontact Dr. Ivor Page, Chairman of the Search Committee, at 214-690-2160or 214-690-2808.
Indication of sex and ethnicity for Affirmative Action statisticalpurposes is requested but not required. A resume with a list of atleast three references should be sent by April 15, 1993, to:
Academic Search #712 The University of Texas at Dallas P.O. Box830688, M/S AD 2.3 Richardson, Texas 75083-0688
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University
The University of Tulsa
Computer Science
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at theUniversity of Tulsa invites applications for an anticipated tenure trackposition in Computer Science beginning in Fall 1993. Salary is open andcompetitive. Responsibilities include teaching 6 hours per semester atthe undergraduate and graduate levels, continuing scholarly activity,and pursuit of extramural funding. Minimum qualifications are a Computer Science, and a strong commitment to teaching and research.The Department has strong research programs in Artificial Intelligenceand Knowledge Based Systems, Numerical Learning Systems, Parallel andScientific Computing, Databases, and Combinatorial Optimization. We areseeking candidates that will strengthen these research areas, however,outstanding candidates in other related areas of computer science willalso be considered.
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences offers B.S.degrees in Computer Science and in Computer Information Systems. TheB.S. in Computer Science is accredited by the CSAB. The Department alsooffers M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science. In addition tocampus and college computing facilities, the departmental researchfacilities include a network of 35 Sun servers and workstations, 2 DECworkstations, a BBN Butterfly, an Intel Hypercube, and an Alliant FX-40.
Applications will be evaluated beginning February 1, 1993. Lateapplications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send vitae,transcripts (for recent graduates), and three letters of reference to:
Dr. Roger Wainwright Computer Science Search Committee Mathematicaland Computer Sciences The University of Tulsa 600 S. College Tulsa, OK74104-3189 email: [emailprotected]
The University of Tulsa, an Equal EmploymentOpportunity/Affirmative Action employer, is committed to diversifyingits faculty and staff. Members of underrepresented groups (people ofcolor, people with disabilities, women, veterans) are stronglyencouraged to apply.
The Johns Hopkins University
Postdoctoral Position
The Department of Computer Science of The Johns Hopkins EngineeringSchool, the Department of Radiology of The Johns Hopkins Medical School,and the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center invite applications for atwo-year postdoctoral position to participate in a research projectdealing with minimally invasive surgical techniques using robotics andvisualization. The first six months will be spent at the IBM T.J. WatsonResearch Center and the following eighteen months at The Johns HopkinsUniversity. Applicants who have research expertise in robotics,graphics, or related fields are of particular interest. Applicantsshould send a resume and the names of three references to Prof. GeraldM. Masson, Chair, Department of Computer Science, The Johns HopkinsUniversity, Baltimore, Maryland 21218 (e-mail: [emailprotected]).
The Johns Hopkins University is an equal opportunity andaffirmative action employer.
Universite de Bretagne Occidentale
Departement d'Informatique
29275 Brest Cedex, France
Several positions at the level "Maitre de Conferences"will be available for October 1993.
The candidates are required to have a doctorate in computer scienceand the ability to teach (in French) at the undergraduate and thegraduate level (corresponding to License, Maitrise and DESS). Topics tobe covered are compilation, operating systems, distributed systems andnetworks, software engineering as well as theoretical computer science.
The applicants' research interests should be in one of thefollowing fields:
- algorithm design and optimisation,
- intelligent systems and robotics
- parallel architectures, systems and languages.
The positions will be published officially during January 1993.
For a first contact write to Universite de Bretagne OccidentaleU.F.R. Sciences et Techniques M. Le President de la Commission deSpecialistes Department d'Informatique 6, Avenue Le Gorgeu BP 45229275 BREST CEDEX - FRANCE
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Faculty: Computer & Information Science
NJIT, New Jersey's technological university with 7,700students enrolled in Newark College of Engineering, School ofArchitecture, College of Science & Liberal Arts, School ofIndustrial Management seeks assist., assoc. & full professors forFall 1993 & Spring 1994 in: distributed computing including computerarchitecture, operating systems, data communications & networking,real-time computing, fault tolerance; software development includingcompiling, computer graphics, office automation, data managementsystems, knowledge-based systems, information management systems,cognitive science, computational linguistics. Ph.D. in computer scienceor related field req. Proven research & funding record necessary forsr. level applicants. CIS depart. offers B.S., B.A., M.S. & computer science. Computing facilities include: $30 millionInformation Technologies Building; VAX 6430, VAX 8800, DEC 5900, SUNworkstations; symbolics machines, TI Explorers, graphic systems. NJITdoes not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,color, handicap, religion, national or ethnic origin, veteran'sstatus or age in employment.
Send resume & names of 3 references to: Personnel Box CIS-F.New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights, Newark, NJ 07102
The Geometry Center
University of Minnesota
The Geometry Center, an NSF Science and Technology Research Center,is looking for highly talented and motivated individuals with a strongbackground in mathematics or computer science.
The Center has created a unified environment supporting:
* math & computer science research,
* software and tool development,
* application development,
* mathematical visualization,
* video animation production, and
* math education.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Up to three one- or two-year fellowships will be awarded for1993/94. Remuneration will normally be $40,000/12 months if there is noother support.
Applicants will be accepted from all branches of the mathematicalsciences; preference may be given to those whose work relates to currentinterests of the Center. A very high level of accomplishment andbreadth of education is expected from the applicants and also asubstantial computing background. Applicants should also be willing tosupervise student assistants and otherwise participate in the educationprogram of the Center.
To apply, please send a letter of interest, a description of yourresearch program, a resume and letters of recommendation as appropriateto:
Angie Vail, Sr. Admin. Dir. The Geometry Center 1300 South SecondStreet Minneapolis, MN 55454 (612) 626-8323 [emailprotected]
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator andemployer.
Trinity Western College
Computer Science and/or Mathematics
Subject to budgetary approval, tenure-track position(s) at rank ofAssistant Professor or higher, as appropriate. Ph.D. either completedor near completion is preferred. Areas of specilization in ComputerScience include operating systems, computer theory, and/or naturallanguages processing, but candidates ought to be able to teach coursesat all levels of Computing Science; in Mathematics, specialization ispreferred in a pure area. Trinity Western University is a Christianliberal arts university, affiliated with the Evangelical Free Church ofCanada. C.V.'s and letters of reference should be addressed to Dr.Jack Van Dyke, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences,Trinity Western University, 7600 Glover Road, Langley, B.C. V3A 6H4(604) 888-7511. This competition will remain open until the position isfilled. In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, thisadvertisement is directed in the first instance to Canadian citizens orpermanent residents.
University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science seeks a chair at therank of Associate Professor or Professor, starting September 1, 1993.Candidates should have the Ph.D. in computer science and be able tocontribute to both the teaching and research missions of the department.Preference will be given to applicants with interests in informationsystems, database systems, and software engineering. The teaching loadis eight or nine hours per semester and scholarly activity is expected.The chair will be offered a nine month appointment with salary up to$50,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. The departmentcurrently has eight full time faculty and growth is expected in the nextfew years. Computing facilities include several VAX systems and accessto a CRAY Y-MP8/864 via remote login to the UT System Center for HighPerformance Computing. UT Permian Basin was, until 1991, an upper leveland graduate only institution. Freshmen were admitted for the firsttime in the fall of 1991 and sophomores in the fall of 1992. The Stateof Texas requires all faculty in higher education to be proficient inboth written and spoken English. Candidates whose first language is notEnglish will be expected to provide evidence of such proficiency.
Interested candidates should send a resume and the names andaddresses of three references to:
Dr. D.F. Hale Division of Natural Sciences The University of Texasof the Permian Basin Odessa, Texas 79762 [emailprotected]
Review of files will begin February 1, 1993.
The University of Texas of the Permain Basin is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. #742-3-651-A
University of Texas at Tyler
Tenure-track position in computer science beginning Fall 1993, rankand salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Ph.D. incomputer science or closely related field, commitment to excellence inteaching and research potential required. Applicants in all areas ofcomputer science will be considered but specialization in programminglanguages, operating systems, networking and database is desirable. UTTyler is an upper-level university offering the BS and MS in computerscience. Teaching load is 12 hours per week, 9 hours if administrativeduties performed. Send resume to Dr. R.H. Cranford, (903-566-7402),Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, UT Tyler, Tyler, TX 75799.Closing date is March 15, 1993, may be extended if position not filled.EEO/AA, Male/Female.
UNC at Wilmington
Computer Science
Tenure track assistant professorship in computer science.Preferred specialties are: artificial intelligence, computer graphics,networking, software engineering. Candidates should have a Ph.D. incomputer science or a Ph.D. in a related area with M.S. in computerscience or equivalent experience. Duties include teaching, research,and service. The department has 32 faculty, and offers B.S. in computerscience and bachelor's and master's in mathematics. Sendletter of application, resume, transcripts and direct three letters ofreference to Dr. Douglas D. Smith, Chairman, Mathematical SciencesDepartment, The University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 601 S.College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403-3297. Review of applications beginsFebruary 9, 1993. An EEO/AA employer.
University of San Francisco
Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science at the University of SanFrancisco invites applications for a one-year term position in thegeneral area of software engineering at the Assistant Professor levelanticipated to begin in the Fall of 1993.
Department. Undergraduate and graduate programs, the principalarea of interest being software development with emphasis on softwareengineering and systems software. The Department has IBM RISCSystem/6000 computers running the AIX operating system with Internetaccess, and supporting a number of Xterminals and compilers. TheUniversity also operates several networked personal computer labs, somewith IBM-compatible PC's and some with Macintoshes. TeachingResponsibilities may include advanced undergraduate and/or masters levelcourses in systems software topics. Qualifications. University teachingexperience, evidence of scholarship, an earned doctorate in ComputerScience or a closely related field, and an understanding of andcommitment to support the mission of the University are required. We areseeking an outstanding applicant with a strong commitment to teachingwho will add to our undergraduate program strength and help us furtherdevelop our masters-level program. We particularly encourage minorityand women applicants for all positions. The University of San Franciscois an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer.
Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae,transcripts, brief description of research plans, evidence of teachingability, and three letters of recommendation to: Computer Science SearchCommittee, Department of Computer Science, University of San Francisco,2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080. Consideration ofapplications began on December 15, 1992 and will continue until theposition has been filled. Established as San Francisco's firstinstitution of higher learning in 1855, the University of San Franciscois a private, Catholic and Jesuit institution with an enrollment of7,300 students.
The University of Vermont
Tenure Track Assistant Professor Positions
Applications are invited for three tenure-track faculty positionsin Computer Science at the level of Assistant Professor beginning in the1993-94 academic year. Responsibilities will include instruction andthe development of a quality research program in mainstream computerscience. Candidates must show promise of excellence in both teachingand research. Preference will be given to candidates who havedemonstrable expertise in networks and distributed systems, parallelalgorithms and systems, or database and knowledge base systems; and havea strong interest in interdisciplinary research in the mathematicalsciences. Outstanding candidates in other areas of computer science willalso be considered. Faculty are encouraged to supervise graduatestudents in related fields as well as in computer science. A doctoratein computer science or a closely related field is required.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.Please submit resume and description of current research interests, andhave three letters of recommendation sent directly to Dr. Richard Foote,Search Committee Chairperson, 109 Votey Building, College of Engineering[unkeyable] Mathematics, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405.Inquiries may be made by mail to the above address or by email tocssrch@cmba.
The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/EqualOpportunity employer and encourages applications from women and membersof minority groups.
Purdue University
We have over 38 faculty members in operating systems, networks,programming languages, data base systems, robotics, softwareengineering, solid modeling, super-computing, theory, and numericalanalysis. We invite applications at all professorial levels in any areaof computer science. The department affords great opportunities forpeople who want to get involved in exciting research. Each facultymember has access to the departmental computing facilities (many Sunfile/compute servers, a 64-processor nCUBE 2, and many, manyworkstations), to the computing center's Cyber 205, ETA-10, andIntel iPSC/860 super-computers, and to national computer networks. Youmust have, or be about to receive, a Ph.D. (or equivalent experience) inComputer Science or a related discipline. Salary is competitive anddepends on background and experience. Submit resume and names ofreferences by March 1, 1993 to:
Chairman, Personnel Committee
Department of Computer Sciences Purdue University West Lafayette,Indiana 47907 Purdue University is an Equal Opportunity/AffirmativeAction employer.
Spelman College
COMPUTER SCIENCE: Ph.D. in Computer Science with establishedrecord of research and quality teaching in Computer Science with specialinterest and expertise in issues of parallel processing/programming.Send letter of application, vita and the names of three (3) referencesto: Dr. Benjamin Martin, Chair, Department of Computer Science, 350Spelman Lane, SW, Atlanta, GA 30314.
Screening of applications will begin on January 4, 1993 andcontinue until position is filled.
D.E. Shaw & Co., a small, highly capitalized, extremelysuccessful algorithmic trading firm, seeks brilliant, world-classsoftware professionals to help create Wall Street's future.Candidates are invited to send resumes to the Strategic GrowthDepartment.
D.E. Shaw & Co. 39th Floor, Tower 45 120 W. 45th Street NewYork, NY 10036
University of Minnesota Medical School
Software Engineer
Applicants are sought for a Software Engineer to be employed as aResearch Associate or Research Fellow at the Center for MagneticResonance Research, Department of Radiology, University of MinnesotaMedical School. The responsibilities of the position are 1) developingsoftware for processing, analysis, and display of MR images and spectra,2) developing and integrating application specific software modules intouser friendly environment using X-windows, 3) specialized softwaredevelopment for control of data acquisition by magnetic resonanceimaging instrument, 4) administration of the SUN workstations and thenetwork and 5) debugging existing software problems. Applicants musthave an MS degree in Computer Sciences or EE, or a PhD degree in physicswith extensive computer programming training. Experience with SUNworkstations, UNIX operating system, programming in C and X-windows isrequired. Image and signal processing experience is desirable.Previous experience with Magnetic Resonance instrumentation is preferredbut not mandatory. Title will commensurate with degree. Start date isMarch 16, 1993, with applications being accepted through March 1. Aresume and three letters of recommendation should be sent to ProfessorXiaoping Hu, Radiology Department, 420 Delaware Street S.E., Universityof Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. Salary is negotiable andwill be commensurate with experience. The University of Minnesota is anequal opportunity educator and employer.
The University of Michigan-Dearborn
Chair-Department of Computer and Information Science
Applications are invited for the position of Chair of the Computerand Information Science Department at the University ofMichigan-Dearborn. Qualifications must include a doctorate in ComputerScience or a closely related area, the rank of Associate, or FullProfessor, and ability for academic and administrative leadership. Thesuccessful candidate must have a good funded research record and beeligible for a tenured Full Professor position.
The University of Michigan-Dearborn is a campus primarily servingthe Metropolitan Detroit area. Being in an industrial heartland, theDearborn Campus provides significant opportunities for facultyinteraction with many of the local industries. The Chair of theComputer and Information Science Department, a newly formed departmentin the School of Engineering, is expected to be able to exploit theseopportunities and provide leadership in this unique environment.
A curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and phone numbers ofthree references should be sent to Dr. Roberto R. Kampfner, Chair, CISChair Search Committee, Department of Computer and Information Science.The University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd., Dearborn, MI48128. The position needs to be filled by July 1st or September 1st,1993. The evaluation of candidates will begin by January 15.
The University of Michigan-Dearborn is an EqualOpportunity/Affirmative Action Employer and encourages women andminorities to apply.
University of Houston-Clear Lake
Software Engineering Program
Tenure-track faculty position in Software Engineering. Rank andsalary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Qualificationsrequired: Ph.D. in an appropriate discipline or equivalent combinationof education and experience, excellent English communication skills, anda strong aptitude for both teaching and research. Preference given forthree or more years of relevant industrial experience. Duties includeteaching graduate and undergraduate courses, advising students andconducting research. UHCL is a graduate and upper level institutionlocated adjacent to NASA's Johnson Space Center. To apply submitdetailed resume, brief description of research interest, and the names,addresses, and phone numbers of three references to:
Software Engineering Search Committee UH-Clear Lake, Box 415Houston, Texas, 77058
Review of applications will begin February 1, 1993 and willcontinue until the position is filled. UHCL is an AA/EEO employer andactively solicits the interest of women and minorities.
University of San Diego
5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110
USD is a small Catholic university seeking qualified candidate fora tenure-track position at the Asst. Prof. level in the Dept. ofMathematics and Computer Science. Preference will be given to goodcandidates with a Ph.D. in Computer Science or Applied Math. Teachingload is 7 three-hour courses per year at the undergraduate level. Theprimary commitment of the university is teaching but scholarship andprofessional activity are strongly encouraged. Salaries start at$35,000. Send resume, three letters of recommendation, and a summary ofrecent teaching evaluations to Dr. Clare Friedman, Univ. of San Diego,5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. USD is an EO/AA employer.Application deadline March 1, 1993.
Holt Software Inc.
Turing: The best language for teaching programming concepts.Great support materials. Pascal's features without the confusingsyntax. Student environment, color graphics. PC, MAC, UNIX versions.Apply for free trial. Holt Software Inc. USA: 1-800-361-8324 Canada:416-978-6476 distrib@
University of Massachusetts
Computer Engineering
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at theUniversity of Massachusetts at Amherst invites applications for atenure-track faculty position in the area of computer systemsengineering. Rank and salary will be commensurate with qualifications:junior-level applicants are expected to show promise of researchexcellence, while applicants for a senior rank must have a substantialrecord of high-quality research.
The Computer Systems Engineering group in the ECE departmentconsists at present of eight faculty with research interests includingcomputer architecture, VLSI, computer-aided design real-time systems,computer networks, computer arithmetic, computer graphics, testing, andfault-tolerant computing. Close ties are also maintained with theComputer Science department, which has strengths in artificialintelligence, computer theory, and software systems.
Send a resume and names of at least three references to Head,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University ofMassachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. Applications should be received byMarch 1, 1993, to ensure full consideration. The University ofMassachusetts is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Faculty for Europe and Asia
The University of Maryland seeks faculty to teach undergraduatecomputer science, computer applications, and information systemsmanagement courses on U.S. military bases in Europe and in Asia and thePacific. Renewal annual appointments begin August, 1993. Minimumrequirements include a master's degree in computer science or arelated field, recent college teaching experience, U.S. citizenship anda commitment to teaching excellence. Benefits include transportation andmilitary bases privileges. Frequent travel and the cost of schoolingmake these positions difficult for those with children. Send resume to:Dr. Ralph E. Millis, Overseas Programs, University of MarylandUniversity College, College Park, MD 20742-1642. AA/EEO.
University of Texas of the
Permian Basin
Pending approval of funding, tenure track position in theDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science at the rank ofAssistant/Associate Professor, starting September 1, 1993. Candidatesshould have the Ph.D. in computer science and be able to contribute toboth the teaching and research missions of the department. Primaryteaching responsibility will be in the areas of information systems,database systems, and software engineering. Computing facilitiesinclude several VAX systems and access to a CRAY Y-MP8/864 via remotelogin to the UT System Center for High Performance Computing. The Stateof Texas requires all faculty in higher education to be proficient inboth written and spoken English. Candidates whose of) a Ph.D. inComputer Science or related field.
The department currently has five faculty members, and offers B.S.and M.S. programs. Department facilities include a network ofDECstations, neXT, and SUN workstations, and numerous MS-DOSmicrocomputers.
Located on Casco Bay on the southern coast of Maine, Portland isthe state's largest city and the center of commercial and culturalactivities. Portland itself offers all the amenities of urban life, witheasy access to a variety of other settings. The White Mountains (60miles to the west), Boston (100 miles to the south), and the seacoastprovide the resident with a wide selection of recreationalopportunities.
Applications accepted until position is filled. Send curriculumvitae and names of three professional references to: Professor CharlesWelty, Computer Science Department, University of Southern Maine, 96Falmouth Street, Portland, ME 04103-9989.
USM is an EEO/AA employer.
University of South Florida
Two tenure-track Asst. Prof. positions, start Aug. '93,contingent on available funds. Need math PhD and evidence of strongresearch potential. Emphasized fields include: Anal., DiscreteMath/Fdns. of Comp., Num. Anal., Prob. Send applic. letter, CV, andhave at least 3 reference letters sent to: Math Search Comm., Univ. ofSouth Florida, 4202 E. Fowler Ave., PHY 114, Tampa, FL 33620 or e-mail:[emailprotected] or fax: (813) 974-2700.
transcript(s), and three letters of recommendation to Chair, ComputerScience Department, United States Naval Academy, 572 Holloway Road,Annapolis, MD 21402-5002. At least one letter should specificallyaddress teaching ability. Deadline for receipt of applications is 1March 1993. USNA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer;women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
College of Notre Dame
College of Notre Dame is seeking a Computer Science ProgramDirector/faculty member starting Fall 1993. College of Notre Dame is aprogressive, coeducational multicultural institution located 20 mi S ofSan Francisco. Duties include teaching lower & upper divisioncourses in CS & math and program leadership. Ph.D. in CS requiredfor tenure-track. Salary range: Assistant 28-35K, Associate 33-40K,Full 40-52K. For full consideration, send resume & 3 references byFeb 15 to Human Resources Director, College of Notre Dame, 1500 RalstonAve, Belmont, CA 94002. Minorities & women are encouraged to apply.
The University of Alabama
Applications are invited for a tenure track position in theDepartment of Computer Science at the Assistant Professor level to beginAugust 16, 1993. The University of Alabama Computer Science Departmentoffers degrees at all levels. Applicants should have broad teaching andresearch interests within one or more areas of computer science. APh.D. in Computer Science is preferred, but applications will beaccepted from those with the Ph.D. in a related field and extensiveexperience in Computer Science. Salary is commensurate withcredentials. Applicants should submit a resume and the names of threereferences to Dr. Hannah Chen, Department of Computer Science, Box870290, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0290 (Internet inquiries: [emailprotected]).The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity/affirmative actionemployer.
COPYRIGHT 1993 Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
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